After reading the side story, I felt really sorry for Senya, not to mention all those snowy places she had to walk through...Poor girl must've been cold! So I burned her village again to make her warm!
@_itz_klar_8 күн бұрын
@Amboutokum3times8 күн бұрын
That's really kind of you man. I hope I become like you one day
@Katarubi33779 күн бұрын
How did his draft end up like that 🤣
@kobeoshi6948 күн бұрын
Words enemy aint even got a single aoe unit. Welp 1 but still😅😅😅😅
@remu0028 күн бұрын
the question is how are you already top 50 playing like this
@HonaMi38 күн бұрын
how fast is your flan? why its close to that spoli turn bar😭😭
@ilvnhiulam7 күн бұрын
265-270, I think so
@Siegram9998 күн бұрын
I thought u were just gonna 1 shot senya kinda disappointed