KTM should be running regular trains like this one and higher priced express service.
@Zichoe23 күн бұрын
there's already express service
@naga2015kk23 күн бұрын
unfortunately there is no EXPRESS from KL to Penang ie, no stops in between. if its by private section, surely there will be an express service.
@aiem23 күн бұрын
KL Ipoh Penang limited express pun cukup kalau KTMB nak buat.. Dulu masa nak buat HSR, semua org bising. Suka dgr fitnah semua, do you know that Kalau govt dulu x jatuh, we probably hv started its second phase which starts from Bandar Malaysia all the way up to Perlis, with stopping at Butterworth. In addition to that, ECRL 2&3 should also hv started to be built which should be ready by 2040.. Tapi, itu lah. Org suka mkn fitnah dari accepting a better development.
@Zichoe23 күн бұрын
@@aiem setuju hsr patut buat dulu lagi, sekarang ktm pun asyik sold out sebulan awal
@Redzwan15 күн бұрын
@@aiem HSR to Perlis?. Lol. Never going to happen. Perlis doesn't have the population or economic importance to have HSR. It doesn't even have its own airport. And what even is ECRL2 & 3?.