And we never did stop being apathetic about Europe.
@JJONNYREPP5 күн бұрын
Euro Elections | 1970s London | Why is there voter apathy | Elections | Politics | 1979 1813pm 14.12.24 unless we wanted to invigorate the situation with war!!! war war bloody war!!! we've had enough of war. i think i was given my two-pence in 1993 via local labour exchange. how times have worsened. o to be sat with the gal sipping parafino playing poxy games with poxy peoples' lives as the great and the good have done before me. joanthan porrit? he was the big eco cheese when i was a teenager - and featured on kids telly, of a saturday monring, on many an occasion. i wonder what he'd say now? common market? the era when yer average joe could have a less than positive opinion about that great european land mass over the water... another aspect of nostalgia - when you could feel at ease denigrating something...
@centrelens4 күн бұрын
voter apathy in general has never disappeared, it's increased.
@JJONNYREPP4 күн бұрын
@@centrelens Is Peppa Pig sexist? Feat. Cristo Foufas & Emily Andrews | Storm Huntley 1700pm 15.12.24 motions to war, isn't it - suggesting we're all apathetic and need some iron willed automaton to lead us..... into a bright new dawn of eggnog and cheese? war war bloody war!! no thanx. let the pigs who want war go fight it.
@centrelens4 күн бұрын
@JJONNYREPP Peppa pig can go and fight her own battles, jonny you are quite right.
@JJONNYREPP4 күн бұрын
@@centrelens Comments on ‘Euro Elections | 1970s London | Why is there voter apathy | Elections | Politics | 1979’ 1829pm 15.12.24 o, yeah... incorrect title of skit... no matter i doubt anyone was interested in the chit chat, anyway...