@KAl FUN P 得既,天主教既教義就好現代化下傢啦,唔會話咩你地唔信都要落地獄,好進步下傢 人地教會就係日日諗點樣全現代既社會下宗教既生存,同其他文化宗教既相處,好比心機傢 基督教派系呢就,唉,咁本野既思想係當時中東四戰之地既亂世,就係比較惡既,後黎羅馬相對比較安定好多呢,冇呢種隨時滅族既危險感,咁寫既新約就正常好多啦
💗l am Benner Yuen who is a Christian. lt is no doubt that Islam believe is evil religious belief since its main points are totally different from what Christian or Catholic belief. Even if in Buddhism belief, most of Buddhists also believe that JESUS had been killed & nailed on Cross ! Further to elaborate, a right religion will never possible raise any violence, no matter whether its belief includes JESUS or not !
君士坦丁所召開的尼西亞會議,是非常荒謬絕倫的事。 試想像一下,耶和華會不會任用巴力的祭司,去帶領以色列人離開埃及?會不會在何烈山上給巴力的祭司頒佈十誡? 耶穌死後約300年,一個異教的太陽神大祭司,為耶和華的會眾召開一個制定教義的會議,此異教大祭司供應旅行和膳食等費用邀請1800位教父,但出席者只有300人左右(*1),連5分之1都達不到。 就是此極少數教父和一個異教祭司,定立了所謂"正統"教義,凡不遵奉就劃為異端而受逼害。 這個異教大祭司,就是君士坦丁大帝,他終其一生都是太陽神的信徒。直至他臨死前,他的同教祭司們竟然覺得君士坦丁太邪惡,拒絕為他赦罪,他無奈之下才改信基督教。 君士坦丁因何罪無可恕?在尼西亞會議的次年,君士坦丁殺死了自己的長子,用蒸氣室活活"蒸死"了自己的妻子,更殺了不計其數的友人。(*2)其人的殘暴和漠視親情,可見一斑。 不管信不信上帝,一個有正常思考能力的人,都應該想一想,如果真的出現信仰分歧之時,上帝會不會任用一個邪惡的異教祭司,來為自己的信眾制定教義? 資料來源: *(1) 維基百科 --- 尼西亞會議 *(2) The World Made Flesh A History of Christian Thought by Margaret R. Miles
@@674wing9 你又誤解了! 【申六4】「“以色列啊,你要聽!耶和華我們神是獨一的主。」 這句話是強調耶和華的獨一性,因而應譯作:“耶和華是我們的神,只有耶和華”。其次,祂的不可分割,在大部分的英文翻譯裏都能清楚看見。耶和華的獨一禁止以色列人敬拜任何其它的神,並且要求他們獻出全部的愛(5節)。這認信並不排除後來三位一體神的啟示,因為“神”(Elohim)一字是複數。 Mark 12 New International Version 29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. [e] Mark 12:29 Or The Lord our God is one Lord 本節描述了摩西宣告所有律法之根源,耶和華神的性情,表明了神的惟一性,是重要的經文,本節同時排斥了多神論,泛神論。 獨一: 並非指相對的單一性,而是指絕對的惟一性,在古代社會,人們普遍擁有多神論,泛神論的自然崇拜思想。 這一認知對以色列民族異常重要,因為他們即將進入一塊土地,那裡充滿敬拜多神的人民。許多人都選擇信靠眾多的神,古今皆然。但是時候要到,那時人將承認耶和華是獨一的真神,祂要作全地的王(參亞14:9)。
你所說的錯誤百出,差矣! 就憑你的 “歷史學家早已向世界公告,耶穌是全沒有歴史存在的證明,單憑聖經中有說出而已”,就可以100%肯定你完全是盲目的、漠視歷史文獻事實的、沒獨立思考分析能力的、人云亦云、只接受適切自己思想的資料、…… 聖經以外的來自早期第一、二世紀非基督徒記載有提到耶穌基督這個人的存在,例如: a) 羅馬歷史學家 塔西圖(Cornelius Tacitus,公元56/57至118年)在他的鉅著《編年史》(Annals)(記載羅馬帝國公元14至68年的歷史)中,有一段 Annals, 15.44 (c. 115) "Christus, the founder of the name, had undergone the death penalty in the reign of Tiberius, by sentence of the procurator Pontius Pilate, and the pernicious superstition was checked for a moment, only to break out once more, not merely in Judaea, the home of the disease, but in the capital itself, where all things horrible or shameful in the world collect and find a vogue." b) 一個羅馬官員 Pliny the Younger (公元62至113年)於公元112年寫過一封信給當時的凱撒Trajan : Epistles, 10.96 "They were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate and then reassemble to partake of food - but food of an ordinary and innocent kind " c) 羅馬歷史學家 Suetonius(公元75至160年)記載了羅馬帝國最先12位皇帝的生平時寫到 : Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Claudius 25.4 (c. 120 C.E.) "Since the Jews constantty made disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus, he expelled them from Rome." d) 猶太歷史學家 弗拉維奧·約瑟夫斯(Joseph ben Matthias 又名 Flavius Josephus,公元37/38至100年)寫的《猶太戰爭》和《猶太古蹟》(Antiquities of the Jews)記載了耶穌時代猶太人的歷史。約瑟夫簡短地提到成年的耶穌 : Antiquities of the Jews, 20.200-203 . "Possessed of such a character, Ananus thought that he had a favourable opportunity because Festus was dead and Albinus was still on the way. And so he convened the judges of the Sanhedrin and brought before them a man named James, the brother of Jesus who was called the Christ, and certain others." ……等等