Am not for Isreal or Hamas, but I do learn that Hamas built tunnel openings next to schools,hospitals and use regular children and women as human shields and prevent them from leaving. They want to increase the death and wounded counts of children to grain world sympathy, like yours. I, too, am sorry to see the innocent killed and increase of hatred amount people involved. Do you know the Bible mentions that quarter of people on earth will perish and the sun and moon be darken one day. Such a terrible day, some people want to die and ask the mountain to fall on them ,but fail. When God 's Judgment come, nothing will stand. If the Lord want me to die, I will, but not a second before or after. I know in my heart that Jesus died, risen and now sitting at the right hand of God have saved me; therefore, I am happy to go to the place that He promised to prepare for me. I do know why evils like war happen, all evils arise from sin which you can read the accounts in the Bible.