Ex-Monk Reveals The TRUTH About Kundalini Activation

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Jamie Munday

Jamie Munday

10 ай бұрын

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@JamieMunday 10 ай бұрын
👉🏼 Join The Free Spiritual Growth Accelerator 🚀 - www.theyogictradition.com/spiritualaccelerator 👉🏼 Become An Undercover Yogi 🧘🏼‍♂ - www.theyogictradition.com/FreedomBlueprint
@ry-man4354 10 ай бұрын
I was ready for my awakening after years of mental wars and tragedy at every turn, I had nothing to lose or be afraid of. When it happened, it started as an experience I had never felt before, and in a very short time (and after my first Reiki) now I'm tuned in most of the day every single day even when I'm walking around and especially when I'm having fun. It's a true miracle. Don't be afraid 🙏🌎❤️🔥
@JamieMunday 10 ай бұрын
That’s amazing!! 💪🏼
@antoniopalovaara3105 7 ай бұрын
Mine awakened after 135 days of celibacy. In my experience it's directly connected with the sexual energy. I started to feel a painful spot in the base of my spine a couple of days before. I shrugged it of as me being a bit stiff. Tried to stretch and doing certain excercises. Nothing helped. The day it happened my friend called me and asked me if i wanted to go and skate inlines/rollerblades. I said yes and off we went. Every time i pushed with my right leg to gain speed i felt it in the base of my spine and a rush of energy pulsated through my spine and to my head. The pain i felt before slowly transformed to an orgasmic blissful feeling. My friend thought i was loosing my mind as i said over and over again "i have so much energy, i have so much energy" it escalated more and more. I started to feel my counsioussnes expanding outside my body. i started to feel more connected with my surroundings. I started to hear the birds chirping in the trees far away so clear. It was like they were sitting on my shoulders singing to me. I could hear the wheels from my inlines on the asphalt so clear, every strive in slow motion. the colors on the trees, grass had so much depth and beauty. Then i got a message "let go, surrender" "it's time" I was worried because my friend was with me and i knew he would not understand. I said to him "I have to go home" and we went to the train station. I sat on the bench waiting for the train and he asked me "what's up with you?" I said "Im not really sure, something is happening but im afraid you will think something is wrong with me" Then he said "Don't worry. let it happen" When he said that to me it was the green light i needed. i laid down on the bench and put my baseball cap over my face and it flooded me with a blissful orgasmic energy that rushed from the base of my spine up through my head and beyond. At the same time the energy rushed down from the top down. I eventually got home and cried for hours until i fell asleep. This was 8 years ago and every day i feel it working in the spine and head. It's not scary or painful because i know what it is. What i've learned about kundalini is it wants you to be pure. It wants you to be pure for it to shine through. With pure i mean no addictions. Sex, sugar, alcohol, drugs, nicotine. Everything that you are attached to is hindering kundalini to flow. I've struggled with addiction with lust and nicotine. When i indulged in these behaviours after the awakening the suffering is greater than before. I can feel more depressed, more pain in my back, neck etc. I am actively is blocking the energy from flowing. If you have any questions feel free to ask. English is not my first language so forgive me for spelling mistakes etc.
@abhishekghosh4384 6 ай бұрын
Please upload videos sharing your experiences. 🙏🏻
@user-qd9ei3gx3f 5 ай бұрын
did it happen while on semen retention?
@thespiritguidephilippines 4 ай бұрын
This is what am feeling right now... its like my body is telling me to stop eating pork, beef, fish because i bwcome more depressed. . Now i see your comment and this rings true to me coz it make sense.. thank you so mucj
@antoniopalovaara3105 4 ай бұрын
@@user-qd9ei3gx3fSorry for such a late answer.. This is not my main youtube account. But yes. It happened on semen retention. :)
@spiritualak5147 2 ай бұрын
It’s time for me I’m running from it subconsciously. I notice when I drink cofee and smoke cigs the energy dies off 2 days without anything it’s energy from my lower back rushin to the top of my head one time it felt like my body was going to explode in bliss like it felt too good to handle. I know I’m running from it but now I know it’s time
@willieluncheonette5843 9 ай бұрын
" Any knowledge about kundalini or about esoteric paths of bioenergy - the inner paths of elan vital - is generalized. It differs from individual to individual; the root is not going to be the same. With A it will be different, with B it will be different, with C it will be different. Your inner life has an individuality, so when you acquire something through theoretical knowledge it is not going to help - it may hinder - because it is not about you. It cannot be about you. You will only know about yourself when you go within. There are chakras, but the number differs with each individual. One may have seven, one may have nine; one may have more, one may have less. That is the reason why so many different traditions have developed. Buddhists talk of nine chakras, Hindus talk of seven, Tibetans talk of four - and they are all right! The root of kundalini, the passage through which kundalini passes, is also different with each individual. The more you go in, the more individual you are. For instance, in your body your face is the most individual part, and in the face the eyes are even more individual. The face is more alive than any other part of the body; that is why it takes on an individuality. You may not have noticed that with a particular age - particularly with sexual maturity - your face begins to assume a shape that will continue, more or less, for the whole life. Before sexual maturity the face changes much, but with sexual maturity your individuality is fixed and given a pattern, and now the face will be more or less the same. The eyes are even more alive than the face, and they are so individual that every moment they change. Unless one attains enlightenment, the eyes are never fixed. Enlightenment is another kind of maturity. With sexual maturity the face becomes fixed, but there is another maturity where the eyes become fixed. You cannot see any change in Buddha's eyes: his body will grow old, he will die, but his eyes will continue to be the same. That has been one of the indications. When someone attains nirvana, the eyes are the only door by which outsiders can know whether the man has really attained it. Now the eyes never change. Everything changes, but the eyes remain the same. Eyes are expressive of the inner world. But kundalini is still deeper. No theoretical knowledge is helpful. When you have some theoretical knowledge, you begin to impose it on yourself. You begin to visualize things to be the way you have been taught, but they may not correspond to your individual situation. Then much confusion is created. One has to feel the chakras, not know about them. You have to feel; you have to send feelers inside yourself. Only when you feel your chakras, and your kundalini and its passage, is it helpful; otherwise, it is not helpful. In fact, knowledge has been very destructive as far as the inner world is concerned. The more knowledge gained, the less the possibility of feeling the real, the authentic, things. You begin to impose what you know upon yourself. If someone says, "Here is the chakra, here is the center," then you begin to visualize your chakra at that spot; and it may not be there at all. Then you will create imaginary chakras. You can create; the mind has the capacity. You can create imaginary chakras, and then, because of your imagination, a flow will begin that will not be kundalini but will be simple imagination - a completely illusory, dreamlike phenomenon. Once you can visualize centers and can create an imaginary kundalini, then you can create everything. Then imaginary experiences will follow, and you will develop a very false world inside you. The world that is without is illusory, but not so illusory as the one you can create inside. All that is within is not necessarily real or true, because imagination is also within, dreams are also within. The mind has a faculty - a very powerful faculty - to dream, to create illusions, to project. That is why it is good to proceed in meditation completely unaware of kundalini, of chakras. If you stumble upon them, then it is good. You may come to feel something; only then, ask. You may begin to feel a chakra working, but let the feeling come first. You may feel energy rising up, but let the feeling come first. Do not imagine, do not think about it, do not make any intellectual effort to understand beforehand; no pre-notion is needed. Not only is it not needed, but it is positively harmful. And another thing: kundalini and the chakras do not belong to your anatomy, to your physiology. Chakras and kundalini belong to your subtle body, to your sukshma sharira, not to this body, the gross body. Of course, there are corresponding spots. The chakras are part of your sukshma sharira, but your physiology and anatomy have spots that correspond to them. If you feel an inner chakra, only then can you feel the corresponding spot; otherwise you can dissect the whole body, but nothing like chakras will be found. All the talk and all the so-called evidence and all the scientific claims that your gross body has something like kundalini and chakras is nonsense, absolute nonsense. There are corresponding spots, but those spots can only be felt when you feel the real chakras. With the dissection of your gross body nothing can be found; there is nothing. So the question is not of anatomy. One thing more: it is not necessary to pass through chakras. It is not necessary; one can just bypass them. It is also not necessary that you will feel kundalini before enlightenment. The phenomenon is very different from what you may think. Kundalini is not felt because it is rising; kundalini is only felt if you do not have a very clear passage. If the passage is completely clear-cut, then the energy flows but you cannot feel it. You feel it when there is something there that resists the flow. If the energy flows upward and you have blocks in the passage, only then do you feel it. So the person who feels more kundalini is really blocked: there are many blocks in the passage, so the kundalini cannot flow. When there is resistance, then the kundalini is felt. You cannot feel energy directly unless there is resistance. If I move my hand and there is no resistance, the movement will not be felt. The movement is felt because the air resists, but it is not felt as much as when a stone resists; then I will feel the movement more. And in a vacuum I will not feel the movement at all - so it is relative. Buddha never talked about kundalini. It is not that there was no kundalini in his body, but the passage was so clear that there was no resistance. Thus, he never felt it. Mahavira never talked about kundalini. Because of this, a very false notion was created, and then Jainas, who followed Mahavira, thought that kundalini was all nonsense, that there was nothing like it. Thus, because Mahavira himself did not feel kundalini, twenty-five centuries of Jaina tradition has continued to deny it, claiming it does not exist. But Mahavira's reason for not talking about it was very different. Because there were no blocks in his body, he never felt it. So it is not necessary for you to feel kundalini. You may not feel it at all. And if you do not feel kundalini, then you will bypass chakras, because the working of the chakras is needed only to break the blocks. Otherwise, they are not needed. When there is a block, and the kundalini is blocked, then the nearby chakra begins to move because of the blocked kundalini. It becomes dynamic. The chakra begins to move because of the blocked kundalini and it moves so fast that, because of the movement, a particular energy is created which breaks the block. If the passage is clear no chakra is needed, and you will never feel anything. Really, the existence of chakras is just to help you. If kundalini is blocked, then the help is just nearby. Some chakra will take the energy that is being blocked. If the energy cannot move further it will fall back. Before it falls back the chakra will absorb the energy completely, and the kundalini will move in the chakra. Through movement the energy becomes more vital, it becomes more alive, and when it again comes to the block it can break it. So it is just an arrangement, a help. If kundalini moves and there are no blocks, then you will never feel any chakras. That is why someone may feel nine chakras, someone else may feel ten chakras, and someone else may feel only three or four, or one, or none. It depends. In actual fact, there are infinite chakras and at every movement, every step of the kundalini, a chakra is by the side to help. If the help is needed, it can be given."
@lotusflower1716 10 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this video 💖
@JamieMunday 10 ай бұрын
No problem 😊
@peterdavis7275 9 ай бұрын
This happened to me all by myself without any type of guru but this happened to me on its own it was one of the most wonderful craziest scariest funnest best beautiful experiences I’ve ever experienced lol but I think I messed up by not maintaining it the way you’re supposed to and now I am looking and searching how to correct what I have done or to get back on track because I feel like I didn’t use it properly
@JamieMunday 9 ай бұрын
You just need sadhana brother, this was exactly the way it started for me. Our freedom blueprint cohort starts tomorrow if you want help but you’ve got very little time to signup only 12 hours
@katyh2599 9 ай бұрын
What can you do if it possibly activated from continuous hard stressors, when already vulnerable from life experiences? I’m exhausted from this energy and the fear is awful . I did nothing to cause this but I know I’ve always been extremely sensitive. It’s like I tried to handle these things happening, be brave etc and then boom and it’s not pleasant and very intense. Subsequent stress makes it go crazy in my body.
@JamieMunday 9 ай бұрын
Are you engaged in any sadhana? This will strengthen your nervous system Katy. This was you can hold onto these energies without it being “too much”. But this is a total life change
@dianemyers6848 9 ай бұрын
This happened to me too! Just out of the blue. Mine was joyously wonderful. I was really energetic for a few months and then it calmed down
@katyh2599 9 ай бұрын
@@JamieMunday I had coping mechanisms, practices to calm my nervous system, not yoga as I’m physically affected and fatigue. I’ve had continuous difficult stressors and now I’m freeze mode, yet vibrating so severely. It like it’s stuck in my root, yet firing off through body, spine feels it’s shaking and hits the brain which is agony. None of my coping practices help right now, I’m left with hysterical crying. Nothing about this has been ‘wonderful or joyous’ but I believe trauma triggered it. I don’t know, I’m trying to normalise but it’s hard when people say it’s wonderful. I suppose I wondered if stress, can affect this negatively? I just tried to cope as I had to. For now I’m trying to breathe and not resist but it’s very hard.
@ryansngh 10 ай бұрын
Kundalini must be awakened only under a guru or someone u trust immensely.... Some individual even dont need to go orderwise to awaken third eye (only some)
@AngCJ-18444 10 ай бұрын
Hi, i actually am watching this video because I've found out my physically abusive ex is now teaching Kundalini. So, i was trying to understand what it meant. Now after watching your video, I am even more concerned about the people he is "guiding" because it seems people could be in a vulnerable state afterwards mentally and he displayed narcissistic behaviours. I would love to think he has awakened etc but another spiritual friend of mine mentioned someone had come to see her for reiki because the person had been to a kundalini meditation and felt icky after being in the session...i asked which centre and it was him.. One of my daughters who he is allowed to see tells me he yells at her when she doesnt meditate right... i am a spiritual person myself and i do believe people can change but my intuition is telling me its spiritual narcissism, an act. If he IS awakening, which i obviously doubt, how could that be when his nature of aggression and narcissistic behaviours are so in conflict with himself and with peace, connection and love? I am remarried and safe but one of our children still sees him. I found out about this from going to the centre for another meditation to find a spiritual group and then heard his name and got a sinking feeling which i then confirmed with the owner of the centre was him. Ive warned the owner of the centre, i am not sure if theres anything else i should know about how this might impact his behaviour around my daughter if he is awakening or specifically what Kundalini might do to someone who has in the past been physically abusive to women and children. If you have read this and understood please let me know if theres anything i need to watch for or do.
@JamieMunday 10 ай бұрын
Hey Ang, obviously I don’t know the REAL situation, just your perspective so I would not be doing anyone a service by responding with any “advice”. But people do change, and actually kundLini is something that will change somebody massively. Some teachers yell at times, it is appropriate at times. My teacher has chewed my ears off and been what would typically be considered a “bully”. But it’s only the ego they are frustrating. So that’s my perspective. Just my feeling, you don’t have to be anyone’s saviour, love and let live right. Your actions may do more harm than good. Remember, the road to hell is paved with “good intentions”. Trust that life will keep her order
@AngCJ-18444 10 ай бұрын
@JamieMunday thank you! Yep I understand what you are saying and obviously you don't know the whole story, and I can't tell you as it went to court. My main focus is my youngest child, 9 year old because he wasnt just abusive to me. I don't want to do anything that impacts my ex's journey either, peraps he really is changing and that would be wonderful for everyone. Hopefully, it is true, and he is healing, etc. I just worry about reactive behaviours. So like someone with ptsd who hasn't sort any prior healing now teaching Kundalini and how that might play out.
@fairygrrl45 10 ай бұрын
Just two cents from a stranger, but I would trust your intuition always, first and foremost. In my opinion there are relatively few reasons to yell at anyone, much less a child, unless they are in the act of doing bodily harm to themselves or someone else. Anything can be said firmly without raising your tone. There is never any excuse for any behavior that could be deemed abusive. In my experience, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, baby it’s a duck. While people are capable of change, and it’s kind of you to hope for that for your ex partner, your priority is your kid and not exposing your kid to someone who will cause them harm - narcissism is real. That kind of manipulation and abuse (especially from parent to child) is deeply traumatizing. If you can spare your child, I’m of the opinion you should. I know it’s no easy decision, limiting their time with their father, but if you know of his narcissistic tendencies and past abuse, and are seeing signs of that in your kid, I would assume it’s still possible harm is being done and do what you feel is right. Like any other label, spirituality can and is used as a mask by people who need the ego boost, and know that if they don that particular mask, people will flock and venerate them. It’s no coincidence that gurus and priests and religious leaders across the board have been found to sexually abuse children or engage in sexual harassment and assault of students who put themselves in their care. It’s good to have hope, but it’s also important to be discerning and see through the masks. When men are put in positions of power and treated like Gods, they have historically abused that power. If you get a bad feeling, I think it’s wise and discerning to listen to it. I know this must be a really challenging situation you’re in, trying to protect your child. I’m sending you love and hoping your family stays safe. ❤
@AngCJ-18444 10 ай бұрын
@fairygrrl45 thank you! All of that is what is running through my mind. Trying to not allow my own feelings on it to influence someone's potential change vs what I know and have experienced. The problem is I have already done everything legal already and how it works in reality is that even if someone is abusive, proven to be, even to the other children, they look at each child individually so unfortunately unless something happens and she then tells her psychologist there's literally nothing I can do. This is why I kind of want to know how a kundalini awakening might impact someone's behaviour who is also someone who has abusive and narcissistic traits because I need to watch for those impacts then in my child. I want to hope I'm wrong of course.. so hard. Thank you again for hearing me out I appreciate it and am well aware of the masks and acting that can occur.
@fairygrrl45 10 ай бұрын
⁠@@AngCJ-18444Ahhhh I see. That is really stressful and challenging. I had no idea it worked that way. Yeah, okay, I understand. For me, genuine awakening didn’t make me anymore aggressive or mentally unstable. I think if those are behaviors that are there, then they’re there because of things that are unhealed. Although, I guess there is always the possibility of some kind of spiritual fanaticism coming into play - like you mentioned spiritual ego. But I don’t think that would be anymore dangerous than regular narcissistic tendencies. It would just be filtered through this new language/lens. In any case, this sounds incredibly hard. And my heart goes out to you during this really difficult time. ❤ I do hope that it’s the best possible outcome, that things really are okay.
@user-ld6rb7uf4e 10 ай бұрын
Many do it with most of the help coming from THE POWER'S OF THE SPIRITUAL WORLDS because we must, it doesn't necessarily mean that we don't want more human beings help😂 . Most of my help comes from the GOD'S and books and strangers. Love and Light to all.
@whateverhappenshappens111 8 ай бұрын
there is so much misinformation here which is the reason why you are not a monk.
@swhiting100 9 ай бұрын
@caracal4361 10 ай бұрын
thanks for wasting my time
@JamieMunday 10 ай бұрын
“If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all” -Thumper (Bambi)
@Ra-cq4el 9 ай бұрын
@@JamieMunday But unfortunately, he's right! Nothing practical. Just saying everything without saying nothing to simply finally, advirtise your course. Most of people who search for this kind of videos are at least becoming aware of this topic; but you care about well editing a video, and try and make money with general info around each ad. :)
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