Erich von Daniken & Paul Wallis - Insights on E.T., Human Beginnings & Divine Ideas

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Erich von Däniken Official

Erich von Däniken Official

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‪@ErichvonDanikenOfficial‬ Join best-selling author Paul Wallis for a deep dive into E.T. phenomena and human origins with Erich von Daniken! Known for his must-read works, "Escaping from Eden" and "The Scars of Eden", Wallis delves into world mythologies, exploring insights into human potential and cosmic connection. His collaborations and documentaries captivate millions worldwide, making him a sought-after speaker and researcher in the realm of ancestral narratives and human origins.
About Paul Wallis:
Paul Anthony Wallis, a best-selling international author and respected figure in Christian mysticism and spirituality, has published extensively on these topics. With his 2020 release, “Escaping from Eden”, acclaimed by George Noory as a generational standout similar to "Chariots of the Gods", Wallis has cemented his status as a leading expert in paleo-contact. His latest work, “The Scars of Eden”, endorsed by Erich Von Daniken himself, continues to explore these intriguing themes.
For more on Paul Wallis:
🌐 Official Website: paulanthonywal...
🎥 KZbin: ‪@PaulWallis‬
🎥 The 5th Kind TV: ‪@The5thKind‬
EVD Foundation 2023. All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, New York
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@hannahtattoo 11 ай бұрын
Two of my favourite people
@hugechimp 11 ай бұрын
Me Too!...They're Great..
@grant9301 2 ай бұрын
These two people have seen through the nonsense of religion to understand the real truth about our history! Yet they don't want to offend anyone religious. Religion has done nothing but put fear into people and confuse and cover up the truth for their own purpose to control mankind. Disgusting behavior instead of telling the truth! Why would they still believe in a God is beyond me. There's no such thing just advanced civilizations (Aliens) that are far older and more advanced than us so people have thought they must be Gods! That's the problem with Religion it asks you to believe in "Faith" WITH OUT ANY PROOF, NOT A SINGLE PIECE HAS EVER BEEN FOUND just silly stories in a little black book. I'll take scientific proof over "Faith" anyday 👽
@carterbbcblake Ай бұрын
I see EvD I click . Everybody else talks in riddles and circles. My man Eric puts the story ( facts), right in front of you , very respectfully .
@michaelkeller5008 11 ай бұрын
thanks for this interview, Erich!
@SubliminalJunky 8 күн бұрын
Can life get any better than this? 2 fabulous legends in one video.
@olivebinger9293 11 ай бұрын
I love the both of you. Cannot stop listening to you both. I read "Chariots of the Gods", when I was 16, that was about 100 years ago. I have read "Escaping From Eden" and "The Scars of Eden". I haven't started the others yet. Keep up the great work, please. Thank you both so much.
@kayla-sl4sc 11 ай бұрын
Great great show. Right to the point
@jeannedenbigh8919 11 ай бұрын
So inspiring to See Erich von Daniken teaching the next generation about these subjects that I learned in the 70's from him I don't like being a subject of extraterrestrials who can abduct people and am very disappointed we were put to sleep for 11,000 years and still b being lied to
@bkm2797 11 ай бұрын
When were we put to sleep for 11,000 years?
@bbloup53 11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much, amazing !
@VivianeJones 11 ай бұрын
Wow 🤩 Erich Von Däniken & Paul Wallis together ❤🙏🏻
@MsEricacosta 11 ай бұрын
Man just watching these 2 Superstars come together and Vibe.🥲 so blissful.
@boomeranguk1 11 ай бұрын
What a meeting of 2 of the most Legend in this field,Paul anthony waiilis & Erick Van Danikan 💪💪 👏👏👏
@bomat761 3 ай бұрын
Making sense from nonsense is very uplifting & freeing.
@thomas1234m 7 ай бұрын
Eric and Paul, we really admire you for opening new horizons of our understanding of the universe...🎉🎉
@Belznis 11 ай бұрын
Great to see him working so often on these interviews. Wonderful and fascinating.
@bkm2797 11 ай бұрын
Yes, I noticed how many more of late,Mandy so far they are all fascinating, I'm so grateful to Erich.
@princeedmunddukeofedinburg 11 ай бұрын
It's really nice to see you again Mr. Erich
@justinfletcher8080 11 ай бұрын
Power higher than are self's is important for all!!
@jakestown1952 11 ай бұрын
How I wish to have these two gentlemen round for Sunday lunch with my family ❤.
@rossmonwithaneaux8085 11 ай бұрын
❤ because of your book.. I won a extemporaneous speaking contest in 1974 .... Louisiana.... Thank you ❤
@guillaumemaurice3503 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this video that was very interesting and a great interview.
@TerryGeorge-t5z 11 ай бұрын
I am. So gkad that i gor the to listen to two of my favrite spritual teacher❤❤❤❤
@bkm2797 11 ай бұрын
Two of my favorite people, I have learned so much from these two about our Truth, it makes so much more sense. Thank you Erich and Paul, always a pleasure!
@pedropeladoni5477 11 ай бұрын
Thanks guys
@liftswithsahara2322 11 ай бұрын
So grateful to both of you for the work that you do! Amazing to have two powerhouses in one interview!! Please keep having these conversations...
@antara9 11 ай бұрын
Is Erich precious or what!? Gorgeous combination!!!! God bless them for working together. wow thanks.
@lolaliz5004 11 ай бұрын
My two favorite persons!
@JoshuaDCBanks 11 ай бұрын
Erich you and Paul need to do Rogans show and get this message out to a larger audience!
@vivian3371 11 ай бұрын
Perfect 🎉❤
@ronnymunther9748 11 ай бұрын
Its hilarious, im from Sweden and english is not easy. But when he ask. What makes you stink 4 min 52 sek in to the video instead of think 😂 love the channel ❤
@calie-annecaz5474 11 ай бұрын
Had to go back and listen again lmao😂
@sandrajones1609 11 ай бұрын
Awesome Conversation Gentlemen ✌️❣️💫
@mirella62 11 ай бұрын
thankyou for your eloquence and concrete knowledge … for all your work i most highly respect and appreciate… changing the zeitgeist as we speak and begin to “know “
@porschetarga407 11 ай бұрын
Enjoy you so much
@AnneMLdell 9 ай бұрын
Danke Erich, thank you Paul ... I love you both. Herzliche Grüsse aus Finland.
@Henri_Hofmann 11 ай бұрын
Great conversation, it's just good to listen to. What I find a pity that there are not so many here in the German area can understand or understand because some topics touch the esotericism, while much results from ancient myths and stories and that does the Bible also. Whether we look at the Anunnaki with the Anunna in the Sumerian and see that it is actually the same story as that of the angels and the fallen angels or whether we now look at the main god, so the An or Anu who is actually very passive and appears Raptured and has the most similarity with those whose characteristics are said to God, so you realize sooner or later that actually not much has changed between the Sumerians or the Christian beliefs, because also there is reported about gods and also there is reported about a God, but many things make sense only if one looks what Jesus had actually said or that he had to raise his simply human name above all names and therefore also above the name of YHWH, who was thereby lowered in his own name. Nevertheless Jesus said that his father is higher, so it seems here not to be about the same. Furthermore, it is always forgotten where Abraham had his roots, he already had a faith in God and who was this God? In other cultures it is said that Abraham had a problem with the belief in gods, which is why there is not so much choice. Paul does it right, he looks at the whole thing from a much wider perspective and also looks at the belief systems and those connections in other regions and countries. Everything is interconnected, through the myths we get answers and also when we read works like Plato, which are linked with myths and with true events. Prerequisite is to take Plato seriously and if you do it and not only parts of it then you could also search for Atlantis. If we find Atlantis then we have the Flood proof, because obviously Atlantis is a Flood story. Ulrich Hofmann would be a good person who can give the best information, because he understood that Atlas got an island as a gift and that the Atlas Mountains still exist today and a part of it is called Island of the West. He describes why actually only the north of Africa (near the Chott el Hodna) comes into question for Atlantis and a lot of what he explains makes more sense than everything that has been claimed about Atlantis so far, moreover it fits best to Plato's statement. All these people, Erich von Däniken, Paul Wallis, Ulrich Hofmann or the biologist Ivonne Stratmann and many more, are all people who are looking for the truth and do not let themselves be distracted by the dogmas of many. Thank you that there are such people who are still looking for truth and do not just buy something that has been sold to him for centuries, although the Bible itself reports about falsifications (under Paul) and reforms (eg King Hezekiah). There is a reason why Jesus acted against the Pharisees as he did. Thank you, you are the best ! This is the way, sometimes lonely, but no one said it was wide and big ;) ----------- Tolles Gespräch, es tut einfach gut dem zuzuhören. Was ich schade finde, das es gerade hier im deutschen Raum nicht so viele gibt die das nachvollziehen können oder verstehen weil manche Themen die Esoterik berühren, dabei resultiert vieles aus alten Mythen und Geschichten und das tut die Bibel ja auch. Ob wir uns jetzt im sumerischen die Anunnaki mit den Anunna anschauen und sehen das es eigentlich die selbe Geschichte wie die der Engel und der Gefallenen Engel ist oder ob wir uns jetzt den Hauptgott anschauen also den An oder Anu der eigentlich sehr passiv ist und Entrückt erscheint und am meisten Ähnlichkeit mit jenen hat dessen Eigenschaften man Gott nachsagt so erkennt man früher oder später das sich eigentlich nicht viel geändert hat zwischen den Sumerern oder den Christlichen Glaubensinhalten, denn auch da wird von Göttern berichtet und auch da wird von einen Gott berichtet, aber viele Dinge ergeben erst Sinn wenn man schaut was Jesus eigentlich gesagt hatte oder das er ja seinen einfach Menschlichen Namen erhöhen musste über alle Namen und somit auch über den Namen von JHWH, der dadurch in seinen eigenen Namen erniedrigt wurde. Trotzdem sagte Jesus ja das sein Vater höher ist, also scheint es sich hier nicht um das selbe zu handeln. Des weiteren wird ja immer wieder vergessen wo Abraham seine Wurzeln hatte, er hatte ja schon einen Glauben an Gott und wer war dieser Gott? In anderen Kulturen wird ja gesagt das Abraham mit den Götterglaube genauso ein Problem hatte, weshalb eigentlich nicht soviel Auswahl bleibt. Paul macht es richtig, er schaut sich das ganze aus einer viel weiteren Perspektive an und schaut sich auch die Glaubenssysteme und jene Verbindungen in anderen Regionen und Ländern an. Alles ist miteinander Verknüpft, durch die Mythen bekommen wir Antworten und auch wenn wir Werke wie Platon lesen, die mit Mythen und mit wahren Begebenheiten Verknüpft sind. Voraussetzung ist man nimmt Platon ernst und wenn man es tut und nicht nur Teile davon dann könnte man auch nach Atlantis suchen. Wenn wir Atlantis finden dann haben wir den Sintflut Beweis, denn offensichtlich ist Atlantis eine SIntflutgeschichte. Ulrich Hofmann wäre da sicher eine gute Person der da am besten Auskunft geben kann, denn er hat verstanden das Atlas eine Insel geschenkt bekommen hat und das eben das Atlasgebirge bis heute noch existiert und auch ein Teil davon Insel des Westens heißt. Er beschreibt warum eigentlich nur der Norden von Afrika (Nähe des Chott el Hodna) in Frage kommt für Atlantis und vieles was er erklärt macht mehr Sinn als alles was man bisher über Atlantis behauptet hat, noch dazu passt es am besten zu Platons Aussage. All diese Menschen, Erich von Däniken, Paul Wallis, Ulrich Hofmann oder die Biologin Ivonne Stratmann und viele mehr, sind alles Menschen die nach der Wahrheit suchen und sich nicht beirren lassen von den Dogmen vieler. Danke das es solche Menschen gibt die noch nach Wahrheit suchen und nicht einfach etwas abkaufen das man ihn über Jahrhunderte verkauft, obwohl die Bibel selbst von Fälschungen (unter Paulus) und Reformen (zBsp. König Hiskia) berichtet. Es hat schon einen Grund warum Jesus gegen die Pharisäer so aggierte wie er aggierte. Danke Euch, ihr seid die besten ! Das ist der Weg, manchmal Einsam, aber niemand hat gesagt das er breit und groß ist ;)
@michellechambers6653 5 ай бұрын
I enjoyed listening to these two.
@monhlante 11 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for the video. I hav learnt so much from the both of you.🇿🇼
@vincentrusso4332 11 ай бұрын
Paul has answered all my questions personally, how he does it I'll never know.. a stand up guy fo sho.
@lilianamontenegro363 11 ай бұрын
Food for my brain and peace to my heart these two wonderful souls are precious human beings,thanks for sharing with us pupils so much truth.
@naominzaomi1202 4 ай бұрын
I love the way you sell each other 😊😊
@KopiTi7175 11 ай бұрын
The dynamic duo of Esoteric Knowledge 🔥 💥
@kathleenlovett1958 11 ай бұрын
LOVE YOU, ERICH ❣️🤗 I appreciate YOU ❣️😍 I am grateful for YOU ❣️🙏
@karelvegal3712 3 ай бұрын
Magistral !
@JimXultra 11 ай бұрын
Two Legends
@AE-hb6hr 11 ай бұрын
Hi Eric from sweden ❤️
@robertevans8126 11 ай бұрын
This was an excellent Video Erich! You do not know how many people think like the both of you! I hope you both are prepared for the arrival of The Planet Nibiru real soon?
@dscott333 11 ай бұрын
Eric.. my father was a sailor who brought Chariot of the God's home to me in the 80s I'm now a sailor myself and have read all your works and I've been listening to Paul.. this is a perfect match.. both of your insights are so eye opening... keep up the wonderful works gentlemen.... Scott Arthur Livingston Nova Scotia Canada
@samjp3626 11 ай бұрын
Wow, two amazing legends together in one powerful interview. Ive been a fan of Mr von Daniken for 40+ years. Terrific to to see both in one place. Wonderful interview, thank you Gentlemen.
@SexsexSex-f3z 6 ай бұрын
Wonderful topic
@JuttaKleemann 11 ай бұрын
Herr Däniken vor fast 50 Jahren habe ich ihr Buch gelesen und bin seit der Zeit von diesen Thema überzeugt
@DenisDamulira23 11 ай бұрын
10:00 FYI Mami Water (aka Miami) means water Mermaid. I too have heard these stories in East Africa at the coast of Mombasa. Miami Florida was named that too because so many mermaids 🧜‍♀️ were seen in those waters by Native Indians.
@rudiknaus4139 11 ай бұрын
Gruaß aus München 💫
@MR-IMPRESS 11 ай бұрын
I once had a dream when I was 7, and now i can see where it's all coming from. I had this same dream again this year and I'm 32 now. Still same dream. U both are marvelous with ur deep explanatory teachings.
@thinkbig7195 Ай бұрын
Gut . Ich hoffe der Zeitgeist ist jetzt im Richtigen Moment . Danke .
@silvesteralsandanadas4529 7 ай бұрын
The both of you are truly are great Authors. It has brought a new meaning and understanding about the way religion is understood. Thank you very much. I do follow and listen to some great spiritual leaders from India and it is very interesting to hear their point of views on God and the Universe and this creation. I would love to have a discussion with you both hopefully I can get a chance some day. Thank you
@Freiherr.von.Oldenburg 11 ай бұрын
Could you please activate German subtitles? 🙂
@tornadoimpuls8263 11 ай бұрын
♡ 🤲🏽
@wernerwilfrieddittmar6323 11 ай бұрын
Bitte mit Deutschen untertiteln -- vielen herzlichen dank❤
@JupiterJane1984 11 ай бұрын
Another excellent guest that I subscribe too, thanks for everything you gentlem have done and continue to do in this field. 👍😎🙏🙏♥️♥️
@johndock9164 11 ай бұрын
@eyypogi 11 ай бұрын
wow, Paul knows Inkanto's story here in the Philippines. 😮 like Inkas?
@MostHigh777 Ай бұрын
You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
@HB-sc7wu 11 ай бұрын
@geraldsmith7240 11 ай бұрын
Artificial Intelligence, In My Opinion, Was Given To The Creators, To Better Understand Us.❤ Thanks, Paul 🌀
@karenrobertson-jurczak3206 11 ай бұрын
You are both such genuine wealths' of knowledge. I was guided to Paul's works during my awakening, and my journey began to make sense. And now on in midst of reading Erich s amazing works. Much gratitude
@armageddon1403 Ай бұрын
Modern farming is and has always alternated crops!! For good and obvious reasons..
@lilianamontenegro363 11 ай бұрын
In the very south of Chile,Chiloe island, there is a myths that tell about a siren call pincoya
@A.Steeeve 11 ай бұрын
@pfcmagik 11 ай бұрын
@jaewolf.531 11 ай бұрын
Habt ihr jetzt Naska schon untersucht und vermessen?
@agooglepage9428 11 ай бұрын
Well as per my information there are 24 races initially created which extended to 33 races .These races are created from 9 light beint,9 humanoid and 9 bio robotics inteligent races .these created problem among them about who will guide the human races .if we go to tribals history small stories of Africa and Asia we get this information
@bkm2797 11 ай бұрын
Interesting, are you a human being or google AI?
@abderrahimkasimi8383 3 ай бұрын
A question for both of you Mr Von daniken and Mr Wallis What do You think about these items in islam Coran and Muhammad Muhammad was in contact with a créature named jibril or Gabriel for 23 years, years of the revelation He was taken to the firmament by the same creature on a horse with wings In his childhood he has his chest opened by tow creatures In his first battle he was helped with 1000 of Angeles So was Muhammad in contact with ETs?
@bomat761 3 ай бұрын
My question is what caused the Elohim to finally leave mankind & this planet? Were they forced or did they leave of their own reasons & volition?
@honoratojrabalos1107 11 ай бұрын
but who is Plato ? i would like to know why did Mr. Paul Wallis qoute Plato in his last conclusion of the interview ?
@Henri_Hofmann 11 ай бұрын
Plato is actually a nickname and is actually called Aristocles. He was a student of Socrates and was a philosopher just like Socrates and 4 centuries before Jesus. Socrates and Plato go with other means in search of truth and therefore also shape generations and one sees certain elements also with Jesus himself again. I myself find, for example, the tradition of the Atlantis story remarkable, because it is in principle a Flood story and also reports that not only Atlantis in Africa has gone down, but also an ancient Greece before today's Greece. Just by these narrations a completely different wind blows over the statements of our past. Best one reads times even the works of Plato, but also Socrates, then one understands a little how at all an impulse can arise from it to change his thinking about dogmatic views. Greetings from Austria
@Astepatatimekvarn 11 ай бұрын
😂😅❤ E R I C H ❤
@JACE_75 11 ай бұрын
👏🏾 PLAN Extra Terrestrials.
@claudiatemplaria4939 11 ай бұрын
@HarryShagnasty-sc9zd 5 ай бұрын
So in this concept where is the Big Bang and the Adam & Eve/ evolution?
@michaelkeller5008 11 ай бұрын
Also langsam muss ich die kritischen Stimmen der "Warum immer Englisch" unterstützen - ab und zu ein deutsches Video tut langsam Not, auch wenn ich verstehe warum die Interviews auf Englisch sind (und ich kein Problem mit Englisch habe) - aber ohne Untertitel oder Synchro fühlen sich jene, die die Sprache nicht können, schon etwas "am Seil abegloh"
@yakup58HH 11 ай бұрын
Kann ich nur zustimmen.
@karllol8852 11 ай бұрын
Warum nicht mehr auf deutsch ?😢😢😢
@PaulWallis 11 ай бұрын
@karllol8852 - Sie können „Die Narben von Eden“ auf Deutsch lesen. Alle meine Bücher zum Thema Paläokontakt sind auf Deutsch im Amra Verlag erschienen. Flucht Aus Eden, Die Narben von Eden, Die Echoes von Eden und Die Verschwörung von Eden.
@pscottlivingnow 3 ай бұрын
@philipware4951 7 ай бұрын
Imagine how they feel in being with the godfather of all this imo
@maryhitchcock-nn1nm 6 ай бұрын
It has been obvious for decades non human interaction is a truth. More books are not necessary and ego driven in my view. Any conversation ought to be for solutions not more of the same knowledge told in a different way.
@simpsonsfan3910 11 ай бұрын
Kommt auch mal wieder was in Deutsch ?
@PaulWallis 11 ай бұрын
Sie können „Die Narben von Eden“ auf Deutsch lesen. Alle meine Bücher zum Thema Paläokontakt sind auf Deutsch im Amra Verlag erschienen. Flucht Aus Eden, Die Narben von Eden, Die Echoes von Eden und Die Verschwörung von Eden.
@snowman374th Ай бұрын
@ozoneswiftak 11 ай бұрын
Well guys, there's no real evidence of a God. Of heaven and Hell
@bkm2797 11 ай бұрын
More to the question, what is God?
@jaewolf.531 11 ай бұрын
In Deutsch ist besser, die letzten Streams haben gezeigt das die Zuseher nicht wirklich viele waren. Aber gut, vielleicht nützt es ja etwas.
@PaulWallis 11 ай бұрын
@jaewolf.531 - Sie können „Die Narben von Eden“ auf Deutsch lesen. Alle meine Bücher zum Thema Paläokontakt sind auf Deutsch im Amra Verlag erschienen. Flucht Aus Eden, Die Narben von Eden, Die Echoes von Eden und Die Verschwörung von Eden.
@brankomilosev2400 2 ай бұрын
@jamessharpe6699 11 ай бұрын
If I'm going to be forced to watch commercials please don't show me the woke sportsball garbage
@j.l.5687 11 ай бұрын
Warum nur noch in englisch??? 🤔
@georgejamesducas9602 11 ай бұрын
You don't know what your talking about, what does your local alien have to say about it
@spritschwein81 11 ай бұрын
Bitte auch auf Deutsch. Dislike!
@PaulWallis 11 ай бұрын
Sie können „Die Narben von Eden“ auf Deutsch lesen. Alle meine Bücher zum Thema Paläokontakt sind auf Deutsch im Amra Verlag erschienen. Flucht Aus Eden, Die Narben von Eden, Die Echoes von Eden und Die Verschwörung von Eden.
@spritschwein81 11 ай бұрын
@@PaulWallis Dankeschön. Das gefällt mir mal so richtig.
@morgan-5171 11 ай бұрын
Knowledge is the key and discussion is the key to understanding the issues and issues that have been raised in the sky like for example our creator. ⚚
@Mynameisthesenuts49 11 ай бұрын
Wallis , just repeats what guest say when he has them on.. he's not even close to the real researchers that are in the field doing the real work..
@wastenotwantnotArt 11 ай бұрын
He has researched indigenous peoples origin stories far and wide and studied etymology of words and original translations. It is rather unkind of you to suggest Paul hasn’t researched. He has successfully shone a light on the many anomalies in the Bible for many people.
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