The two singers obviously do not know Yiddish; their pronunciation is not acceptable. They may be well-intentioned, but they have not taken the trouble to learn correct pronunciation. Why do they insist on making a mess of beautiful, traditional Yiddish songs, especially when the audience is German? If they sang in English, they would make an effort to get it right. The wonderful and expressive Yiddish language deserves as much respect as English or any other language. When the young lady speaks German, she does it properly. Yiddish is not a joke; it is a serious academic discipline and should be treated as such. (This comment has been written by a professional Yiddish linguist whose mother tongue is Yiddish. He is an active user of the language and has taught it on the university level in France and in America. He has also given, and participated in, concerts of Yiddish songs.) The transliteration in Latin letters has mistakes in it. Furthermore, why do they use the term "hochdeutsch"? They should have written just "deutsch". Yiddish is not a form of German; it is an independent language which embodies Ashkenazic-Jewish culture. It has always been written in Hebrew characters.
@TheGuido19603 жыл бұрын
Naja, wie sie schon schreiben hat Espe in guter Absicht gesungen und das sollte auch gewürdigt werden, gerade wenn es eine deutsche Gruppe (um genauer zu sein, um eine saarländische Musikgruppe) vorträgt und zwar in der Absicht die Yiddishe Kultur in DE wieder vorzutragen und an den Völkermord zu Gedenken und an das Leid die Deutsche an jüdischen Menschen verbrachen. Yiddish hat sich zu einer eigenen Sprache entwickelt und hat sich tatsächlich aus einigen deutschen Dialekten, die damals am Rhein gesprochen wurden, (Köln ,Mainz ,Worms, Speyer, Straßburg, Trier) entwickelt, ansonsten könnte ich nicht einiges/vieles verstehen, natürlich mit Hebräischen Einfluss, das sollten sie als Yiddischer Muttersprachler und Lingust doch wissen/heraushören. Ich vermute mal, ihnen geht es einfach hoch, weil es Deutsche sind die es vortragen und dann noch nicht perfekt rüber kommt. Sorry, wenn ich sie verärgert haben soll.
@TheGuido19603 жыл бұрын
@bertzangle48073 жыл бұрын
You are entirely focusing on tangentials, and completely seem to ignore the intention of the musicians: to make a musical genre accessible to the German audience, when noone else was doing so. And, to be honest, your final paragraph isn't even particularly coherent anymore. "Hochdeutsch" is simply the usual way to refer to standard German, and only seems relevant to you because of your insinuation that the uploader tried to subsume Yiddish under German. It's basically one big bad faith assumption you're making here, and you dress it up in so many words.