Consciousness beyond death, with Dr. Pim van Lommel

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@60b60 9 ай бұрын
I have stage 4 inflammatory breast cancer. Interviews like this give me so much peace.
@izoefendi7278 9 ай бұрын
Try read this 2 article for know something about death.. 1. Death and the Hereafter Islamic Pamphlets 2. Death and Day of Judgment Learn Islam
@littlemissgroove 9 ай бұрын
Sending you love ❤️
@olzzon 9 ай бұрын
Recovering from a cancer surgery myself, and then I read your post and got tears in my eyes , sending love and strength your way ❤
@littlemissgroove 9 ай бұрын
@@olzzon sending you love and healing ❤️
@olzzon 9 ай бұрын
@@littlemissgroove ❤️🕯️thank you so much , and to you too .
@bluesky-rb8fn 6 ай бұрын
I really, really enjoyed this, my sister passed in 2012, I was lying on the couch! I suddenly felt the softest kiss on my cheek, a kiss but yet not like a quick touch/ kiss, melting not sure how to explain, then I heard the softest voice of my sister she diagnosed love ya sis!!! Tears flowed down my face I said out loud my sister is gone, the telephone will be ringing, within about 5 minutes it did!! I knew she came to me!! My sister , my friend , my confidant ❤❤❤ how I miss her! How blessed am I to have had that experience!!! Thank you!! Stop the hate it will never serve you !! Blessing to you all!!!
@Novastar.SaberCombat 6 ай бұрын
When the moment arrives, and you're about to cross beyond the void veil... Reflect carefully. 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨ "Before I start, I must see my end. Destination known, my mind's journey now begins. Upon my chariot, heart and soul's fate revealed. In time, all points converge, hope's strength resteeled. But to earn final peace at the universe's endless refrain, we must see all in nothingness... before we start again." 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨ --Diamond Dragons (Armageddon's Ballad)
@E-Kat Жыл бұрын
My friend's son had a sudden stroke at the age of 18 whilst at university. On this day his mum for some strange reason had decided to go home during her lunch break and feed the cats! When she entered her house, she saw her son slumped in the chair. She could tell herself that he had a stroke and was experiencing more .He came home long way from university and it wasn't a special occasion or anything like that! He was flown to the best hospital, operated instantly and put into induced come, with the top of his scull cut off and kept in the freezer as he kept having strokes, one after another, almost! Months had passed and he wasn't showing any signs of improvement at all. One day all the tests were indicating that he was brain dead, so he had a cerebral angiography and this confirmed it as well. So, it was all agreed that her son is dead, and only the machines keep him going!! Next morning, several doctors and nurses went to get with my friend and her husband and their family to the hospital chapel to pray for their son! Then they went to his room and decided to pray a bit more, whist standing around his bed. All of a sudden, a doctor had noticed my friend's son's little finger moved a little. They said it just some electrical impulses but the finger moved again and again and the hand moved a bit more!! They were all very surprised but said it still could be some impulses only. He started moving his other fingers, other hand as well . It was decided to grant him more time and intensify his care. After some weeks ( I really don't remember how long this period took, so forgive me if I'm wrong here) and then he opened his eyes and cried out loud! His mum pressed the big alarm and every single doctor slid into the room, disbelieving what they were seeing. I can't remember how much longer he was in hospital but he had to learn to talk and walk, and swallow thickened water and eat thickened dinner, till he was OK ed to swallow normal, but tiny bits of soup and mashed potatoes! But he did it!! What a journey is had been! He regained his memory completely and went back to university to study physics and later studied for another PhD. Everything was pointing out that he was dead!He heard doctor's conversations in the room and when he knew they'll kill him, he mustered his power from somewhere and was able to move the little finger, which he couldn't even fill ! He did it with his brain, because he wanted to live more than anything. The only thing reminding him of his horrible illness is a ridge on his forehead as the skull, kept in the freezer had shrunk. Now, doctors can stop this from happening very easily. His wife doesn't mind it a bit, nor his children; they have a cool dad. There's something more in us, which even the most sophisticated equipment cannot measure! Often the family as a feeling that their child can hear them and doctors must listen to them, not to the clever machines. Thank you again if you've made it to the end. 🥀
@avbhinaya Жыл бұрын
But sophisticated machines kept him alive for months, otherwise he would have been dead.
@captainJellico Жыл бұрын
Incredible. This needs to be made into a video on KZbin
@piccadelly9360 Жыл бұрын
Now they can't judge brain inactivity as dead of the body , they have to find other ways
@E-Kat Жыл бұрын
@@avbhinaya exactly! He was pronounced dead by people incorrectly interpreting these expensive machine readings. That was a while ago and I hope they rely on more data than just brainwaves.
@captainnemo190 Жыл бұрын
​@@captainJellicoWow! Thanks for sharing🙂
@scordelmartine4879 8 ай бұрын
So True !!❤ I was 29 and had à NDE a cardiac arrest . When I came back from à dark emty space in which I had no more body only my consciousness but no more pain or sorrow, I was back in my room and EVERYTHING around me was Divine , ❤❤❤❤Paradise was in my room !!!! Unbelievable devine LOVE ❤❤❤ Years later I bécane an Energy Healer and so many miraculous events happened n my life and they Still do !❤❤ Death dies not exist, DO not be afraid !!!!!❤❤❤ Nobody is ever lost !! GOD does exist ❤❤❤❤ Love to all from France ❤❤❤ Martine
@thomaseck4867 7 ай бұрын
@MrCyberShow 7 ай бұрын
Energy healer? 😂
@scordelmartine4879 7 ай бұрын
Yes ! Many unbelievable things happened. Consciousness creates Reality . Quantum physics is so real a gift from above ❤ ❤❤
@allyharvey7058 7 ай бұрын
Your first person I’ve seen that had same experience I called concence expansionist
@alexlenker8332 6 ай бұрын
mybe use more emoji-hearts, iam not sure but they show me you are an amazing engergy-warp-healer my man
@rustywantstowin 8 ай бұрын
My grandfather, Granddaddy Les, had a massive heart attack and he watched his entire quadruple bypass surgery from the ceiling above looking down on it. He was a very conservative man and did not believe or even think about anything of this sort. Just a simple, country man from Corinth, MS. After much hesitation of what others may think of him, he finally admitted it to my grandmother, then he told us, his family members, and Les described the entire surgery in detail. It is the unquestionable truth for certain. He had no other way of describing any of this except by exactly what he saw from directly above the operation.
@Novastar.SaberCombat 6 ай бұрын
Look into Sam Parnia's work. 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨
@greenthumb8266 10 ай бұрын
When I was in my early twenties, I’m mid fifties now, I laid down on my bed for a quick rest, not to sleep but just to refresh myself for a minute. I had a lot to do so I sat up in bed and swung my legs off to stand up, I stood and noticed the most glorious golden sunlight was coming in from the window behind me and was moved to go look out the window as I went around the end of the bed towards the window I saw that my body was in fact still laying on my bed, it startled me and upon feeling fear I was instantly back in my body. Afterward I was so disappointed in myself for being afraid, it was the most beautiful, almost loving light, I wish I could’ve just went along with it and explored the experience. Many, many other things happen that I can’t explain but I think it may be related to having died at three years old due to a big chunk of cement falling on my head, I don’t remember an NDE but it’s sort of like I’ve always had a toe on the other side of the veil so to speak. Peace.
@paulinearis4823 9 ай бұрын
I had a very similar experience where I was walking towards my bed and saw someone laid in my place, then realised it was me. Then I was instantly back in my body without knowing how I got back in it. I record my dreams when I can remember them, and some became “reality” as much as fifteen years after I had written about them. This tells me that the past, present, and future exist at the same ”time”. I believe this because you cannot possibly “know” about something that hasn’t already occurred. Quantum physics, and what Einstein described as “spooky science”, and the ‘double slit’ experiment, is deepening our understanding.
@greenthumb8266 9 ай бұрын
@@paulinearis4823 I agree, everything we know is but a speck of sand, but we’re learning more all the time. Thanks for sharing your experience. Peace
@Hew.Jarsol 8 ай бұрын
That warm loving light I know it
@greenthumb8266 8 ай бұрын
@@Hew.Jarsol i would love to hear more, if you’re inclined to share.
@infinitedeath1384 7 ай бұрын
You guys are so lucky. The closest I've gotten is some fairly vivid dreams.
@travis7651 Жыл бұрын
What a great interview! I am a MD from Norway, and was a dogmatic materialist. Thanx to your own Bernardo K and also Rupert Spira, it led med to deepdive into ND for the last 2 years, also love Donald Hoffmans science on same topic. All make sense now.
@roterbaron69 Жыл бұрын
This wos exactly my way.
@psyfiles7351 Жыл бұрын
You cite my 3 favorites!
@gendashwhy Жыл бұрын
Deepak Chopra is also intrinsic to this movement.
@elyashiv11 Жыл бұрын
@travis7651 Your description is the same as the process I went through. Bernardo kastrop is the first to break the ice .. and after him Rupert Spiera and the rest can enter. Also saying, there is no way in the world that I would take fringe phenomena seriously [like in the video] as long as from a metaphysical point of view they are simply out of bounds. I see no way to convince anyone using them. After internalizing idealism they suddenly seem undeniable
@francisdebriey3609 Жыл бұрын
Read Tom Campbell's "my big TOE" and Don Hoffman
@cristinahutchins1902 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the interview. I read his book, Consciousness Beyond Life, about nine years ago. It was lovely to "meet" the man behind the research. Such a lovely human being 🙏
@elenak2015 8 ай бұрын
I had an accident and had lost lots of blood. The doctors repaired the wound and the Nurse put me on a drip. All through that experience, drifting in and out of consciousness, i felt warms and happiness. My logical brain was wondering why i don't feel scared or traumatized. I felt detached from reality and my life and wasn't bothered whether i live o die. I was just happy to float in that moment. And yes, when my son had suddenly died at 4 o clock in the morning in another country, i woke up and couldn't understand why. But somehow i also had a unexplained feeling of happiness. Obviously not being aware of the tragedy. And he did come to me in a dream few times. Clearly remember on the 40 th day after death, he was alive and sitting with me and my husband at the table, being cheerful and loving and saying again and again that he will be visiting us all the time- we were moving to another country at that time. When i do feel sad of losing him, the thought of joining him one day feels very comforting.
@GanymedeXD 8 ай бұрын
Was it a NDE? Means, did you die clinically? What you describe is the effect of Morphine … after an accident given for pain and calm the patient. Blood loss additionally alters perception … think it is important not to muddle up different phenomena … NDE is about coming back after having clinically died … often NDE experiences are brushed off as pharmacological effects … every time a family member died … my mother knew in advance as she was visited in her dreams … even if she did not know anything was wrong with the loved one.
@elenak2015 8 ай бұрын
@@GanymedeXD Before, i never considered that it was NDE. I wasn't given morphine, just epidural for operation. I actually think they didn't quite realize the extent of blood loss. I was in and out of semi consciousness, somewhere on borderline. But it was surprisingly comforting, like floating on a cloud. I am aware that severe blood loss can partially starve brain and thus creating feelings of euphoria. But maybe that's what called the heightened level of consciousness, like he mentions in that interview? I don't know , but i keep returning to that experience. And the paradox of narrowly escaping death and the feeling of calm, peace and happiness. And somehow not really caring if i had lived or died.
@NOTFOUND-dq4ho 8 ай бұрын
I came across this video before taking a nap and I thought I will just open it for background noise to sleep. But I ended up being completely wide awake 😂 Exciting to hear every minute of the clip
@polohorse315 Ай бұрын
Do u have ADHD. Cuz u sound like me lol
@enricofossa2782 9 ай бұрын
What an incredible man!! What an emotion!! I have seen and read everything about Dr. Van Lommel, but this interview marks the end of the old science and all its blind supporters, still stuck in the Middle Ages!! Long live you great Pim.
@ilbjork 9 ай бұрын
Not entirely convinced since age does matter. Young brains might survive longer than old brains after cardiac arrest. However, good research, good science.
@nathananderson8720 9 ай бұрын
This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my KZbin channel 9 months ago about self development. Now I have 1,426 subs and > 1,000 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I could haven’t learned without getting started in the 1st place.
@JoeBuck-uc3bl 9 ай бұрын
@@ilbjork but if this existence is always always just temporary anyway (which we know is true), I would see this as actually being understandable, in the sense of a “You didn’t get to fully live yet.” In another context I think it also makes sense, the younger person’s bodily hardware is just newer…like you can beat the hell out of a new car without failure more so than a 10 year old car.
@-danR 9 ай бұрын
If you've read everything about Dr. Lommel, then you've read: The Near Death Experience The Denture Man NDE G.M. Woerlee, 2005-2023 The author exhaustively analyses the famous account (mentioned in our video) and leaves the undeniable conclusion that the entire experience of patient Mr. Beekhuizen, related by anonymous nurse T.G. was manifestly physiological in nature and involved no OBE visualization phenomenon. I'm afraid the good Doctor believes what he wants to believe and has persisted in a state of confirmation-bias reasoning since the time he was first exposed to the book of survival anecdote in his youthful days.
@enricofossa2782 9 ай бұрын
I will believe your conclusions when you publish something in "the lancet" Merry Christmas bro.@@-danR
@lenBrill1971 Жыл бұрын
This is the calmest, most relaxing interview I have seen.
@kerryteltop 9 ай бұрын
Dutch. 😍
@BJtheMountaineerguy 7 ай бұрын
It will certainly make you sleepy if you're not paying attention 😂
@dottyg7062 8 ай бұрын
Loved this interview, I have thought for sometime now that our soul does not die when the body dies… my 102 yr old mam has just died a few days ago and it does helps me knowing that she is still around just on another realm
@Daniel-Tiger 9 ай бұрын
The night my father died he came to me in a dream and was young and healthy he wanted to show me that he was ok and all he could do was wave at me.
@leebow7357 9 ай бұрын
my brother passed few years ago ,the next night I had a dream that I was in my local shop and I saw my brother I said to him how come your here,he just smiled ,put his hand on my shoulder and said Lee don't worry about anything,everything will be OK,, he looked so youthful and healthy,perfect,,all I know is I'm so greatfull of that dream ,for whatever reason I had it,,it definitely helped me cope better.,the other thing too ,I never really see faces in my dreams properly,,but there he was as if I was looking at him in everyday life.
@orszagvilag 8 ай бұрын
You must watch it, Father and Daughter -an oscar-winning short film. Dutch-English coproduction
@vitalisopel1291 9 ай бұрын
I had a friend whom we grew up together who died mysteriously after months in hospital,I was far away from him,nearly a thousand miles but he came to me in a dream,refused to shake hands with me saying he’s dead and I’m alive we can’t touch each other’s hands.He told clearly what caused his death contrary to what people were saying,I was shading tears telling him just to let me hold his hands but he refused he started moving backwards as I was following him to a very thick forest then he stopped and told me that he has to go now and in that forest there were people talking,laughing,babies crying,children singing and playing,that was the land of the dead,he then weirdly jumped deep into the forest and that was it.From that day my fear of death just faded,it’s not even there,death is merely a transition,you’re joining another world altogether
@dancingverona1281 8 ай бұрын
I experienced similar when my grandad passed. He came into my dreams and said ‘ that’s it, I’m gone now and waved whilst walking backwards, he kept saying that’s it I’m gone now ‘, then my phone rang awakening me out of my sleep, and because of the dream I new straight away that I was getting a call about my grandfather’s death
@Hew.Jarsol 8 ай бұрын
@jojozepofthejungle2655 8 ай бұрын
When my father died, that night I dreamt of him and I hadn't seen him for 26yrs prior. He was with me and everyone in my family were standing in a circle holding hands, it was frosty like your forest, and they just stood there almost motionless, just kinda swaying a little. Well, my father and I were on the outside of the circle, and we were trying to wake them. We hit, bit, and kicked but to no effect. Then I woke to an email from my sister saying dad died at 9am and I woke at 11am which was really odd for me. I had to pull myself out of the grip of sleep, like sleep made me sick. I knew that my mother was dying. My asshole brother didn't tell me for. I just looked at a death lilly that came up in my garden and just knew. I died when I was 26 from bleeding out and slipped deep in the earth and met goblins, who helped me back to my hospital gurney.
@ardeleanion4435 8 ай бұрын
@silhogewerf3983 8 ай бұрын
@@Hew.Jarsol you are really trying hard to not believe this but it’s not going to help to comment on people who do believe this because there experience are much more powerful than your words.
@silhogewerf3983 9 ай бұрын
I died for 12 minutes 3 years ago. I’m Dutch and I listening/reading a lot of this man and I can confirm every word he says
@danielmarshall3102 9 ай бұрын
If you were revived you didn't die ...
@BawzGames 9 ай бұрын
he was clincally dead for 12 minutes, did you even watch the video? @@danielmarshall3102
@wordsculpt 9 ай бұрын
@@danielmarshall3102 Incorrect. Death, as defined in modern terms, is the complete cessation of breath, heartbeat, and, above all, neural (brain) activity. Many people have died, and been revived, and for sufficient time that they should have had serious brain damage. Your argument is...adolescent.
@toptopics7135 9 ай бұрын
​@@danielmarshall3102people get brought back to life all the time
@devildozer 9 ай бұрын
​@@danielmarshall3102The literal definition of "revive" is "to bring back to life."
@albertperks3476 Жыл бұрын
I've watched a number of interviews with Dr Pim van Lommel over the years he always has this ability to add extra context/data so I always feel I've learnt something new.
@wordsculpt 9 ай бұрын
@MarisaHoare Actually, while it may take that length of time for All the cells to die, brain death occurs in under 20 minutes. And when you have been with someone while they die, you will understand better.
@cringe1660 9 ай бұрын
​@MarisaHoarethere have been proven cases of reincarnation Then what about that?
@frankzomerschoe3561 8 ай бұрын
i hear it can take up to 3 days before a soul leaves the body behind .Er zijn heel veel mensen met deze info , bv Alba Weinman dan leer je nog heel veel meer over vorige levens @MarisaHoare
@P1984-z5i 8 ай бұрын
​@MarisaHoaredid you watch the video? BrainCell death and consciousness are 2 completely different things. . You can grow a brain cell but that doesn't make it conscious..
@Darko.Damjanovic 7 ай бұрын
​@MarisaHoareI am convinced that when our brain stops its activities thats it, there is no soul, infinite consciousnes, reicarnation, Jesus, heaven, Mohammad...Thats all pure fantasy.Our "soul" is chemical processes in our brain.I would like that religious people are right, but l am sure thats not reality.
@ggamer7830 9 ай бұрын
I’m early down this rabbit hole. I had a moment during meditation that is almost identical to the near death experiences described here. Im a scientist and wasn’t spiritual but what I felt was so deep and real I can’t explain it but I now know with so much certainty that consciousness is connected and infinite/timeless. Since then, I’ve listened to Alan watts and Dr Roger Penrose on consciousness along with reading stalking the wild pendulum. There seems to be a lot of people that have had similar experiences, I find it fascinating to learn about but also frustrating to see the close mindedness of ‘science’ towards this subject.
@thenyaiofficial 9 ай бұрын
I am also a scientist and was an engineer and I totally understand what you are writing…we are awake but at the same time”travelling “ on other “dimensions “ and yes…as Dr Pim mentioned, time and space does not follow the mainstream definition ☺️ past and future can “exist” at the same time❤
@kevinl8440 8 ай бұрын
Why? In the end all this is about the brain. What if right before you die or right before your brain reboots your brain has these types visions? Have you taken DMT or ketamine? Very similar
@timsnyder8431 6 ай бұрын
​@kevinl8440 people who have had Neds and dmt have said tge experiences are similar but also very different
@ThisMichaelBrown 8 ай бұрын
Dr PVL is a hero! I'm a retired pathologist and have been profoundly interested in NDE's. Dr van Lommel has had a huge influence on my thinking....I also believe consciousness is non-local. I think in 100 years it will be a common accepted fact. And perhaps we will find an instrument to measure spirit / consciousness soon. Our current time is like the days just before the invention of the microscope. Thanks Dr PVL! 🙏
@carloalbertogalanti7687 8 ай бұрын
@This is Michael Brown i too think that consciousness is not related with brain activity. The Eucharistic Miracles if you are a pathology can give you very great news about it...
@ThisMichaelBrown 8 ай бұрын
@@carloalbertogalanti7687 I think there is likely a physiologic correlate to most conscious processes...but the conscious process is primary, and the physiologic (brain, gut, heart etc...) correlate is secondary. When you love your dog, there may be a neurotransmitter that will reflect that...but the love for the dog is real and first, with the marker in physical reality simply being an echo. Thanks for the scoop.....brain as receiver / antenna seems most plausible.
@wilhelminahoogeveen184 8 ай бұрын
Heb al zo vaak gelezen/ geluisterd naar Pim van Lommel. Elke keer doet het me goed en krijg meer vertrouwen in onze toekomst. Veel respect voor zijn standvastigheid en nooit opgeven van zijn zoektocht. Dank❤
@GertOverweg55 7 ай бұрын
Hetzelfde hier, Dank !
@tonynikolaos3527 9 ай бұрын
Very pertinent dialog on the Consciousness theme, while sticking to simplicity and essence. The doctor seems to had been himself transformed from his open-minded research. And he also pointed the Essence: Love is the core as the Unifying Essence of the Oneness, whereas Consciousness gets manifested through bodies/brains into tools by which it gets particularized specific experience in limited form. It is as if Consciousness is Here- while whatever of difference starts accumulating, permutating , replicating, the already Present Consciousness gets “HABITUATED” into that form and starts reflecting its own local experience- to itself and to its context. Hence, the form interacts, colors, filters, localizes as an Experience to Consciousness that limited specific form in that set up. Yet, when the form malfunctions, aspects of greater deeper more unified older memory gets available- pointing to the fact that: Consciousness is Primal, Essential, Basic- perhaps the Only Alive factor in play. Great Work towards bringing that idea comprehensible and totally the correct attitude from this doc! Thank you! ❤
@Pkp2306 8 ай бұрын
I was at home one evening watching a movie in my lounge when all of a sudden my head exploded. When I say exploded, I mean internally. It was an explosion inside my head. My body completely froze and my there was a pounding inside my head that is hard to explain but it was like a steam cooker that was trying to burst out of its lid because of the pressure build-up inside. Whilst I was sitting there frozen wondering what had just happened my body started to evacuate all liquid from inside me. It was coming out of my mouth and out of the other end as well and I couldn’t do anything about it, I couldn’t move. During this I was still trying to figure out what had happened and my brain was working overtime to try and come to terms with it. I concluded I must be dying as they say the body evacuates everything at the point of death. I wasn’t scared at all but was thinking this is a very ‘inglorious’ way to go. Siting there in my own vomit and faeces. I was waiting for my soul/mind to leave my body and I was expecting this to happen at any point and I would be gone from this world. After a while I was still staring at the walls of my lounge and hadn’t gone anywhere. I decided to see if I could move at all and I fought really hard to try and make a finger move. Eventually I got one finger moving up and down and slowly worked away at the others. Eventually I managed to move forward and fall on to the floor and then crawled, very slowly, to my bed which wasn’t far away as it was a studio flat. I did this because I thought sleep would be the best thing to do and hopefully I would be okay when I woke up. I can remember lying there having an internal dialogue with myself that was a crazy pastiche of all my thought colliding and being jumbled and it was out of my control. Later I worked out I was lying there for about 4 hours. Eventually the smell of myself got to me and I decided I wasn’t going to lie there covered in gunk anymore. I am a very clean person by nature. I somehow managed to get up and get a shower. It was all very slow and like being in a dream. I eventually decided that something very serious had happened and I managed to call emergency services and asked for an ambulance who took me to hospital where it was diagnosed I had had an aneurysm burst in the back of my head. I will not bore you with my six week stay in hospital, which is another story in itself, but they put some coiling in the vein that had exploded to stop it leaking. They didn’t cut me open at all but did this by pushing the coiling up through a vein near my groin. The miracles of modern surgery. The surgeon told me that it was a incredible that I was alive or hadn’t had a paralysing stroke as it was quite a large bubble in my vein that had burst and would have killed eight out of 10 people and paralysed the other two. When I was released from hospital, in a relatively normal state, there was a very high frequency in my head, which is still there to this day, 24/7. If I was to take this frequency out of my head it would shatter all the glass in the nearby vicinity but it does not bother me at all. The Doctor thought it was tinea but there is nothing wrong with my ears and there is no pain associated with it. I have always been a very spiritual person and I had always talked to God and had a firm belief that I was a Spirit in a body. I started to ‘see’ things that others couldn’t, especially in the clouds which were full of faces and even full-blown persons. They didn’t speak to me as such but were very intent on watching me for some reason. There is much to tell here but it will leave it for now. I was staying with my mother during my recovery stage who lived alone and was in her 80’s. She wanted to keep an eye on me as I was still her little boy, I was 59 y.o. at the time. I had gotten into the habit of getting up in the early hours of the morning and sitting on the porch watching the stars. One morning I went out onto the porch and there was a large silver ball of light floating just above the house. Once again I froze because what I was seeing wasn’t possible. I stood looking at it for a long time. It was the same silvery white light as the stars in the heavens. I suddenly had a compulsion to wake up my mother so she could witness this miracle. Although not wanting to leave the 'star' I went and woke up my mother and told her she had to come outside and see what was happening. She got up and when she walked out onto the porch the star was still there. She was as amazed as I was. She asked me what it was and I said: ‘I think it’s a Star’. She was as amazed as I was. She suddenly asked me to take a photograph so she could show her friends. I wasn’t sure if this was the right thing to do but went and got my camera anyway. When I looked through the lens the Star wasn’t there but when I looked with my eyes it was still there. I turned to tell my Mother I couldn’t photograph it and she was standing there with her eyes shut tight. It was as if she was receiving some communication from the Star. I asked her if she was alright and she opened her eyes and said she was going back to bed. I was dumbfounded as I couldn’t believe she was walking away from a miracle. She would never tell me what had happened to her and refused to talk about it. Three months later she died very suddenly from a blood clot to the brain. I was heartbroken but it had been very quick and I thanked God for small mercies. Through my own research and experiences I now know that the aneurysm had reactivated my Pineal Crystal, wrongly called a gland. It is the unactivated part of the Human and the key to seeing behind the veil of existence. I still see what others would call ‘miracles’ on a daily basis and live in a very different world to everyone else I know. I do not talk about my experiences or the Star as people cannot deal with it and think I am mad or brain damaged by the aneurysm. I have never felt better in actual fact. The one thing that I do know, without doubt, is this world is not a planet, stars are not suns, and we are living in a Realm of Mindscape that is far beyond any Reality known to Mankind that I was aware of beforehand. I live alone now in my campervan and stay in touch with Nature as much as possible, moving from place to place and living by the sea as much as possible. I am writing a book about my experiences called: ‘Stars Are Not Suns’ which I hope to leave to the world when I am no longer here.
@lemmon.pngpablo1450 6 ай бұрын
Do you have instagram? Where can i find your book when its done
@lemmon.pngpablo1450 6 ай бұрын
Do you think consciousness and stars have a relationship?
@Pkp2306 6 ай бұрын
@@lemmon.pngpablo1450 I have seen a Star, witnessed by my Mother, float above my house. A large silvery white ball of light floating just above my porch in the early hours of the morning. I believe the Stars are US. Each one of them is one of us! It is our true home or the home of our consciousness.
@GuyCollins-yl4qq 2 ай бұрын
That's Amazing
@Pkp2306 2 ай бұрын
@@lemmon.pngpablo1450 I am still writing the book and don't have a publisher at the moment.
@quake3quake3 9 ай бұрын
Why is this video not having more views? Because the people in charge don't want you to know your true nature! If everyone knew that we are all connected as one consciousness, they could never again be enslaved and manipulated! This video needs to go viral because it's the most important discovery of the century! This is exactly what the great saints, rishis, yogis, monks, priests of the past have been saying. These great masters could through concentration/breathe/meditation leave their bodies at will. Even today thousands of people are astral projecting out of their bodies. I pray a new awakening is upon us so we can end these wars and the feeling of separation. We are neither these bodies nor our thoughts, the closest word that can be described as our true nature would probably be unconditional love or consciousness.
@wordsculpt 9 ай бұрын
No. It's readily available and being watched. Less views simply means less people are looking for the subject matter. Ditch the conspiracy theories. D**n!
@Novastar.SaberCombat 6 ай бұрын
Reflection is truly both key and lock. 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨ "Before I start, I must see my end. Destination known, my mind's journey now begins. Upon my chariot, heart and soul's fate revealed. In time, all points converge, hope's strength resteeled. But to earn final peace at the universe's endless refrain, we must see all in nothingness... before we start again." 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨ --Diamond Dragons (Armageddon's Ballad)
@tannhauser5399 5 ай бұрын
People know, at least those who are intersted - that reality is not what it seems to be. Donald Hoffman, John Archibald Wheeler, Edwardo Kastrup, James Glattfelder, Seth Lloyd or even approaching people like Tom Campbell and his youtube video: "Anu Physics Experiment and the Implications for Everyone". Plenty others, too many to mention here. Then you have a classic approach such as Peter Fenwick (his famous "the art of dying" research), or Ian Stevenson books, or even even Tom Shroder book (kind of easy to digest description of the research done by Ian Stevenson), where there is some confirmation of what Pim van Lommel is saying.
@JMaxwell1000 9 ай бұрын
Incredible interview! What amazing insights Dr van Lommel has to offer - and he reveals the most important messages in the universe: the importance of LOVE, COMPASSION, MERCY! Thank you a million times over.
@ehanson7389 9 ай бұрын
🙌🏻 ❤
@semrabahcivan8627 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for understanding us DR. Pim van Lommel, I remember every minute of my NDE even after 22 years, so difficult to forget about death and go on on this side. Power of White Light still on me that I received on the other side.
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 10 ай бұрын
I achieved this white light experience from meditation and fasting for a week - just a half glass of water - from Chunyi Lin qigong master yoga spiritual healer. thanks - yes I saw ghosts for real!
@semrabahcivan8627 10 ай бұрын
@@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 Having NDE, going into to White Light it’s a long road , going out of the body black tunnel, seeing everything what we have done in this live it’s a long and painful journey till we drop down in the White Light tunnel receiving pure love, peace , ( which I didn’t want to come back) that can’t be the same experience in Yoga,it is not possible transformation in the White Light is powerful and not possible to forget.
@HVAC356 9 ай бұрын
​@@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885oh that's hallucinations my friend. I fasted for a week on just water. I saw the same, that was 20 years ago. Now i believe it was the hunger disturbing my reality
@leonardmead1425 9 ай бұрын
​@@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885how do u know it was , for real?
@geoffwebber8317 9 ай бұрын
good on you love to hear about the beautiful white Light god bless 💖⚘⚘☯️🙏
@nilsalmquist802 Жыл бұрын
'The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence' - Nikola Tesla.
@dud3man6969 3 ай бұрын
I think quantum computers could do this.
@russellschaeffler 9 ай бұрын
I did not have a near death experience, but I had several experiences of seeing what seemed to be living energy in the shape of humans outside of physical bodies. It happened over a period of about six months and opened my mind to the possibility of life beyond our physical passing.
@ferocentaur13 9 ай бұрын
They're holograms. Be expecting 'targeted individual' symptoms or what is called 'poltergeists'. They're done with Direct Energy Weapons, oscillators and RF signals.
@tedkirk7755 9 ай бұрын
I had two out-of-body experiences in 2009, both times because of states of deep and profound spiritual bliss, the first time because of acceptance and revolutionary forgiveness, and the second time because of unconditional love and universal connectedness. The only difference between these two experiences and NDE's is that I was not clinically dead, although I felt my spirit get sucked out of my solar plexus. When I returned the first time, I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt three things, #1 - the Truth I had always sought in several different traditions, religious texts, gurus and teacher, etc. I had finally found and it was totally beyond doctrine and dogma. #2 - Everyone goes to this dimension when they make their transition ("die") #3 - There is no divine judgment or eternal damnation, only uncoditional love. The law of cause and effect will be effect when your Higher Self reincarnates once again, but while you are on the other side, it's pure unadulterated bliss, ecstacy, paradise.
@littlemissgroove 9 ай бұрын
On what experiences did you have?
@russellschaeffler 9 ай бұрын
@@littlemissgroove visual observation of what appeared to be the energy or spirits of beings that were not in a physical body. Three shapes of what seemed to be an older couple and a cat that probably had lived in the place I was staying.
@littlemissgroove 9 ай бұрын
@russellschaeffler oh really ! Right thank you
@bradnotbread Жыл бұрын
I bought Dr Pim van Lommel's book today. It arrives tomorrow and I can't wait to read it!
@johnyannelli2480 Жыл бұрын
Outstanding video. I wish everyone would listen to this, with an open mind and open heart. Very well done, thank u!
@AkhtarAli-kn7ho 9 ай бұрын
This is brilliant! Explains a lot about the phenomena I’ve experienced with my wife, my soulmate being in a vegetative state for the past 8 yrs. I often feel I can sense her consciousness and able to connect with her, it’s very difficult to explain. It’s open my sense of connection to the world around, animals, trees, the earth. Material things do not bring joy. My view of death has changed, it’s just an event like birth in order to cross over to the other realm where, it’s eternal due to no time! Be good here and good will be to you for eternity!
@dinastevenson7745 9 ай бұрын
Please read Judy Hilyard (I believe that's her name) book A Soul Companion. Also Robert Monroe's books.You will see that it's possible to contact her soul & communicate.
@rachidfarsi1846 8 ай бұрын
Encore une question, on était ma conscience avant que je sois né? Aucune trace, aucun souvenir, rien.
@peterbhoy1 9 ай бұрын
I’m about 10 minutes into this, but what an amazing interview. So refreshing to see a journalist who’s intelligent and interested, asking the questions that allow the conversation to flow and evolve. He seems like a brilliant man also.
@nannawalling 9 ай бұрын
Oh my goodness I am so amazed ! The truth of reality is so wonderful! As a retired Hospice nurse I often recall being present at times of the dimensional visits. It changed my life forever. Eternal life has taken a totally different meaning. Thank you!
@terrybaikie2181 9 ай бұрын
It would be nice if you could explain a little about the dimensional visits. Your work must have left many deep thoughts.
@nannawalling 9 ай бұрын
@@terrybaikie2181 okay I will try. He spoke about people being able to be in more than one dimension at the end of life. As a Hospice nurse I had many privileges to witness what most people ( including doctors and nurses) would describe as hallucinations of friends, loved ones or just people with whom they would have conversations. Some nurses felt they needed meds to stop the hallucinations. I only did that if they were afraid of them. I asked them if they were scared by the person or if they were comforted by them. Most of the time they were thankful for the visits. I did not know it was as this doctor explained it but I did not feel like I could say they were not there just because I couldn’t see or hear them. I learned more about living during my time as a Hospice nurse than I did in the 68 years I have had. Such a blessing and privilege.
@jeffcapes-hy3tr 9 ай бұрын
Care to expand?
@melaniebroadhurst619 9 ай бұрын
No answer? No expansion on ur comment? Dementional visit sounds like you come came back, it's a visit, death no return
@nannawalling 9 ай бұрын
@@jeffcapes-hy3tr well sorry about that but I did post an answer. I wrote--, okay I will try. He spoke about people being able to be in more than one dimension at the end of life. As a Hospice nurse I had many privileges to witness what most people ( including doctors and nurses) would describe as hallucinations of friends, loved ones or just people with whom they would have conversations. Some nurses felt they needed meds to stop the hallucinations. I only did that if they were afraid of them. I asked them if they were scared by the person or if they were comforted by them. Most of the time they were thankful for the visits. I did not know it was as this doctor explained it but I did not feel like I could say they were not there just because I couldn’t see or hear them. I learned more about living during my time as a Hospice nurse than I did in the 68 years I have had. Such a blessing and privilege.
@jasperlover200555 9 ай бұрын
I had a Atheist friend who was in a accident, and declared dead. He has a experience where he saw his deceased grandmother, and he said he was looking down at his own body during this experience. He was also able to explain what others said in detail, and where they were standing after he was declared dead. He didn't believe in anything spiritual before the experience whatsoever, he thought it was all fairytales. After the experience he became a believer in God. His life also changed drastically after the incident. He became a much better human being.
@alisdairmckenzie 8 ай бұрын
​@Jamie_Pritchard Thanks. I'm a staunch atheist and believed there is much more to our existence. God, in all it's forms has nothing to do with it.
@GanymedeXD 8 ай бұрын
@Jamie_PritchardThis question does not make any sense. Why which one? There is just one … the monotheistic religions believe in the same god regardless how they call it … or the beliefs of a god other cultures had … the stories differ, the names do … it is about the core of a higher power … people I know that had NDE all said the same … they felt the existing if a higher power … a god … it has nothing to do with specific religions … most amazing … even young children with NDE not knowing about religions or god as coming from atheist families reported it.
@dantebalarmo4010 8 ай бұрын
Remek volt , köszönjük a megosztásának . A lelki támogatást ez nagyon fontos a világra . A lelki vilagokat leírást ez elbűvölő , a leglenyűgözőbb tájékoztatást az emberiségra . Istenről illetve a lélekről magánbeszélgetéseket a legfontosabb kapcsolatot az emberek között . A leggyengébb álláspont ez a háborút Isten ellen , a boldogságot ellen , és a szabadság ellen . A szabadító hozott , hit gyülekezeteben illetve minden otthonban ha az odaadás létezik .
@michaelacormack4931 Жыл бұрын
What a fantastic interview. We are so lucky that individuals like Dr Pim who had the skills and opportunity to investigate this subject, also had the courage. Great interviewer as well, so often they dominate and make the interview hard to listen to but this lady was thoughtful and graceful.
@Ellatigojusticiero 7 ай бұрын
What a great personality Dr Pim and what a brilliant and natural interviewer, thanks for sharing I really enjoyed it very much.
@E-Kat Жыл бұрын
Very famous Indian mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan, said that all these amazing formulae all come to his head from God or a Goddess! He was just writing them down as instructed by the voice he heard and went to share them with people in the city as ordered by this higher power. He often had to work the formulae backwards, as he didn't now the symbols and their meanings. He encountered a scholar who was shocked at his brilliance and took him to the best mathematician in the area, to learn under his wing. He too was completely perplexed when he saw what Srinivasa was able to do. It came to him, just like it did to my son and we didn't know what to do . How do we explain knowledge children could not have been able to possess, yet they do. ? Our life's were very difficult because of this, as there was no help those days and there isn't any help now.😭
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 10 ай бұрын
A book called "The Creative Process" first published in the1950s and since reissued also explains how the great artists and scientists get "downloads" as immersive experiences - often dreams - and they are just conduits or channels.
@E-Kat 10 ай бұрын
@@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 Oh, how exciting!!! Thank you so much for sharing this! I so hope I'll be able to find this as I'm so intrigued by this phenomenon as it affects our life's directly. My son has been like that since a very young age, able to write a computer program before even seeing one written by someone, before even holding a book on that in his tiny hands. This initially was so much fun and pride, but it's mainly been even scary as I knew it wasn't right to know all these things at such young age. He's not like the rest of us and I worry about him as he doesn't fit into this world. Maybe this book will teach me something useful . Thank you again, you're so very kind. My best wishes 🤗♥️
@greatgraceglory 9 ай бұрын
Beste Dr. van Lommel, hartelijk dank voor het delen van deze interessante inzichten met ons. Veel geluk, gezondheid en een lang en plezierig leven toegewenst. Liefs💖
@LenaKrupinski-vg5wi 9 ай бұрын
🙏 Yes , Death is the identification with The Body ! ✨We are beyond the Body. Man is a spiritual Being made of light🌟 having a Human Experience ! Many Thanks & Blessings 🌟✨💫🕯🕊🙏
@drew-shourd 3 ай бұрын
Very good interview, even though he kept interrupting her and tried to control the interview. After watching dozens and dozens and dozens of videos and documentaries on NDE's, I must say that the things experienced out of body, that solidifies the reality, for me, is when the experiencers talk about detailed conversations their loved ones were having way down the hall, that were later verified. I remember one experience, this woman said, as she was leaving the hospital, in her out-of-body experience, that she saw a shoe on the roof, which was later verified, and it should also be noted, that women stayed in a room on the other side of the hospital, so no way she saw it from her window. Experiences like these, and so many more, leave me speechless and 100% sure of the velocity of said experiences.
@no42arak-st-floor44 Жыл бұрын
Great interview Dr. Von Lommel, Consciousness should losely viewed, like cloud (i-cloud) since Dr. Von Lemmel explains that it is not a function of our brains. in past 18 months I have see so many smoke screens, light and sound shows, even they interviewed top notch scientist, philosophers, yet unable to explain it. I am very interested, especially after my wife passed due to medical negligence! thank you for great great questions, and great answers!
@paintitblackblack9910 9 ай бұрын
I had this happen to me many years ago after someone give me a joint of spice over 8 years ago don't even take drugs as had 8 pints of stella that night after being in pub , asked some skateboarders for a roll up ,i died in Lincoln bus station ,luckily for me there was a good policeman who gave me CPR ,seen myself going down the tunnel of darkness but could see policeman working on me , ,next minute seen myself been worked on above in ambulance than woke up next day in hospital ,after this i have lucid dreams ,visons and see things before they happen ,plus inner voice ,just have a intuition and I'm very empathic towards all living things ,Crazy totally ,then had full blown spiritual awakening ,which I'm still going threw and becoming very physic and seeing things before they happen ,its still scares the living shit out of me ,having synchronicitys , only went out for a good few beers my whole life changed
@claudesilverio677 10 ай бұрын
Worked 17 years with people who had Alzheimer. When they became very lucid, we knew that they will pass on soon.
@GrumpyTinashe 9 ай бұрын
Wow😮 Very interesting So in your opinion do people know when death is now imminent especially when sick😢
@claudesilverio677 9 ай бұрын
@@GrumpyTinashe Some knew whats coming, some were lucid but they only Thing they didnt spoke or thought Was Death. They are sometimes desorientated in Time or Space or to Persons. BUT even then they are lucid, aspecially those who havent spoke for weeks, months or even years. There is a higher presence, active conscious not a passive state.
@GrumpyTinashe 9 ай бұрын
@@claudesilverio677 Thanks for replying. One final thing, do people express pain or cry when at final points of dying or they just close their eyes and go quietly
@GanymedeXD 8 ай бұрын
@@GrumpyTinasheCan be observed with many sick people that are dying or very old people. Shortly before death they had very lucid and energetic moments. My granddad knew it was his time … when I told him I passed my exam he said then he can go as he just waited for that … stopped getting up and within 2 days died.
@GrumpyTinashe 8 ай бұрын
@@GanymedeXD thanks
@oliverazivanovic492 4 ай бұрын
Such a great interview! Thank you for doing it in English 🙏
@binkding 9 ай бұрын
12:53 That's why we did the longitudinal study about the transformation. And we saw that the main transformation is - no fear of death anymore. And the new insight was important in life. This is empathy, compassion, and love - first, towards yourself, acceptance of your own negative aspects. Acceptance or empathy, compassion towards others, and towards nature because they are connected with everybody else still. That's why they call it also the experience of oneness. 58:55 What is the most important insight you could share with people from your life, from your research, from your own learnings? I think the most important thing to realize is that everything it's about love: love towards yourself, love towards others, love towards the planet, love towards animals... Because we are connected. We're always connected here in this life. And we are connected when we die as well. We are always connected in a non-local conscious realm we are always connected as well. So the way you live changes everything. Should try to change the way you live. And it is also by changing your consciousness. It's about love. Interconnectedness. Empathy. Compassion. Nature.
@Daniel-Tiger 9 ай бұрын
When my grandma died at 3am I woke up from a dream I was having about her. About 20 minutes later my mom called to say my grandma had just passed away 20 minutes ago.
@RustyShakleford1 9 ай бұрын
Same happed to me i dreamed her spirit flew over our family home and theough the roof into my room for a final goodbye.
@RustyShakleford1 9 ай бұрын
My grandma came back to look over me while i slept. I woke up feeling unimaginable peace and calm. then an hour later our dad came home to tell us grandma passed that morning.
@GanymedeXD 8 ай бұрын
Not uncommon … my mum had this every time a loved one passed, even told us before she was informed.
@LOVEISTRUTH300 8 ай бұрын
Similar happened to me. I woke up in a panic the moment my grandmother passed away. I needed to know the time right away. I found out later in the day that my grandma had passed away at the time. I knew something was off that day. I could feel it but ignored it and didn't think anything of it. Until I was told the time of her passing. This was just the beginning for me. There was many more experiences to come. I never believed in anything beyond science but this experience and many others changed me. I learned LOVE and ONE which I now know is the Holy Spirit. I never grew up around religion and never read the Bible. I had no knowledge to go off of when this happened. I learned within years after it happening how it is connected.
@MarkSmith-uo2xd Жыл бұрын
Yes, you described elegantly what I also believe. I think of the brain as a filtering antenna for consciousness. It makes human life possible by filtering out the unnecessary information. It manages the corpus, and produces a local "identity" in order to have material experiences.
@rajwarnakulasuriya5935 9 ай бұрын
Brain acts as a receiver and a transmitter, nothing else...consciousness you could say is the medium to give awareness of that moment....western people don't understand these things...because they were taught differently. Western scientists, physicists have no idea how the mind works, what is the purpose of consciousness, what is life existence what is death, what happens after death and the rebirth process...
@Enigma.and.Shadows 9 ай бұрын
That was a wonderful, brief description.
@glenndespres5317 9 ай бұрын
Another brilliant man, Aldous Huxley described the brain as a ‘reducing valve for Mind-at-Large’. Always resonated with me.
@sicuro5050 9 ай бұрын
@Sk3wd33 9 ай бұрын
@janawillems7445 9 ай бұрын
Ik had van kinds af veel buitenlichamelijke ervaringen, vond het erg leuk om te kunnen vliegen ...Later in mijn leven heb ik daar veel bewuster met leren werken en ontdekt dat de mind ongelimiteerde mogelijkheden heeft .En dat tijd en ruimte geen impact heeft op het bewustzijn haar ervaringen ...Zo zijn contacten met zo genaamde overledenen een natuurlijke ervaring..ons bewustzijn sterft nooit ...Warme groetjes Jana Willems x
@hildejutta1625 9 ай бұрын
Hoe controleerde je de hoogte toen je vloog? Ik meen deze vraag!
@CheefyArbiter 7 ай бұрын
​@@hildejutta1625 mijn ervaring is dat je je lichaam niet kan sturen zoals je dat zou doen in de echte wereld, alsof je aangedreven wordt. Als je vliegt in se droomwereld is de enige manier om te vliegen zonder de controle te verliezen is je lichaam sturen met je gedachten. Wanneer je denkt te hoog te gaan bedenk je hoe het is om naar beneden te gaan en je zult dalen. Klinkt heel vaag maar dat is hoe het werkt haha. Zelfde reden waarom je per direct de lucht inschiet wanneer je bang bent dat je de te hoog gaat
@tikiriBA 9 ай бұрын
In Budhism, there is an explanation to this. It is written in advanced Buddhist teachings called Abhidarama section. According to this theory, consciousness is associated with heart and blood circulation, not necessarily brain. It goes in Pali (buddha's language) like this (written in Sinhalese): දුරං ගමං එකචරන් -අසරිරන් ගුහාසයන් යෙ චිත්තං සංඥමෙස්සංති - මොක්කන්ති මාරබන්ධනා) . If interested to know more about this please ask a Sri Lankan Buddhist monk for correct translation.
@lemur7320 9 ай бұрын
You may be right, God said the life is in blood.
@GanymedeXD 8 ай бұрын
So why is consciousness gone when the brain is negatively affected … circulation and heart being perfectly fine? Or is meant in a different way?
@intothevortexwithdatorsapi4192 9 ай бұрын
I have clinically died 3 times and have had countless NDE's with having 2 x horrific disseases. The Spirit Realm is VERY REAL! In fact it is FAR more 'real' than this 3D realm! There is no judgment, no eternal hell and only UNCONDITIONAL LOVE with our Spirit Family on crossing over. Transition back into Spirit (death) is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL experience ever and if you only knew where your loved ones have gone to you would not be sad... You would be 'envious!' ✨️ 💫 🌈 No words suffice and the Spirit Realm is indeed eneffible because we do not have any concepts available to compare it to here on earth. Many only go as far as the Upper Astral (the earth like 'heavenly realms)' thinking there can be nithing beyond... I have gone as far as the Monad (the Master Oversoul) which was utterly non-physical and we were in a vast matrix of light. This was not physical light. It was metaphysical light and the light itself was pulsating with bursts of multidimensional expressions. We communicated simultaneously, psychically/telepathically and in that form we knew we were 'SOURCE' and we knew that we had never been anything else (and could never be anything else if we tried). My own NDE's were in congruence with your guests descriptions. It is all about 'love' and in this density of conscious experience we are learning to overcome and transend fear/separation mindset and to move into universal love and unity. In the Spirit Realm I was 'far more alive' and far more lucidly aware, far more knowledgabke and possessed a far more expanded state of consciousness than here and now embodied in 3D 'reality' typing this comment as a human being. But we are not humans seeking a spiritual expeience... We are SPIRIT having a brief and fleeting 'human experience'. This is activated on point of birth by having your Soul squished down in vibration, be 'plugged into a human avatar body vier the Central Nervous System and a swift memory wipe in your early years. Next thing you know you think you are just a human meet suit and need to seek a God outside of yourself (which is a start). If you want to 'find' the DIVINE then search within 'yourself.' ✨️ If you want to 'see' the DIVINE then see it in the eyes of another human being, in the reflection in the mirror and in all that you see around you.✨️ If you want to 'know' the DIVINE then go into silent meditation 🧘‍♀️ and build it up to 1.5 to 2 hours. Eventually you will "know thy self" (and then you will know GOD)✨️ If you want to 'become' the DIVINE, out of body, in as close to a NDE as you can get, (without dying), then 5MEO-DMT will get you as close as is possible (but it still falls short)! YOU DO NOT REALISE THE EXTREME LIMITATIONS THAT THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM IMPOSES ON YOUR SPIRIT's ABILITY TO PERCIEVE AS WELL AS EXPRESS CONSCIOUSNESS UNTIL YOU LEAVE THE BODY ENTIRELY AND RE-EMERGE BACK INTO YOUR NATIVE SPIRIT STATE! 🤯 I did not want to return to this disseased body but they have a way of convincing you on the other side and begrugingly returned each time with the aid of my 3 Spirit Guides on the pther side. It HURTS SO MUCH coming back into the body! Such a shock to the system and then you need to learn to "be human again" after being HOME for what can feel like months to years ✨️🏡 ✨️ I was shown so much and have made many videos 'attempting' to explain all I was permitted to bring back with me (I was not permitted to bring back some information for reasons that made sense at the time but now are foggy). I was shown that we are eternally existing Spirit Entities just "playing at being human." I was shown that Spirit Individuations such as you and I are co-creating "God's" with the DIVINE SOURCE and that each Spirit Individuation is a 'projection of SOURCE Energy' in form, in density exploring the 3D realm of:- "Experiencing all that you are 'not'." I was shown earth is the most diffcult realm of all due to the extreme catalyst of suffering, learning human emotions, short lifespan giving a sense of urgency and the energetic low vibrational veil which gives us 'amnesia' so we forget who and what we are, we forget all past lives and are born into these dense clumsy avatar bodies. Q) What is the Multiverse and what is its purpose? I asked! Eagerly!! A) It's a kind of Multidimensional Simulation within the UNIVERSAL MIND ( being a non-physical Psychic Gestalt of Inteligent Infinity, Infinite Inteligent Energy) projected out into multiple reality bubbles throughout the universe. It is a Mega-complex of fully Interactive Fractal Based 12D Hollographics in a kind of HIGHLY ADVANCED Virtual Reality system far beyond human words or frames of reference. It is INFINITE! It had no beginning, neither did you, though our universe goes through countles cyclical 'beginnings and endings of each iteration,' followed by more beginnings. The Hindu Cosmic Cycles (Yugas) are fairly accurate and the universe recreates itself cyclically like clockwork. There are an infinite number and variety of probable/possible stacked 'now moments' in waveform potential in "The Field." The humanly embodied Soul then has free will to choose from different timelines. You switch timelines all the time with simple choices that you make day to day unconsciously. It is mastering conscious timeline switching that transforms your imediate realty of your informed field. Consciousness creates 'matter' and matter is just merely an expression of consciousness in form, in density. This 3rd Density Realm is the realm of experiencing:- "overcoming in the face of suffering, overcoming your human emotions and learning human limitations only to eventually realise your limitlesness as an infinite Spirit Being. We were all asked if:- "we wanted to experience the absolute extremes in the unexplored lower vibtational realms" and were warned this was 'extremely tough' and that nothing could prepare us for this but that through this experience we regain appreciation, gratitude, humility and humbleness. We are in 'The Game of Physical Life' and are "God's in training" if you like... This is just my own personal firsthand experience however and others may have had a very different experience than I? I hope this helps in some way! 🙏
@kiewong4870 9 ай бұрын
I took the road around 6 weeks ago..I had a an amazing experience, also the worst post( around 9 days) experience. I’m more confused now….the realm you talk about, I was there I’m sure? Pure love and vibration. But part of the rational me thinks it was simply a heavy trip?
@janetblanc7658 9 ай бұрын
This is extremely helpful and informative. I have never had such an experience, have only read or listened to descriptions of NDAs. It must be so frustrating to have to come back to the physical body.
@JoeBuck-uc3bl 9 ай бұрын
My biggest confusion point is the notorious philosophical Problem of Suffering. I know that the arguments FOR a blissful afterlife is a different argument than “Why is this world plaqued with immeasurably sufferings?” However the two things are not totally distinct…in the sense that it’s hard to understand that if such a blissful state of existence exists and awaits, then what is the point/necessity of having to go through this extremely evil drenched reality first?? Why can’t we just live in the blissful reality the entire time?
@jb-xc4oh 9 ай бұрын
Then why are you still here....??
@janetblanc7658 9 ай бұрын
@@JoeBuck-uc3bl I so see your point. I find it hard to comprehend that we actually choose to put ourselves through this earthly experience.
@mkultra9896 Жыл бұрын
Love Dr Pim 😊 Thanx for his current interview! Love his studies!
@sergiozammel8261 9 ай бұрын
My introduction to this firstly was the series of books by the English writer Tuesday Lob Sang Rampa. In the late 60's an Englishman who wanted out of life - fell from climbing a tree, and was possessed with permission by a re incarnated Tibetan monk who had a mission on Earth. He wrote many books one important one called "You Forever". Many could not believe what he was saying, but read today would soon give rise to the position that he might have been legitimate. He gave instruction in metaphysical things including reading Auras and out of body travel. Today his legacy might be correlated to near death experiences, and Kirlian photography. Not long after, due to advances like defibrillation and CPR, a trail blazer was DR Elizabeth Kubler Ross, who studied near death as a trail blazer. During her time recording these she was dealt much flak from critics. Then came a doco called ' Beyond and Back' that hit the cinemas during the mid 70's. This was produced by Sunn shick movies. A real eye opener.
@storm3698 9 ай бұрын
Brilliant, brilliant interview and easy to follow.
@edwarddupuis3153 6 ай бұрын
I've had one of these r e d experiences, life after death during a cardiac event in July of 2004. It's for real in my opinion, incredible what I saw. This event occurred while in the hospital after a heart catheterization for a suspected thrombus, I was in my room after the procedure and asked to get out of the bed and sit in the chair when it occurred.
@darrenwalker3986 7 ай бұрын
I died in hospital "care" in 2006. I was passing gall stones but they did not triage me. Instead, they dosed me with Midazolam and left me naked in a chilled room to die. I died of shock in a matter of minutes from the extreme pain. Perhaps they tried to kill me to harvest organs. When i died i found myself in a very dark place. I stood there for about 20 minutes. Eventually, i heard a loud bang. Then a second, and then a third. On the third i decide to investigate. As i walked towards where the sound came from, suddenly i was back in my body feeling the pain, and saw the doctor standing over me with the paddles in his hands. I experienced many other things in subsequent deaths, on the same day. I haven't watched the video, yet, to compare my experience. I watched it, and I totally agree with everything. We are not persons with a spirit, we are spirit with a person.
@surrendertoflow78 Жыл бұрын
Wonderful! Bravo! Exactly the gap that needed to be filled in this argument by the Essentia Foundation. So glad to see this. I’m a homeschooling neuroscientist momma and this is absolutely going into my son’s curriculum.
@Mikey-mike 9 ай бұрын
Excellent interview. Well done to both of you. Thank you.
@ginaiosef Жыл бұрын
Great and touching interview! Dr. Pim is a huge pillar of today's world! Thank you gratefully!❤
@illume5145 5 ай бұрын
This blew my mind. much love
@MaryGraham-yz8bo 9 ай бұрын
I've had memories of past lives that people have No Business having in this life. I've carried 2 particular memories which even my family know about. And I've had an out of body experience when i almost died well I tried to convince myself that it was some kind of dream. But it was and i was sent back but i didn't want to. I remember the problem's I left the worries and everything and i was beyond all human bonding. I instinctively knew that my experience has come home to the source as I love will, we are Eternal Beings, we must endure forever so we must experience else as A Conciousness we can only then be in stasis for as CHOICE is allowed to accompany you in this LIFE because CHOICE is prevalent to The Journey Regarding HUMANITY. It hasn't much further to go, but we have the whole Universe God Has just started. So Don't Be Afraid. Too many of us have had these experiences only now we can share them online. Mary
@Mr00000111 9 ай бұрын
One of the most interesting I have seen recently! Thank you!
@naturalhealthyrecipesremedies 8 ай бұрын
Everyone you have ever met and every experience you have ever had is included in your consciousness nothing is ever lost. The amount of what we can perceive depends on how expanded our consciousness is. Lately i cured my daughter with distance healing laying hands on her where she had pain you can do that all the time with all your loved ones in the seen and unseen. My mother who passed away was rejoicing when she saw me here having a child. I remembered that this was also a wish from her when she was physically present. Everything in the physical is an illusion. The art of living is to see through this illusion connecting with the real world. Past and future is an illusion. There is no time there is only now. Therefore compassion and empathy are so important to release the pain of so many souls that are stuck in the physical realm. Memory is a product of the mind. In essence we are all all knowing, complete and whole. The unseen spiritual realm is immense much more real and powerful when it comes to healing. Thank you for this presentation. It confirms a lot for me. Therefore honesty is so important in order to enter these other dimensions. Honesty with yourself and others.
@tosamja4828 9 ай бұрын
Dr Pim Van Lommel is a brave scientist and a wonderful person, with immense contribution to humanity's understanding of consciousness. We are so fortunate to have him.
@aug.jam.1 7 ай бұрын
Very interesting talk indeed worth watching. I had an NDE (Near Death Experience), 4 years ago in between two surgeries due to complications. It was never confirmed by doctors that I was actually in cardiac arrest as I was not on any monitors, however I am very sure it happened as I popped out of my body and was floating above my body seeing the doctors checking out the complication after my first surgery causing immense pain and made it impossible for me to breathe. I went into a tunnel and talked (telepathicly) with a being/energy that was not visible for me who told me everything was going to be alright. At that moment I was able to switch back seeing the doctors work on me but I decided to go back in the tunnel and I told this being/energy that I wanted to go "home", a flickering light about 600 feet away in the tunnel... But I guess I wasn't allowed to go there yet as a huge hand the size of my chest came out of the light in the tunnel and pushed me back from the tunnel into my body. I then remember I was wheeled into the operating room and I was put to sleep for the second surgery. I have held this to me for 3 years and only since a year I started speaking about this with family and friends and have extensively researched these experiences. Since that time I have become very spiritual and am no longer afraid of death. Actually I am secretly missing that place so much, wanting to go back as it was absolute bliss and peace. It is comforting to know that I will die some day and hopefully witness this again. If you're a person that is afraid of death, don't be, it will be absolute bliss, peace and all problems will immediately go away and it won't be the "end" of "you". Much love to all ❤
@rebeccaaldrich3396 Жыл бұрын
Thank God for curious doctors.
@ghostfifth 9 ай бұрын
When my childhood friend passed away he came to me in a dream and reassured me he's ok...
@robertorourke6614 8 ай бұрын
@Mithras444 9 ай бұрын
I died and was in a coma and it totally changed my life! I am not the same person I was before. I cant believe its been nine years since that happened.
@aleksal9132 9 ай бұрын
How did it change you?
@lilocapitalT-ix4nz 9 ай бұрын
What changed? If u don’t mind is asking.
@hi-et1oq 9 ай бұрын
Did you see something when you where in coma
@j-life8502 8 ай бұрын
How did you change? In what ways? So incredibly interesting. Thank you for sharing
@aaron-n Жыл бұрын
While I haven't had a near death experience I have had an out of body experience while I was asleep in which I was able to see things that I shouldn't have in which upon waking up were confirmed to be actually true. I wish I could somehow show my experience to others but I can't, I can say that these experiences are actually happening and that they are real.
@maloudelosreyes661 9 ай бұрын
@aaron-n.....You're right.. Out of body experiences can't be proven.. But at least we can validate our experience ourselves.. I had an OBE.. Went to my office bldg which was on fire.. Saw some of my superiors milling around with the firefighters.. No one seemed to see me.. I wanted to get inside the bldg to retrieve my watch which i had left at my desk and my painting i had hung on the wall.. As a young lady then-- these were precious belongings.. The heat was unbearable i couldnt make it.. My mom woke me up early morning to tell me "your office bldg was completely razed by fire at 4 am.. I guess you'd better call your colleagues"
@annakukka1532 9 ай бұрын
@aaron I hope you would like to investigate about Chinese qigong, dealing with your energy
@mattfr11 8 ай бұрын
I’ve had the same experiences. I get it
@vminmymuse 8 ай бұрын
it might be astral projection
@orszagvilag 8 ай бұрын
So did I. And I have got plenty of these.@@mattfr11
@gibidygubidy 9 ай бұрын
What an absolutely amazing conversation, thank you for this.
@skyworkerBLN 9 ай бұрын
fantastic interview! This what Dr. P. just mentioned about consciousness and love - I do it exactly like he said and I just figured out, that happened intuitiv! Also the bad things which can happen to everyone in life, came out are not bad as it looks from one perspective-fear. life, consciousness, love... I think we all have it in us. sometimes we need more time to get through a dificult time, ....the point is, even if we not go through bad moments, it doesn't matter - time is still passing and the next moment is already programmed, you can't just stop existenz.... This I think are the last 2% of "fear" which Dr. P. has to accept. We all have to. I am curious - when we have consciousness, = we are consciousness? But what exactly are we truely? A beeing in another dimension? I always thought we are connected to everything and anyone.I figured out after a very heavy trip on acid (i took to much but I didnt knew it/I wook 3 full leaves!!!), we are all ONE. Not as we are all in the same boat, no its more of - we are all the same beeing and in a bigger scale (really big scale!) we are more the ONE and taking space and time. The hyper universes (= the universe over the universe) are the existenz, in a way that all questions a heard and all questions are with answers. I cant explain it more clearly, but everything is connected - and yes the most powerful energy we know is love. And in a bigger scale is a kind of together'ness. After death we just ended "a" life of unlimited lifes. The question is why? And when I had this really heavy trip I got the resond of a voice "the queston is who is asking" ---still dont know what that mean. Since this trip I stopped having this attitude "higher, better, faster, more, more more money -thing" - I am more in the moment, less in past & tomorrow (what is exactly the same). Result= I feel more, I feel everything, even the bad moments which comes across are not that bad any more, cause nothing can be destroyed or lost - cause we are all already conncected and will ever be. We are the matrix of consciousness stay curious!
@helenecaplicenason5714 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for your fascinating response, I figured it out on my own too, through many intense experiences, loves and losses in my life. I loved what you wrote, when you questioned why, and you heard the response "the question is who is asking?" Intuitively I felt the answer is "To BE! To Become! To become the conscious soul,who can ask, appreciate and love." THAT is the answer to, Why. WOW, what an amazing interview..
@JessyGreene Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this excellent interview ❤
@antaniperdue3148 9 ай бұрын
I was out for 23 minutes due to cardiac arrest for an infection lead to pulmonary emboly . 23 minutes of flat line. They bring me back from another reality. No one doctor could explain why I am here, simple as that.
@janetblanc7658 9 ай бұрын
Obviously the world still needs you❤
@GanymedeXD 8 ай бұрын
Why can nobody explain? You clinically died, but were successfully resuscitated. There might have been a flat line, but docs took over the function of the heart and managed to kickstart it again, saving you. Whilst dealing with the underlying cause … thats what docs do. Sometimes this does not work.
@antaniperdue3148 8 ай бұрын
@@GanymedeXD The result of flat line was due to the fact that the heart was not beating and blood not circulating in arteries and veins, during this time they tried to restart my heart and in doing so they broke all my ribs and stern, they saw the flat line when I was plugged in the machine but my heart had stop beating at least 20 minutes before, the time that take to get me to the hospital and start to monitor any heart and brain activity. What amazed the doctors was first that they manage to restart my heart after this time, the color of my skin was black blue and second that when I wake up after three days my brain didn't have any trace of damage, and according to them there is no explanation whatsoever to the fact that the brain survive all that time without oxygen, they told me don't know how to explain it, was a miracle, that's what they said. They also told me that I will never walk again and you know what ? After one year of exercise and pain I learn to walk again, I rebuilt all my muscle and at this moment of my life I am fit like in my thirty. I am not going into what was my real experience, is to private and any worlds that I could use to describe it would be like trying to build a house out of clouds.
@Karen00586 8 ай бұрын
my grandfather had suffered a cardiac arrest, but the NDE happened when he had had a heart surgery a few months later. He said it was very peaceful and he described the 'white light'
@nsiabaservices9624 9 ай бұрын
I now understand my experience in 2009. It is still fresh and as clear as a movie I watched a minute ago. Every detail of it lingers on vividly. I thought that was hallucination. Thanks for this interview. My question however is; should I live by instructions given to me during my experience?
@lindaadams2315 8 ай бұрын
I would live by the instructions.most definitely. Can you share what they were?
@nsiabaservices9624 8 ай бұрын
I found myself on a road with endless light and unending. As I walked, I saw an old man in a white robe who asked what I wanted on the road. My simple answer was, I’ve come to join you and his response was I don’t merit joining them yet and that I need to go back and finish the labour given to me. What labour it is, is still unknown to me to date. I remember telling him, I have made it clear I won’t be weeding that dry land and if they want to me to complete the task, they should give me a land rich in food and animals I can feed on. He said, I said I can’t pick and choose but they will give me such a land as a bonus. He then handed me a paper that had the following written on it; If you ever decide to pull the balls of a dog(your enemy). Hold them well and firm or you get bitten. Don’t be shy or selective on what you do for a living. Unnecessary pride shuts open doors and even the dirtiest or less dignified jobs still put food on the table and pay bills. Be thankful when someone offers you even a cent because someone could kill for such a smaller amount. Growing good network and ties helps in self development and opportunities. Well calculated risks are always worth taken. Avoid anything gambling because it always takes more than what it will ever bring to you. I then found myself being pushed through an inferno on a stretcher with wheels and I gained consciousness. The surgeon asked what I was experiencing and I told him I am not ready to talk.
@paulahoskins9972 8 ай бұрын
I think I would. 👍
@tedkirk7755 9 ай бұрын
I had two out-of-body experiences in 2009, both times because of states of deep and profound spiritual bliss, the first time because of acceptance and revolutionary forgiveness, and the second time because of unconditional love and universal connectedness. The only difference between these two experiences and NDE's is that I was not clinically dead, although I felt my spirit get sucked out of my solar plexus. When I returned the first time, I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt three things, #1 - the Truth I had always sought in several different traditions, religious texts, gurus and teachers, etc. I had finally found, and it was totally beyond doctrine and dogma. #2 - Everyone goes to this dimension when they make their transition ("die"), absolutely everyone. #3 - There is no divine judgment or eternal damnation, only uncoditional love. The law of cause and effect will be effect when your Higher Self reincarnates once again and all unsettled karmic debt must be paid, but while you are on the other side, it's pure unadulterated bliss, ecstacy, paradise.
@sungarlic 9 ай бұрын
You are correct. The god as religion wants us to believe is love and light. Its much more than that in truth. The creator is Everything. Thats why you should accept yourself with all your darkness because you are creator yourself and god only loves you. God doesnt judge. Judgememt implies that You, gods creation, are imperfect. I am trying to see evil people as god experimenting with dark experiences. If there was no darkness we wouldnt appreciate light etc. The balanse is achieved when evil people have to carry all bad karma in next reincarnations. While we who suffer get to grow stronger and faster mentally and reach conclusion that Its not the conditions that matter but its the perception
@tedkirk7755 9 ай бұрын
@@sungarlic Hi Pau. Your message is very thought-provoking and has caused me to think deeper about what I have already been contemplating, namely the evil powers that be. Indeed, one could say they are simply playing their role, and besides blind sheep who follow their instructions and march off the precipice are hardly victims. It's a story that's playing out.
@E-Kat Жыл бұрын
My son had a spontaneous Out of Body experience , where he woke up one night as he heard a gentle buzzing, ringing sound in his ears. He sat up in his bed and was shocked how well he can see without his glasses! His vision was so enhanced, he could see objects out of his window down to tiniest details if he wanted to. There was a blue tint in the room. But was was the most impressive, it was the fact that he knew everything there was to know! He instantly knew the answers to his equations he was solving for a long time and he knew just everything there was to know! He knew about other planets, galaxies etc and he thought to himself: " how could I not have known this, silly me, that's so obvious!" Lots of other things had happened and then he noticed himself, sitting up in the bed!! He got very scared and lied down back on the top of his body. I don't know if he fell asleep instantly. He can do this again but he's too worried. He couldn't retain all this knowledge but got helped with his project.❤
@E-Kat Жыл бұрын
@@HermitsVook gosh, that's so amazing! I've seen a program on this subject and people have obtained verified information about what they've seen whilst out of body and visiting places they hadn't seen before. My son was able to read when probably three years old and could spell even long scientific words as well. We've never even taught him the alphabet as he knew it already. Now he can work in many scientific fields and is brilliant in everything. But he finds life very difficult.
@avbhinaya Жыл бұрын
@@HermitsVook hahaha
@crystalblackford3608 9 ай бұрын
I have a question for you all... I have heard many people who have had NDEs say that this life is all about love. What are your thoughts on distancing yourself from people, especially family members or those very close to you, who have severely wronged you... How do you separate from them but still love them? I had to separate myself from a family member who is very narcissistic and lies and manipulates others. It was very painful to learn the truth and right now I still feel angry. Is it possible to truly love someone but cut them off b/c they are toxic? I have always been a peace keeper, so this situation has been very hard. I want to be a person full of love, but I also don't think its healthy to stay around toxic people. Does anyone have any thoughts on this matter?
@NonDigitalAuth 8 ай бұрын
I’m going through exactly the same situation with a very close family member. Only I can tell you is that they won’t ever change, it’s worst if you are a introvert personality against them, they drain your energy and feel pleasure about it. Protect your self and keep a safe distance.
@crystalblackford3608 8 ай бұрын
@@NonDigitalAuth Thank you... I'm trying not to let this eat me up. If this world was made for us to have different experiences, both good and bad, I guess I won't learn what I need to if I don't go through this and allow myself to feel all the emotions this situation brings. I hope that you can find peace and comfort as well
@NonDigitalAuth 8 ай бұрын
@@crystalblackford3608 Thank you for your kind words 🙏 . I suggest you to not force or let your self to go through this experience or emotions without a lot of thought before. This isn’t a life lesson, it’s just how broken personalities act to nice souls out there.
@robshepley73 8 ай бұрын
People don t have a right to treat you badly and you don’t have to put up with their crap. I simply ignore whoever that person is because I don’t have to reply to them. You only give them ammunition to keep firing on you. So whether it is a family member or an ex friend you are best to cut the ties with them then eventually they understand you don t want any thing to do with them. You will be a much happier person and go find like minded friends that bring joy to your life.
@paulahoskins9972 8 ай бұрын
Distance yourself from those who don't love.
@calliedunne7944 2 ай бұрын
Thank you, Professor Pim, you have finally helped me overcome my fear of death!
@achilkanza4720 5 ай бұрын
Is true i saw my mum in Dream after her death with his brother and sister also they passed away long time ago she was so beautyfull like angel and the face so young with her sieblings somewhere very nice with many Lights like cristals the clothes the dressed was all like cristal shining i was so happy i never feel that kind of happyness in my life i wanted to stay with them but they told me i should go back i dont wanted to go back then later i realised i was in my bed in the middle of the night i come to realise that my mum and her sieblings are in good place and very happy it give me force to continue living my life one day we ll see each other again god time is the best
@shaneconnor5701 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for your years of work on the subject...brilliant...the start of a new addition to the scientific endeavour
@daveyofyeshua 9 ай бұрын
Fantastic discussion, really enjoyed this. The relationship between consciousness and the brain is like that of a signal and a TV. You need a functioning set to illustrate sound and picture, however the signal doesn't emanate from the TV nor is it effected by what happens to the TV.
@StevenWilliams66 8 ай бұрын
Excellent analogy!
@daveyofyeshua 8 ай бұрын
@@StevenWilliams66 thank you, Christian thinking ay 🙏
@MrNiceHk 9 ай бұрын
I Objectively experienced a bunch of things one of them.were mentioned in this talk.. My father was hours away from death after a prolonged battle with cancer, he been moved into a room on his own.. He had not been copus mentus for weeks, his brain was destroyed by the cancer, the. Suddenly he was like nothing was wrong wit him for a couple of hours, we said goodbye etc... Then he slipped back into non awareness.... An actual miracle and I was there, saw it with my own eyes, no scienctific explanation for it. Consciousness came before matter not the other way
@MrNiceHk 9 ай бұрын
Consciousness being fundamental is the only thing that makes sense at this stage even it explains a lot of the unexplainable elements of theoritic physics
@GanymedeXD 8 ай бұрын
Thats something thats very common in the dying … lucid and/or more energetic moments days or hours prior to it. Seen it a hundred times in nursing, family and as doc. And no … we do not know why it happens, especially with patients whose brain function was significantly impaired before. Often it is mistaken as improvement … followed by a sudden setback and death.
@auntiethetical 6 ай бұрын
I do not think I have ever had a complete NDE, however, when I was a child, seven or eight years old, I was briefly in a situation where I believed I was about to die. Every experience in my entire life flashed before me in the blink of an eye, complete with my thoughts and feelings, and those of anyone else involved. After being told repeatedly not to be silly, that couldn’t happen, I forgot the experience. When I remembered it as a young adult it was as fresh and clear as it had been at the time. Granted, I had only lived a short time when this occurred, but still it struck me as an impossibility. When I learned more about NDEs I was able to state that they are not a product of processes in a dying brain. My brain was in no danger of dying when this happened; I only thought it was. The physical brain is NOT the source of consciousness and the sooner materialist science accepts that, the sooner we will be able to discover what truly is.
@varab6287 9 ай бұрын
My brother died. He was living with us and he hit his head on his night table and had a hematoma and died. After he was cremated which was shortly after his death I had a dream where he said Am I really dead? And I said yes honey you are really dead. So that was not really a normal dream in my opinion. It seemed like he didn't know he was really dead which people who have had NDEs have mentioned. That they didn't know they were really dead. Then I had a dream that I was in a room with my father who was sitting on the floor. The floor was a shiny wooden floor and he was sitting on the floor against the wall looking kind of depressed. But above him there was a big window and through that window came a light. And it wasn't your ordinary light It was a light that was everything love wisdom all encompassing, all embracing. It was pure knowledge and love all wrapped into one.
@muneshchauhan Жыл бұрын
The interview was brilliant. ❤
@shivamsood7895 6 ай бұрын
Munesh bhai kya chakkr h
@stargazer8225 Жыл бұрын
Wonderful interview, thank you so much Dr. van Lommel. I will cherish your book in my library. One could say from the deepest level there's only one consciousness, even though from the surface level it might look different. A matter of perspective and of a level of conscious awareness.
@mortalclown3812 9 ай бұрын
I'm very grateful for my own NDEs - at 4 and 19. These dialogs remind me of all the hope they contained. Fwiw, thoughts are extremely powerful: please remember to go to the light. It's not just a cliche. Blessings to all.
@AlexNikolaou-p2o 9 ай бұрын
Thinking is timeless ! Explaining is when time takes place
@e.b25 8 ай бұрын
As a medical doctor i dont disagree with him, but what troubled me is the inconsistency among different NDEs patients.
@KosalYan-pq2xy 8 ай бұрын
Believe me❤ Consciousness do lives on beyond death. I died before about 90 mins. Open heart surgery. Then I came back. Consciousness never ever did attached to the physical human body nor, Brain.
@messenger8279 9 ай бұрын
Some wonderful evidence here. I’m glad he also mentioned the non meat diet. Many people from NDEs return and find it impossible to eat meat. Love people and animals and understand everything is conscious. Tree hugging is ok 😅.
@Daneiladams555 9 ай бұрын
I love meat, and its healthy for you
@messenger8279 9 ай бұрын
@@Daneiladams555 oh really. It’s the number 1 cause of heart decease and bowel cancer.
@Daneiladams555 9 ай бұрын
@messenger8279 that’s not true
@JoeBuck-uc3bl 9 ай бұрын
@@messenger8279that’s not true at all. The problem is that way too many people equate grass fed meat/dairy with conventional/corn fed. Eating corn fed meat, or hormone injected meat etc is a net negative to your health. Eating organic grass fed meat & dairy is extremely healthy, it’s a net positive to your health. And it’s DENSE, the rich benefits that you get from it is extremely difficult to mimic on a vegetarian diet (K2 alone is HUGE). Now it’s one thing to make the argument that one should take a health reduction (in this round of existence) in order to not kill animals for food. But I don’t like having to resort to false deceptive propaganda in exchange for making honest points. I’m not calling YOU a lying propagandist, I’m referring to those who intentionally spread the disinformation that people wind up believing. I’m talking about the social engineers at the top of the pyramid.
@stuartfoster9693 9 ай бұрын
I died 7 to 8 times on a life support over 1. 5 Months. I found I was still me , my mind , my vision without my body. I then went on journey that changed me forever. The reason I came back , I had No Fear , the Beasts could not touch me .
@thedonofm-town1856 9 ай бұрын
what do you mean.. 'beasts'?
@stuartfoster9693 9 ай бұрын
@@thedonofm-town1856 The HUGH Heads of the Beasts ,all seperate, the first fear test , then into the huge evil pit of screaming creatures , if they only knew ! ! !
@leebow7357 9 ай бұрын
​@@thedonofm-town1856I think they might be referring to hell
@RustyShakleford1 9 ай бұрын
​@thedonofm-town1856 there are things on the other side people animals spirits, half human half animals that sometimes want to psycologically break you like a narcissistic personality almost. Avoid those at all costs.
@RustyShakleford1 9 ай бұрын
Courange strength resilience discipline
@eve-lynkennedy5763 13 күн бұрын
I’ve had a couple of out of body experiences and he is the first person to mention the fact that you see all around you, up down to the sides, everywhere at the same time. I don’t remember hearing anything but both occasions were very brief and one I was in a room by myself.
@Victor-sh1ez 6 ай бұрын
I have always had an awareness (I do not know why) that the Divine Creator of all - who is a divine spirit of whom we humans are created in its image, is beyond all human consciousness. There is a spiritual world (realm) that exists and that we are right beside it and in it even as we live in the physical world and this space in time. I therefore believe in the Divine spirit, creator of all things seen and unseen - for no one of us can say we have seen everything yet and that the only one reality and truth will be experienced and realized by each one of us - the truth of our spiritual purpose in this space and time is guided by Scripture in how to conduct our lives in living our real purpose.
@icurededs 9 ай бұрын
Once you have died, been outside of your body and seen in 360 degrees you know you are not your body. We have always existed and we always will.
@Mysterywhiteboy78 8 ай бұрын
It is not necessary to die in order to know this.
@icurededs 8 ай бұрын
@@Mysterywhiteboy78 I found it really helpful
@icurededs 8 ай бұрын
@@toddmckenzie0420 you don’t, but I do and I have spent many decades studying with actually enlightened beings. I have studied most forms of science, actually graduated from med school with a 4.0, and worked in applied neuroscience reversing brain damage in combat veterans with neuroplasticity. I have read the Vedas, most other major religions texts and philosophical writings, and all of the Five Great Philosophical texts of Buddhism. I have seen nothing on this side of life, or in my last, that tells me it isn’t Buddhism that is the best description for the ultimate nature of reality. You are not form, you can not be. The atoms that make up your body were made in a star billions of years ago, and to think that they have carried some imprints of your consciousness, along with everything else they have been a part of from since then, including the constant in and out of life forms that sustain your physical form, but you don’t assert you “began” when these atoms were formed. They themselves were formed from other pre existing sub atomic structures and particles that existed since the big bang, and as energetic consciousness before then. You are animating a group of particles that you have become attached to as you, by nothing other than ignorance. It’s self grasping, and nothing else and you can not find self if you look for it because it doesn’t inherently exist independently at all. All phenomena arise in dependence of all other phenomena. Everything is interconnected, and ultimately it is only consciousness. Even particle physicists agree with this. I’m sorry, but if you follow any kind of philosophy that follows logic or reason, especially science as it relates to non duality, trying to disprove this becomes incredibly difficult. If you are going to posit that you have an ending, then you must posit that you have a beginning and that is ultimately logically absurd. You have always existed, you are not form, definitely not your body, mine feels like a prison, and aI understand Shantideva now when he says that a human form is nothing more than a shit filled meat sack. You are only consciousness, and this is only a reflection of your mind. It ends eventually, but you absolutely have always and will also exist. You don’t remember, but I do. You also are not aware of your own self during sleep, and arise from that state every night, assuming that you do sleep nightly. This is like that. Your consciousness has far subtler levels that have become muted. Stating you end or have a beginning opens you up to all kinds of logical absurdities, it’s time itself that is an illusion. The only thing that exists is now. You just need to wake up and realize that. unfortunately until then, Samsara is endless horror. This human life is almost as good as it gets, unless you want to be reborn as a god, and burn up all the good karma in your mental continuum, and then the rebirths get incredibly painful and difficult. And long. but you wouldn’t believe me about that anyway. still, read a text on debate an logic, find one fallacy in The Four Noble Truths that you can assert and defend without any logical absurdities, and I’ll call you my teacher and follow you. But you won’t. No one else ever has, and I have watched multiple western scholars with PHDs in multiple scientific studies and fields try, and fail to do so, and all of them agree with this assessment as well. I’m not happy about this being the trigger about our existence, but once you realize it is, it makes far more sense to do something about it. I’m getting the F out of here and going to India. The sooner I’m in monk’s robes actually working on this situation the better. I want to wake up, because for whatever reason I have started to and I really don’t want to continue to fall farther into ignorance and suffering. I do remember. even day, every minute. And I want out. I understand that this delusion is incredibly convincing, but that is all that it is. Good luck, you have been here more universal life spans of time than there are atoms in the planet earth. Most of it has been far, far worse than this.
@quesadillathrilla7132 9 ай бұрын
I always had a feeling that since everything we see is light, we are all energy. Our eyes only see light and we all know matter cannot be destroyed and what’s inside of us is far different than what the animals have. I hope our energy is freed and all the lessons we’ve learned in our present form helps us when we move onward.
@S.M.E.A.C 8 ай бұрын
We even produce light ourselves. Check out Human Bioluminescence.
@ruggs0_037 8 ай бұрын
ahh can't really separate us from nature. you and I are no different than a elephant or a dog, hell even a plant.
@infinitedeath1384 7 ай бұрын
​@@ruggs0_037No a plant is where I draw the line. Plants don't have brains, or a consciousness, so we are far different from them. Many of them do have reactions to certain things, but these are not purposeful, accidental, or even instinctual, just chemical reactions. That is why there's a smell when you cut grass, a chemical reaction to being cut, hardly different than if you'd melted iron or frozen some water.
@ruggs0_037 7 ай бұрын
@infinitedeath1384 you, I, and the grass you see all came from the same star. So there's no REAL difference there. Sure, there are contrasts here and with there being different forms of consciousness, but it's all the same thing. Its like an enormous strand of dna with you and everything around you. There is no definitive difference between you and nature. Essentially, when the pot boils down, you are nature.
@infinitedeath1384 7 ай бұрын
@@ruggs0_037 Well I don't believe we came from a star. We came from God.
@mmavandertang 9 ай бұрын
Mijn geboorte was denk ik een NDE of een out of body experience, dat kan ook. Als kind altijd aanwezigheid gevoeld en herinnering gehad aan lichtwezens. Ik kan ernaar verlangen weer in ze op te gaan. Ik ben fan van Pim.
@stanleymilgram4788 5 ай бұрын
An lsd experience caused me to leave my body for about ten hours. It was a green dragon. I was in space looking at the earth. Football size. I thought ' wow, I'm really here!' My vision was exactly like it is in the body. Not 360° as mentioned. I thought ' I'm not cold, frightened, hungry, I just am. Other amazing things happened, I asked a question and got an immediate answer, but I had no control over where I went or anything else. I was powerless in that respect.To cut a long story short, I re entered my body and it was only when I was half way in that my body then felt my consciousness coming down into my body. ( It didn't all go into the head and stop there, no it went further down into the body also. I opened my eyes said wow, then discovered that I my body had been sitting in the same position as when I'd sat down ten hours before. One leg on the thigh of the other. Ten hours sitting in the same position! No pain or discomfort at all, like I'd just sat down. I was going to sit down on the sofa cross legged but only had time to put one leg up.
@alexciovica5862 8 ай бұрын
I absolutely love Dr. Pim Van Lommel, and indeed, the interview was a bit too short :) but amazing!
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