The whole nation of China experienced thousands years various rulers, still is a united greatest country in human history. It seems China need powerful central government. Not those imported democratic, etc. Chinese need living supply, not democratic. Those always stir these democratic businesses persons need go out side China going to establish your paradise which still you get money, people cannot get money. It is what democratic wanted paradise. Part people get richer and richer. Large amount of Chinese hardly get richer. Jiang Jin Guo started understand the bomb existed. He couldn't solved, ccp may solve those rebi lion . Believe it or not? ccp already controlled Shanghainese. Is Shanghainese lower ability than Ming Nan people, or Taiwanese? You Don't over self estimated yourself. They will controll and solve Hong Kong, min Nan, Taiwan in the future. You Don't like to listen to these words. But seventy years facts proved it will be the picture of the future.
@@hauwin7 are you kidding me? 你知道他和李登輝,年輕時都是共產黨讀書會的會員嗎?蔣經國從小受的是俄國共產黨的教育,接班父親的政權之後從沒見過他有什麼反共宣言! 我看你是把老蔣和小蔣搞混了罷!老蔣總統反共,小蔣混水摸魚⋯⋯ 他一輩子混水摸魚,摸掉了江山! 他手上沾的血,是將來民進黨將會沾到的,殺自己人的血,慢慢等,歷史會一點一點顯示給你⋯⋯