Evidence for the Biblical Exodus - Israel in Egypt

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The Geologian - Joshua Woodard

The Geologian - Joshua Woodard

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@StanGraham1 Жыл бұрын
Loved your presentation Joshua and I would suggest two things: during biblical times the land of Israel was only called by two names, the land of Canaan and the land of Israel; never “Palestine” (which was Latin for “philistine” that Caesar used to replace and erase the name of Israel: and please use many available visuals in your next update. Thank you for all your hard work and God bless you for sharing the truth.
@timesthree5757 Жыл бұрын
It also known as the spine and the high country.
@rwewew Жыл бұрын
Palestine is not Latin for Philistine; it is a translation from the Greek name Palaistinê.
@josiepens4480 Жыл бұрын
Hadrian renamed Israel as Palestine to mock the Jews by renaming their land after their most hated ancient enemy - the Philistines.
@rwewew Жыл бұрын
@josiepens4480 There are many claims about the Romans being responsible for the name Palestine, even in pompous theological institutions, but under a little scrutiny, these claims are rendered as juvenile imaginations. As early as the "Histories" of Herodotus (Greek, written in the second half of the fifth century B.C.E.) , the term Palaistinê is used to describe the area between Phoenicia and Egypt. Herodotus traveled the area so had firsthand knowledge of the land & people. He references the population of Palaistinê as being circumcised.
@hanancho Жыл бұрын
@@rwewew While it's true that the name 'Palestine' has ancient roots, and Herodotus did use the term 'Palaistinê' to describe the region in the 5th century B.C.E., it's essential to approach historical claims with a nuanced perspective. Herodotus's observations were undoubtedly valuable, but they were based on his specific travels and experiences along the shoreline. It's important to note that Herodotus's account might not provide a comprehensive view of the entire population of the land of Israel during his time, nor does it necessarily negate other historical factors, such as Roman influence. The Romans changed people's names when they were captured one example, is Flavius Josephus, this was common. Additionally, during ancient times, there were people living along the shoreline known as the Philistines. Their presence is an essential part of the region's history and contributes to the complexity of its cultural and historical tapestry.
@mightymicroworlds4566 11 ай бұрын
Sharing this!
@k9insomniac783 Жыл бұрын
I just stumbled across this channel. This was a huge help for me to help answer some questions for my very skeptical son who just gave his life to Jesus. I hope we both can use this content on our journey forward to learn more about the way the Bible unfolded.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
I’m so glad! Please feel free to ask questions in the comments of any video or send me an email at Geologianask@gmail.com
@k9insomniac783 Жыл бұрын
@@thegeologian I really appreciate that. We need all the help we can get! Lol
@YaH_Gives_Wisdom Жыл бұрын
K9 you might also be interested for your son the archeological finds of Ron Wyatt, there are several documentary films on YT. He has located the Red Sea crossing, Mt. Sinai, the Rock Moses struck, Noah’s Boat & Sodom & Gomorrah. It proves the Bible is pure history, more so than any secular history book could ever dream.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
@YaH_Gives_Wisdom I suggest checking with other Christian organizations about the reliability of Ron Wyatt’s findings. Here me when I say this, I think Ron was very sincere and I used to think he had found Noah’s Ark. I don’t think that any more. I don’t think Ron had the education he needed to properly evaluate the geology of the area. As someone who loves God’s word and who has studied geoscience, I think he was wrong. I’ve checked with other organizations that uphold God’s word and they likewise were skeptical of his findings. The Red Sea crossing has some support, though no chariot wheels were recovered sadly.
@k9insomniac783 Жыл бұрын
@@YaH_Gives_Wisdom I watched several videos on Ron Wyatt and his sons! I get teary eyed every time I think of when the DNA specialists in Israel handed Ron the test results of the blood he brought in and said “This is the blood of your Savior!” My son has always held a very skeptical outlook on everything since he was a child. He is a (prove it) kind of man. He does fully accept the Bible as 100% fact now that he has began his walk with Our Lord. He became involved with this Apostolic church as a web page consultant and must have received this “oneness” outlook from their preacher. Im going to be very careful how I say this next part. He was baptized this past Sunday. Praise God! During the service that we had attended, Three different preachers delivered a message, with the last one being the head pastor who spent 3 and a half hours yelling loudly that there is no trinity and cited dozens upon dozens of versus where The Lord spoke in singularity. He however never spoke on the versus that show where Jesus speaks to the Father, or when the Father speaks of Jesus, or where Jesus speaks on the Holy Spirit. As we left the church, and my son still trying to cling to the oneness idea, I referenced every scripture I could possibly remember, I also used all of the resources Joshua had shared with me. To make this long story shorter, I left him with two things to think about. First, I told him that in order to converse, teach, learn, or correct someone in the Word, you have to read it. The second was that I told him that while I understand that there are verses in the Bible that his pastor has used to argue his opinion, but made him promise that when he read the word, and read the versus that totally disprove Unitarianism, that he would accept it, believe it, and not try to twist it to fit into something that it’s not. Thank you guys so much for your responses. I absolutely love and appreciate all of your information and kindness to share your time with me. Blessings on all of you!
@nicolaclark4234 Жыл бұрын
Didn't they find a mummy of a Pharaoh which suggest he died by drowning?
@javanpoly4901 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for your effort and for your discussion. I do take issue with a statement made in the video however. Many people off-the-cuff will say We do not need archaeology to believe the Bible. Which is true and false at the same time. It is absolutely true that we need faith in the Bible. But a faith that has the specific definition given to given to us in the bible. Heb.11:1 explains:"Faith Is the evident demonstration of realities though not seen". So many young Christians, Do not have the education And the vocabulary to logically explain their beliefs. Many retort what they've been told all their lives, The bible tells me so. The scientific, The philosophical and the theological give evident demonstrations For the historicity and truthfulness Of Biblical statements. It's cultural training to think by accepting something without evidence, We are showing True respect and love for it. How many people blindly jump into love thinking,They found the perfect person Only to find out they really really should have learned what this person was actually all about instead of just what was presented. That's what I want for my children and the next generation to have. An intelligent faith based on Evidence.
@beauxcarroll8348 Жыл бұрын
Exodus tied to the Sea peoples. The Sea peoples destroyed empires and raided the Mediterranean Sea for decades. They helped end the bronze age along with famine, and pestilence. They get no mention in the old testament. If the Jews were wandering in the desert while sea peoples raided the lands, thus making the Hebrew conquest of the promised land easier. Also, before the Sea peoples, Egypt ruled the promised land. There is an Egyptian monument to the Pharaoh's victory in a civil war and he expelled them from Egypt. They were expelled after the first invasion of the Sea peoples. The Sea peoples were last seen 30 years later when they again failed to conquer Egypt. Many scholars think that the tribe of Dan was one of the sea peoples' tribes.
@kamj1969 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you that Hatshepsut was most likely the step mother to Moses. There was also an interesting character that could be Moses in the court of Hatshepsut. This is Senenmut. He came out of no where and became the right hand aid to Hatshepsut. He was the chief advisor, architect, negotiator to Hatshepsut. Then suddenly towards the end of Hatshepsut reign he disappears from the scene. Could he actually be Moses. If that’s the case he would have grown together with Thutmoses iii the pharaoh of the exodus in the court of Hatshepsut.
@vanessarussell7048 Жыл бұрын
What an amazing thought 😀
@spiritoftruth56 Жыл бұрын
I favour Thutmoses II?
@spiritoftruth56 Жыл бұрын
Evidence has been discovered which confirms, (proves); that the biblical story of the 'Exodus' is based on fact and a true story. The route that the Hebrews took when they fled from Egypt was traced by amateur biblical archaeologist Ron Wyatt. R.I.P. Using the bible for reference, along with holy spirit; he was able too pinpoint the exact location of where the Red Sea was parted allowing escape for the Israelites and death for the Egyptians. Whilst diving off the coast of Nuweiba beach in Egypt he found the remains of Pharaoh's army including chariots with the wheels detached, which confirms the biblical narrative that God made the wheels of their chariots come off. Human bones have been found along with the shrunken hooves of horses.. Over thousands of years the remains have become encrusted with coral which has preserved their shapes and sizes. A gold chariot wheel was discovered, interestingly only the chariot wheels of the Pharaoh or high priest were layered with gold. Coral doesn't adhere to gold so the wheel is still plain to see. The Gulf of Aqaba goes down to a depth of five thousand feet and during nautical surveys of the area the British Navy mapped a gently sloping land bridge that stretched the eight miles across the sea, connecting Nuweiba beach on the west too Saudi Arabia on the eastern side. The bridge is a couple of hundred feet wide and gently slopes down to a depth in the middle of a thousand feet below sea level. Due to tidal effects the bridge remains relatively clear of deep deposits of sand which would have made it easy to navigate and walk upon. The remains of the Egyptian army are found on both sides of the land bridge. Ron also discovered two stone columns one on either side of the crossing site the one on the Egyptian side had been toppled over and was laying in the surf on the shore line. The inscriptions on it had been eroded away but the column on the Saudi side was still upright and in situ. Ron said he could read the names of YHVH, Moses Egypt and Solomon inscribed on it. These columns would have been erected by Solomon in remembrance of the miracle of the crossing. The column on the Saudi side was removed by Saudi authorities and a plaque was put in its place. The column on the Egyptian side was lifted upright and cemented in place. Ron then traced the route that they took from the Red Sea to Mt. Sinai, along the route he discovered places that are mentioned in scripture, including the twelve wells where the Israelites camped and rested. To this day the top of the mountain where Moses received the commandments of God is still scorched and blackened where the angel of God descended upon it in flame. At the base of the mountain there are the remains of a corral structure where the animals were led to slaughter, the bones of theses animals were found buried nearby. The alter upon which they placed the golden calf, when they turned back to the gods of Egypt; is inscribed with petroglyphs of cows & bulls and the engraving of a menorah was also discovered nearby, which proves an Israelite connection with the area. The huge split rock at Horeb shows clear signs of water erosion where the water had flowed out and down to form a lake at the base of the mountain. This provided clean water for the Israelites who were encamped at the base of Mt. Sinai. Archaeological finds and discoveries are still being made and are ongoing. Egyptian arrow heads have been found in the immediate area. These archaeological discoveries have been confirmed and verified by numerous researchers and academics. . The evidence is overwhelming and undeniable. And through the archaeological finds discovered on the seafloor of the Gulf of Aqaba, (Red Sea); particularly an Egyptian eight spoked chariot wheel; we can determine that the Exodus must have occurred around the time of Thutmose II, and from this time period we can calculate back to the approximate date of when Joseph was born and when he was taken in bondage to Egypt, c1890BC and c1873BC respectively. In c1860BC, after spending thirteen years in prison, aged thirty he met with Pharaoh Amunemhat III, (c1860 -1814BC) Moses was born in c1553BC, at the time of Pharaoh Apepi (c1573 - 1549BC), and he fled from Egypt, c1513BC, (Pharaoh Thutmose I - (c1528 -1492BC). He returned to Egypt forty years later in c1473BC, New Kingdom Thutmose II (c1493 - 1479BC} (c993BC), Four hundred and eighty years after the exodus Solomon began construction of the first temple, It took seven years to complete.
@spiritoftruth56 Жыл бұрын
@PaulKinley54 Unfortunately some people never learn and you my friend are one such person!
@KaijuSocial Жыл бұрын
@@spiritoftruth56 Or…… someone else also found the same remains thousands of years ago and either A.) invented a story to explain the mystery of what it is and what it’s doing there… or B.) adjust the story they were already selling in order to use the “evidence” as validation for their mythology.
@anniesavidge2468 11 ай бұрын
The author, Orson Scott Card, also believed that Hatshepsut was the pharaohs daughter who adopted Moses. He wrote a novel concerning this called Stone Tables. I read it nearly 20 years ago and found it fascinating. I’m so pleased that you are essentially validating his theory.
@doyouknoworjustbelieve6694 4 ай бұрын
The only reason the Bible does not mention the name of the rulers during Joseph’s time, Moses’ birth or exodus, is that these stories are fabricated based on the collective memory of different migrations from Egypt including the Hyksos. It doesn’t make sense that the writers of the Bible cared for mentioning names and events of other less important people thought out the Bible, but somehow ‘conveniently’ ‘forgot’ to mention the names of Egypt’s rulers during the so called presence of Joseph and Moses in Egypt. BTW- It’s naive to believe that agricultural Egypt took agricultural advice from Bedouin Joseph or that a large number of people would go undetected in the Sinai desert for 40 years by Egyptian patrols.
@technicianbis5250-ig1zd 4 ай бұрын
​@@doyouknoworjustbelieve6694 "It doesn't make sense" The Bible contains several "less important people" so you're comment is fabricated. What you've done is listen to those around you and taken their beliefs as fact. Take some time and read the Bible and compare it with historical events and you just might believe the Bible is based on fact.
@technicianbis5250-ig1zd 4 ай бұрын
​@@doyouknoworjustbelieve6694 "BTW" Why is it naive? Joseph was a blessed follower of God and got his knowledge from God, his agricultural abilities stem from discerning the dream of pharoah and Joseph set about mechanisms to protect the Egyptians like building store houses, water storage dams, as well as a city.
@matthewstump7563 4 ай бұрын
​@doyouknoworjustbelieve6694 the Hebrews did not call them by their names. They used Pharaoh.
@BaronBoar Жыл бұрын
If you watch Joel Kramer's video and others. Amenhotep II predecessor ruled for over 40 years. Amenhotep II death is unknown. His palace was abandoned. His first born mysteriously died and his second born took the thrown.
@eurekasquared9853 Жыл бұрын
As a History Teacher, I learned that the Egyptians thought it was bad luck to write down stories about bad things that happened which is why there’s no hieroglyphics about the plagues.
@drrichardpaul Жыл бұрын
There actually is, though. In the tomb of Atemhotep, there’s a series of 3 tablets which explain what happened. They’ve been largely dismissed because it doesn’t fit with the idea that Ramses must be that Pharoah. Look at his life.
@tray22 Жыл бұрын
​@youtubesucks3811 To your point, this very thing is actively happiness all around us. It accidentally happened in North America with our largest known earthquake. We literally forgot it in our history, and it was rediscovered almost a generation later.
@cecilspurlockjr.9421 Жыл бұрын
​@PaulKinley54 There's much more archeological evidence than this . Actually good evidence. Give it a serious objective search and you night just be surprised. If you're sincere that is , because there's still many people who are so insincere or just ignorant that they deny CHRIST JESUS ever even lived . Lol .
@youtubesucks3811 Жыл бұрын
@@cecilspurlockjr.9421 I completely agree but I would like a source. Not for argument sake but because I like reading about it.
@universalflamethrower6342 Жыл бұрын
Look up Ipuwer papyrus
@merleharris7485 Жыл бұрын
Like the song goes, "It's Istanbul, not Constantinople.' LOL! Same principle in Exodus of referring to an old city by its current or more current name by which it it is known.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
That’s a great point!
@luciparadise6781 Жыл бұрын
Love that song. 😂
@merleharris7485 Жыл бұрын
@@luciparadise6781 And there's a cover of it by the duo "They Might Be Giants..." which sounds kind of Biblical itself! LOL! "They Might Be Nephilim"...
@pictureel5863 Жыл бұрын
It’s great that you show all the evidence available in the right order. Such a useful video.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@stephenolan5539 Жыл бұрын
The right order is, evidence then conclusion. Starting with the Exodus is not the right order.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
Evidence requires interpretation and interpreters are always working with a preconceived foundation or lens of interpretation. This is always true. The key is not allowing your starting point to force the evidence in one direction. As I stated in the video, I cannot be dogmatic about my interpretation considering there are many different views and the amount of evidence we have of Egypt’s history, as a great archaeologist has said, is just scraps.
@stephenolan5539 Жыл бұрын
@@thegeologian That is why Scientists go to great lengths to not let their biases interfere with their conclusions. For example look up double blind. But most importantly they are willing to say, "I don't know", and "I was wrong" Believers look for confirmation and can't change their beliefs.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
@@stephenolan5539 I would agree that the double blind peer review process is probably the best way of doing it. However, this doesn’t fully work when everyone who is publishing and reviewing also abides by the same paradigm almost religiously. The current paradigm abides by philosophical naturalism, which is a huge bias and an illogical one at that.
@douglasbrannon6525 Жыл бұрын
Ron Wyatt has a video about the exodus and shows where they came to the only beach for a hundred miles or more and crossed the red sea into Saudi Arabia .side . And he shows chariot wheels on the bottom of the red sea.
@hpinchen9451 Жыл бұрын
Yes All of Ron Wyatts videos on his amazing Biblical discoveries are well worth watching and learning from!
@crystalclearwindowcleaning3458 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for showing us that even archaeology will be misconstrued depending on the biases of the person doing the digging. Careful, accurate, honest archaeology has always supported the biblical accounts.
@mattbritton6222 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for showing us that even archeology will be misconstrued depending on the biases of the person doing the digging.
@MyReligionIs2DoGood 11 ай бұрын
@@mattbritton6222 Thank you! Going through this comment section, I already thought rational thinking was dead!
@FriedrichBoettger Жыл бұрын
It's nice when the "science" finally has to come around, kicking and screaming, to what you've known all along.
@rickhardman7235 9 ай бұрын
A confident man credits others when due. Your acknowledgement of Tim Mahoney's work says volumes about your integrity. Your own research is comprehensive and the delivery is sincere. This was very good! Thank you.
@Silverheart1956 10 күн бұрын
There are problems with Tim Mahoney's work
@louwrainemyburgh8835 Жыл бұрын
Hatshepsut was the daughter of Thutmose 1 and the wife of Thutmose 2, her half-brother. Thotmose 3 was her stepson.
@scottsmith4145 11 ай бұрын
+1. Also an interesting fact is that Hatshepsut dissapears entirely while co reigning with thutmose 3 once he returns from war campaigns. . Its beleived she was assasinated or poisioned so thutmose 3 could become sole ruler. A conspiracy. Hatshepsut and Thut 3(her step son) did not have a good relationship because he was not her son but born of one of her husbands concubines. Hatshepsut never was able to concieve a son. This lends strength to why she adopts Moses and raises him as her own. Thut 3 considered to be one of the greatest of egypts pharoas was not born of pure royal blood! Moses had no support once she dies and is not recognized as legit by thut 3. Then moses is pegged for killing an egyptian to save a hebrew slave,,,Not good for Moses
@v1e1r1g1e1 Жыл бұрын
Is it New York or New Amsterdam? Depends what period in history you're talking about.
@BlestinTexas24 Жыл бұрын
This is so interesting. Until recently, there was very little evidence of Israel in Egypt, a source of mystery for those who believe the where science and the Bible do not agree, the Bible narrative holds true. The accounts of Joseph, Moses and the Exodus events were entwined with the history of Egypt. After the Exodus, with the destruction of the Egyptian army, Egypt never returned to its former glory Very exciting. Thank you!
@dizasteroid7 11 ай бұрын
Considering that egypt's archaeological finds were tightly controlled by avid anti semite and corrupt black market antiquities dealer Zahi Hawass its no surprise that that very little very little evidence of israel was found in egypt.
@AskBibleNotes Жыл бұрын
Joel Kramer of Expedition Bible has an excellent case on Amenhotep II as the Pharoah of Exodus. Great research here, too. The city of Avaris holds great connection to the Exodus story.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
His channel is fantastic!
@johnjensen6246 Жыл бұрын
It looks to me with the 'boils' on Amenhotepll neck, is apparent that he is 'The Pharoah. that knew not Joseph'(Ex.?) Hence the accelerated mistreatment 0f the Israeli people,raising the alarm with prayers for a 'Deliverer('MOSES)...jn
@nebucamv5524 Жыл бұрын
Inspiring Philosophy has tried to debunk Joel Kramer. Have you seen it? What do you think? I'm still not sure ...
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
I have not seen it yet. Is it the video about the Pharaoh of the Exodus? Or another video? I’d like to watch it myself and then I’ll be better able to comment.
@Kaz.Klay. Жыл бұрын
No doubt exodus happened... Past that i don't know which pharaoh specifically it was for sure for sure though mt Horeb/Sinai being in Saudi is a guarantee... Bless all!
@marionchase-kleeves8311 Жыл бұрын
I heard about a Hebrew inscription in, "Goshen" attributed to Ephraim and Manassa dedicating a garden to their mother, Joseph's wife, daughter of the priest of On
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
Interesting. What’s the inscription called?
@marionchase-kleeves8311 Жыл бұрын
@@thegeologian I can't remember but will check my feed for the site. I NEED to write these sites down! Something always comes up and I don't have the reference. There was some concern about the location due the change in name over time and the change in the Nile River bed
@hpinchen9451 Жыл бұрын
Please give more info. I know Sakarya and used to gaze at the pyramid while having breakfast
@marionchase-kleeves8311 Жыл бұрын
@@hpinchen9451 Ron Wyatt museum has proof of Hebrews in Egypt. They may be able to find the references to Joseph in Egypt. So much has been suppressed due to political and academic communities
@standingtall6478 11 ай бұрын
Great points! Propaganda ruled hieroglyphics, not fake news, just no bad news. Hated Dad, erase him. Good stuff geologian…love name too. Subscribing.
@LeeLee-pk4ss Жыл бұрын
according to the Bible Moses' step mom is recorded to have left with the Hebrews and is in the line of Christ, it's one of those blink and you'll miss it passages in 1 Chronicles her name was Bithiah.
@chronic_daydreamer 2 ай бұрын
This is not correct. If Hatshepsut was Moses’ adoptive mother, she was likely dead by this point. Bithiah was likely Nefrubity, her sister. This would also explain how she was young enough to marry a Hebrew. There is also nothing to substantiate the claim about Mered her husband nor of Bithiah being ancestors to Christ. Where’d you get that from?
@unoleagotiya5583 Жыл бұрын
Ramesses translates to "Son of Ra". The term Son of Ra is also a pharaonic title that stretches back to long before Ramesses II. Since Pi Ramesses can be translated as " The House (or City) of the Son of Ra", couldn't this easily apply to any pharaoh by title and not just to Ramesses II?
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
Yes! That is a great possibility! It could have just been the new name given to Avaris as either the Hyksos sought to solidify their reign as rightful pharaohs or as another pharaoh, such as Ahmose or Thutmose III built over the old Hebrew city. Thank you for the thought!
@livelyasmr Жыл бұрын
​@@troyhaileyhow are you able to pin point exactly when all these people lived? I don't think the Bible reveals when Abraham was born
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
The Bible gives genealogies along with the age of individuals when they died. You can follow the record back to a specific date.
@livelyasmr Жыл бұрын
@@thegeologian the Bible doesn't say how many years each person lived in every genealogy nor the parent's age when each kid was born. Some yes, but not all
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
It takes you to Abraham and the rest of Genesis takes you to Jacob’s sons. From there there’s plenty of data to accurately date it back into the past.
@r4_in_space Жыл бұрын
The Jericho part is my favourite. In religion class at school, we don't even touch these topics. It's such a watered down and vague version of our beliefs that it's no wonder so many people opt for agnosticism or straight up atheism. The emphasis the establishment puts on religion is close to non-existant. Thanks for the quality content and keep it up!
@tuvoca825 11 ай бұрын
Yep. Too many churches turned into self-help groups instead of informed believers. Time to undo that era of shopping for a God that fits what theybalready were instead of one that has an objective truth and requires something.
@americanjoe5486 11 ай бұрын
Sorry but you obviously do not know the definition of nostrasism! Jesus was a nostic so was Mary, Joseph ,and most Esenes!!!
@doyouknoworjustbelieve6694 4 ай бұрын
The only reason the Bible does not mention the name of the rulers during Joseph’s time, Moses’ birth or exodus, is that these stories are fabricated based on the collective memory of different migrations from Egypt including the Hyksos. It doesn’t make sense that the writers of the Bible cared for mentioning names and events of other less important people thought out the Bible, but somehow ‘conveniently’ ‘forgot’ to mention the names of Egypt’s rulers during the so called presence of Joseph and Moses in Egypt. BTW- It’s naive to believe that agricultural Egypt took agricultural advice from Bedouin Joseph or that a large number of people would go undetected in the Sinai desert for 40 years by Egyptian patrols.
@0u0ak Жыл бұрын
Thutmose III (Pharaoh) seems a good match for the 'great' ruler who killed the Hebrew babies (thus baby Moses being pulled from the Nile by a Pharaoh's daughter) and his son, Amenhotep II then being the Pharaoh of the exodus. Amenhotep II's mother, Merytre-Hatshepsut, was likely the daughter of Satiah, a princess of Nubia (who were darker skinned, like Amenhotep II was). Hatshepsut, Amenhotep II's grandmother, was the daughter of Thutmose I and Ahmose-Nefertari, likely a Hyksos princess. This Hatshepsut was the wife of her half-brother, Thutmose II. When Thutmose II died, Hatshepsut became regent for Thutmose III, her stepson by another (minor) wife of Thutmose II during the first 22 years of his reign. After her death he reigned a further 32 years (notably, well over 40 years in total). Hatshepsut's statues, etc. were defaced around the time of the transition from Thutmose III to Amenhotep II. Senenmut (meaning 'mother's brother') was a designer who completed Hatshepsut's mortuary where her body was kept before burial nearby at el Qurn. His unfinished tomb was also defaced. Senenmut helped raise Hatshepsut and Thutmose II's only child together, a daughter named Neferure. His tomb implies that he did not marry. Amenhotep II, a son of Thutmose III (by Nebu, one of several wives) eventualy succeeded his long-lived father. The elder son of Amenhotep II died young. He was named Amenemopet and predecesing his father. Thus another son, Thutmose IV ruled instead. Aside: Moses (Mosis, Mos[h]e) means 'born' or 'birthed'. For ancient Egyptians the annual Nile flood that fertilised the land was a constant reminder of their own fertility and the hope of life that came with a woman's water breaking, which may relate to the 'because I pulled him out of the water' comment. For context, Hatshepsut, assuming that she lived to age 49, would been age 15 when her husband began to rule, and age 28 when her husband died, and aged 33 when she was named Pharaoh, and about 41 when Moses was drawn from the water (by whichever 'daughter of Pharaoh'), if the above is correct. (Hope I have all that right.) [Edit: added details]
@thomasblea1676 Жыл бұрын
Your recollection was indeed excellent! When one adds up all historical/forensic "bullet-points," it is indeed Pharaoh Amenhotep II that appears to be the Pharaoh of the Exodus. He also suddenly disappears from the Egyptain Pharaohnic historical record. He was also not replaced by his first-born son because he died early in childhood, but was indeed replaced by his second son. This second son of Pharaoh Amenhotep II, as I recall the historical narrative, ruled during a great period of difficulty for Egypt.
@richardpaschal2218 Жыл бұрын
How does a people escape to the Promised Land when that land was a highly controlled land with vassal states of Egypt, and remained under control from Thutmose III and his dynasty of 5 subsequent Pharaohs? Plus Egyptian presence in the Sinai for mining.
@scottsmith4145 11 ай бұрын
I agree. it is Amenotep 2 who is pharoah of the Exodus. I think you do have the facts correct. The key clue which i dont know why the lecturer completely missed is that the father of the exodus pharoah must have reigned at least 40 years based on the biblical account. Thutmose 2 did not. not many in egyptian history qualify. Thutmose 3 does.
@GraveyarDiscipl Жыл бұрын
The words "Hapiru" and "Hebrew" are very similar when pronounced. Maybe they are the same people and the only difference is a language barrier or the name simply changed over time.... Just a thought
@grunyonthoughtsfromagrunt8264 Жыл бұрын
The documentary he mentions is incredible. Mahony actually put out 4 of them all dealing with the Exidious, crossing of the Red Sea and Moses. One of the things I came out with this is that there can be Valid, legitimate evidence supporting the Bible which in turn gives evidence of the whole truth of the bible and therefore evidence that supports the existence of God. But that doesn't fit the narrative of the secular scientific community so they totally 100% dismiss it even if the evidence is staring them right in the face.
@someonesomewhere6316 Жыл бұрын
Evil tastes good thus people do evil. People choose what to believe in, yet the truth remains true whether believed or not. People want to be popular, so they do/say what people want to hear to so they become popular. God exists whether we believe or not... Faith alone will lead us into eternal life. Blessed are they that have not seen yet believe.
@philosophactory Жыл бұрын
Suggesting that the scribes updated scripture to make relevant or current for there time is undermine the integrity of the scribes let alone there obsessive diligence to copy each successive manuscript absolutely identically. Scribes worked together as a group and they had a supervisor who had an overseer and manager. They were fastidious in making certain that each successive document was an exact copy down to the minutest detail. If a scribe made an error during copying it wasn’t just corrected. That document was destroyed and the copying was begun again. Such was the reverence for God’s holy word. That is not the same as Moses addending his own writings at the direction and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. If scribes took on a liberty like this it would sully the integrity of scripture. Plus if it were common practice wouldn’t all the names of countries and cities in Genesis 10 and elsewhere be made politically, socially, culturally and geographically relevant each time the scripture was copied???
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
As I have conversed with viewers, I think I’m leaning towards your conclusion as well. The other two options for retaining my interpretation of Thutmoses III and Amenhotep II would then require a prophetic naming of the city on Moses’s behalf, or that the city after the expulsion of the Hyksos was renamed Rameses after the general title and name of most pharaohs, “Son of Ra.” Or, a third option is that it’s a completely different city altogether. And lastly, I’m wrong on all accounts and Rameses the Great was the pharaoh of the exodus and the city we are discussing is in fact Pi-Rameses.
@robertjohns9543 11 ай бұрын
From space, one can see a path from Cairo, ( Alexandria ), up and over the Red Sea, and then south to the other branch of the Red Sea. This body of water is now called Gulf. When the Exodus story was unfolding in Egypt, it was also called the Red Sea. Today, we find coral growing that is shaped like a chariot axil and wheel. From this we can determine what model of chariots they were. There is an example of all four Egyptian chariot models strewn across this branch of the " Red Sea ". Believe or not, the Bible is a most accurate history book. My guess is that history isn't the only accuracy about this wonderful book.
@countvlad8845 Жыл бұрын
Why not have a pilgrimage of the Exodus? Show some sights like Mt Sinai, the Red Sea, various cities, etc. It'll take some time, but it should be very informative to people and strengthen their faith.
@Silverheart1956 Жыл бұрын
(Min. 11:10 ff). it probably wasn't a multicolored coat that Jacob made Joseph. Multicolored coats (Tunics) were actually common among Asiatic Semites. We see murals of Asiatic Semites arriving in Egypt wearing multicolored tunics. Instead the Hebrew word more likely is speaking of a long tunic (long sleeves and long length). Men usually wore shorter tunics and women a little longer. However, men of royalty would often wear long tunics. The long tunic of Joseph implied superiority to Joseph's brothers and when he told them his dream implying they will bow down to him the brother's had had enough. And you know the rest of the story. (Min. 34:22 ff). No, Bryant Wood is not an Egyptologist. He is an expert in Syro-Palestinian ceramic typology particularly of the Late Bronze Age. Pharaoh of the Exodus. - I would agree with Dr. Wood, Dr. Stripling and Dr. Petrovich - Amenhotep II. Amenhotep II's campaign into Canaan (his last campaign) was after the Exodus during the same year. Be Well, DZ
@elisejaudon925 Жыл бұрын
When you look for things with a jaded opinion it dosen't work. Kenyon had a jaded view of the bible. She wanted to say it wasn't so, so she did. Despite the evidence she refused to look at. This attitude prevails throughout the sciences. Many such things they do. Sorry if I sound jaded. Im almost sixty, so I've been listening to their lies much longer.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
We’ve got to be honest with ourselves about our own biases when we are doing any kind of research otherwise we will do just as you have said. I agree that it’s certainly an issue that runs in most fields of science and theology and Biblical studies as well sadly. But good evidence is good evidence! It’s hard to disagree with it when we are faced with it.
@masada2828 Жыл бұрын
Kenyon did not dispute Jericho fell, she just had the time wrong by 200 years. She stated Jericho was already destroyed (in 1200 BC) when the Hebrews entered Canaan & she was correct as the Hebrews entered Canaan in 1405 BC.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
She incorrectly interpreted the data at Jericho. The main crux of her argument was based on the absence of a specific type of pottery rather than what she did find there. She also overlooked the previous findings that the pottery had been found already. Since then, archaeologists have continued to find it and reinterpret her excavation.
@MottiShneor Жыл бұрын
It's not really "shaken off"... In Hebrew "פרעה וחילו ירה בים" -- the correct translation to the verb ״ירה״ is "Shot" (past form of "to shoot") like you shoot a missile, an arrow or a stone. It's like "God shot Pharaoh and his army into the sea".
@calebwilliams7659 Жыл бұрын
And if David Rohl's Egyptian "new chronology" is correct, and I believe it is, then Rameses II actually lived from 943 BC to 877 BC, so a couple more centuries since the Exodus in 1446 BC. Also agree that the city of Pi-Rameses is the same city as Avaris, just like we don't call Constantinople or Peking those names anymore, they're now called Istanbul and Beijing.
@davidjanbaz7728 Жыл бұрын
Dr.David Faik Egyptologist videos are far more accurate!
@Silverheart1956 Жыл бұрын
Dear @calebwilliams7659, It is very difficult to defend the idea that the 19th Dynasty was that late (Rameses II 943 BC to 877 BC,). That is why the vast majority of Egyptologists disagree with that idea. After looking at the various theories for the date of the Exodus, I have come to the conclusion that the Early Exodus Theory (Approx. 1446 BC) is the most probable date of the Exodus. There is some convincing evidence that appears to support this theory the best. I will probably stand with that one unless some big discovery is significant enough to support something else and provide a better explanatory perspective. Be Well, DZ
@jperez7893 4 ай бұрын
i agree with david rohl. he posits that there is an artificial gap of 300 years. i have also searched the eclipse tables and i have reason to believe that battle of gibeon happened on 14th july 1406 BC(this has a peculiar path running from rome, olympia, to babylon. furthermore, i have encountered a research stating hittite chronology to be off by 332 years, and that mursili II of the hittite empire occurred on aug. 2, 979 bc (kzbin.info/www/bejne/a2Kkq4ejirZ-ldU). while james lowdermilk derives the beginning of the egyptian calendar and point of origin of 1st day of the egyptian calendar was july 20, 4243 bc or jdn 171868 (kzbin.info/www/bejne/q5y3hJx6iN18pbc)
@bwilliamson6418 3 ай бұрын
1446 BC actually came before 943 to 877 BC by several hundred years since BC dates count down from higher to lower numbers. Consequently, 1446 BC was over 400 years earlier than Rameses II time period. I do believe the Biblical texts and believe that Moses did lead the Israelites out of Egypt, but the dates for Rameses II's reign are after they left Egypt.
@jperez7893 3 ай бұрын
@@davidjanbaz7728 🤣
@uscitizen7665 Жыл бұрын
It is believed that Bitiah drew Moses out of the water. Her name is mentioned in 1 Chronicles 14:18
@ProselyteofYah Жыл бұрын
Glad this theory is becoming more well known and popular now. The Patterns of Evidence documentary did a great job.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
In reality, all you’ve provided is your opinion. There’s plenty of evidence.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
Oh what I was saying was that you didn’t offer any evidence against the arguments I put forward in the video. So, yes, you merely offered your opinion.
@bugzyhardrada3168 Жыл бұрын
​@@thegeologianthere literally isint any evidence backing up exodus in any way. Exodus is the most erroneous and fabricated book in the entire collection. It even has the timeline off by about 800yrs, it gets the wrong pharaoh, and there were no hebrew slaves in egypt, ffs. And moses, one of the most plagerized characters in scriptures His story being a echo of Sargon of Akkad, Ra Harakhti, Bacchus etc etc. The whole thing is just rather pathetic and silly and you never presented any evidence for anything, you just resort to the same old delusional drivle. Your whole faith is plagerized, erroneous, fictitious nonsense. It's really quite sad to witness such delusion and cowardice of not even being able to face reality.
@bestKaffir.underTheSon Жыл бұрын
@@taylorthetunafish5737 How do you relate to the evidence of the Moses story in a temple? And the tomb of the biological parents of Moses? Mary Wyatt has all the pictures in her book.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
@taylorthetunafish5737 in the video, I offer plenty of evidence. My comment was in reference to the fact that the Bible’s historicity isn’t made or broken by the exodus alone.
@Bazooka_Sharks Жыл бұрын
Ipuwar papyrus, amarna tablets, those both point to the early exodus too. I think joel kramer and titus Kennedy are right. Awesome video 👍🏻👍🏻
@morielrorschach8090 Жыл бұрын
1- The evidence dug up in Goshen/Avaris, presented in patterns of evidence is valuable and legitimate. Just be careful of Mr. Rohl's chronology to restructure everything so that 1446 is now in the old kingdom. 2- if we just compare the Hebrew scriptures as written to Egyptian High chronology (and the Septuigent reading of Israel sojourning in Egypt AND Canaan for 430 years, so as not to conflict with having only 4 generations in Egypt): Joseph goes into Egypt and his people prosper for decades under the Hyksos dynasty. This was an asiatic dynasty, explaining why they would be accepted so readily, because they were kin. Exodus starts with the "Pharaoh that didn't know Joseph" and enslaved Israel- Ahmose, and the beginning of the 18th dynasty, driving out the Hyksos leadership and enslaving the Israelites as they considered them part of the same group (which Josephus confirms). The Pharaoh when Moses would have been born (80 years prior to the Exodus) would have been Thutmose 1. We don't know for SURE which of his daughters found Moses, but it would line up well with the only one with the official title of "Daughter fo Pharaoh": Hatshepsut. Who was associated with a VERY similar figure Egypt knows as Senenmut, some foreigner she'd taken under her wing, and seemed to be grooming to be the next pharaoh, instead of her stepson Thutmose 3. But Senenmut suddenly disappears in 1486 (same year as Moses leaves). Not long before she's poisoned and Thutmose 3 takes the throne. He's exiled for his whole rule, and he would be the Pharaoh that died right before the Exodus, leaving Amenhotep 2 as the Pharaoh of the Exodus (who was Not Succeeded by his firstborn son, but a later one). Amenhotep 3 produces the Soleb inscription (during the time when the people of Jehovah were wandering, or just starting the conquest), which refers to the "Shasu of Yahweh" or Nomads of Jehovah. And he and Amenhotep 4 start receiving pleas for help from most of the Canaanite tribes because of Marauding "Abirew" (Hebrews), taking over their land. Early Exodus+high chronology fits pretty directly. There's just debate among academics about the timing of some of the conquered cities because there are multiple destruction layers at Jericho and Hazor (one from each happens to line up with the 1400s, but there's ANOTHER destruction layer in the 1200s, which would be during the time of the judges, before King Saul.
@jgv4513 Жыл бұрын
Wonderful presentation. I love Patterns of Evidence and have watched it multiple times. You added some fascinating historical details/speculations beyond that documentary. Thank you.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Patterns of Evidence is an amazing resource for sure.
@jgv4513 Жыл бұрын
@@EasternRomeOrthodoxy are you suggesting that we have the original text?
@EasternRomeOrthodoxy Жыл бұрын
@@jgv4513 Of course we do. What you read (in your bad English translation though) IS the original text, and to suggest otherwise would be nothing but Protestant heresy
@jgv4513 Жыл бұрын
@@EasternRomeOrthodoxy you cannot simultaneously claim something is a ‘bad translation’ AND ‘the original text’. You just posited a contradiction. You also fail to explain how you determined which variants are the originals. If you’re just going to continue to default to ad hominem this will be very unproductive. If you are willing to actually converse I have no problem hearing you out.
@EasternRomeOrthodoxy Жыл бұрын
@@jgv4513 I am conversing, only you don't listen or you just don't get it, so complain to yourself. Either you're trying to be a wiseguy with that reply or you don't understand the difference between changing the substance of the original text and TRANSLATING the original to other languages, as your English translations of the Bible. Your English translations are not that good, but at least they meant to translate it without changing the substance, only by mistakes they got things wrong occasionally. While the Greek, Latin and Slavonic translations are the most accurate of the original text of which I am fluid with. Just like Muslims are required to read, know and understand the Quran in the original Arabic, so do all Christians should know the Bible in the ancient Hebrew text, in my opinion. But that's besides the point. Point is that we're not allowed to change names and words in the original text ESPECIALLY not the Hebrew one (of which you have no excuses of translation etc)
@vincentwood7036 Жыл бұрын
It is BC, Before Christ, not BCE.
@nicholasbenton1088 Жыл бұрын
I would very much like to open a dialog with you, sir. As a geologist, I have spent nearly a decade locating geologic structures in the Levant There are more than a few interesting notes.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
@nicholasbenton1088 I would enjoy that. Send me an email at geologianask@gmail.com or continue commenting here if you’d prefer that. I’m interested in what you’ve learned!
@flwrangler Жыл бұрын
Bithiah left Egypt with Moses when he ran away after killing an Egyptian slavedriver. She married Mered The Judahite. Her children were Miriam, Shammai and Ishbah, the father of Eshtemoa. A Scottish legend tells the story of how through " Scota" their decendants established the nation of Ireland.
@JRT5573 Жыл бұрын
The same principle applies were we to say that the Dutch settled New York City. Of course, when they settled that area, they named it New Amsterdam; it was alter renamed New York.
@albertansah1373 Жыл бұрын
Joseph was buried 😅😮😅 by ancient ancestors.????.😮😢😂😅😮.The powers of Joseph was beyond anything that could have happened in more than the minimum.Joseph was and always be the favorite ❤️ son of Jacob.!????😮😅😢😂)))).😊
@kristenpudlow5402 Жыл бұрын
Great work, thank you for doing what so many of us have prayed for, the truth!
@EasternRomeOrthodoxy Жыл бұрын
🤺☦🇷🇺Nope. No one "updated" anything and there were no "biblical authors"🤦‍♂️To say a thing like that it is pure heresy, since Jesus himself said that not even 1 letter can be changed from the original text, and God Himself wrote the 5 books of Moses, by dictating it to Moses, so stop making up false theories, you Protestant heathens. The correct answer is that the Bible is a prophetic book, not plain history, and certain place names were given retrospectively as they were called in the future, that's all. Like it was the case with the river of Eden which encircled the land of "Cush"...Abraham going all the way to "Dan"... The Pharaohs of Moses' time were Ahmose I, Thutmose III, and Amenhotep II, with Hatshepsut as the Pharaoh's daughter. Repent and convert, Protestants👉
@marhawkman303 Жыл бұрын
@@EasternRomeOrthodoxy really? you're trying to call Protestants heretics? Yeah, the Pope is a heretic.... by the standard of the Word,. not a standard of my creation.
@hazeluzzell Жыл бұрын
I don’t think you need to make apologies for your scholarship. I don’t think many ‘good’ archaeologists/historians would say, if I can’t find it, it didn’t happen. They’re more likely to look harder.
@calebshuler1789 Жыл бұрын
I didnt miss anything. I read and follow the Word of God daily. Hour to hour.
@elizabethjansen2684 Жыл бұрын
Pharaoh's sound just like today's politicians.
@allenfrisch Жыл бұрын
Amen! Excellent presentation! I examined these dates and historical figures several years ago in seminary and came to the same conclusions. The evidence from the timing, the archaeology, the documents, and the biblical record all fit far better with this theory than they do with what mainstream historians promote.
@ziong5471 Жыл бұрын
I’ve just found patterns of evidence! Love it!! YAHUAH IS INCREDIBLE! Excellent video!
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@briantitchener4829 Жыл бұрын
Enjoyed this. We know the bible is true anyway, but it's nice to see that through some research, combined with the archaeological evidence, that God's written word is completely validated. Nice job.
@graceyow3392 Жыл бұрын
Goshen was the starting point of exodus. But exodus 14.2 records the Israelites being directed to take the route of pi*haheroth where the crossing actually took place😢
@graceyow3392 4 ай бұрын
bless you for reading the written word of god. that's what keeps us from erroneous/vain/false/deceptive teachings. may your zeal for the truth inspires the rest of us.
@dgreg493 Жыл бұрын
Just stumbled across your channel. Thank you for your work. This study is very interesting. I’m sure Joseph was there. In Saqqara they discovered the story of Joseph, along with the grain storage complexes and everything. In Egypt he was Imhotep. He contributed SO much to the Egyptian culture while there. There’s a good book called “Battle for the Firstborns” by Mary Nell Wyatt that breaks all of this down. Yah bless you 🙏🏽
@Val.Kyrie. Жыл бұрын
I’ve never heard the Imhotep-Joseph connection before but now that it’s mentioned that makes A LOT of sense. Imhotep was a real outlier.
@Silverheart1956 Жыл бұрын
Dear @dgreg493 What you are speaking of is a Wyattism and therefore is an unreliable story. Surely if you study this claim of Wyatt and study the Scripture and Biblical history you will become aware of the huge problem with that very unreasonable Idea. If you are not familiar with Biblical history in relation to Egyptian history and you cannot see the problem (that should just jump out at you ), Then please let me know and I will walk you through the problem step by step and you will certainly see why that Wyattism does not at all fit with the Scriptures. It amazes me that people cannot see the problem. I teach theology and apologetics in an adult Sunday School class. When I presented this Wyattism to them, almost half of them saw the problem right away without having to go and study the issue. Of course they are older Christians that have been studying the Scriptures at a fairly deep level for a long time. I have noticed Wyatt fans and followers, often do not have a very strong understanding of the background of the Scriptures, Their foundation is poor and their knowledge of the Scriptures is very basic. I suspect that have never had a class in Christian theology or apologetics, and don't have a good grasp of Biblical history and Biblical background. I also suspect their church has never given the a class in basic hermeneutical and exegetical principles, and that explains why their skills of interpreting the Scriptures are so poor. When christians have a poorly Scriptural education and don't have these skills mentioned above then that makes them susceptible to being deceived. Wyatt has a silver tongue and uses sensationalism and emotionalism to convince his followers that his claims are creditable, and many fall for it without ever really fact checking his words. His emotional presentation gets the emotions aroused and they just "FEEL" that what he says must be true. I think their emotions make them think Wyatt's words are true and they think their emotions is the Holy Spirit. BUT ........ the Holy Spirit will never contradict the Scriptures and truth. Be Well, Let me know if you can see the problem. -- Yes or No ! DZ
@traviscaines8534 3 ай бұрын
The Hyksos appointed their own Pharoah of lower Egypt Who would have"known" Moses. Until driven out by the seventeenth dynasty and a new Egyptian pharoah that didn't know didn't know Moses.
@GazGuitarz Жыл бұрын
Great talk! Thanks Joshua. The very deliberate erasure of Pharaoh Akhenaten's (Amenhotep IV) name and depictions after his death, makes for a great example of how enthusiastically Egyptians kept a grudge. The main grudge-keepers in Akhenaten's case being the extremely powerful priests of Amun. Akhenaten's monotheistic Aten worship was slowly leading to the closure of the Temple of Amen (as well as the temples and worship sites of other Egyptian gods) and the High priest and priestly class stood to lose the great power, stature and wealth that they and their ancestors had enjoyed for so long.. Even though the High Priest of Amun was still active during the fourth year of Akhenaten's reign, the writing was on the wall so to speak and they must have despised Akhenaten with a great passion! God Bless!
@jawo8754 4 ай бұрын
And look at what they did to Hatshepsut as well. They did the same thing.
@Aureelia63N3 8 ай бұрын
Great lecture about the archaeology of Exodus. I am just a little bit confused about who exactly was the pharaoh who hardened his heart - Thutmose III or Amenhotep II? I have understood that it was Amenhotep II, because Thutmose`s rein lasted over 50 years and Moses only came back from the wilderness after 40 years, when the pharaoh of his youth in Egypt had died. Following that logic, it must have been his son who wouldn`t let the Israelites go, not himself. Or was there some other pharaoh in between those two? Also I have heard different stories about Amenhotep II and Thutmose IV than what you told when it comes to them not being the firstborn son. Wasn`t it Thutmose IV who wrote that stele in between the Sphinx`s paws explaining how gods gave him the right to become a pharaoh and he also had an older brother who disappeared mysteriously?
@regularguy8110 Жыл бұрын
Great video. To me, the biggest Exodus pointer in accepted history is the switch to "one" God. Egypt got thrashed by a people of one God and the pharaoh was trying to jump on the band wagon. The priests that got publicly embarrassed held a grudge and didn't want anything to do with the deity that crushed their country.
@charliepiston3169 Жыл бұрын
As hard as so many are searching, why does it take so long for them to make the critical discovery of Arrius Calpurnius Piso?
@KenJackson_US Жыл бұрын
Another thing the secular historians do to try to discredit the Word of God is to claim Hebrew wasn't a written language until much later, so Moses couldn't have written the Pentateuch. That's why I was thrilled to learn that archeologist Dr.Douglas Petrovich decoded several stone carvings in and around Egypt and proved they were paleo-Hebrew! So _yes!_ Moses most certainly _did_ have a written Hebrew language to write with.
@matswessling6600 Жыл бұрын
Moses is an invented person.
@KenJackson_US Жыл бұрын
@@matswessling6600 You are _"an invented person"._ If you think that is a silly statement, consider your statement about Moses.
@matswessling6600 Жыл бұрын
@@KenJackson_US No, you sre wrong. I am a real person.
@KenJackson_US Жыл бұрын
@@matswessling6600 Moses is.
@matswessling6600 Жыл бұрын
@@KenJackson_US moses never existed. its a mythical character.
@automatic6216 Жыл бұрын
Speaking of commemorations... we all know about Trafalgar Square in London - did Napoleon put up a Trafalgar Arch in Paris? Why would a Pharoah commemorate a defeat.
@georgesparks7833 Жыл бұрын
Great job! A lot of information. I'd like to have you in the podcast again and give your presentation. Best, George
@MrPokemon248 3 ай бұрын
It's amazing that there is so much evidence for this stuff. I have family members who won't even talk to me because I believe the Bible. Yet there is more then enough evidence to prove it is true.
@thomasblea1676 Жыл бұрын
Brother, you have done an exquisite job of analyzing the Exodus historical period and fleshing it out. You've definately added to my rememberence of this historical period. Beautifully done. Definately the best analysis of all connecting forensic evidence of this period. The fact that "mainstream academia" got it wrong is not surprising, given their history of lies, manipulations, obfuscations, and actual outright destruction of some archeological evidence that even vaguely brushes up against, or in some blatant cases, outright confirms the biblical narrative! This obfuscation, denial and outright theft and destruction of physical evidence is well recorded by death-bed confession letters of the period that survived the period; written by individuals who actually initally gave-in to this practice earlier in their careers. What's more, this despicable practice seems to "conveniently" coincide with the period when the Masonic Order basically secured a stranglehold on the major Eastern Academic Institutions and on the Washington D.C. area. If I remember correctly, this major shift really became noticable around the 1830's to early 1840's era. As stated, that's when the shift-away from the biblical narrative of history became standard practice in mainstream acedemia at that time. Also, take note as to how the Smithsonian Institution started treating this issue at/around the construction completion of the National Masonic Temple in "D.C.". These "correlation dates" are just 39:52 far too "convenient" to be just mere historical coincidences. Talk about confirming the dictum of "Ochum's Razor"; further confirmed by original newspapers, whose original copies survive to this day in newspaper historical archives throughout the nation. BOTTOM LINE: There is far too much historical evidence that points to an intentional-institutional practice of the attempted destruction of the biblical narrative. Just look at every major institution today and our society today. Valid conclusions can indeed be drawn given the historical "breadcrumb trail." 39:52
@YaH_Gives_Wisdom Жыл бұрын
Very interesting, I’d love to know the context of these death bed confessions? Can you provide a source or link?
@heckinbasedandinkpilledoct7459 4 ай бұрын
@@YaH_Gives_WisdomOP is most likely lying
@TheConservativeKnight6809 Жыл бұрын
One question, what part of southern Egypt did the older Egyptians flee when they were conquered by the Hyksos? Because Afrocentrist may just start jump into making their false claims..you know
@jonathanfanning9558 7 ай бұрын
These arguments are rationale and logical, I'm convinced you've hit the nail on the head.
@Upperroad4480 Жыл бұрын
They haven't seen the evidence for it because they have never looked for any evidence.
@rickc4133 Жыл бұрын
Can we get your slides? Thank you so much for academic diligence and world view that made this possible.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
I may be able to do that, yes. I’m not exactly sure what format to share that on. Perhaps a google drive link?
@rickc4133 10 ай бұрын
@@thegeologian Hi. That would be a good way. Social media is another way as well. Perhaps on LinkedIn. Or perhaps on your own web site.
@jdj1222 Жыл бұрын
It is intriguing that The Pyramid tomb here seems to be the only actual pyramid tomb ever discovered, unless there is a bit more information on WHERE the sarcophagus was in relation to the pyramid. None of the Great Pyramids or others have ever actually been proved to be a Burial anything. People were long taught that they were burial sites for the Pharoahs, but weve found plenty of Pharoah burials, none of them are in pyramids, most of them are separate or in an additional underground chamber that the Pyramids are placed above. At the very least, there is an important distinction between "Tomb" and "Monument." It's very interesting to see better "proof" of their connection in such a, relatively speaking, small and unassuming example.
@shirlenefarrar1404 Жыл бұрын
People, please read the bible for yourself. The account of the Red sea incident is recorded in Exodus chapters 14- 15. Chapter 15:19 specifically states this- " For the HORSE OF PHAROAH WENT IN WITH HIS chariots and with his horsemen INTO THE SEA, AND THE LORD BROUGHT AGAIN THE WATERS OF THE SEA UPON THEM; but the children of Israel went on dry land in the midst of the sea." Pharoah was drowned with his armies and psalms 106 backs this up. This man, and others that I have heard, reinterprets the scriptures to fit their personal interpretation. Since he is wrong on this point, then it stands to reason that he is also incorrect about much of what he says occured in history after that. It is a dangerous thing to mishandle the word of God. Be very careful. I wrote this because I am so tired of hearing people teach this,when the bible is crystal clear on what it says about this particular biblically, historical account.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
If I am incorrect on this, which it is very possible that I am, it does not follow that I am wrong on every thing else. Look at the scripture and the evidence and decide for yourself. As for the verses you cite, Chapter 15:19 specifically says Pharaoh’s horses and his chariots. This does not mean his personal horse or chariots. Chapter 14:9 says, “Then the Egyptians chased after them with all the horses and chariots OF PHARAOH, his horsemen and his army…” Verse 23 of chapter 14 says a similar thing. It is describing his army, not himself. It never explicitly mentions his death. Psalm 106 never mentioned Pharaoh. It mentions “all of their adversaries.” That’s very general. Does that mean every Egyptian, taskmaster and soldier and slave owner, died in the Red Sea? No. The army is mentioned explicitly in the historical text and is poetically described in the song of Moses and the Psalms. It is possible Pharaoh died, but the text isn’t dogmatic about it and neither should we be.
@shirlenefarrar1404 Жыл бұрын
@thegeologian You are dead wrong and you don't want to admit it. Exodus 15:19 says " For the horse of Pharoah went in with his chariots and with his horsemen into the sea, and the LORD brought again the waters of the sea upon them; but the children of Israel went on dry land in the midst of the sea." That is what it says. That means that he drowned with his army. So everything that you said about that particular king after this incident is wrong. He did not go back to Egypt after that because he died. In chapter 14:17-18 it says, " And I, behold, I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and they shall follow them: AND I WILL GET ME HONOR UPON PHARAOH, AND UPON ALL HIS HOST, UPON HIS CHARIOTS, AND UPON HIS HORSEMEN. 18) And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I have gotten honor upon PHARAOH, UPON HIS CHARIOTS, AND UPON HIS HORSEMEN." You cannot explain that away. If you say otherwise, then you are being dishonest and will be guilty of perverting the Word of God. You'd better be carefull how you handle the Word of God. I don't know what bible you are reading, but that is what my bible says.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
I disagree with your reading of Exodus 15:19, as do every major translation/version I’ve checked. The passage refers more to his army, specifically the chariots and their riders. This matches chapter 14, which explicitly describes Pharoah’s army perishing. 14:23-28 mentions several times Pharoah’s army or the Egyptians and their horses perishing. It specifically states “all of pharaohs horses and his chariots.” This is referring to his army. Don’t you think that God would’ve mentioned explicitly that Pharaoh would’ve died? That would’ve been an important detail to remember if God directly killed Pharaoh! The statement about God being honored does not mean that Pharaoh must’ve been killed. Was not God honored through pharaoh and the Egyptians in the bringing of the ten plagues? Yet Pharaoh was not killed. God specifically tells Moses that Pharaoh would refuse and that through him Egypt would know that Yahweh is God. It is POSSIBLE that Pharaoh died. It is not dogmatic About it. Even in the many recounting statements of God mentioning bringing the Israelites with plagues and wonders, Pharaoh is not mentioned. The lack of focus on this in every instance points me to interpret it as the man surviving. Therefore, since it seems possible both ways, and since the data of Scripture and archaeology point towards Thutmoses III, that is how I am going to interpret it. If there was a passage that directly said, pharaoh died or pharaoh perished or pharaoh drowned, like it says for “the Egyptians” or “his army” I would be forced to interpret it as such.
@shirlenefarrar1404 Жыл бұрын
@thegeologian Now I understand, and I still say that you are wrong. I will not waste another second going back and forth with you. Goodbye.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
That’s fine. As I said, I think both of our positions are possible from the text. I would caution you not to be so dogmatic about the smallest of details, one which is not “crystal clear” or explicitly stated. I am trying to uphold scripture and defend it, yet you focus on such a small thing so dogmatically. Biblically, there is wisdom in studying and willing to be corrected.
@yayafitini Жыл бұрын
@davidlloyd1750 Жыл бұрын
I enjoy it very much, when I see a young man speaking of the historical facts of the Bible, that there will be someone to carry to torch, until our Lord returns, but it always amazes me, no matter how much evidence is discovered to show the Bible is correct., I always hear this, they don't have enough evidence, or the Christians are making this up. we live by our Lords word, to always tell the truth; we cannot honor our God Jehovah with a lie, I have learned, the wheat granary's that Josheph built during the 7 years of plenty, are still there., and that Josephs name was found engraved on the giant stone. But his Egyptian name was given is josesher, among other important names which is the Highest name given by pharaoh and it was Joseph who built the Pyramids, at least the oldest one, not certain about others, there are still the mechanical equipment that was used to lift those heavy stones, that are still there, but they don't know what they are for?., and NO!!!!!! the Pyramids were not built by space aliens, with all the evidence that supports the Word of God, you have people who actually believe silly stuff like that., and when the Israelites increased in number, and it says that, there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph. The reason they did not know Joseph, was because, the old Dynasti was defeated by a new one, they were foreigners, and that is why, they did not know Joseph. And how he was so famous, and the most important person second to Pharaoh. and other evidence they have found, a Papyrus written by the Egyptians giving evidence, other that the Bible about the plaques of Egypt., the red sea crossing, the pillars that king Solomon had placed, where the Israelites had crossed the Red Sea to Saudi arabia, when our Lord Jesus was born, and it was announced to the Herod, the nobles and the priest, that the King of the Jews had been born, who went out there to see it, no one, so how do you expect to find out this is true, if you listen to those who are perishing, for when Pontius Pilatus asked Jesus a Question, and Jesus said, I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.’ Pilate said to Him, ‘What is truth? standing before him was the living, Truth. the only Truth to be saved.
@M.Campbell-Sherwood Жыл бұрын
There not finding it during the time of Rameses because it didn’t happen during that time period. You need to go back about 200-300 years before that. There is hard core evidence for it occurring during the reign of Hatshepsuts father. Then there is the Ipuwer Papyrus…
@ThrashLawPatentsAndTMs Жыл бұрын
Nice effort! You should join David Rohl's tour to Egypt in February 2024. A few of quick points: (1) you nailed the Avaris pattern (which corresponds to the 12th dynasty and the creation of the Waterway of Joseph and Vizier Ankhu), (2) the Ipuwar papyrus dates to the 13th Dynasty (Dudimose), not the 18th (Tutmoses), so if it's a contemporary description of the plagues, the Exodus was a 13th Dynasty Exodus, (3) the Armana Letters specifically identify a king "Labayu" - when you read the pattern of the cities he attacks it's not the conquest, but matches Saul perfectly. Would enjoy brining you in to a book review group (we read books on ancient history and archaeology).
@Heavensoon7 Жыл бұрын
There is an archaeologist who travels around the whole country telling the truth about the Bible from a Christian archaeological point of view to children and teens . Her programs sound a lot like your response. And her programs are free , check out Digging Your Bible Children programs.
@ThrashLawPatentsAndTMs Жыл бұрын
@@Heavensoon7 Found her. Thank you.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
Agreed @waddellski
@ThrashLawPatentsAndTMs Жыл бұрын
@waddellski I think everyone would agree with your statement (although the Masoretic is more like 600-700AD), so I'm curious: what is the point you're making?
@marhawkman303 Жыл бұрын
@@ThrashLawPatentsAndTMs If I was to guess, he's talking about how historical records are not always written down immediately after they happened. this is not to say that they aren't accurate, merely that the person recording the event did not see it in person, and also that the actual date of the written account might be much later than the event.
@wadejenkins9903 Жыл бұрын
As to the age of Egyptian history, it is actually younger than what Egypt popularizes.
@Rumpled5 11 ай бұрын
The pyramids and all other stuff related to them we're not built by Egyptians. Egyptian nomads claimed them thousands of years later.
@Macrocompassion Жыл бұрын
The only archaeological evidence that i have heard of is the shapes of corals that are in the supposed place on the Reed Sea where Pharoah's army was drowned. These corals are in the form of circles of the same size as the shields carried by a waring soldier. It is possible that the seabed was more amenable to coral growths when a metal circular object was part-buried in the sand or other related course-matter.
@YaH_Gives_Wisdom Жыл бұрын
The circles are the chariot wheels covered in gold. Search Ron Wyatt discoveries, the Red Sea crossing is just one of them. Though perhaps there were shields but most were wheeels.
@tinypurplefishesrunlaughin8052 11 ай бұрын
Not the shallow Reed sea but the Red Sea is the crossing place. The Reed sea was todays logical but wrong answer to diminish any miracle by substituting a plausible explanation in opposition to the word of God.
@chriscox4936 11 ай бұрын
Those corals are completely natural and form throughout the region.
@chriscox4936 11 ай бұрын
​@@YaH_Gives_WisdomRon Wyatt made over a hundred outlandish claims. The funniest one was that he discovered Jesus blood in a crack in a rock and that it had half the chromosomes necessary thus proving a virgin birth.
@Betsy.Ross76 4 ай бұрын
Have you not seen the archeological site in Saudi with everything mentioned right there? Mt jabal al lawz is the real Mt. Sinai. The split rock, the Altars, the 12 wells,...epochs cave... the actual red sea crossing area. It's all
@itsonlyme2274 11 ай бұрын
I will bet that Joseph's coat colours were: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These are the colours of the rainbow.
@TheGreatTimSheridan Жыл бұрын
That's a wonderful amount of information and it should probably be in some sort of book and should be considered for some sort of documentary.
@TheInkPages Жыл бұрын
That's Patterns of Evidence, which he's cited in the description.
@lukasmakarios4998 10 ай бұрын
We need charts & timelines to keep track of all of this. It's confusing. No wonder no one has compiled these things into a decent narrative.
@Nclexking Жыл бұрын
The identification of the Pharaoh of the Exodus, the Hyksos invasion and the Queen of Sheba has already been perfectly solved since 1952. Bro just needs to read Velikovsky's Ages in Chaos, Peoples of the Sea and Ramses II and His Time
@Silverheart1956 Жыл бұрын
Don't think many people would accept the presuppositions of Velikovsky
@haolejohn Жыл бұрын
it happned during Amenotep II reign. This fits the older Bible date and is backed up by Josephus
@ravensotcazure137 Жыл бұрын
Believe The Word and this was awesome!!!
@lynnekhan2983 Жыл бұрын
There’s a great film called Patterns of evidence about the Exodus .
@jawo8754 4 ай бұрын
It is very good and he specifically cites it in the video. Multiple times.
@Waypoint451 Жыл бұрын
The "Expedition Bible" channel did an excellent review of the evidence that fits the timing of the Bible as well as Egypt's own historical records. Put the Pharoah of the Exodus as Aminhotep II.
@Llyrin Жыл бұрын
Simcha Jacobovici and James Cameron made a film called “The Exodus Decoded,” where they posit that the Lord did not alters the laws of physics, but He manipulated them. Many of their theories are quite believable, but not all of them, such as the “Reed Sea” instead of the Red Sea. The Destroyer may have been CO2 released from a landslide. Egypt is hot, so the coolest place in the home is the lower floor, given to the first born male of the house. CO2, being heavier than air, would suffocate those sleeping on the first floor. The same thing could have cause the death of livestock. The parting of the sea may have been a tsunami, which pulls water out to sea before the tidal wave comes in. I believe Simcha said his theory was around 1500 BC, which would be around the time of the Santorini eruption, which also triggered quakes that might have caused tsunamis. Again, He manipulates physics, rather than magical violations of physics. The Lord and the angels never magically appear in the Bible. They walk in out of the desert, or are standing there in the distance, waiting for someone to come to them (think Jacob before he wrestles with God all night).
@NicholasChorba Жыл бұрын
The plural "walls of Jericho" take on added meaning when you realize the city was double walled.
@charliedontsurf334 Жыл бұрын
So the moment you say Rameses II isn’t the Pharaoh of the Exodus, then you’ve lost anyone who follows the evidence. Jericho was destroyed a century too early for the Early Date, but at the perfect time for the Late Date, and Joshua’s Altar is dated to that times as well. Canaanites were still in power in the 1300s BC, Joseph could not have ridden on a chariot before 1666 BC, the Egyptian High Chronology is internally inconsistent, and unless Moses had aliens helping him he could not have been able to get from the capital to Avaris in 1 night. If you want details on the only possible Pharaoh of The Exodus, see Dr. David Falk at “Ancient Egypt and the Bible.”
@Archaeonauts Жыл бұрын
Nice outline of the historicity of the Exodus story! A timeline chart would make it even better.
@Wonderboywonderings Жыл бұрын
I think you're wrong about the Hyksos. Your position seems untenable. If the Israelites supported the Egyptians in their overthrow of the Hyksos, the Egyptians wouldn't have continued to enslave them. What's more likely is that the Hyksos were already in charge and were the Pharoah when Joseph was elevated to vizier. When the Egyptians ousted the Hyksos, that's when they enslaved the Israelites, because--as you point out--the Israelites were asiatics, too, and the egyptians saw them as allies of the Hyksos...because they had been.
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
I think both options are possible. It depends on your view of a short or long sojourn in Egypt. I don’t think the Israelites “supported” either side. They were certainly friends of the Pharaoh during Joseph’s time. However, it still says that during Joesphs time, Jacob and his family were to settle in Goshen because the Egyptians detested herdsmen. I don’t think this would be the case if the Asiatic Hyksos were in power. Also, if the Israelites were Allie’s of the Hyksos, wouldn’t they have been ousted and kicked out too rather than enslaved?
@donaldjohnlong5330 Жыл бұрын
Good presentation. Thank you.
@mirandarogers3595 Жыл бұрын
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
@basketcase-0140 Жыл бұрын
Very informative and cool! Thanks!
@davidwilson2801 Жыл бұрын
Psalms 136: 13-15 But overthrew Pharaoh AND his host in the Red sea: for his mercy endureth for ever.
@jukkisvehkala Жыл бұрын
Very good presentation. Thank you!
@crackbabystemcell6887 Жыл бұрын
Yo don't forget about the 6 egyption books of the kolbrin bible dating exactly to the exodus. where they morphed the hermetic teachings to talk about "the one true god" and give a description of "the destroyer" we also hear about in exodus. They also talk about a bunch of people dying and it could never be that horrible again.... wonder what they were talking about. They also wrote it in 6 books. And at around that time the bible would have only consisted of possibly job and the torah written soon after. It's like they altered there dark arts to try to harness what overpowered them. Taking exodus literally it says the magicians said " this is the finger of god" no wonder the egyption magicians, at the same time of exodus, would write this book altering there pagan polytheism to resemble the monotheism of the jews. When you take exodus literally. Then read the kolbrin it's so obvious.
@ketiboablay8632 Жыл бұрын
Lies! Ridiculous claims.
@rikmorel4870 Жыл бұрын
There is another major theory about the Hyksos. After Pharaoh and his army were destroyed in the Exodus by God, there was a resulting power vaccuum created by the destruction of the Egyptian army and an entire city that was now empty (Avaris). In this theory, the Hyksos, who had come in from the Levant (Caanan area) and then replaced the Pharaoh of Upper Egypt who was now dead. A hundred or so years later they were then forced out by another Pharaoh, likely from the other half of the split kingdom in Upper Egypt to the south. To put it in basic terms, in history, the Intermediate Periods (there are 2 with the 2nd being between the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom) are periods where Egypt was in turmoil and was typically split into 2 kingdoms. The New Kingdom is where you find the Pharaoh Ramses. The Hyksos ruled Lower Egypt in the Nile Delta however it appears there were possibly separate rulers / Pharaohs at that time in Upper Egypt to the south and once they regained their strength they then forced out the Hyksos out of Lower Egypt, reuniting the 2 kingdoms and starting the New Kingdom period. There is still debate among scholars as to the timeline and exact identity of the Hyksos, so this will remain one possible theory for now but it's certainly one of only a few good candidates.
@whippet71 Жыл бұрын
Flavius Josephus wrote “the Hyksos were our people”. The Hyksos were monotheistic, practiced circumcision and dietary laws. They were ran out of the lower kingdom at the time the massive Thera volcanic eruption occurred in the Mediterranean. This destroyed the near east and could have caused many of the maladies recorded in the Exodus. This is political fire for orthodoxy and resisted by Judaic scholarship. The Exodus occurred. However, the timeline has been adjusted perhaps to conceal the Egyptian origins of Judaism.
@brianfileman Жыл бұрын
@@whippet71 Josephus is not too reliable on ancient history. He was keen to prove the “antiquity of the Jews” to his new Roman friends. He accepted the story he’d read from Manetho, an Egyptian priest, who says that the Hyksos and Jews were one. Egyptians hated the Hyksos, with good cause. And Manetho hated Jews. Join the dots.
@brianfileman Жыл бұрын
Sounds a lot like the discredited theory that Velikovsky used in Ages In Chaos.
@georgekustner3440 Жыл бұрын
@@brianfileman excellent book.
@Val.Kyrie. Жыл бұрын
I must be old or misremembering because it’s still surprising to me that Hyksos are taken for granted as factual and actual events. Maybe I just read old books when I was young, but it was still a theory and conspiracy then. It’s obviously true but I remember a lot of pushback against this invasion.
@michaelstephens360 Жыл бұрын
Gee imagine a nation recording part of its history with a black highlighter
@Tess1061 Жыл бұрын
Thank God for you. I saw a video by Expedition Bible about this Exodus mystery, and there were things that were way off about some of the facts stated. It bugged me. I prayed for more clarity - because I had done my own research and knew the pharaoh dates didn’t line up. As well as a few facts in and around the paraohs life. But this provides the clarity I needed. I had deduced that Thutmose 3 had to be it. Because I couldn’t compromise the time frame established by King Solomon’s temple. But I simply couldn’t find anything else and didn’t know where to look to find information to help build a better understanding. This has been wonderful for me. Literally just prayed a day or two ago for clarity and here you are. 🙏🏻 it’s funny how you even mentioned how you don’t believe Pharaoh perished at the Red Sea, because I got that feeling, too. The only thing I'd add further, here, is that Moses was 80 years old at the time of Exodus. So, I don't know 100% if Hatshepsut took Moses. Because if Moses was 80 at Exodus (cuz he was 40 when he killed the Egyptian, and 40 years passed before he returned), then Amenhotep 1 would've been reigning. I don't know the Egyptian genealogy LOL so, I have no clue where Hatshepsut would tie into all that, but I would assume she wasn't associated with Amenhotep 1. EDIT: I did just read that Ahmose was the mother of Hatshepsut -- and if that's the case, it could also support your theory of why Amenhotep 2 erased her name; because her mother could've been responsible for bringing Moses into the Egyptian family. Guilty by association. And Ahmose fits the time frame of Moses' birth. Ahmose was married to Thutmose 2; believed to possibly be Amenhotep 1's daughter -- though scholars are skeptical to call her that. Some call Ahmose his sister. :O! But even so, regardless of whether or not Ahmose was a sister or daughter to Amenhotep -- that would still make her a Pharaoh's daughter, right? Which would also go with what you said about how Moses just wrote "Pharaoh," all the time, without specifying, because of how he was taught to write. If someone knows anything else, fact checking these and what not, let me know!! I'm very curious and interested!
@thegeologian Жыл бұрын
I’m so thankful that God has used this video to help you! To God be the glory!
@Silverheart1956 Жыл бұрын
Dear @Tess1061, Seems like I sat down to figure this out at one time. If I recall correctly, I think I figured Hatshepsut was around 19 at the time, so I reckoned that it was possible that she was the princess that rescued Moses. I will have to set down someday and redo those calculations and take notes this time. Be Well, DZ
@Tess1061 Жыл бұрын
@@Silverheart1956 If you remember to revisit this video, I'd love to see your notes sometime!
@Silverheart1956 Жыл бұрын
Dear@@Tess1061 , I probably will not remember that, Sorry. Our Pastor recently died and that places an extra burden on me to teach, so it will proabably be a long time before i have the freedom to study things and issues I want to study (call it recreational study). I have spent a lot of time in the last few years studying Biblical / Middle Eastern archaeology. One great resource I recommend are the articles and videos of "Associates For Biblical Research" (ABR). You might want to check them out. They have some very interesting information. As I recall I used the date of the Early Exodus Theory as a base line. That would be 1446 BC. From that base line you can determine the birth and death dates of Moses. I cannot recall my sources for Hatshepsut's time line, but you can experiment with various timelines and see what you can get when the two timelines intersect. Be Well, DZ
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