我個人剛畢業時,是在 IC廠,後來在某個機緣下,轉做 IC 設計 30 幾年,雖然我做的是 design ,但是我還是要說,李老師你錯了, IC 技術關鍵在製造廠上,而不是在設計公司上!!! 設計有很多東西,例如像 ARM CPU,並不難做(對我的團隊來說),難的是如何讓別人願意用你 CPU 來做產品,但是 IC 廠就不一樣了,像 TSMC,不要說製程的先進啦,光他的良率就是好到你不敢找別家來做!! 補充一點,例如,像現在 IC 速度越來越快,主要原因,是因為製程進步的關係,和設計關聯並不大,基本上,設計包括設計 Tools是跟著製程走的!
@yichenzhou4196 жыл бұрын
East Far 说到点子上了 设计可以靠高薪招安海外工程师回国弥补 但是foundry的差距造成的资金压力很大 前几年大陆没重视芯片的时候小企业日子不好过。
There maybe more than one way to make a chip. I guessed 李老师 was talking about Mainland's way while Taiwanese was talking their way(?). I'd like to talk Westerner's way: Preparing the silicon wafer 1. About 2550°F (1400°C) to remove any impurities in the silicon. 2. Cutting wafer with a slicer. 3. Coat the wafer with a layer of silicon dioxide to form an insulating base and to prevent any oxidation of the silicon which would cause impurities. Masking (Patterning ) 4. The complex and interconnected design of the circuits and components is prepared in a process similar to that used to make printed circuit boards. For ICs, however, the dimensions are much smaller and there are many layers superimposed on top of each other. The design of each layer is prepared on a computer-aided drafting machine, and the image is made into a mask which will be optically reduced and transferred to the surface of the wafer. The mask is opaque in certain areas and clear in others. It has the images for all of the several hundred integrated circuits to be formed on the wafer. 5. A drop of photoresist material is placed in the center of the silicon wafer, and the wafer is spun rapidly to distribute the photoresist over the entire surface. The photoresist is then baked to remove the solvent. 6. The coated wafer is then placed under the first layer mask and irradiated with light. Because the spaces between circuits and components are so small, ultraviolet light with a very short wavelength is used to squeeze through the tiny clear areas on the mask. Beams of electrons or x-rays are also sometimes used to irradiate the photoresist. 7. a. The mask is removed and portions of the photoresist are dissolved [掀膠, 融掉部分(not hardened)的光阻]. If a positive photoresist was used, then the areas that were irradiated will be dissolved. If a negative photoresist was used, then the areas that were irradiated will remain. b. The uncovered areas are then either chemically etched (either wet or dry) to open up a layer or are subjected to chemical doping to create a layer of P or N regions. c. After etching or other processing, the remaining photoresist is removed by plasma ashing. ***Cited from Mr. Gary Quinn's comment "俺是内行。 俺来纠正一点李老师的讲解: 在涂光刻胶之前, 需要长一层氧化层(二氧化硅)。 也就是说,涂光刻胶是涂在 二氧化硅的薄膜上的, 而不是直接涂到硅片上的。光刻之后, 腐蚀掉的是二氧化硅, 而不是硅片本身。硅片是相当难腐蚀的, 而二氧化硅确实容易得多。" ***Please pay attention to " 腐蚀掉的是二氧化硅, 而不是硅片本身。" Please refer to HPQ Material. There are some pictures that are better than thousand words. In western way, mask (so called 光刻胶) is coated and removed (later on) to/from 二氧化硅的薄膜上的 by a Stepper. Btw, The whole process till now hasn't got any 光刻 involved. Wish my "brick" will help "webpal"s out. Thank you very much for your time.
@wengxinchan64175 жыл бұрын
During preparing silicon wafer, heat up to 1400⁰C not only to remove impurities, the most important of this step is to form a single crystal structure, if the silicon wafer is polycrystalline, then it can't be used
使用別人的指令集架構需要繳費授權,自行開發指令集無需繳費,但你用到了其他人的專利則一樣需要付費,如pipeline,亂序執行out of order execution,如果你不付費使用上述專利,則性能追不上市場上的主流產品,做出來的最終成品就會沒有競爭力,而自行開發指令集還有個壞處,那就是跟市面上絕大多數編譯器不兼容,基於特定指令集的編譯器製作出來的特別穩定第三方固件(網路產品)也不能用,消費者就不可能會願意買單,目前網路設備上用得比較多的芯片為ARM,ARMV7,MIPS R2這幾種
Shaun Li 我還在大陸的時候也接受了不少所謂專利攔路虎的思想,認為抄襲致敬是不得已的,但實際上並不是,抄襲的人永遠都有理由去說服自己,懶惰的人也永遠都有理由推遲現在立馬去做人生當中最重要的事情,走在對前端的人不知道自己還能進步多少,但走在後面的人已經知道前人能走到哪裡,就像今天我們已經知道人類跑百米能跑到9.58秒
Will you make english subtitles for this video? Becuz i believe it will help students who are learning english based subjects. There are many specific terms and words that are not easily understood. But i still love yr videos anyway^^ 👍👍👍
@superficial49284 жыл бұрын
It takes more time and manpower to translate into English。This teacher has always made videos by himself,
@sylviawang4343 жыл бұрын
English May complicate the matter. Please learn Chinese.😁