The fact that you, a singular human being, consistently manages to scrap out so much e-waste in the amount of time that you do it in is still impresses me to this day. I have no experience in scrapping whatsoever, but even I can tell that you are an absolute *unit*. I wish you the best in your life, Ben.
@riverboat285 ай бұрын
You should see my basement, I can't pick the broken things up fast enough.
@toddwest86184 ай бұрын
When are you going back to street scrapping?
@SollersScrappingandDiving5 ай бұрын
We just searched to see if there was a new one and found this, can't believe I missed this. Great video Ben, love to see you take the masses of boards in, love it!! 👍
@dalecrary87385 ай бұрын
Another great video, thanks for taking us along for the ride
@rockman5315 ай бұрын
Hi Ben, Great video! The one forklift driver needs some retraining!! He did a good job of making a mess!! Thumbs up! Jim
@thadofalltrades5 ай бұрын
Needed to pour from the wide side not the narrow side
@kimratcliff32795 ай бұрын
Thanks for the great video Ben!! Always a pleasure!!!
@josephcormier59745 ай бұрын
Ben this has been a very enjoyable video with awesome content thank you for sharing this with us six stars brother
@rixismetals5 ай бұрын
Great video , like seeing the board sale days , seeing all those boards are amazing , I would have loads of fun stripping some of those lol
@DanielHouston-uw3ir5 ай бұрын
How do you keep up with all these different weights while shifting all this around?
@davebentley35425 ай бұрын
Nice one Ben, you’re getting through those piles now 👍👍
@markbrowne33684 ай бұрын
No video in a month.... hopefully your ok and doing well ben
@sheldonlatimer66885 ай бұрын
When dose the street scraping start you mentioned that this was the last season for it
@mrMacGoover3 ай бұрын
Looks like you could use a slightly bigger van Ben, your little van is always packed to the gills when doing pickups and scrap yard runs.
@BobAlong-l5y5 ай бұрын
yeah from UK to Auz, i took off the chips and gold plate of 1980's circuit boards and the gold plate is thicker than i thought, the rest of the boards ill be taking to recycling centers, i should of not touched 1 of the boards as it had a lot of gold plating on it, but oh well you live a learn
@0ckyj5 ай бұрын
Are there any more street-scrapping videos coming soon?
@mixedmartialanarchist64695 ай бұрын
It’s insane how organized this guy is!
@ROBERTSCOIN5 ай бұрын
Great video Ben keep up the good work.
@CuSTACKS5 ай бұрын
That yard loves when ewaste Ben arrives
@toomaskotkas44675 ай бұрын
To prevent back injuries, you need to start wearing the weightlifting belt. I've worked in the warehouses before, it makes a huge difference, believe me.
@joshuarose11415 ай бұрын
Hi Ben where can I get those tubs please can’t seem to find them
@Opinionatedguy19895 ай бұрын
Past history tells me you need the extra tub.
@toddwest86185 ай бұрын
How much money do you make a year? From Gold E-waste
@JohnVandenBos-s4q4 ай бұрын
No more video's ben ???
@gdjb-fi-hi75084 ай бұрын
Hey Ben hope your OK?
@stevenbennett6675 ай бұрын
Top man ben,love from England ❤
@highwaybus5 ай бұрын
Amazing quantity. Do you still scrape valuable bits off the boards before putting them in the bins, or are these the whole boards as you take them in? Just curious. Love the vids.
@AndyGraceMedia5 ай бұрын
Whoa - where did you get the Bosch BCN-50 (or 51?) 1" Type B recorder? That would have been a few hundred grand in 1976 for the start of colour TV in Australia. Missing the monitor and vectorscope but it still should be in a museum. The BVW-75Ps were brilliant machines, built like tanks and about $80,000 each when new, but they almost all need new heads at about $8000 a pop and nobody records in Betacam SP anymore. There are still some analog tape libraries to digitise, but you'd use one of the last Digital Betacam recorders as they are brilliant quality and go direct to SDI. If anyone needs tape conversion I have a nearly new DVW-M2000P which will take any Betacam tape from oxide in 1982 through SP, SX, MPEG-IMX and of course Digibeta. So many old TV shows are still just sitting waiting to be transferred to digital.
@wayneday39165 ай бұрын
Nice video. You make it look easy But I can see it's a ton of work.
@tonybogle59225 ай бұрын
Wow Ben you do alright to collect that amount of Ewaste i do scrapping here in Australia as well and i do collect a lot of Ewaste but i throw it to the scrap yard i think i need to find someone in my home town that buys Ewaste or even the closest town to me.
@rw98665 ай бұрын
Ben, I have been watching you now for over two years always impressed with what you recycle one question how long did it take you to get the stuff in your van and one in the box truck together. Best from the USA
@E-wasteOwen5 ай бұрын
@350lele5 ай бұрын
Olá Ben voce trabalha sozinho como consegue todo esse montante de material?
@2Svastara5 ай бұрын
We are missing the bill ? How much did you earn ??
@spuddygaming5 ай бұрын
@giorgosxyrichis36305 ай бұрын
And the kg
@2Svastara5 ай бұрын
@@spuddygaming Did I miss it or it wasnt on the video ?
@spuddygaming5 ай бұрын
@@2Svastara says it around the 32-33 min mark I think. There’s no actual bill.
@tommytom56505 ай бұрын
Watch the whole video.
@mikefuegmann5 ай бұрын
Have you ever thought about a refinery? If they have one somewhat close to you.
@josephonesta64165 ай бұрын
Enjoy all your videos.
@ssweeps5 ай бұрын
Hello Ben! Please show us how much gasoline costs. We pay 4 dollars a gallon in California right now. Next year up 50 cents for climate tax. Ouch! 😢
@TheAndreaus5 ай бұрын
Ben what happened to street scraping? Those are my favorite to watch! Good job all around though
@metakhorse23005 ай бұрын
first laptop is verry rare 530D IBM you loose 60 liber 8:00 i see a newly gaming dell alien laptop . but i sell it for repair because mutch then scrap
@رحالعربي5 ай бұрын
ياصديقي عملكم قوي وشاق ❤
@PitsuMiwus5 ай бұрын
I didnt watch your videos for about two years and i am in serious shock! I think that i need to catch up every single minute of your scrapper life and how you ended up with that amount of stuff...
@chadallen62425 ай бұрын
Best resource for e-waste and Pm recovery.
@dylanfox21345 ай бұрын
Do you collect boards?
@andyl26445 ай бұрын
Solid effort Ben
@nasrullahshiekh83373 ай бұрын
Hello everyone anybody tell me what is price of computer ram scrap
@Kenyontae_aceKillingsworth5 ай бұрын
@ScorpionMetals5 ай бұрын
One heck of a haul bro
@therandomdot25634 ай бұрын
It's crazy watching this, b/c some of those boards were probably some kids dream purchase back in the day. Saving up allowance to get the new mobo and new cpu. Put it all together to play some game they've been dreaming about. And now it's just old scrap. The 2000's and a bit of the 2010's were a ridiculous time, b/c the tech changed so fast and they kept changing the cpu sockets and other things, seemed like folks had to upgrade every year to keep up. So much e-waste b/c of it.
@marcelx83694 ай бұрын
But in fact, I think you could sell those working mainboards one by one... But the time is the problem...
@skyppy0075 ай бұрын
Hey Ben, try to do Cisco marathon then. I think your viewers would like it.
@ram197616 күн бұрын
это все нерабочие детали и винчестеры?
@swall53635 ай бұрын
@OpenUrEyes555 ай бұрын
Every time I see you picking up boards and sharp stuff I always ask why no gloves!!! 😫🤣🤣
@ΣοφιαΚορδατου5 ай бұрын
Hi ben🎉🎉❤❤
@bigcountryscrapper68855 ай бұрын
Great video my friend
@amandeepdhankhar41675 ай бұрын
Brother why you don’t sell it to e waste companies there are some place in Somerton in Melbourne
@christophebertaux89895 ай бұрын
Nice video, thanks!
@David-xh5sm4 ай бұрын
Ben are you ok we haven't heard from you
@dr.a0065 ай бұрын
It’s the mother load of motherboards!
@JamesBondJr5 ай бұрын
yup ;)
@andyl26445 ай бұрын
Ben you reckon it all goes back to China?
@francis-kp9cw4 ай бұрын
0:01 🇺🇲Hawaii🤙
@marcelx83694 ай бұрын
It is a bit sad to see, all that actually working stuff, flying in the bin... But I also can understand you, that it is not possible to keep and try to sell everything...
@siliconinsect5 ай бұрын
I'm typing this on a HP Sceptre traded for beer cans. Just needed a fresh load of Windows and thorough physical cleaning. As for hard drives? I was pretty bored at work and decided to spin a few to see what was on them -- and it was dirty government stuff involving American Indians. Had I had the right connects...
@DhdjndJfjfjr5 ай бұрын
انا من متابعينك من الأردن اتمنى لك حظ وفير
@cads8774 ай бұрын
Next video please😢
@mainf5 ай бұрын
OK, why weren't you selling some if those? I saw 1 board with 2.5g network card. Those aren't cheap. And a couple of lga 1151 boards. Mainly msi. Those are worth way more in resale that scrap. Am I right here???
@draatman5 ай бұрын
that what i sed
@EFCasual5 ай бұрын
You do it then. If you are not making those sales yourself then don't complain.
@mainf5 ай бұрын
@EFCasual I am... I'm an ewaste recycler as well. I sell all those boards on ebay. I've sold about 700 in the last year. I know what I am talking about. That's why I am questioning it...
@thadofalltrades5 ай бұрын
It's mainly because he's in Australia and selling that stuff online doesn't work that well. He can't sell at a competitive price because of shipping
@mainf5 ай бұрын
@@thadofalltrades ah guess so. In England that would be straight on ebay
@Kreacher19744 ай бұрын
Cant find anyone around me who buys hard drives or ewaste so i just scrap them out for the cast aluminum and magnets.
@simonjohansson39005 ай бұрын
Why do you allways fill the wan whit hardrives and laptops? Why do you noot just ask for more bins? ❣️
@sadaouikheireddine74025 ай бұрын
the best ❤
@soymariozr5 ай бұрын
Friend, I send you greetings from Mexico. I wanted to let you know that I work in the same field as you, and I was wondering if you could give me any advice to improve my disassembly process. I would appreciate your support with your tips and comments. Sending you greetings!
@johnrnning53625 ай бұрын
I just love this
@kevinsturgess14755 ай бұрын
@okboomer62015 ай бұрын
I only wish I could buy and sell for 20% profit and only pay 25% in taxes. I would be rich.
@greekgods33995 ай бұрын
love it
@tawnihaynie10655 ай бұрын
@DhdjndJfjfjr5 ай бұрын
@aarongreenakacavemonster9045 ай бұрын
I heard poly scrapper tried to robe your home for cash
@toomaskotkas44674 ай бұрын
Say what..? o_O Where did you hear that?
@krystiankucharski72995 ай бұрын
@toddwest86185 ай бұрын
What’s wrong with your video camera?
@bobsbits53574 ай бұрын
hi them betacam deck in the uk they are hot getting a return on selling the deck is not good you make more moving of the video i put it a round the uk i will buy them the only thin i never got a round to drive a car there a man that buys in the betacam tape he tells them lot of me and i get offered alot of gear as parts and decks that are not working yes some decks are in a bad ways and i use them for parts i know alot of them pc mother board come from office workers
@swedishchefdave495 ай бұрын
You cannot be doing this all alone, not one man can strip so Much stuff, do you also buy in boards stripped, I remember you saying before that you bought in stuff from other acrappers
@Qalay_dmdm5 ай бұрын
Please by you price? One kilo laptop One....... motherboard Please if u can reply me Thanks
@faisalkhan31344 ай бұрын
Brother i need A job please i form India
@afvalboy5 ай бұрын
Have another smoke Ben so you can breed heavier -- like the video's
@genewickersham45935 ай бұрын
Yet another person ripping on Ben for smoking. But I've never seen im smoking in any of his videos. Is this some sort of puritan crusade? There aren't even any cigarette butts amonst his scrap.
@tommytom56505 ай бұрын
Eat another cheeseburger so you can weigh heavier.
@thomasdorey32965 ай бұрын
You should give Tech YES City @techyescity a shout. He a youtuber that makes used rigs n always in the hunt for stuff n good deals He a Aussie too.