Actually HBHQ could be also much stronger with her passive upgraded (fast attack dmg)
@DAvgGamer988 ай бұрын
I tried her as well but she isn't doing as much as epi
@c_cayce9 ай бұрын
My late night math has this close to double damage going into dot calc that gets close to doubled after
@gilbertthangaraj13018 ай бұрын
Will the first team work in league raids too?
@DAvgGamer988 ай бұрын
You cannot stun in league raids without akbm. The team won't do as huge a damage there
@c_cayce9 ай бұрын
But basic hit gets crit of 500% with dmc that damage goes into dot damage calc but a 450% lethal plus 500% crit damage going into damage calc is 950% bonus damage instead of 500% so that should double dot damage by the calculation that then can crit and lethal for 950% more damage instead of 500% however lethal damage is only at a 60% chance so it should be occasionally normal damage often double damage than normal and occasionally doing 4x damage this was my midnight math but if it’s similar it will be awesome
@c_cayce9 ай бұрын
So dot damage on raven would be 100-400 mil dot damage a hit dot on gos supergirl will be 10-40 mil damage a hit and with only hbhq stun like 3-12 mil damage and that’s taking into account low end and high end of 0 double lethal and double lethal but as long as one lethal pops then it should be doubled damage
@DAvgGamer989 ай бұрын
Lethal will increase the base damage itself first and then multiply the cad. So let's say dot damage is 100 then it will become 550 first (450 lethal added) and then cad will be multiplied (5 times with DMC) for a total of 2750 damage. This is what I am aware of.
@rickyyygamer9 ай бұрын
Lol poor hbhq now support
@DAvgGamer989 ай бұрын
😂 yes totally. Once levelled up on the class passive,it will do way more damage