Рет қаралды 2,042
Establishment of an orchard is a long term investment and deserves very careful
planning. The selection of proper location and site, planting system and planting
distance, choosing the varieties and the nursery plants have to be considered
carefully to ensure maximum production.
Selection of site: The following factors are to be considered before selecting a site
for an orchard.
1. Climate: The climate of the locality should be suited to the fruits, or the fruit chosen
should be suited to the climate. Enquires should be made on the following points to
1) Experience of the fruit growers and research stations in the locality regarding
the acclimatization of the fruits under consideration.
2) The seasons of heavy rainfall, hail storms and hot winds.
catastrophic features
2. Soil: Few prospective sites should be examined for both physical and chemical
properties. For this purpose profile pits of 2m depth should be dug in each
representative part of the site as suggested by external appearance, Samples should
be collected and analyzed for deciding the choice. Soil samples must be analyzed to
know the suitability of soil for growing fruit crops. Soil analysis gives information on the
type of soil, its fertility; its pH value etc. As far as possible flat land should be selected
.There should be no hard pan up to a depth of 2m.
3. Irrigation facilities: Most of the horticulture crops are raised under irrigation. So
the water facilities should also be taken in to consideration (quantity and
quality).Water table should be below 2 m depth.
4. Nearness to the market: Saves the over head charges in transport and gives close
touch with market tastes (in the case of market gardens).In most cases a large
percentage of the retail price of fruits is accounted for by transport charges. The hill
bananas and the apples of Kulu valley are produced cheap but they are sold at high
prices on the plains owing to heavy cost of transport.
5. Transport facilities: Fruits being perishable cannot be moved for long distances
with out quick and refrigerated transport. Bananas from the south are not reaching
northern market in our own country owing to the absence of refrigerated transport. But
under refrigerated conditions, they can be transported to longer distances. So; the
orchards must be located where there is quick transport, preferably a refrigerated
transport system.
6. Power (electricity) supply: It would be a great advantage if electric power lines
are running in the proximity of the area as it can be tapped easily.
7. Proximity to established orchards: It is an added advantage if the site is in
proximity to the already established orchards because of compactness of areas of
production facilitates provision of transport and storage facilities. It also enables
formation of co-operative societies and other associations which can collectively own
grading and spraying machinery and other costly equipment including storage
facilities. If there are compact blocks of single crop say citrus, banana, mango etc. the
spread of diseases and pests are more.
In selecting a site close to other orchards, one must make sure that they are free from
devastating pests and diseases like citrus scale, canker, panama disease of banana,
the tristeza disease of citrus.
8. Availability of labour: Large orchards are started often in out of the way places
and forest areas away from populated centres.It would therefore be necessary to
ensure that adequate labour is available for orchard operatins.This point is of
important in plantation crops particularly.
9. Social factors: These assume importance when large contingents of labour and
managerial staff are to be employed as plantations or large orchards. They should be
provided with medical and educational facilities, so that, they are content and stick on
to the jobs.
10. Presence of nurseries close by: It is an advantage if the nurseries are close by
to the selected site for selecting the plants for the orchard after studying the scion
parents personally. It will also help to get cheap and quick transport of plants which
will ensure better establishment.
11. Cost of the land: Cost of the land comes up for consideration
What are the principles of orchard establishment?
Principles of orchard establishment slideshare
Layout of orchard
How the orchard was established how it operates and how profitable it is now at the present
Orchard management ppt
What is orchard
Which factor is very important in orchard Farming
Orchard management PDF

How do you start an orchard?

What is an orchard?

Which orientation is the best for establishment of new orchard?