This is a very interesting podcast. Sharing your story and experience sure will help others realize we all have our own struggles. I'm sure one day or the other we all question why we are here, but finding the answer is living the journey.Its important to bring awareness to mental health and also dealing with emotions. A very interesting person and I'm sure you have alot to offer to society and the future generation. Through your journey you have shown strength and growth. Good luck and well done Jon.
@karmdebattista19 күн бұрын
Kemm qed niehu gost narak Chris. Tajjeb niccara li ma kien hemm ebda ezorcizmu. Qed nitkellmu minn “deliverence” talb ta’ protezzjoni. Me kien hemm xejn x’johrog. Imma kien jaghmel sens li titlob ghall-protezzjoni meta tilghab ma’ xi haga fuq livell spiritwali.