我在美国生活了四年了。在一些白人主义的人心中,黄皮肤就是下等,别管你哪个国家。为什么好莱坞亚裔演员那么少?歧视啊,管你妈哪个国家的。所以搞不懂评论区几个台湾的,搞个台湾至上主义,hhh那根白人至上主义有什么区别?而且我告诉你,真正种族歧视的,don‘t give u a shit bout where u from(一些台湾的不是喜欢炫英语吗,我给你看
Racism is the most complicated matter to most countries government.. Many countries has deals with it terribly.. In my opinion I'll say Singapore, New Zealand China has done a pretty good job
Jealousy, sour grape syndrome and above all, feeling of inferiority complex. That would be the most appropriate description and definition of these Asian-haters. The first two can be corrected but unfortunately, there's no cure for the third one, (feeling) inferiority complex.