Equipped with a New Electromagnetic Catapult, UK's Two Supercarriers Are Unstoppable!

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Weapons of The World

Weapons of The World

Ай бұрын

The Royal Navy plans to install aircraft launch and recovery systems on Two Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers (HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales). Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System and Advanced Arrestor Gear, and the UK's own Electromagnetic Kinetic Induction Technology demonstrator are being considered.
#EMALS #hmsqueenelizabeth #aircraftcarrier

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@nigelaston2546 Ай бұрын
The Royal Navy dose not have enough junior ranks to man the surface fleet when both carriers are out at sea. As well as this, to keep the carriers out at sea you require a service fleet provided by the Royal fleet auxiliary which we do not have at this moment.
@drandrewallan 29 күн бұрын
They should have been there in the first place. Stammer will never pay for updates! They’ll be mothballed!
@JoeyRay-fz1qe Ай бұрын
Not going to be done, they can't afford to up grade all few tanks they have so they are doing a little over a hundred!
@Legion-xq8eo Ай бұрын
They should have done this from the beginning and would have been able to get the f-35c instead of b which has a larger weapons bay, higher take off weight, and larger and foldable wings!! That was their plan but had to redesign to a ski jump due to price and UK not wanting to cough up the dough for defense budget. It would cost a lot more to do it now imho so I don’t see it being done. The would have to redesign again and pay for that plus to undo everything they did when they decided against it.
@ApplyWithCaution Ай бұрын
... actually it was because EMALS couldn't be proven to work at the time ... should have planned gor EMALS and bought F18 Super Hornets instead ...
@jimgaming5386 Ай бұрын
in general they wanted stuff done like the catapult but the great Budget cutting to make things cheaper buy having the need to spend more upgrading the dam things after the fact as if the RN Got what it wanted they would have a 4 carriers the two old ones as reserve support rolls probably and if they (David "bribed Cameron) had kept the old ships the naval air arm would still for a time have the harriers and of course have people the man them is more of a pipe dream anyway but ah well we cobble together enough if needed.
@jimlynch720 Ай бұрын
In fact they have room and are built with the upgrade in mind so it would be easy to do.
@squirepraggerstope3591 Ай бұрын
Subject to the qualifications other commentors here have correctly cited, yes, more should indeed have been done "from the beginning". Or at least a.s.a.p. HOWEVER, I regret to have to add that our Whitehall elites even now have not the slightest intention of implementing Project Ark Royal in any genuinely useful form. So have from the start, pre-set very low specifications re essential CATOBAR operation launch and recovery assys in their approaches to possible industrial suppliers*. The intention being to permit ONLY the nominal, bargain basement non-solution that Whitehall really wants. IE; no additional capability to operate ANY CATOBAR-dependent crewed platforms or for that matter, any really large, high end UAV variants. *HINT; check the max take off weight (it's max 26,082kgs) of, say, current E2 Hawkeye AEW variants (E2-C and E2-D)... then compare it against the maximum launch weight capacity specified by Whitehall for Project Ark Royal electro-magnetic launch assys. It's been quietly but deliberately set just a little lower to preclude operation even of what is likely the lightest essential crewed fixed wing platform.😁
@trevorhart545 13 күн бұрын
@@ApplyWithCaution EMALS requires a huge amount of power that Nimitz Class Carriers do not provide. Therefore the New USN Carriers have almost DOUBLE the power of the Nimitz Class. This is what China failed to understand and hence all their delays.
@pilkipilki4472 Ай бұрын
Or just build catobar carriers like they should have in the first place
@Legion-xq8eo Ай бұрын
I love how it says on two of its Queen Elizabeth class carriers like it has more than two.
@s3p4kner Ай бұрын
UK Govt couldn't decide what it wanted affecting the price. When Tory PM Cameron came in the 1st thing he said in Parliament was to mock his predecessor saying the only reason he didn't cancel them both (after billions spent and the ships already under construction) was because the contracts signed contained MASSIVE cancellation penalties. Cameron was outfoxed, but apparently that's not difficult to do? A lot should've been done differently - our representatives get more useless every generation.
@bertiescunsbutch9323 27 күн бұрын
Cameron is a charlatan.
@Piechips-lr7vq 20 күн бұрын
Not so much a governmental, more like dodging Sales men.
@trevorhart545 13 күн бұрын
To SAVE MORE MONEY neither Aircraft Carrier was built to the original plan for future conversion for Catapults, NOT Electro-Magnetic (Insufficient Power), Arrester Wires etc and Fully Angled Flight Deck. So, all the talk about any conversion is B.S. BAE Shipbuilding announced that they have been built WITHOUT the ability to convert with government approval given over 3 years ago.
@michaelhart895 Ай бұрын
With the current state of our defence a couple of elastic bands would be procured as the catapult system after extensive trials using ex post office lackey bands dropped by the post man .
@pilkipilki4472 Ай бұрын
They would pay way over the odds and the bands would snap😊
@septiccalling8341 Ай бұрын
Yep......and they could double as arrester wires. Winner!
@Jim-nt7xy Ай бұрын
Wow electro mag on the ski jumps
@user-en9zo2ol4z Ай бұрын
The Ghostbat was developed by the RAAF in conjunction with Boeing Australia. In the same vein as the Wedge tail AWACS system, was developed by the RAAF. Further, the UK has only light carriers, which conditionally was met by choosing the F-35C Lightning II, STOVL variant, allowing its carrier use. (as opposed to it being a mere helicopter carrier)
@septiccalling8341 Ай бұрын
@user-en9zo2ol4z Ай бұрын
@@septiccalling8341 I apologise about my use of the wrong alphabetical term. The addition of the ramp on the small English carriers is really how they get away with it at all.
@Jack-bs6zb Ай бұрын
@user-en9zo2ol4z … while we’re on the topic of who developed what , It was Rolls Royce who developed the lift system and F135 power plant for the STOVL variant of the F35. Of course it is British so you wouldn’t want to recognise this particular achievement.
@user-en9zo2ol4z Ай бұрын
@@Jack-bs6zb I always recognise that sort of achievement.
@Jack-bs6zb Ай бұрын
@@user-en9zo2ol4z ... apologies.
@russellbenton2987 Ай бұрын
Pie in the sky
@thegrinch8161 Ай бұрын
Which one is hms jinx
@diannegooding8733 13 күн бұрын
Could someone please tell me how the current Naval, across all predicted roles, is being paid for? I realise that major changes across the navies of big players is being driven by current experience of Ukraine/Russia unpleasantness but after all of the changes have been evaluated and work begins, new challenges will arise. Are we going to keep the two carriers permanently in dry dock and keep working on them until we give up and can not beat obsolescence. Are we scrapping the NHS, Social services and education?
@douglastodd1947 Ай бұрын
I Heard there's plans afoot for a 3rd, to be named Ark Royal .
@daviddownes6029 Ай бұрын
"Unstoppable"....this is so funny to read 😂. Both spend a ton of time alongside in some form of unplanned maintenance or repair. Then there's a slight issue with regard to a lack of piloted aircraft that can presently use them.
@leeneon854 Ай бұрын
Probably for the new jet drones
@tgsgardenmaintenance4627 Ай бұрын
The ability to do this was built into the design. As with all British military projects, it comes down to cost!
@Piechips-lr7vq 20 күн бұрын
Why UK has the 4 th or 5 th largest GDP 🤔
@trevorhart545 13 күн бұрын
WRONG, years out of date, that option was CANCELLED to Save Money!
@trevorhart545 13 күн бұрын
@@Piechips-lr7vq 1. What is included, or excluded, from the Defence Budget varies between Countries 2. Trident and Nuclear Powered Attack Submarines
@robertheywood2553 Ай бұрын
The history and the attitudes of the MOD go back to the late 60s early 70s. It was decided not to build replacement aircraft carriers because the perceived threat was the Warsaw Pact. Why build aircraft carriers when the Americans already have them. Problem solved no need too spend a load of cash. Aren’t we clever. Jump forward to 1982 and the Falklands war and the Navy has Hermes and Invincible flying Sea Harriers, which acquitted themselves in the air battle over the Falklands. What we desperately needed was aircraft that would intercept the Argentinians some distance away from the fleet. The lack of Interceptors cost us dearly in ships and men. Fast forward to 2010 and it has been a repeat of the process, every move a f*ck up
@iceman7975 14 күн бұрын
If all these modifications are carried out ,will have to sell the rest of the fleet and become a 2 ship navy🤣
@capmultser Ай бұрын
Never understand why the M.O.D. and their know best attitude, thought a carrier without arresting gear was a good idea in this day and age, or at least one of them. Cost should never have been an issue with such a project.
@neilsbs8273 3 күн бұрын
It was down to cost, the EMALS system price was massively hiked and would have put another 3 years onto the build time along with an extra £2bn per carrier. The potential savings by buying the F35C rather than the B didnt outweigh the extra cost.
@dennisleighton2812 Ай бұрын
Adding a catapult/arresting capability (of any kind) alone won't solve ANYTHING! ALL current and future F-35B variants will not be able to use it, as they were not designed for that, and cannot be converted to do so! It would basically mean abandoning the F-35B variants they have bought for the F-35C carrier version as used by the US Navy carriers. The UK cannot even afford to complete its current order for F-35s let alone a whole new 48 plane fleet of new planes. This is pie in the sky speculation. The two Royal Navy QE class ships were SPECIFICALLY designed for using the F-35B variant, so I cannot see anything changing any time soon.
@ciaranReal Ай бұрын
The plan is for now as it know it. The f35b will be re assigned to the raf and a carrier varient of the future tempest will be used on the carrier
@dennisleighton2812 Ай бұрын
@@ciaranReal Really? I was totally unaware that Tempest was including a carrier option! What is your source for that info, as I'd like more detail about that? Ta.
@bassetdad437 26 күн бұрын
More pie in the face than pie in the sky.
@trevorhart545 13 күн бұрын
@@dennisleighton2812 DREAMING?
@neilsbs8273 3 күн бұрын
@@ciaranReal The MOD have confirmed Tempest will NOT be carrier capable
@tomdolan9761 Ай бұрын
It will never happen with the UKs current budgeting
@jamesedwards7241 27 күн бұрын
I don't know if should laugh or die laughing, to be honest listening to this. Unstoppable, has the OP spent the last three years with its head in the sand. The ruddy paddles have fallen off both of these overpriced bathtubs. They would be more reliable if they had bloody sails or were towed by sea cadets in rowing boats and the idea that Whitehall is going to sit still for a second towards any plan to fit cats and traps to these things is ludicrous, they spent years standing full force in the way of any such plan which is why both of them are built differently and neither of them can work with our allies aircraft. It went right back to the same insanity of the last carriers we built, we could have any sort of carrier we wanted as long as it was never carried an aircraft carrier was the only way they ever got built at all. The only good point now is that we have a few aircraft we could fly off one of them and a few more we could fly off the other one because they were specifically designed and built not to have cats and traps on them and not to be compatible with NATO partners equipment and all of this cost the country billions and after one paddled its way across to America to borrow aeroplanes, millions more rebuilding the prop shafts. It is not that the ships were badly designed, it is because they were REALLY BADLY DESIGNED by a committee of utterly self-interested idiots and a handful of gin-sozzled admirals, a six-year-old could have produced better results with a box of crayons. I mean you can see the issues clearly, two towers and tonnes of dead weight topside, Why, because the navy did not want their people infected by the Airforce lot so they built them a hutch to keep them separate, how are they ever going to fight anyone when they spend most of their time fighting each other.
@TheSwanlake2009 Ай бұрын
I never liked the ramp for launching airplanes it's too stressful to the aircraft.
@user-in2ws6wd5s Ай бұрын
And an arresting cable isn't?
@TheSwanlake2009 Ай бұрын
@@user-in2ws6wd5s No because the time is much shorter. And no thrust is involved
@molecatcher3383 Ай бұрын
The UK does not have enough F35s for one ship never mind two. Also they are too slow to keep up with the US carrier groups.
@neilsbs8273 3 күн бұрын
Almost, the ships can take 36 and we have 34. Mainly due to delivery schedules which in a way is good for us as we get the most updated ones instead of buying 72 straight off then having to upgrade them on the fly
@michaelhannah5376 Ай бұрын
I know I am wasting my breath but Please please go with the off the shelf option from General Atomics and not use a untried, untested U.K. system.
@trevorhart545 13 күн бұрын
THEN the Carriers have to be CONVERTED to Nuclear Power!
@garysmith3036 Ай бұрын
Can't even get the carriers to sea
@neilsbs8273 3 күн бұрын
Apart from America and the Pacific.
@smilitary7368 Ай бұрын
Headline should be "if equipped with New Electromagnetic Catapults would" Not "Equipped & Are” - this indicates they have the Catapults & are using them now. Clickbait titles are not helpful I almost didn't watch due this being factually incorrect but just wanted to see some shots of carriers etc. So it just depends if you want a serious channel or not?
@DrawnInk1 Ай бұрын
You’re relying on politicians so don’t hold your breath,they’re too busy being wankers.
@patrolmanracv Ай бұрын
they need to actually stop them braking down first ..is all rubbish anyway ...
@keithknight42 Ай бұрын
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