Its possible to beat the event hard boss while underleveled and only getting hit once! TLDR: I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND ANAKIN! Breakdown of strategy: Boss is only melee, so you can trap it on the low ground and then can dps with impunity. 1a. The teleport is the only attack that can hit you, but is easily baited can controlled. It only happens on even turns, and will lock onto your lowest health doll. 1b. In my case it was Groza after getting hit, so I put her on a corner, and blocked the relevant tiles with Nagant and Sharkry. THIS IS 100% CONSISTENT 2. You only need 3 units - the fourth can be positioned on a different high ground for better angle coverage - she will be perfectly safe, as demonstrated in the video by Mosin 3. You can aim an aoe into the smoke when the boss is invisible - if an action support will happen (like with Mosin or Suomi), the game will show the red line, allowing you to ignore the invisibility. 3a. You can also cheese this by abusing rewind - blindfire an AOE, if it misses, wait for the enemy to reveal itself on the next turn, then rewind and snipe them. 4. For extra damage, you don't need to block the teleport tiles every turn. If the boss is standing far enough away from a ladder, you can move your dolls so that they have better angles to shoot from. PS: Check out the official discord too (and there is contest for best guide - so shameless plug here!)