EQ Magnum cylinder head, Amature porting, Stock intake valve flows

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Charles Servedio cylinder head porting & flowbench

Charles Servedio cylinder head porting & flowbench

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@grahamm3559 Ай бұрын
Looks like he did a good job of cleaning them up. I am looking forward to the next video and maybe some Charlie insights on further tweaks that could be done by the average Joe - if they were brave. Laying back the SSR a tiny bit, pushrod pinch etc.
@servediocylinderheads Ай бұрын
@@grahamm3559 Keep ssr high for street use!!!!
@servediocylinderheads Ай бұрын
@jseal21 Ай бұрын
Great call on the manifold. Of the options you said the 340 is definitely the right choice for a road warrior. It's actually a good choice for almost any small block Mopar short of drag or circle track engines. The old school 5.6l was a banger for its displacement.
@servediocylinderheads Ай бұрын
@@jseal21 It is a great design!
@luckyPiston Ай бұрын
Hot Rod mag did an article on these heads back in 2017 , the EQ's bettered the stockers by 2-3% , here the customers porting added about another 2-3% again so these heads are about 6% over stock.
@servediocylinderheads Ай бұрын
@@luckyPiston Good info. Thanks!
@v8packard Ай бұрын
Were the heads in the article the original New Zealand cast EQ heads?
@servediocylinderheads Ай бұрын
@v8packard I did both
@v8packard Ай бұрын
@servediocylinderheads I thought so, thank you. I thought the magazine article was probably about the New Zealand cast heads.
@luckyPiston Ай бұрын
@@v8packard Article said headquarters were in vegas and factory was in Australia. Same designer as the vortec eq, Eric Haugland
@brianlevan339 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the video Charlie! I'm on to the next one ,lol .
@servediocylinderheads Ай бұрын
@@brianlevan339 Glad you like it
@nickstephens2913 Ай бұрын
Great to see you back on these !
@servediocylinderheads Ай бұрын
@@nickstephens2913 These are another set. Testing only on these. Thanks
@brracing7861 Ай бұрын
Man those Pushrod Bulges take up alot of room flow in Charles. I thought it was bad on sock Pontiac V8 Vintage Iron 1967-79 D-ports exhaust. Its opened up generous on my 1970 RAIV casting #614 Iron round ports. Magnum EQ's aren't bad actually good foundation. Looks like the higher airspeeds may be due to the Magnum EQ pushrod bulges ? Still waiting for you test Pontiac Vintage Iron D-ports. No one On You Tube or Vizzard ever tested and published results. Air speeds, Swirl, and Flow numbers in order of magnitude importantance.
@servediocylinderheads Ай бұрын
@@brracing7861 I haven't done a Poncho in decades. Pretty tight through the pinch no doubt. Thanks
@jseal21 Ай бұрын
All Mopar castings are ridiculous through the pinch. I can't remember the casting number but some of the older closed chamber SBM heads are so tight you can barely squeeze a pinky through the pinch. I have pics but KZbin won't let me post them.
@servediocylinderheads Ай бұрын
@jseal21 My Mopar buddy in the 80's said, "The ports are so small they will make you cry!"
@DusterCI Ай бұрын
Thanks for the video and info.
@servediocylinderheads Ай бұрын
You are welcome.
@juhanahuovinen Ай бұрын
Thanks for the video. 😊 It just occurred to me that a wire brush doesnt smell, but acetone cleans the dykem residue in no time. What do you think the intake noise is coming from if it starts at 0.3 inch lift? -juhana
@servediocylinderheads Ай бұрын
@@juhanahuovinen ssr. Thanks
@briantayes2418 Ай бұрын
That seat needs to move further out to the valve edge. Seen at 4:23.
@servediocylinderheads Ай бұрын
@@briantayes2418 Not part of this job. Thanks
@amirdoshmanfekan5145 Ай бұрын
I have 4 cyl 1.5 it has 2 type head one of them has bend on middle of port but the other head hasn't bend and stright to the center of cylinder i want install supercharger on it and i want engine rpm goes to 7000 what head i choose to have good performance Thanks
@servediocylinderheads Ай бұрын
@@amirdoshmanfekan5145 Darin Morgan states he wants one turn in a port instead of a curve.
@luckyPiston Ай бұрын
Looking at the intake velocity numbers 6:09 in particular the SSR velocity relative to what's happening there and what's happening upstream from there at the PRP , my immediate thought/observation is that not all the air flowing over the SSR is coming from the lower (slower moving) PRP , Or is it ? ... My question is what is your observation in general as to what will happen to the SSR velocity if the CSA at either the top or bottom of the PRP is increased ? Which in your experience effects SSR velocity more , opening up the top or the bottom of the PRP ?
@servediocylinderheads Ай бұрын
@@luckyPiston D.V. likes to add area to the top of the pinch. I tend to add area dependent on air speeds
@Patrick-xd8jv Ай бұрын
@brokentoolgarage Ай бұрын
@servediocylinderheads Ай бұрын
@@brokentoolgarage Thanks
@robertwest3093 Ай бұрын
I thought the Ford E7 head had a narrow pushrod pinch. The Dodge small block head has a huge bulge and it all comes from the one side. Is there any room to grind some of that out of the way to open the port up? I don’t know how thick the casting is there.
@servediocylinderheads Ай бұрын
@@robertwest3093 I worked up a set of these a while ago. I did a whole series of videos. They finalized quite well but lots of sonic checking. Thanks
@TheProchargedmopar Ай бұрын
I'm thinking about buying some from china, Only $500 ish a set. 👍💪
@servediocylinderheads Ай бұрын
@@TheProchargedmopar I don't know of another Magnum head than these.
@amracingent Ай бұрын
the fuel, supose to gos to center,, of cyl
@servediocylinderheads Ай бұрын
@@amracingent And?
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