That was such a nice and unexpected surpirise! So glad I was there for it!!!🤘🏻🖤✨
@DayanaVillamil2 ай бұрын
she´s so beautiful! 💐
@Aisak_2.011 күн бұрын
🎉🎉 sorpresota
@skywird3332 ай бұрын
it blew my mind when they started playing crimson bow and arrow after the fifth guardian
@MiguelSolans2 ай бұрын
Having Crimson bow and Arrow after The Fifth Guardian was very unexpected 😂
@D9270-f8t2 ай бұрын
As I remember the Fifth Guardian was exclusive song for Japan market so it makes sense that way I think
@Joshivr2 ай бұрын
@@D9270-f8t it’s on The Quantum Enigma as intro for Chemical Insomnia?
@D9270-f8t2 ай бұрын
@@Joshivr My memory failed me, Mirage of Verity is the bonus track for Korea and Japan markets. The Fifth Guardian is the 7th track in all editions of The Quantumn Enigma but it does have the Eastern vibe to it