Eurofighter Typhoons are most powerful dogfighter at the moment and I will never say that all fighter jets are better than Typhoon even its F-15A, F-16A blk10, JAS39, J-10A, and the Rafale unless FM changes once more, No exception even It's both one circle fight and two circle fight. But let me get this clear, It doesn't mean Rafale is bad, Its good enough though. Thank you and have a good day ! Thx for watching my videos, and please subcribe for upcoming videos :D
@gabrielraveleau17984 күн бұрын
The rafale should win in the AOA department since it was design for exactly that. But the eurofighter on the other hand retain speed better making it better suited for a 2 circle (tho it wouldn't win against something like the F16 realisticly. Sorry for the grammar english isn't my first language
@TaeSang_WT4 күн бұрын
@@gabrielraveleau1798Right I think Rafale should has more Higher AoA on low speed but eurofighter still needs to winning F-16
@giorgililuashvili4055 күн бұрын
Sry but you both dont know how to dogfight!
@panv1ch4 күн бұрын
Valid criticism: ❌ Insult: ✅ He is one of the few people I’ve seen rate fight properly
@pigs20014 күн бұрын
@@panv1ch Yep, people are just used to morons going straight to stall fights and gun-yawing
@toyotawitha20mm354 күн бұрын
Saying this litteraly to one of the better duelers I've seen lmao
@laze6793 күн бұрын
@@panv1chYeah he rated very well, but the throttle management, especially in those merges, was horrible. why go mach 1.13 in the merge and keep blasting wep constantly? Doesn’t matter if your pulling 20g when your going that fast, the turn radius is too wide, and any good pilot will easily drop throttle and cut inside of your turn, even if they are ‘less manouverable’ not to mention the fact that rafale has mica and better initial turn in one circle, and with the buff and that much separation, he’d be dead really fast. It would make a little more sense if he was attempting to do a two circle/fly nose-to-tail straight out of the merge, but instead he goes nose to nose in a one circle. Luckily the rafale pilot was making the exact same mistakes and dying in 15 seconds since the et does have better flight performance. If the et just cut back on the throttle before and during the merge, i doubt that rafale would have even stood a chance
@TaeSang_WT3 күн бұрын
@@laze679 ahaha you don't need to get still wondering why i merge with over 1.13 although you're already said that pulling 20G. watch closely and see what i do before merging Thx for watching the video and have a good one :D
@doc__holiday60225 күн бұрын
The Eurofighter is a great plane. In the USA, German pilots demonstrated the strength of the Eurofighter during training against US pilots in F35s. There are no videos of this, only statements from American pilots who were surprised that they were shot down in a simulation. Unfortunately, the full strength of the Eurofighter does not come into play at Gaijin. He would simply have no opponents but himself...
@tristanblair44535 күн бұрын
The rafale is better than the eft tho. Smaller RCS, better dogfighting capabilities, better missiles IRL, more technologically advanced. The only thing the eft has over the rafale irl is high altitude thrust and missile count. And both are being improved with new rafale variants while the eft is trying to catch up in the technology department
@erikbereczki91265 күн бұрын
@@tristanblair4453 sorry to break ur bubble but u clearly did not hear about the tranche 4 upgrades. I would highly suggest you to check it out
@doc__holiday60225 күн бұрын
@@tristanblair4453 The Eurofighter is better configured for interception missions and missions requiring air combat. The long-arm canards reduce transonic and supersonic drag and increase maneuverability compared to the Rafale's close-coupled canards in these speed ranges. When it comes to armament, they are equal, except that the rockets are from different manufacturers, the differences are huge
@gabrielraveleau17984 күн бұрын
@@doc__holiday6022 the eurofighter wouldn't be able to beat a rafale in a 1 circle guns only fight since the rafale can stay very fucking slow and obliterate the eurofighter. On the other hand the eurofighter is (as you said yourself) designed to retain speed better than the rafale, hence making it better at a 2 circle fight/rate fight. Realisticly the eurofighter wouldn't win the one cricle if the two pilots are on the same level.
@sirbonobo39074 күн бұрын
@pigs20014 күн бұрын
Wow actually rate fighting properly and using the planes strengths, unlike most 1v1ers
@Lucas2Kay4 күн бұрын
Great video, good editing and music. Ignore the knob jockeys in the comments spewing nonsense.
@NaZguL-ssj5 күн бұрын
Dsl mais c’est clairement truquer pour que l’eft gagne a chaque fois 😂😂😂 tu fait un 1v1 contre moi ca sera pas la meme frerot bref vidéo inutile
@jollywanker95495 күн бұрын
Bro is coping I do have to say tho that rafale pilot sucked ass
@NaZguL-ssj5 күн бұрын
@@jollywanker9549 yes I Know 😂😂😂
@juliancudennec59585 күн бұрын
l'eurofighter pousse beaucoup plus et les canard de l'eurofighteur sont fait pour lui donner du mouvement cabreur , les canards du rafale font plus de choses mais ne donne pas autant de moment cabreur
@valeredumont50183 күн бұрын
they should add G limiter on modern plane, there is no way a pilot can pull 17G.
@TaeSang_WT3 күн бұрын
@jokemanXL5 күн бұрын
So no one will dogfight on live server with guns - MICA-EM just slams Eurofighter
@jollywanker95495 күн бұрын
That implies that dogfights even happen properly lmao on the live
@allessiobuonfiglio67023 күн бұрын
The aim-120 b are better the the micas
@potater68195 күн бұрын
Hope they nerf the eft or buff the rafale, the rafale is so much better in dogfights than the eft
@NaZguL-ssj5 күн бұрын
it's like in real life so no they will no longer touch the rafale and the eft 😉
@potater68195 күн бұрын
@ right but that’s not in real life, the rafale is a better slow speed turner than the eft so it’s unrealistic, nothing about what you said was true lol
@NaZguL-ssj5 күн бұрын
@@potater6819 if u want but rafale>ef irl
@toyotawitha20mm355 күн бұрын
In real life, the rafale has a slight advantage over the typhoon in a dogfight, at low altitude, below 450 knots, the rafale has better preformance in both circles, the eurofighter is slightly better at high speeds, but overall, they are extremely close, and the rafale has a marginal advantage in a dogfight over the typhoon irl. @potater6819
@toyotawitha20mm355 күн бұрын
@@potater6819In real life, the rafale has a slight advantage over the typhoon in a dogfight, at low altitude, below 450 knots, the rafale has better preformance in both circles, the eurofighter is slightly better at high speeds, but overall, they are extremely close, and the rafale has a marginal advantage in a dogfight over the typhoon irl. @potater6819
@andrew30844 күн бұрын
can yuo make the music louder next time
@TaeSang_WT4 күн бұрын
will do ! Thx for watching :D have a good one
@Avoithic5 күн бұрын
was this before or after the nerf
@TaeSang_WT5 күн бұрын
@@Avoithic after the "buffed" Eurofighter has nerfed and then buffed now Rafale has only buffed 1 time with losing weight
@Avoithic5 күн бұрын
@ so this is the current euro fighter?
@TaeSang_WT5 күн бұрын
@@Avoithic correct
@Avoithic5 күн бұрын
@@TaeSang_WToh bet
@primehsh5 күн бұрын
@@TaeSang_WT Eurofighter wasn't buffed?
@sleet95085 күн бұрын
그리펜, J10A, 라팔, 유로파이터 중 도그파이팅 최강자는 누가될지 기대되네요😊
@TaeSang_WT5 күн бұрын
저도 기대가 됩니다! 라이브 서버에서 어떻게 나올지 지켜봅시다
@akhilleusz39805 күн бұрын
The j10 definitely. I already saw 1v1's with the j10 against both of the new aircrafts and the j10 with realistic controls, slammed the eurofighter and the rafale. Its just way more manouverable than the rest of the aircraft.
@jogangik23204 күн бұрын
이거보고 15에 카나드 달고 tvc 달고 막 팍팍
@TaeSang_WT4 күн бұрын
ㄹㅇㄹㅇ aim9x 까지 묶어서 시급히 버프 요망
@most_sane_piano_enthusiast5 күн бұрын
typhoon got the su27 treatment fr
@KaiAngelGod5 күн бұрын
cringe video,L on rafale
@spiritofsound84695 күн бұрын
Adding the Eurofighter and Rafale is a big mistake. Those things are impossible to take dawn, even with my F-15E. And to add insult to injury, the Tyohoon has Aim-120B's ?????
@jollywanker95495 күн бұрын
I swear I don't understand why people complain that certain planes get aim120bs and some just the a
@spiritofsound84695 күн бұрын
@@jollywanker9549 American missile on a european platform. What's next ? European nations getting Aim-9X before USA ?
@someone-cc7gl5 күн бұрын
@@spiritofsound8469 Aim-120B is functionally the same as the A and European platforms don't even use the Aim-9X. Also how many patches in a row have the US jets been the top of the meta? This meta shift is at least a year overdue.
@jollywanker95495 күн бұрын
@spiritofsound8469 my dear friend incase u haven't realised smth the amraam is very widespread I don't get why u are crying about it do u rlly want the meteor to be in the game so ur poor little American jets have no chance of touching a typhoon and rafale ever again?
@jollywanker95495 күн бұрын
@@spiritofsound8469it shows u don't read anything about any type of vehicle European platforms don't use the 9x they have the asraam and the irst for a reason