根本錯誤標題 NASA 早就公開宣稱 五萬度的“火牆” 能被探測器穿越 “火牆”阻擋的是宇宙射線之類的電磁波 我猜 大概是類似臭氧層的效果
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@@1450DOGOFPIG 對著娛樂性的節目 計較太多也沒什麼意思
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Q72: 哪位人士能夠完全了解宇宙真相? 三人行必有我師!能夠相互交流學術,請問各位見解? - 提問者: 艾霓 A72: 有形宇宙的形成是經過黑暗期、光點期、氣團期、星團期四個階段的醞釀而來的,並非經過天文學家所說的大爆炸而誕生的。宇宙的呼吸是呼與吸同步進行。就像月球的自轉與公轉同步,一面永遠是光明的,另一面永遠是黑暗的。吸為黑洞的吸氣運作,始終都是向內以螺旋的方式吸入,接近黑洞的星球都會被吸入而消失。呼為白洞的呼氣運作,始終都是以向四面的方向射出的方式呼出。換言之,宇宙的運作就是恆常的陰陽交媾狀態。眾星團的誕生就是宇宙之父白洞的無形真炁和宇宙之母黑洞的無形真炁交媾之後所產生的有形的各個星球與物種,包括人類與萬物。而宇宙陰陽同體的無形體即稱之為神或上帝,是自有永有的,並且具有宇宙意識,也就是神的意識。那麼,黑洞與白洞在哪兒交媾呢?他們是在道德經觀玅章第一所提到的「徼」這個地方彼此交媾。呼出的起始端點為陰,而吸入的終結端點為陽,彼此在該處緊密結合,這稱之為陰陽同體。「徼」既為可見,也是不可見的地方。可見即是有,不可見即是無。雖為無,但卻也實有。因此,有與無是彼此相生的,這稱之為有無相生,在道德經觀徼章第二已經點出了宇宙與神的奧妙。 有與無這兩者都是由「玄」這個地方所生出來的。因此,「徼」即是「玄」,「玄」即是「徼」。將 「玄」與「徼」結合為一,則稱之為玄牝。玄牝即是神的陰陽同體,而玄牝的門戶就是天與地的根。因此,天與地也和宇宙一樣,也是恒常處在交媾的狀態,是綿綿不斷的,是虛無若存但卻實有的。這就是谷神的樣貌,而谷神是不死的,是永生的。谷神最大的妙用就是對於任何困難與挑戰都能以「用之不勤」的無量智慧與至高能力加以輕鬆的解決。道德經谷神章第六就為谷神做了體用兼備的言簡意賅的說明。谷神即是聖經中所說的唯一真神耶和華,也是可蘭經中所說的真主阿拉。老子 (公元前571年-公元前471年) 的誕生早於耶穌與穆罕默德。老子的道德經為舊約聖經作了承先的歸納貢獻,也為新約聖經和可蘭經作了啟後的開悟演繹。 老子就是神派來中國的先知。欲了解這個真理的人,可以研讀《谷丹經》系列叢書。《谷丹經》系列叢書是各宗教在出世靈修與入世運用的橋樑與總匯之鉅作,可引導天地人盡歸於神的創造奧妙中。神與人,天與地都將在「徼」這個地方合而為一。「徼」又稱為身體的玄關,是神殿的堂奧之處 (林前6:19),而神的國就在我們的心裏 (路17:21)。開「徼」就是開竅,又稱開悟。除非你認識神並與神相遇,否則開不了竅,因為人本自神而出。找到對的人並且與之合為一體,你就是創造力無限的神。利人利己、榮神益人是神造人及其伴侶的目的。成為神的子女是幸福的。 Q72: Who can fully understand the truth of the universe? Three people walking together, there must be my teacher! It can exchange academics with each other, may I have your opinions? - Questioner: Ai Ni A72: The formation of the tangible universe came through the four stages of the dark period, the light spot period, the aura cluster period, and the star cluster period. It was not born after the big bang as astronomers called it. The breathing of the universe is the simultaneous exhalation and inhalation. Just like the moon’s rotation and revolution are synchronized, one side is always bright, and the other side is always dark. Inhalation is the inhalation operation of a black hole, and it is always sucked in in a spiral manner, and the planets close to the black hole will be sucked in and disappear. The exhalation is the exhaling operation of a white hole and it always exhales by shooting out in all directions. In other words, the operation of the universe is a constant state of yin and yang copulation. The birth of the star clusters is the tangible planets and species, including human beings and all things, produced after the intercourse between the invisible true Qi (prana) of the white hole of the father of the universe and the invisible true Qi (prana) of the black hole of the mother of the universe. The yin and yang intangible form of the universe is called God or supreme God, which is self-existent and eternal and possesses universal consciousness, that is, the consciousness of God. So, where are the black holes and white holes copulating? They had intercourse with each other in the place of “Jiǎo” (徼) mentioned in the 1st Chapter of Observing the Mystery from Tao Te Ching. The starting point of exhalation is yin, and the ending point of inhalation is yang, and they close together at that place. This is called yin and yang congruence. "Jiǎo" (徼) is a place where it is both visible and invisible. To be visible is to be present, and to be invisible is to be absent. Although it is nothing, it is also a true being. Therefore, existence and non-existence are coexistent with each other, which is called the existence and non-existence create for each other, and such mystery of the universe and God has been pointed out in the 2nd Chapter of Observing the Jiǎo (徼) from the Tao Te Ching. Both the existence and the non-existence were born from the place "Xuan" (玄). Therefore, "Jiǎo" (徼) means "Xuan" (玄), and "Xuan" (玄) means "Jiǎo" (徼). To let the "Xuan" (玄) and "Jiǎo" (徼) combined together into oneness is called Xuan Pin (玄牝). Xuan Pin is the yin and yang congruence of God, and the gate of Xuan Pin is the root of heaven and earth. Therefore, the heaven and the earth, like the universe, are always in a state of intercourse. They are continuous and not stopping, they seem to be empty like having something, but they are true with reality. This is what the gǔ shén (谷神, god of valley, 3rd YOU) looks like, and the god of valley is immortal and lives forever. The greatest magical effect of gǔ shén is that it can easily solve any difficulties and challenges with the infinite wisdom and supreme ability of "applying without industrious efforts" (用之不勤). Then the 6th Chapter of Gu Shen from Tao Te Ching gave a brief and complete explanation for Gu Shen for both its essence and application. The God of Valley is the only true God, Jehovah, said in the Bible, and Allah, said in the Koran. Laozi (571 BC-471 BC) was born before Jesus and Muhammad. Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching has made an inductive contribution inherited from ancestors to the Old Testament, as well as an enlightened interpretation of the New Testament and the Koran via deduction. Lao Tzu is the prophet sent to China by God. Those who want to understand this truth can study the "Gu Dan Jing" series of books" (in Chinese version, it is called 谷丹經 and pronunciation with Gu Dan Jing, and in English version, it is called REFINERY FOR LIVING TWICE). The "Gu Dan Jing" series of books are the masterpieces of bridges and confluences which can be used by various religions in the spiritual cultivation for transcending the world and entry into the world for application, which can guide the heavens and the earth and mankind to return to the mystery of God's creation. God and human, heaven and earth will be combined into one in this place of "Jiǎo" (徼). "Jiǎo" (徼), also known as the portal of the body, is the mysterious place of the temple (1 Corinthians 6:19), and the kingdom of God is in our hearts (Luke 17:21). To have the "Jiǎo" (徼) being opened means to have it be enlightened, also known as enlightenment. Unless you know and meet God, you can’t have it be opened, because people come from God. Find the right person and become one with him/her, you are just the god with infinite creativity. Benefiting others and benefiting yourself, honoring God and benefiting others is the purpose of God's creation of man and his couple. It is happy to be a child of God.
Q72: 哪位人士能夠完全了解宇宙真相? 三人行必有我師!能夠相互交流學術,請問各位見解? - 提問者: 艾霓 A72: 有形宇宙的形成是經過黑暗期、光點期、氣團期、星團期四個階段的醞釀而來的,並非經過天文學家所說的大爆炸而誕生的。宇宙的呼吸是呼與吸同步進行。就像月球的自轉與公轉同步,一面永遠是光明的,另一面永遠是黑暗的。吸為黑洞的吸氣運作,始終都是向內以螺旋的方式吸入,接近黑洞的星球都會被吸入而消失。呼為白洞的呼氣運作,始終都是以向四面的方向射出的方式呼出。換言之,宇宙的運作就是恆常的陰陽交媾狀態。眾星團的誕生就是宇宙之父白洞的無形真炁和宇宙之母黑洞的無形真炁交媾之後所產生的有形的各個星球與物種,包括人類與萬物。而宇宙陰陽同體的無形體即稱之為神或上帝,是自有永有的,並且具有宇宙意識,也就是神的意識。那麼,黑洞與白洞在哪兒交媾呢?他們是在道德經觀玅章第一所提到的「徼」這個地方彼此交媾。呼出的起始端點為陰,而吸入的終結端點為陽,彼此在該處緊密結合,這稱之為陰陽同體。「徼」既為可見,也是不可見的地方。可見即是有,不可見即是無。雖為無,但卻也實有。因此,有與無是彼此相生的,這稱之為有無相生,在道德經觀徼章第二已經點出了宇宙與神的奧妙。 有與無這兩者都是由「玄」這個地方所生出來的。因此,「徼」即是「玄」,「玄」即是「徼」。將 「玄」與「徼」結合為一,則稱之為玄牝。玄牝即是神的陰陽同體,而玄牝的門戶就是天與地的根。因此,天與地也和宇宙一樣,也是恒常處在交媾的狀態,是綿綿不斷的,是虛無若存但卻實有的。這就是谷神的樣貌,而谷神是不死的,是永生的。谷神最大的妙用就是對於任何困難與挑戰都能以「用之不勤」的無量智慧與至高能力加以輕鬆的解決。道德經谷神章第六就為谷神做了體用兼備的言簡意賅的說明。谷神即是聖經中所說的唯一真神耶和華,也是可蘭經中所說的真主阿拉。老子 (公元前571年-公元前471年) 的誕生早於耶穌與穆罕默德。老子的道德經為舊約聖經作了承先的歸納貢獻,也為新約聖經和可蘭經作了啟後的開悟演繹。 老子就是神派來中國的先知。欲了解這個真理的人,可以研讀《谷丹經》系列叢書。《谷丹經》系列叢書是各宗教在出世靈修與入世運用的橋樑與總匯之鉅作,可引導天地人盡歸於神的創造奧妙中。神與人,天與地都將在「徼」這個地方合而為一。「徼」又稱為身體的玄關,是神殿的堂奧之處 (林前6:19),而神的國就在我們的心裏 (路17:21)。開「徼」就是開竅,又稱開悟。除非你認識神並與神相遇,否則開不了竅,因為人本自神而出。找到對的人並且與之合為一體,你就是創造力無限的神。利人利己、榮神益人是神造人及其伴侶的目的。成為神的子女是幸福的。 Q72: Who can fully understand the truth of the universe? Three people walking together, there must be my teacher! It can exchange academics with each other, may I have your opinions? - Questioner: Ai Ni A72: The formation of the tangible universe came through the four stages of the dark period, the light spot period, the aura cluster period, and the star cluster period. It was not born after the big bang as astronomers called it. The breathing of the universe is the simultaneous exhalation and inhalation. Just like the moon’s rotation and revolution are synchronized, one side is always bright, and the other side is always dark. Inhalation is the inhalation operation of a black hole, and it is always sucked in in a spiral manner, and the planets close to the black hole will be sucked in and disappear. The exhalation is the exhaling operation of a white hole and it always exhales by shooting out in all directions. In other words, the operation of the universe is a constant state of yin and yang copulation. The birth of the star clusters is the tangible planets and species, including human beings and all things, produced after the intercourse between the invisible true Qi (prana) of the white hole of the father of the universe and the invisible true Qi (prana) of the black hole of the mother of the universe. The yin and yang intangible form of the universe is called God or supreme God, which is self-existent and eternal and possesses universal consciousness, that is, the consciousness of God. So, where are the black holes and white holes copulating? They had intercourse with each other in the place of “Jiǎo” (徼) mentioned in the 1st Chapter of Observing the Mystery from Tao Te Ching. The starting point of exhalation is yin, and the ending point of inhalation is yang, and they close together at that place. This is called yin and yang congruence. "Jiǎo" (徼) is a place where it is both visible and invisible. To be visible is to be present, and to be invisible is to be absent. Although it is nothing, it is also a true being. Therefore, existence and non-existence are coexistent with each other, which is called the existence and non-existence create for each other, and such mystery of the universe and God has been pointed out in the 2nd Chapter of Observing the Jiǎo (徼) from the Tao Te Ching. Both the existence and the non-existence were born from the place "Xuan" (玄). Therefore, "Jiǎo" (徼) means "Xuan" (玄), and "Xuan" (玄) means "Jiǎo" (徼). To let the "Xuan" (玄) and "Jiǎo" (徼) combined together into oneness is called Xuan Pin (玄牝). Xuan Pin is the yin and yang congruence of God, and the gate of Xuan Pin is the root of heaven and earth. Therefore, the heaven and the earth, like the universe, are always in a state of intercourse. They are continuous and not stopping, they seem to be empty like having something, but they are true with reality. This is what the gǔ shén (谷神, god of valley, 3rd YOU) looks like, and the god of valley is immortal and lives forever. The greatest magical effect of gǔ shén is that it can easily solve any difficulties and challenges with the infinite wisdom and supreme ability of "applying without industrious efforts" (用之不勤). Then the 6th Chapter of Gu Shen from Tao Te Ching gave a brief and complete explanation for Gu Shen for both its essence and application. The God of Valley is the only true God, Jehovah, said in the Bible, and Allah, said in the Koran. Laozi (571 BC-471 BC) was born before Jesus and Muhammad. Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching has made an inductive contribution inherited from ancestors to the Old Testament, as well as an enlightened interpretation of the New Testament and the Koran via deduction. Lao Tzu is the prophet sent to China by God. Those who want to understand this truth can study the "Gu Dan Jing" series of books" (in Chinese version, it is called 谷丹經 and pronunciation with Gu Dan Jing, and in English version, it is called REFINERY FOR LIVING TWICE). The "Gu Dan Jing" series of books are the masterpieces of bridges and confluences which can be used by various religions in the spiritual cultivation for transcending the world and entry into the world for application, which can guide the heavens and the earth and mankind to return to the mystery of God's creation. God and human, heaven and earth will be combined into one in this place of "Jiǎo" (徼). "Jiǎo" (徼), also known as the portal of the body, is the mysterious place of the temple (1 Corinthians 6:19), and the kingdom of God is in our hearts (Luke 17:21). To have the "Jiǎo" (徼) being opened means to have it be enlightened, also known as enlightenment. Unless you know and meet God, you can’t have it be opened, because people come from God. Find the right person and become one with him/her, you are just the god with infinite creativity. Benefiting others and benefiting yourself, honoring God and benefiting others is the purpose of God's creation of man and his couple. It is happy to be a child of God.