Evelynn Has A Big Problem.

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Evelynn is now under 47% winrate in high elo. Lets theorycraft some builds and runes together, we HAVE to save evelynn
@csabazsoltberta4287 5 ай бұрын
This is what i cooked up: Ludens > Sorcs > Raba > LichBane > Shadowflame> Void . Ultra late game swap boots for Stormsurge, Ludens for Nashors. For runes take electro sorcery.
@dreamsmadeflesh1 5 ай бұрын
Cut down as a rune might work now considering you typically engage onto healthy targets when ult is up, add the new legend haste rune and you might have a good replacement... but the loss of pure AP runes might suck.
@dreamsmadeflesh1 5 ай бұрын
But otherwise since it's pen we're missing, going both shadowflame and stormsurge after lich bane but before deathcap might be the play.
@EmptyD0ll 5 ай бұрын
@@csabazsoltberta4287honestly i think the new ludens is a great choice for that sweet burst, idk how much vs tankier enemies but ig thats what void will help with
@xur7167 5 ай бұрын
@@csabazsoltberta4287 can confirm does cook
@MariaGuerriere 5 ай бұрын
As an Evelynn one trick, I have NOT wanted to start this ranked season because I simply feel so weak…. In games where I’m playing my MAIN champ, I feel so useless sometimes… when I’m playing my alternate picks (Lillia, Kindred, Nidalee, Elise..) I feel so much stronger…. It really blows that my favorite pick was gutted so hard. Why. Why does riot “fix” things that aren’t broken. I had a Tristana the other day build KAENIC against me?????? She oneshot everything and I couldn’t even kill her. She wasn’t even more fed than I was… she just had the ability to build defensive ON TOP of offensive items and be extremely hard to kill even tho I got my charm off and used my full combo… like dude… then I’m left there vulnerable like an idiot trying to escape with no luck. Enemies that in my head should be oneshotable are sometimes NOT anymore once it hits mid/late and it sucks… yes, I need to learn to adapt and making good decisions is key to winning, but being at a disadvantage by default sucks. Obviously it’s not impossible to win/carry on Eve, but it sure as hell feels a lot harder to… I’m hovering mid plat right now, so I’m still low elo and it can work when the enemies are mostly squishy.. but into the wrong enemy team or once I get higher elo it’s gonna suck even more… I hope Riot realizes what they’ve done.
@IsG0d 5 ай бұрын
crying bc u cant one shot adcs anymore
@motafu1 5 ай бұрын
​@@IsG0d one shotting squishys is what an assasin is supposed to, an adc being tanky and op isn't good
@yulian545 5 ай бұрын
@@motafu1 Not being able for 0 5 Evelynn oneshotting fed ADC even without W is why you crying
@motafu1 5 ай бұрын
@@yulian545 not crying, just being realistic assasin>adc>tanks>assasin that's just how games work or do you think it makes for an assasin not being able to one shot an adc after using all of their abilities? adcs being tanky and dealing high damage is more bs than getting one shot by an assasin
@MariaGuerriere 5 ай бұрын
@@IsG0d well like.... what are assassins supposed to do if they cant oneshot the role that is supposed to be the glass-cannon? like... the food chain on the rift is like wildlife.. if there are no predators, then a specific part of that ecosystem becomes OP and takes over, which is NOT healthy. Also, I did say that ofc its my responsibility to adapt to the new meta and that decision making ultimately is the key to wins especially in low elo, so im not making excuses. Just expressing how frustrating it can be to notice such a harsh meta switch!
@flyduster80 5 ай бұрын
Evelynn was way too nerfed this patch, thats why i quit ranked
Dont give up
@vicooo4271 5 ай бұрын
@xVibra 5 ай бұрын
Maybe some type of healing against champs on Q after you hit the initial skill shot, per hatespike? Instead of going full one-shot by buffing her numbers, and encouraging another batch of nerfs later on, they could try and help her survivability? She's a sadist afterall, so when the enemy gets hit by q, it would make sense that she would heal from the enemy's pain. It would also make lane Evelynn a bit better. Also giving a partial refund on W cd if you actually proc it instead of letting it fizzle could help since you'll have more uptime on your mr shred. Still doesn't encourage one shots, but gives her more utility in extended fights to support the team even when you can't fully commit.
I would really like if they did something to her W
@toofu5044 5 ай бұрын
She doesn't really need to sustain, she's an assassin, her utility is her damage and capability to kill in the first place
@gehrmanfh1522 5 ай бұрын
its so sad i feel like a cannon minion but invisible
@arsenicwafers7536 5 ай бұрын
All eve needs is her OLD W back on one of her abilities. I always felt that she needed her E to be activatable out of combat for a speed boost. She wouldn't even need the slow on her W. Just charge it up, and depending on time charged it reduces that amount of MR- max amount is charm with MR reduction. That's it. That's all they would need to change about her. She has no mobility outside of R, and IF there's a minion/creep around to activate E. She's extremely counterable, and now she has no utility, and no damage- just like old eve. But old eve at least had a better kit that synergies with more items- and invisible level 1. At least giver her invisible back at level 1 if nerfing damage. like wtf.
@milapicaa 5 ай бұрын
ugh sadly I agree my baby Eve is feeling so weakkk like she’s doable cause you can’t need a eve one trick but the champ as a whole it’s sad 😔
@Galaxy-je7vz 5 ай бұрын
i started buying malignance. eve feeling so weak made me very hesitant about engaging at all if i dont have my ult, especially because its the only for sure way to escape most times. so getting ult haste early has changed the play a little. i can gank more often, it feels safer, and wasting it on pure safety jumping doesnt punch you in the gut anymore. yes the damage is lower of course, but it also grants some mana and you can always sell it later on. Thoughts?
its terrible, ability haste is counterintuitive in the sense that the more you have of it the worse it becomes. basically blackfiretorch gives u almost as much reduction of cooldown on your ultimate but also on your spells as well as 10x more damage. late game with lich + blue + blakcfire you have more than enough cdr for your ult to be under 60sec cd. if you thats not low enough then youre playing evelynn incorrectly and being too agressive instead being patient and going for opportunities.
@amvbro7033 5 ай бұрын
They need to buff her sooner ir later , she just isnt good anymore Even when i am hella fed i can barely 1 shot carries with full combo ( Charm + E + Q + auto + R ) And if i am behind or even the game is basically GG over Evelynn needed nerfs but not to be destroyed completely I gind myself palting lillia brand if i want ap JG these days abd i climbed with them well I am getting PTSD to the season 3 evelynn nerfs 😭
@amvbro7033 5 ай бұрын
Might as well do what the shen mains did and drop her pick rate until they buff her Because her current state is just sad
Yeah evelynn is almost in troll pick territory
@amvbro7033 5 ай бұрын
​@@ANTHONYEVELYNN😔 I hope we can see some buffs next patch Because after all these adc and ap junglers buffs and evelynn nerfs being so excessive Eve just fell behind so hard , when buying ap doesn't make her do dmg I think it is a scaling issue they nerfed her dmg too much
@tomekd7990 5 ай бұрын
​@@amvbro7033 I dropped her entirely after her W and ult nerfs, started playing belveth jungle and janna supp and I cannot stress this enough. Belveth is an infinitely scaling champion that even in fairly early game feels better than evelynn. It's absolutely crazy.
@amvbro7033 5 ай бұрын
@@tomekd7990 I feel you I picked up brand and lillia and they completely crush team fights and 1vs9 games while eve feels so useless current I truly hope she gets significant buffs soon
@charlessenecaut1403 5 ай бұрын
nice game ! i had a question during the video : how could black torch be the best to rush on eve if u are paying for mana ?
I thought the same too… but the item is just broken even without the mana 😂
@Koce13 5 ай бұрын
The balance deam definitely balanced the game too much around ADC players. BTW I see the runes I recommended last vid but I didn't elaborate how I play around them. It's most important to time the pots to stack a first item Mejai into Lich bane into Rabadons, I really think that without Mejai snowballing Evelynn is the worst champ in the game. But then again I'm m in D2 so it might not mean anything in masters but it has been working out in my elo
@Crownsnek 5 ай бұрын
I've been going Blackfire - Lichbane - Rabadon - then standard recently, clear is fast and in the early game the burn is good for early skirmishes, always sell it last item for something better if i get to that point.
@dreamsmadeflesh1 5 ай бұрын
Never thought to use it for clear but that might work in certain matchups. Dunno if I'd do that into early game matchups though.
@Loyalnacho 5 ай бұрын
One decent game I had with her was going lich bane -> into stormsurge -> into shadowflame when available. Feel like now high ap's are very hard now to make big damage by late game specially againts people who build mr. Rabadons its an option for me but only if i'm sure that i'll be able to oneshot (saldy without ult), so you are moslty forced to go void staff. Stormsurge is questionable, since its only an option if you really need to play safe and be annoying to the enemy team. Speed and ult uptime seems to be the way to go. Being able to go in and out various times have been the way to go, but also still theorizing builds. Mid game is still strong if stomp, but feels like trying to avoid very lategame will be a necessity for now, since now poke champions are very relyant too. Oh, and have been banning karthus all games so you don't have to be forced to build mr at 2nd item
@Loyalnacho 5 ай бұрын
Runes started going also water walking. Feel like a better impact than horizon focus this patch just to catch people on river better on objetive battles, since even scrubs are being hard contested in some cases (but mostly low-mid elo) Im on low emerald for now, so still trying to figure out on eve. Runewise i'm still short of options
@Loyalnacho 5 ай бұрын
I also coincide that it is a lot harder though. Even early game i haven't been able to execute adcs even with the mark. (One gank where I try to ult my target ended up dead by my adc after I ulted, like the enemy was left with a 1 to 2 autos of hp left
@Mimelune 5 ай бұрын
I wish she had her hybrid ratios back. It was so fun to play her has a bruiser/diver before the rework.. I also think the AP item diversity have always been lacking in this game, and the jungle meta hasn't really changed much for like 6 years?). I never understand why she is the one getting those huge nerfs unless it's because she is a low ELO monster and people hates her 🤷
@evelynnahri8079 5 ай бұрын
A nova runa Dilacerar + Legend: Haste. Depois, Shadow Flame de primeiro item. Você terá dano adicional em porcentagem, ability haste, penetração mágica e muito AP. O restante é o mesmo de sempre. Testei e foi o que eu mais gostei até agora
@chanezmld 5 ай бұрын
I managed to hit plat 1 the last day before season reset and I was so confident ranking up even more, won 1 game out of 5 my eve honestly feels terrible and the fact that I can only play on weekends makes me suck and forget some notions I used to apply, very unfortunate I got placed p4 and lost several games, very scared to demote g1 again. Im rethinking my jgl main rn I might main sup atp ( I can't play other picks than eve in jgl )
@rampage222555 5 ай бұрын
I think the addition of Fated Ashes item is the worst thing to happen to Eve in years. Cheap item that prevents her from going invis for a whole ass 3 seconds which also delays empowered E for 3 seconds, making her more useless in team fights. It's causing me to change my whole play style and it ain't fun. Building Banshee's doesn't help either because the spell shield doesn't block the DoT burn effect.
@kaveeshachandimal3214 5 ай бұрын
What about a bruiser-ish build? Like rylais with the fated ashes items and a riftmaker perhaps? Could work imo since she can't oneshot most of the time...
i think so too
@TheRealHiltsy 5 ай бұрын
Im having a grand ol time. still invading, still taking early ganks, still very feat or famine playstyle as i always go with Eve. I played 2 games where the entire enemy team was beef cakes, and intended going Conq, burn, bruiser with rift. was going to be alot of fun but ended the game shortly after lich.
@AzogXela 5 ай бұрын
Would it be possible to play more like a burn build? Have the first engage on Evelynn apply Fated Ashes and Liandry’s, ult out to let it burn, and then reengage?
fated ashes look op
@yuichicowles7915 5 ай бұрын
it is indeed sad...i feel for the master+ players where meta is more impactful. but I am still hopeful, this will be my first split climbing from d4 and I am hoping to make it to d2 😎
@jojohakusho 5 ай бұрын
6:04 lol, it's reassuring to see a challenger make a mistake i just did during my bronze match
@kaiolagatta6063 5 ай бұрын
Try conqueror and fated ashes first, into liandrys. Go for straight up early agression. You're not gonna burst anyone early anyway, go for early dps with Q kite and burn.
I like fated ashes a lot, blackfire torch might be meta on evelynn
@_serins 5 ай бұрын
For unranked Evelynn main like me, when sudden impact change to make pure bonus damage or change of mage items. I don't know a best rune or best build for her, help me😭😭
on it
@kitsou50 5 ай бұрын
Hey guys, as Evelynn player I struggle against Teemo toplaners that always spot me with their shrooms. Any tips you have ? Should I use red trinket ?
red trinket and banshee
@kitsou50 5 ай бұрын
@@ANTHONYEVELYNN ty i never go red trinket usually
@rainy3374 3 ай бұрын
Waot wha happened with evelynn was she alot stronger before cz i jst started playing
@phananz732 5 ай бұрын
Oh my god that Q W(charm) E cant executed a 20% ksante. It is like Eve have to use Q twice perfectly to kill an enemy. Also love how you contrive even with a terrible start. Oh yeah Im also wonder If the touch is good for Eve, Like its a waste to spend your gold for 600 mana although the burn and the 4% AP bonus is so good.
@MAC... 5 ай бұрын
19:35 "I hate this item".... While you sit on 2600 gold.... The extra amount of ap bought probably would have got you the kill... Chasing kills instead of realising the need to buy to get said kills.. As much as your positioning is good for the kill... you still need the damage to make use of it.... Could be worthwhile analysing your Shop cycles.... The last time you were in based was when you died at 15:00 Finally recalling back to shop 22:46 with 3991 gold... So its deliberately choosing a later power spike while losing fights during this almost 8 minute window... Getting annoyed at your lack of damage but choosing a sudden later power spike...
youre not wrong but i wouldve killed if i had something else, wasnt used to the damage since i couldnt even PROC the item... with only lich i kill...
@Officialfrostt 5 ай бұрын
it sucks maan.. its so hard winning anything with her anymore
@Evelusive-h9c 5 ай бұрын
Sadly riot doesn't know how to fix only destroy things. Clearly they don't seem to understand that Eve is all about damage, it's her only source of impact in the game (cuz she has no mobility, no defense tools in her kit none at all, that's the whole point of her passive. Although we use it offensively to kite down squishies, in truth her passive is a defense mechanism meant to keep her out of sight from other assassins that can easily kill her especially when she has no R). Tbh I didn't like lol ever since they removed the mythic items, it became a limital removal for the most crazy broken shits out there, all champs started one shotting like eve while eve became squishier and squishier and the new MR items became stronger and stronger as usual and as if that wasn't enough they actually nerfed her multiple times by reducing her damage lol .... Sorry to say but this is a pure sign that riot wants her out of the game for at least a couple of seasons (my condolences for those poor souls that bought her high noon skins you got duped hard ...)
@murroc 4 ай бұрын
So it's NOT just me that's getting 3:30 clears on Evelynn now :P
@d.v.1803 5 ай бұрын
The fact that her ban rate is around 8% in all ranks means she is complete trash right now. A champ like eve should never have a ban rate below 10%.
@bricevergnou7677 5 ай бұрын
Do you think it is as impactful in lower elos?
yes its even worse
@pacolau7965 5 ай бұрын
At this point, evelynn is just so team-reliant, maybe try full speed build and also build the fated ashes to clear camps faster, so you could always be there for your team? The game is just doomed if there is no carry in your team, evelynn can no longer carry. Perhaps max W second and play like a support style? You're right, lets innovate!
@enoooooooola 5 ай бұрын
@TheMrwewe 5 ай бұрын
riot nerfs on evelynn just don't make any sense
@kingsmanonv37 5 ай бұрын
I am a former Eve main as of 14.9 I'm just playing trist mid till she comes back
@gabol6495 4 ай бұрын
bel veth being broken for months riot:* i sleep * eve is called annoying bcuz of her invis and ppl totally cant buy pinks riot: * real shit *
@pencildead6449 5 ай бұрын
They farmed us for prestige money and then kicked us in the dirt
@SlaveDanLevi 5 ай бұрын
Sits here in low elo and 7+ winstreak going KEKW (I'm gold-plat)
@underlinehd16 5 ай бұрын
Finally these high elo players are recognizing she is not good instead of copium themselves and thinking she is still playable
Other high elo mains (thats i wont name) have too much of an ego and are a bad source of information about evelynn even if they have good skill.
@underlinehd16 5 ай бұрын
@@ANTHONYEVELYNN yes u are the only trustable high elo player IK, I'm glad that I found u and I still have ur videos to watch... Keep up man I will always support u
@Za_Phantom 5 ай бұрын
Eve dmg so low I started playing karthus 😊
@tornadohandsmcgee2082 5 ай бұрын
been build riots latest broken item on Evelynn to burn my enemies, its been working for me.
Yep my next video tomorrow is about it, it actually felt INSANE??
@tepigfan7169 5 ай бұрын
Thank god
@nordic-walking-adventures 5 ай бұрын
I quit eve this patch after many years. But dont forget riot wanted this. Nerfs after nerfs after nerfs.
Ill find a build that makes her playable until riot buffs her
@Lil_Turtle688 5 ай бұрын
Personnaly i think that evelynn is so weak right now that we should change how we play it we need to take first strike the new rune that give 6% gold when you buy an item an whe need to just snowball the hell out of the game. Because anyway now while behind or even with eve you are just doomed
@nicholastoy2781 5 ай бұрын
duo being back in masters makes evelynn especially bad in high elo also.. just such a bad champ right now zz. buff pls
@viixrii 5 ай бұрын
just saying your running blue smite…..😮
its viewers build request
@viixrii 5 ай бұрын
@@ANTHONYEVELYNN ouuuu gotchaaa
@Alexis-zz3nf 5 ай бұрын
I can´t win with my MommyEvelynn😭😭😭😭😭😭
@ibrahimismail5625 5 ай бұрын
honestly half the roster feels dogshit to play
@Lif_Lethal_Swordsman 5 ай бұрын
League of Legends madness vs serious.
@veney639 5 ай бұрын
quebec ?
@veney639 5 ай бұрын
@@ANTHONYEVELYNN jreconnais laccent lol
@SailorDoggos 5 ай бұрын
I’m sorry, but I can’t play her anymore. She SUCKS! She just needs ap, ap, and more ap. I’m a one trick 1.3 million mastery and I switched to mid. Peace out eve 😢
@mynamesjeff9280 5 ай бұрын
go riftmaker liandries malignance tank the wr
@PolaCaKe890 5 ай бұрын
that mouse needs to go
give me 100$ then
@vanmartr 5 ай бұрын
Evelyn was ruined
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