Nice place, peaceful. By chance, while walking along the Österlenbanan, have you filmed in Gärsnäs? I know that they have built a new platform and assembly road and installed the signs according to the new road layout. Unfortunately I could not find images of said sign to be able to reproduce it exactly on my N scale model railway on the Österlenbanan. Best regards from Buenos Aires! Ezequiel
@MatsOrmhed Жыл бұрын
Yes that place was really peaceful. I did film in Gärsnäs a few years ago but the films had technical problems, so I could not publish them. I will - most likely - visit Gärsnäs again. I will take a look at the films from Gärsnäs (hopefully tomorrow) and see if I happened to film the signs (and if they are useful).
@MatsOrmhed Жыл бұрын
Most of the videos turned out to be completely useless but I created a little video with stills from the more useful ones, so you can see if they can give you anything. Best regards Mats.
@mjinroblox Жыл бұрын
Varför tuttade tåget i slutet
@MatsOrmhed Жыл бұрын
Bomfällningen, vid den plankorsning som syns tidigare i filmen, var avslutad och när tåget tutade och jag vände mig om för stt se varför, så visade det sig att en kvinna gått över med sin cykel för att hinna med tåget, trots att bommarna varit nere en stund. Så jag förstår att föraren tutade på henne. De är nog rätt trötta på att folk gör så.