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Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig

Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig

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Episode 9 from the series 49 Ephesians - 2024 with Skip Heitzig. Watch the complete series:
• Ephesians 1:1-14 - Ski...
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Пікірлер: 15
@deannacalloway3 7 күн бұрын
AWSOME MESSAGE!! Thank you! Pastor Skip Heitzig. 😊❤
@nickybutler2022 6 күн бұрын
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH Pastor Skip for - as ALWAYS - SUCH an INSPIRING MESSAGE Praying that all we who hear will put into practice 🙏
@kimprice1629 6 күн бұрын
I learn so much from these Wednesday night Bible studies. I love how you incorporate history to give us an even sharper picture. Just the best. Love the Word so much and it is such a wonderful thing to come together with other believers who value it as much as I do. Thank you Pastor Skip and Calvary Albuquerque for sharing this online so I can watch it. ❤
@rahumada5809 6 күн бұрын
Thank you Pastor Skip. I love the Wednesday Bible Study. When I can't get to the physical church I listen to this video with my older children. We enjoy going through the Word with you.
@sinoymomin4881 6 күн бұрын
Eye opening Message Thank you very much Pastor Skip
@lindastrydom4612 6 күн бұрын
Thank you! ❤ Awsome!🙏🏻
@janetsteele8116 4 күн бұрын
I am thanking God for your ministry, I feel so blessed that God let me find you on KZbin. I cannot wait you're teaching!😊❤
@rosaliewhite4040 7 күн бұрын
@rosepetal9748 Күн бұрын
@PaulLee-rs8uw 6 күн бұрын
Luke 8:4-8( The Parable😊❤ of the Sower😊❤) " 4 And when a great crowd was gathering and the people from town after town came to him(Jesus😊1st❤), he(Jesus😊1st❤ our Lord and our savior in Christ😊❤) said(❤) in a parable(😊❤), 5 " A sower😊❤ went out to sow his seed(😊❤). And as he sowed(😊❤), some fell along the path and was trampled underfoot, and the birds of the air devoured it. 6 And some fell on the rock, and as it grew up, it withered away, because it had no moisture. 7 And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up with it and choked it. 8 And some(😊❤'s) fell into good soil(😊❤) and grew(😊❤ and yielded(😊❤) a hundredfold(😊❤)." As he(Jesus😊1st❤) said these things(😊❤), he(Jesus😊1st❤) called out, " He(😊❤) who(😊❤) has ears(😊❤) to hear(😊❤), let him(😊❤) hear(😊❤)."( Luke 8:4-8 ESV Study Bible😊❤) in Christ Jesus😊1st❤. Luke 4:8😊❤ in Christ😊❤ .
@PaulLee-rs8uw 4 күн бұрын
Luke 8:16-18( A Lamp under a Jar) "16 " No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed, but puts😊❤ in on the stand(😊❤), so that(😊❤) those(😊❤'s) who enter may see the light(😊❤). 17 For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that willl not be know and come to light. 18 Take care then how you hear, for to the one who has, more (😊❤) will be given(😊❤), and from the one who has not, even what he thinks that he has will be taken away." "( Luke 8:16-18 ESV Study Bible) John 8:12 "12 Again Jesus(😊1st❤) spoke(😊❤) to them( 😊❤'s), saying, " I am the light(😊1st❤) of the world. Whoever(or anyone😊❤) follows (❤) me will not walk in darkness, but(😊❤) will have(😊❤) the light(😊1st❤) of life(😊1st❤) ."( John 8:12 ESV Study Bible)
@PaulLee-rs8uw 5 күн бұрын
Luke 8:9-15( The Purpose 😊❤ of the Parable😊❤) "9 And when his( " his" = Jesus😊1st❤'s or his) disciples(😊❤'s) asked him (Jesus😊1st❤) him what this parable(😊❤) meant, 10 he( Jesus😊1st❤, our Lord and our savior in Christ😊❤) said, " To you it has been given(😊❤) to know the secrets (😊❤) of the kingdom(😊❤) of God( God 😊100%❤ our Father in heaven), but for others they are in parables, so that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand.' 11 Now the parable is this: The seed (😊❤) is the word(😊❤) of God( God😊100%❤ our Father in heaven). 12 The one along the path are those who have heard; then the devil( no good) comes and takes away the word( the seed) from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. 13 And the ones on the rock are those who, when they heard the word(😊❤), receive it with joy. But these have no root; they believe for a while, and in time of testing fall away. 14 And as for what fell among the thorns, they are those hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not mature. 15 As for that in the good soil(😊❤), they( 😊❤ 😊❤😊❤ 😊❤ 😊❤ 😊❤ 😊❤ &u❤ or we😊❤'s in Christ) are those(😊❤'s) who(😊❤), hearing(😊❤) the word(😊❤), hold it( " hold it"😊❤means don't let go ) fast in an honest(😊❤) and good(😊❤) heart(❤😊), and bear(😊❤) fruit (😊❤) with patience(😊❤). "( Luke 8:9-15 ESV Study Bible. All parenthesis parts and symbols😊❤ in Christ Jesus(😊1st❤) also for(😊❤ )and in(😊❤) Christ 😊❤ too for love is patient ( 1 Corinthians 13:4a 😊❤) too in Christ . Within Luke 8:9-15 , there were/ are four types of soils and one type of seed or God's word😊❤ or The seed😊❤ is the word 😊❤ of God(😊100%❤) or God's word😊❤ in Christ equal the seed😊❤ which type of the four soils do you also belong to in Christ😊❤ too? Luke 8:15 "15 As for that in the good soil(😊❤), they( "they" 😊❤ 😊❤😊❤ 😊❤ 😊❤ 😊❤ 😊❤ &u❤ or we 😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤ 's in Christ too) are those(😊❤'s) who(😊❤), hearing(😊❤) the word(😊❤), hold it( " hold it"😊❤) fast😊❤ in an honest(😊❤) and good(😊❤) heart(❤😊), and bear(😊❤) fruit (😊❤) with patience(😊❤). "( Luke 8:15 ESV Study Bible.) We in Christ are Luke 8:15😊❤ in Christ Jesus😊1st❤ in Christ😊❤. I love my own wife 😊❤ in Christ 😊❤ and my own aunts in Christ😊❤ and love also my little cousin 😊❤ in Christ too. I am going to love ❤😊 them anyways and Jesus 😊1st❤ still my first love 😊1st❤ in Christ too. We are going to continue to bring food and cook for my aunts to soon too. After worshiping God(😊100%❤) first😊❤ then go in Christ. We booked ahead of time in Christ to. Give to God what is God's😊100%❤ and give Caesar's what is Caesar's . Mark 12:17 " 17 Jesus(😊1st❤) said(😊❤) to them, " Render( give to) Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God( God our Father😊1st❤ in heaven) the things (😊❤) that are God's( God our Father😊100%❤'s)." And they marveled at him( Jesus😊1st❤ my Lord and my savior too in Christ)."( Mark 12:17 ESV Study Bible) Minor things from people , we learn to let it go. But God's word😊❤ we don't let go but"... hold it fast😊❤in an honest(😊❤) and good(😊❤) heart(❤😊), and bear(😊❤) fruit (😊❤) with patience(😊❤). "( Luke 8:15 b ESV Study Bible. Luke 8:15 "15 As for that in the good soil(😊❤), they( "they" 😊❤ 😊❤😊❤ 😊❤ 😊❤ 😊❤ 😊❤ &u❤ or we 😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤ 's in Christ too) are those(😊❤'s) who(😊❤), hearing(😊❤) the word(😊❤), hold it( " hold it"😊❤) fast😊❤ in an honest(😊❤) and good(😊❤) heart(❤😊), and bear(😊❤) fruit (😊❤) with patience(😊❤). "( Luke 8:15 ESV Study Bible.)
@PaulLee-rs8uw 3 күн бұрын
Luke 8:19-21( Jesus'(😊1st❤'s) mother and brothers). " 19 Then his mother and his brothers came to him, but they could not reach him( Jesus😊1st❤) because of the crowd. 20 And he was told, " Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, desiring(😊❤) to see you(Jesus😊1st❤)." .21 But he(Jesus😊1st❤) answered them, " My mother(😊❤) and my brothers(😊❤😊❤'s) are those who hear(😊❤) the word(😊❤) of God(😊100%❤) and do (😊❤) it(😊❤)." "( Luke 8:19-21 ESV Study Bible. Amen. Just do it in Christ Jesus😊1st❤ in Christ. Jesus focus more the spritual relationships which more important to him than the biological relatives or physical family members like the brothers or sons born to Jeseph😊❤ and Mary😊❤ are naturally understoodas Jesus' brothers but Jesus focus more on Luke 8:21😊❤ "21 But he(Jesus😊1st❤) answered them, " My mother(😊❤) and my brothers(😊❤😊❤'s) are those who hear(😊❤) the word(😊❤) of God(😊100%❤) and do (😊❤) it(😊❤)." "( Luke 8:21 ESV Study Bible.) So Jesus😊1st❤ spirtual real family are those (😊❤😊❤'s) who hear(😊❤) the word(😊❤) of God(😊100%❤) and do (😊❤) it(😊❤)." "( Luke 8:21b ESV Study Bible.) Matthew 12:46-50 "46 While he(Jesus😊1st❤) was still speaking(😊❤) to the people(😊❤), behold(😊❤) his mother( Mary😊❤) and his brothers( brothers born from Joseph and Mary or Jesus' half brothers ) stood outside, asking to speak to him(Jesus😊1st❤). 48 But he( Jesus😊1st❤) replied to the man who told him(Jesus😊1st❤), " Who is my mother, and who are my brothers? " 49 And stretching out his hand(😊❤) toward his disciples(😊❤'s), he(Jesus😊1st❤) said, " Here is my mother(😊❤)and my brothers! (😊❤😊❤'s ! ) 50 For whoever does the will(😊❤) of my Father( God our Father😊100%❤ in heaven) in heaven is my brother (😊❤) and my sister(😊❤) and mother(😊❤)." "( Matthew 12:46-50 ESV Study Bible . Are you also doing God's will (😊❤) in Christ(😊❤) today too my mother, my brother and my sister in Christ😊❤ Jesus(😊1st❤) in Christ? Under the context and content of Matthew 13:53-58( Jesus Rejected at Nazareth) Matthew 13:55-56 "55 Is not this the carpenter( Joseph) 's son? Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? 56 And are not all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things? " "( quoted what Matthew 13:55-56 ESV Study Bible said within the quotes in Christ) Just doing God's will😊❤ in Christ 😊❤ and nothing personal in Christ😊❤. Mark 3:35 Under the context and content of Mark 3:31-35( Jesus😊1st❤'s mother😊❤ and brothers(😊❤'s) ) Mark 3:35 "35 For whoever(😊❤) does the will(😊❤) of God( God😊100%❤ our Father in heaven), he(😊❤) is my brother(😊❤) and sister(😊❤) and mother(😊❤)." " ( Mark 3:35 ESV Study Bible) Today are you also doing God's will😊❤ today too by God's grace ( Ephesians 2:8😊❤) in Christ Jesus( Jesus' grace 2 Corinthians 12:9 😊❤) in Christ too? Ephesians 2:8😊❤ & 2 Corinthians 12:9😊❤ in Christ Jesus( John 14:6😊❤) in Christ. Just by faith in Jesus(😊1st❤ ) doing Matthew 28:19-20😊❤ in Christ😊❤.
@ИринаКим-ъ5ч 3 күн бұрын
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