EXPOSING ROYAL CARIBBEAN - Welcome To Labadee - Secret Footage

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Cameron Lee

Cameron Lee

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I have been working on this short documentary 'Welcome To Labadee' for some time now; I was planning on making something longer but instead I've stripped it back to only the most important information.
I plan to make follow up films, contacting Royal Caribbean for a response and hopefully leading to positive change in Haiti.
Labadee is a private resort peninsula, leased by Royal Caribbean Cruise Line from the Haitian government and open exclusively to cruise line passengers. A barbed wire fence surrounds the peninsula preventing tourists from visiting actual Haiti and Haitians from entering Labadee.
I understand wanting a degree of privacy for the resort; a place for tourists to enjoy themselves on a private beach in the Caribbean. I understand that there could be visa issues with allowing tours into 'the real' Haiti. I do not understand why a '3rd world', largely impoverished country is the ideal location to build a luxury beach resort. Further than that I struggle to cope with the little help Royal Caribbean offer to the Haitian people donating $1million to Haiti in 2010 as earthquake relief yet spending $55million on resort improvements in 2009.
Of course, on paper, Royal Caribbean are under no obligation to financially support the nation of Haiti but considering the amount of money they are making as a result of their ownership of Labadee it seems only reasonable for them to offer more than they are currently offering.
I've never had an issue with wealthy people or profitable corporations however I strongly object to money being made by treading on others (making 'offers people cannot refuse' and underpaying (difficult to define I know)). The whole world is done in and done over day in and day out, we are being used as commodities and we are being taken advantage of.
I cannot speak for everyone reading this however I am aware I come from a position of priviledge; I have the potential to find a way out. The people you see in this video do not. They are born into poverty an d they are held back even further by companies such and Royal Caribbean.
Royal Caribbean as a single company have higher earnings than Haiti does as an entire country and yet they charge vendors for their pitches, deny starving people food and offer meager aide amounts compared to the amount they spend on dull, mindless hedonism.
I propose a Royal Caribbean boycott and as a minimum a boycott on any cruise which visits Labadee until Royal Caribbean are willing to do more to help the Haitian people. Why not visit Haiti instead?
Subscribe for updates on this topic and please share.
/ mrcameronlee

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@davey1121 10 ай бұрын
Daft video. What did you expect when you decided to take a LUXURY CRUISE to one of the poorest countries in the entire world ?
@brendanst1979 2 жыл бұрын
Me and my wife are visiting here for our anniversary, I definitely wouldn’t mind passing these people out $20 a pop & getting them food. Although I’m sure it would gather a lot of unwanted attention
@ethandumas6937 2 жыл бұрын
Ill rob your ass if i see you handing out money when im there lol
@SCW87 3 жыл бұрын
Sickening! The attitude of the two americans @ 7:00 minutes aswell . Well done in filming this, it's good that people can actuallu see what it's like.
@catherinethecarnivorern8333 Жыл бұрын
They blame Americana’s for the current state of affairs in their country. It was mainly one family that took advantage of them and continues to do so who shall go unnamed.
@psychicrosemaryangelus8407 6 ай бұрын
America had gone to Haiti twice to help rebuild it after their ancestors killed the French people. The Haitians killed every white and mixed person back in the 1780s, and their country went down the drain after that. Now all they have is ruins. They eat mud cakes. People go in there to help them learn how to farm, and they often get murdered. America has gone in twice to rebuild their nation, and twice their nation has gone down the drain once the Americans left. Look what’s happening now. Gangs are taking over, the Prime Minister has resigned, and they are cannibalizing their own people. And those Americans were terrible? They were the ones who were so terrible because they told the truth? People really need to do some research before going anywhere. Learn history, and read a book.
@grumpy_ken 4 ай бұрын
yes that will stay with me
@spaulblanc 6 жыл бұрын
Lol to people thinking these vendors are poor, it's an act suckers, I'm Haitian trust me
@LP2488 5 жыл бұрын
They live in Haiti the poorest country. They definitely broke bruh. I'm Haitian too! I just came from Haiti not too long ago the country is in poor condition and there continues to be a struggle to get basic needs.
@cameronlee4187 5 жыл бұрын
how about the kids begging for food behind the fence?
@lightdbs2791 3 жыл бұрын
@@LP2488 stfu
@LP2488 3 жыл бұрын
@@lightdbs2791 no. Idk what makes you think you can speak to anyone like that. Have some respect
@badgeshands 6 жыл бұрын
Are living conditions less than poor in Haiti? Yes, most definitely. However, the locals are playing guests like a fiddle. The cruise line allows some locals to participate in the straw market. They say they do not receive food, and water that's false. All the locals are given excess food that will be perished before the next ship comes in. Don't make false accusations before you gather the facts, "lad". -Former Royal Caribbean Labadee employee
@CutieRingoJoy 6 жыл бұрын
badgeshands wow I can’t believe they lie to look pitted
@aidamanager 5 жыл бұрын
They are great Hollywood actors, right? Like you can cover the misery in Haiti...
@blacksultan85 5 жыл бұрын
*badgeshands* like you actually believe the Haitians receive food well you don't know anything about Royal Caribbean they're the liars.
@cameronlee4187 5 жыл бұрын
the vendors, I can believe that but the people behind the fence? Maybe the US takes a more fond view of hard capitalism than people in the UK do
@soffym.a.o9778 4 жыл бұрын
Americans making everyone hate blacks, did you hear what they said about them?
@SSPsGoku1 6 жыл бұрын
I've been to Labadee before and I will be there again later this year. It's very sad the condition of the areas surrounding the tourist locations. I have a lot of respect for your generosity and kindness. I will say though, the merchants you spoke with, they may not be completely telling the truth. Many of them are very manipulative in hopes of getting you to buy things. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle ground of what Royal Caribbean would publish and what the locals say. I was shocked to hear Americans claim Hatian's are hateful people. I would have more concerns about traveling to Mexico and running into the cartels than I do about local Hatians.
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with you, I struggled to trust the merchants entirely, especially when dozens of people selling identical items were all telling me that they made them, themselves. I just feel that RCL should at least not fence Labadee off and give tourists the opportunity to visit and spend money in actual Haiti.
@foredimples529 6 жыл бұрын
I agree.
@steven8hamilton 2 жыл бұрын
@@cameronlee4187 Haiti is incredibly dangerous, that would be irresponsible on the part of RCL
@Capibaracapibara1992 Жыл бұрын
Mexico is a huge country, what are you talking about gringa?
@Capibaracapibara1992 Жыл бұрын
spend a week in Port au Prince and then another week in Playa del Carmen or Cozumel and lets see where is more dangerous
@TomLennox24 Жыл бұрын
I don't understand the point of all this and the filmmaker's indignation. So the vendors have to pay to be there to sell their things. The people running the little stands in the mall have to pay to be able to be there, the owner of a store in a shopping center has to pay rent. And why should the vendor get free food? Does someone working in Walmart get free food? When you buy things from the vendor, he makes money and spends it in his village that IS helping the local economy. I do wonder if they ever have stowaways sneak over the fence and board on the the ships.
@purposeful49418 6 жыл бұрын
An Englishman preaching about exploiting foreigners. That's rich!
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
Granted, the 'English' have historically been more exploitative of people worldwide than individuals from any other country but that doesn't mean that I can't legitimately make a piece critiquing others.
@CjWalsh928 6 жыл бұрын
Jim Texas Exactly! I had the same thought
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
what would you have done in the situation? and remember cj...there's no wrong answers here
@CjWalsh928 6 жыл бұрын
There's always right and wrong. Feeding the hungry is never wrong and I'm all for helping out when I can. I just think uploading videos like this is risky and you can never be too careful, esp in regards to Hillary Clinton. She pocketed all of that relief money for the earthquake and when people piss her off they've ended up disappearing
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
I can see how it's risky and agreed, the Clintons are terrible but this video wasn't about them, it was about what goes on, directly in the resort.
@heathermichael3987 6 ай бұрын
Why are you starting problems in a country that is not yours ?
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
I've not replied to comments here for a while and it's been interesting reading what people have to say in response to this video. I do agree with all of the points that Haiti's economy is not the fault of RCL and that many other groups who acted as though they were helping have been detrimental. My point was not to say that RCL have made Haiti any worse off as a country; only that I feel they could have done more in helping it. This was a video I spent a day making while on holiday and I haven't had the time, funds or practice to go back to Haiti and dig deeper (whether or not it's even my job too I don't know). The point I was really trying to make is that many of us have allowed massive corporations to take over our resources, our land and our lives without giving very much back. I have done my research and I feel that RCL not only should be quite easily could be doing more to help not even people throughout Haiti, just the people in towns boarding and nearby to Labadee.
@ethandumas6937 2 жыл бұрын
Why dont your bitch ass do more, are you not withholding money, give everything you have fuking cornball ass , go give everyrhing you have , you prob dont do anything at all in reality , typical libtard bleading heart , get lost I cant wait to cruise with RC.
@Taniere Жыл бұрын
Go do a Mission not this. What's your problem?
@sandykmalta 7 ай бұрын
Don't put down RC when they do more than you.
@aquiconfeya 4 жыл бұрын
Oh shit, now I am not exited to go there....my cruise is in 78 days...... I am 😞 😢 sad.
@kimwakefield5147 Жыл бұрын
My cruise in 15 days and this makes me very sad. I am contemplating not getting off the ship.
@Barnaby_Brown 6 жыл бұрын
I mean if this guy took even a second to research he would have discovered they have done a lot for Haiti. They have built new schools following earth quakes, have a food donation scheme for the poor, have spent millions in relief efforts. Their efforts aren't also just limited to Haiti but they also helped evacuate during Hurricane Herma and donated another million in relief efforts. Much of what they do can be found on their own site. This video is essentially just someone filming what they did to make them selves look good and then try to manifest a poorly researched story to go with it. .
@tremayneestwick2561 6 жыл бұрын
And im the Pope...check my website its there !!
@MrMontel42 6 жыл бұрын
Barnaby Brown your are completely wrong...I'm from Jacmel and people over the world exploit Haiti and its people. What they do is take a photo opp. Then ask people to donate, then take the money and run. Even the Red Cross itself has done this on many of occasions. That's why the UN peace keepers are there. Every since the quake in 2010, people have pretty much exploited Haiti!
@RobertJamesChinneryH 6 жыл бұрын
Barnaby Brown pictures talk sure as he'll doesn't look like these people are doing well or have been helped I suppose you are a cruise line employee but that's ok
@Barnaby_Brown 6 жыл бұрын
Haha no way near an employee, still a student. I never stated RCL have helped everyone, and frankly it's not their job to. I just stated the facts on what they have done.
@freedomfitness8720 6 жыл бұрын
Barnaby Brown - Our church donated thousands of boxes full of school supplies & toys for the children. I “adopted” an 8 year old boy & girl as well as a 14 year old boy & girl. We all love filling up the boxes with special items for each. But, for some reason, we were not allowed to send treats or candy.
@ricrivera2523 6 жыл бұрын
The Haitian government is at fault for the conditions there. Royal Caribbean at least invested in a portion of the beach to allow some to gain some advantage. Place your blame where it belongs. You should have traveled outside the gates to understand what is really going on. Guess that would be what a real person trying to do a "documentary" would have done while on your pleasure cruise.
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
You made a similar comment on my other video; as I said we were unable to travel out of the gates, as in not legally allowed to do so. I can agree with you to some extent with regards to placing some blame on the Haitian government, they appear to be doing little to help. However historically Haiti has been abused by many other countries and corporation and Royal Caribbean has done little to counter that and actually help. For me this was a family holiday, I plan to visit actual Haiti within the next few years but I see little reason why Royal Caribbean couldn't offer free transport to the nearby 'Cape Haitian' or tours to the Citadel which would actually offer some benefit to the Haitian economy and the people working within it. I also didn't travel here to make a documentary, I just had my camera with me and started filming...I really fail to see your overall point and your strong bias in supporting a corporation who really should be doing more to help a struggling nation. Let's also bear in mind that Haiti's GDP is lower than RC's turnover.
@staffoffice 6 жыл бұрын
FYI, RCI is not to blame for Haiti. Your video (not documentary come on dude) is told from a guy coming off a holiday cruise ship with zero knowledge of Haiti. RCI was the only cruise line to rush in with donations to the people after the earth quake. Your vacation video is noting but a virtue signaling piece of tripe and you have no real grasp on the history of what happened in that country.
@jeanpierre1714 3 жыл бұрын
@@cameronlee4187 STFU man, go to Colombia, Jamaica and all the other ports. Who are you? Capt-save-a-hoe? You're crying about poverty and giving away food that isn't even yours to begin with. If you're that vested in the welfare and well being of your surroundings while at the port, then don't beg for attention on a YouTUBE video, go out to other impoverished areas, but stop whining because a private corporation won't give away money from their budget just because your feelings hurt. 🤡😆
@चेतन_महाराष्ट्र Жыл бұрын
On one side people are stuffed with too much food and on the other side people are begging for food.
@x-rated7675 3 жыл бұрын
Royal 👑 Caribbean is in business to cater to paying customers and not solve Haiti 🇭🇹‘a problems. Thank you Royal Caribbean for making Haiti 🇭🇹 safe and secure for overseas tourists that can feel good about spending money 💴 in 🇭🇹
@King_2ya 5 жыл бұрын
Omg im boarding im two weeks... I cant believe what Im seeing! 😔😔😔🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
@OYJluv 2 ай бұрын
Yikes :(
@fingerprintsandskills 9 ай бұрын
A major part of the problem is the world policy and politics again nations like Haiti over generations see ref France and US marine invasion a blind man can see why some of these conditions exist.
@carrolltonnewsjournal Жыл бұрын
What the video doesn't show is that the beggars at the fence line often take that food and resell it in town. Handing food and money across the fence only leads to big trouble and even worse crowds hanging around. There used to be a video where passengers were hurling food and dimes across the fence and watching the Haitians scramble for them like pigeons.
@notcharlie7107 Жыл бұрын
even if they resell the food it's still helping them. that's probably one of the only ways they can get money
4 жыл бұрын
Sickening. The cruise industry is sickening.
@harrybrown6014 6 жыл бұрын
OK to give away Royal's food but "I don't have any money on me."
@cameronlee4187 5 жыл бұрын
It was food that was prepaid for and was essentially food I could have eaten, and as I said, i was only holiday with my family, I didn't actually have any money.
@GnosticChild 5 жыл бұрын
@@cameronlee4187 Facts
@15karlii 4 жыл бұрын
No need to explain. You were a blessing to them by feeding them.
@glasyalabolas4236 3 жыл бұрын
@Stuffstuffington Stuff he can do what he wants with food in his possession, who are you to be telling people what to do
@Morena_LV 3 жыл бұрын
@Stuffstuffington Stuff it would have ended up in the garbage anyway like most food American’s waste.
@themmmfamily7130 3 жыл бұрын
Much love and respect to you CamLee
@Dlive2005 6 жыл бұрын
Montego bay same way man they have money to build resort but people there lived so badly
@marccalizaire8848 4 жыл бұрын
Jamaica haiti dr. Have people starving. Carribean ships resort not to blame. But the one that really in charge of haiti. Not the govrmt.
@RobertJamesChinneryH 6 жыл бұрын
Don't listen to the liars below do these people look like they have been helped.
@sabrinaetienne8424 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this. I really appreciate your kindness and bravery. I also love the fact that you stood up for those children when those American people had negative things to say.
@cameronlee4187 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@livinginamerica 3 жыл бұрын
Right. The american white woman is misinformed about Haitian people " hating americans". Typical bullshit from Karen who don't shit about poor countries or people other than those that look like her. I am American, have traveled to Haiti numerous times. The Haitian people need a corrupt free government and "hand up".
@vitasoy1437 2 жыл бұрын
@@livinginamerica kind of like people also saying Mexico is super dangerous. sometimes u really have to be there to see. Haiti is probably unsafe but there are lots of people living in horrible conditions who need help...
@lavender9671 4 жыл бұрын
6:40 😶...Where did they get this information? 🙄😵😠 That foolish statement was very ignorant, stupid, asinine, judgemental and inflammatory; How can she/ they say such a thing about an ENTIRE group of people?!?! Extremely irresponsible!
@cameronlee4187 3 жыл бұрын
same as the comments on here really. You have to be asleep to believe the American dream.
@coletanner5193 3 жыл бұрын
Yes well while I was there in 2010 on our luxury cruise after the earthquake we felt it and it was exciting like a real Disney world ride could have been called Earthquake Tidal Wave..oh it was like Wow😀!..then we noticed the Hatians running down towards the fence yelling..we were on our flotation beds sunbathing in the Caribbean blue and looked up. I paddled over to the Ocean Blue Tavern bar and ordered another Pina Colada, but the waiter said they were out of rum and their rum runner was blocked from some kind of commotion going on on the island...well I immediately contacted the cruise line 1-800 number and let them know that the bar staff were out of rum and unable to make my pina colada..total disaster! But the rumble of noise from sirens and screams on the island did keep us up a lil that night as we slumbered in our cabins. The next day we wandered into town and asked this girl in the green does she know where we can get some good jerk chicken or sushi or something images.app.goo.gl/xB14L8kLKV7t3Ai66 She nodded no so everything looked closed and we had to walk all the way back to the cruise ship because the roads were blocked to traffic..major inconvenience!
@hernanmigliori1913 Жыл бұрын
The next time you want to do an humanitarian trip take the plane, land in Port au Prince and you will feel realised handing over all the money, food, medicine or whatever you want. But doing that in Labadee ressort the only thing you do is bother others guests and the security staff. Really I don't think that by giving a plate of chicken in this circumstances helps anyboby but only your ego.
@opusdeielbowgrab 4 жыл бұрын
Why didnt you just give them money if you're genuinely concerned?
@cameronlee4187 3 жыл бұрын
It's more difficult to make a film about something than to give a couple of dollars (which I didn't have) and forget about it. What were RCL doing? They have a lot more power than I have with student loan, low income etc.
@LearnToCompound 5 жыл бұрын
Hmm I’m going there I thought it was a private island??? It is So it’s only for cruise people
@jasminegok 3 жыл бұрын
that’s Perfect Day at Coco Cay. ive never been to either but ik Coco Cay is the island
@Onyi810 5 жыл бұрын
He is giving kids food and that’s no problem am sure he means well unless there is a Royal Caribbean company policy. Yes there is corruption in Haiti and it’s not different from trump who doesn’t want to show his tax reports
@DS-jm5lj Жыл бұрын
Royal Caribbean is a billion dollar company trying to make Profits not care of their Fellow Man. Now the gentleman said before RC came along he had no job. I’m sure they do some to help but of course they could do more. That’s with Any business. And as for the guy filming. He didn’t go grab his wallet and give anyone his money he gave away food that was for the guest that paid to be there. Don’t get me wrong it always amazes me how you wanted to help but you didn’t access your personal funds.
@markjwu 6 жыл бұрын
Cameron Lee if you are going to make accusations you better have your facts straight. Just because people are asking for food doesn't mean that Royal Caribbean is treating them incorrectly. Just because someone asks for food in a market doesn't mean anything, you provided a lunch for him so he didn't have to buy one from his own money. Royal Caribbean has been working with Haiti since 1986, more than 30 years they pay the Haitian government $12.00 per tourist. You cannot blame the cruise line for the Haitians governments issues.
@RobertJamesChinneryH 6 жыл бұрын
markjwuthanks doesn't sound right ....you look fat you have not missed a meal shut up these men are hungry
@markjwu 6 жыл бұрын
Please I have been there several times then men and women in the market eat plenty, until you go and see with your own eyes shut the F up, are you trying to be a big man calling me "Fat:" and your no one subscribe channel all you do it complain take a look in the mirror and do society a favor and shut up.
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
nastiness never got anyone anywhere, and that applies to both of you so behave yourselves in this comments section please.
@markjwu 6 жыл бұрын
True Cameron, but if you are going to report you should report the truth and not lies.
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
@Othello3993 4 жыл бұрын
I am american and have three kids with a Haitian man
@daviddavid9837 5 жыл бұрын
My trip to Labadee, through the fees paid for me and my family, contributed to the needs of the Haitian people. Employing Haitian citizens contributes to the nation's economy. Labadee is a gold mine for Haiti with all the RC ships that visit there each day, and the only cost to Haiti was the use of a few acres of otherwise unused property. Huge net benefit to the Haitian people. They should want more ships and more resorts like Labadee.
@LaReign 3 жыл бұрын
FYI Labadie, as it’s actually called, was not unused land. It was already a popular beach destination for years. There is even a song about how much of a paradise it is. RC might have upgraded it with attractions (and blocked it off from the locals) but it’s always been beautiful. I actually fear that they took from its natural beauty. Also, there basically renting it for pennies but hey it’s the deal Haiti agreed to.
@daviddavid9837 3 жыл бұрын
@@LaReign RC uses far more land than just the beaches, and that land, beaches included, never brought in anywhere near the same money from either Haitian or international beachgoers. Haiti needs the money. There are also those who prefer returning Disney World to its former pristine Florida swamp conditions.
@LaReign 3 жыл бұрын
@@daviddavid9837 That’s great but you’re not actually responding to me. You said Labadie was unused land and I responded to that specifically telling you that it was not. It was never a swamp to make the Disney comparison.
@LaReign 3 жыл бұрын
@@daviddavid9837 Also, I disagreed that it is a goldmine as it’s being rented for pennies so you’re more so making a contribution to RC pockets than the people but like I said that’s the deal they agreed to. However, if we factor in the environmental effects of cruises, it’s not much of a win.
@mariegermain6114 5 жыл бұрын
So much money. Where that money go. Anyone have rigth to secure they business. With thoses people's craze brise met du feu. Bad exemple. Bad figure. For the tourims. Paimful for my brother's and sisters painful
@papabits5721 6 жыл бұрын
sounds like a wonderful place to go on vacation, wtf this is not a vacation
@morganthebabygenuis Жыл бұрын
I will never sail RC to Labadee.
@nasawormlogo9521 2 жыл бұрын
The Haitian people aren’t bad people at all, but this is one of those cases where a few ruin it for the many. In Haiti, there are armed gangs and criminals who want to kidnap the foreigners on the cruise and hold them for a ransom. Without the security, these evil people can easily do that. That’s why there’s a travel advisory on Haiti. Most of the people in Haiti, however are great people, but these armed gangs ruin it for everyone. I would recommend enjoying your time on the cruise and then finding ways to reach out and help these people afterwards. The cruise company probably won’t help because most large companies only help others when it promotes their own sales.
@joycehewitt3633 5 жыл бұрын
@Rosa-cs4mg 6 жыл бұрын
I want to thank you Cameron for posting this vid. I always do tons of research before we go on holiday to learn as much as I can about the places we go. This will be our first cruise (Feb/19) and the port in Labadee looked like heaven on earth until I read about this very situation in a post on a group I'm a member of. All I could think of was how pretentious I would feel spending time there. That's just not who I am. As I watched I was sincerely moved by your compassion for the Haitian people on both sides of the barrier. It seems your focus was to unselfishly try to feed these people. I consider what you did nothing but humane. While I wouldn't believe that RC is to blame for the conditions in Haiti, perhaps I would however feel that if they were aware of the misappropriation of profits made from their presence- they could have chosen a different destination to lease. That being said, would it be a detriment to the people of Labadee to lose what little monetary gain they benefit from RC and it's tourists? It's a difficult to say as I'm sure it would impact them negatively however little they do benefit. I was initially planning on staying on the ship when I first read about this situation. I now hope that once we dock we can leave the ship and hopefully find a way to personally offer a financial donation to even one of the families who live there. If we enjoy the cruise overall, I strongly believe that the next one perhaps will not include this port. It wouldn't be 'out of sight out of mind' because we've now learned how much in need the people of Haiti are. Hopefully there will be a way we can help without physically being there. Thank you again and all the best.
@smbren 5 жыл бұрын
You stripped it back? And made it quite a biased piece, haven't you? Except for the screen at the end that mentions the $12 per passenger, no mention of ongoing revenue to the Haiti government. The people that are selling in the shopping area actually have jobs. Perhaps there is a registration fee or something, I couldn't speak to that and I'm sure what you were told is a bit of bs. How many people are also employed helping with security, cleaning and more from the island? The ship staff only handles bar and food, but looks for local people to supplement additional resources, and these local people are paid. I will admit, shortly after the hurricane I was of mixed emotions when I knew they were going back to Labadee and so many were suffering and struggling still. But you can have a company not put any money into the local rebuilding, no money into the resort side and no money into returning guests and then go to their other private island. What support would that give Haiti? Royal Caribbean has been one of the largest supporters of Haiti when you look at all the things that add up to how they contribute.
@R17-k4u 2 жыл бұрын
Um Haiti is not a nice place, dangerous in fact.
@aamb471 2 жыл бұрын
not so, some places. mostly the capital is dangerous, as in everycountry
@peterlove4162 5 жыл бұрын
Volo yo ye wow
@jannastevens4086 6 жыл бұрын
it reminds me of the movie Gremlins
@gifink 6 жыл бұрын
RCCL pays a $12 fee for each passenger when it ports in Labadee. So for a small ship such as a Vision class (2k passengers) that is around $24,000 for the day. For an Oasis class (5400 passengers) that is around $65.000 per day that the line pays to the Haitian government. The last figure I could find was from 2010, back then, without the pier and the Oasis class ships RCCL was paying just around $240,000 a MONTH to the government. With just two Oasis class ships a week, RCCL would be paying $518, 000 a month in port charges to Haiti. With just those two Oasis class ships a week RCCL pays port fees of 6.2 million dollars a year to Haiti. Now there are more ships a week than just the two Oasis class ships that dock in Labadee. Do I feel bad for the poor in Haiti, yes I do. But don't blame Royal Caribbean corp for the Haitian governments failures. Royal is the THE LARGEST tourism contributor to Haiti and Haiti would be much worse off if Royal pulled out of Labadee.
@jemimaplatel8837 5 жыл бұрын
Greg F no it would we can survive without them and to begin with Royal Caribbean doesn't pay that to us. I am a Haitian and we can't even rebuild, our government you don't know what you are talking about
@pascaledixon 5 жыл бұрын
The Haitian government is to blame.
@KevinP32270 5 жыл бұрын
the leaders are not great with how to spend money wisely. coorporations are needed like RCCL.
@davelopes6900 5 жыл бұрын
@@jemimaplatel8837 ...stop talking nonsense. Go talk to those poor Haitians slaving in Dominican tourist resorts. Royal Caribbean has provided much positive coverage for Haiti and has shown its beauty.
@cameronlee4187 5 жыл бұрын
@@davelopes6900 how has it shown its beauty when they won't let tourists leave and see the sights plus spend money in actual Haiti?
@FtLMale1 5 жыл бұрын
As an American who has been to Labadee to work, I would add that the gate is open on days that does not have a cruise ship, and is closed on ship days as it would become an immigration checkpoint. Many of the employees live outside the compound. I've worked there on numerous occasions, and when at Labadee, I've stayed in a wonderful hotel outside the compound for up to a week. The Haitian people I met were wonderful, and I was invited to a first communion party after taking a photo of two adorable children dressed in their finest clothing. This family was poor and yet they offered me a food and a coconut liquor they had made themselves... it was delicious. I hope I repaid their kindness and found Haitians very friendly, generous and honest. I would love to return again.
@appraised7090 6 жыл бұрын
Yikes. This is very hard to watch without being changed by it. I don’t know what the answer could possibly be.
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
It's certainly very difficult, but I don't believe that continuing to book the particular cruise is the right action to make.
@Ahch. 2 жыл бұрын
@@cameronlee4187 Much respect. That is definitely an answer. Where your treasures are, so shall your heart be. Don't support businesses and industries with questionable practices.
@ethandumas6937 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ahch. i cant for my cruise lol yall corny as f
@williefonte23 Жыл бұрын
WHY IS THIS HARD TO WATCH??? People all over the world live like this. And this is NOT the problem of tourists. They need to talk to THEOR GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS about their lack thereof
@mrs.cracker4622 2 жыл бұрын
God bless you for your kind heart but good luck going outside fenced off resort areas these days when armed gangs are in control . It's a terrible shame because Haiti is a beautiful place with wonderful people but centuries of tragic events.
@ethandumas6937 2 жыл бұрын
They sbould have let this moron go into haiti and see what happens to his goofy ass
@Lordeus91 6 жыл бұрын
Oh how ignorant some people can be. Learn more about the country (actual facts) before you open your mouth. 6:40 egaré
@lavender9671 4 жыл бұрын
I agree! Very ignorant, stupid, asinine, judgemental, inflammatory and irresponsible statement! Where did she get this "fact" from? 🙄😵😠
@allthingsdelightful8565 6 ай бұрын
I would never go back there. I gave many of the locals the food. They needed it more than our group.
@elliemathews6884 5 жыл бұрын
RC has done so much good for impoverished countries including disaster relief. They have cancelled cruises before to get people off islands that have destroyed by hurricanes to offer them food and shelter. They also employ citizens of Haiti on their ships. I don't think you were well informed when you did this vlog.
@grumpy_ken 4 ай бұрын
lol what do they pay them? they don't flag their ships in the US to dodge labor laws
@SargetheYellowlabMama Жыл бұрын
Tourism is the bread and butter of all the Caribbean Islands! Cruise lines helped a lot by giving these people source of income however the government of these islands are the one really getting all the profits! We can only help here and there but the most help must come from their leaders!
@honesty2476 Жыл бұрын
that is absolutely true! it’s the government’s responsibility to provide for the people. I have also been to other islands where you have the hustlers and those selling stuff. Many of us have big hearts just as we would help the homeless here in our own country on the streets. Only difference is we have shelters and food banks. But out of all due respect, I have to save to go on these cruises because many of us are just a paycheck or two away from being homeless. Haiti 🇭🇹has been through the most tragedies & disasters than any place but some of us just cannot afford to give to everyone because we ourselves are not rich.
@sandykmalta 7 ай бұрын
So stealing food and breaking the rules is okay? How about given them a few of your pounds. That security guard could have lost his job because of you and Royal Caribbean is at least giving jobs to people who desperately need them. If you want to help buy something from the vendors, tip the waiters but I think you just want your 10 min of fame!
@snailmix Жыл бұрын
This is a tough situation tbh. On one hand, Haiti would not make it without the revenue from tourism. Most of these Caribbean port cities wouldn't make it without the cruises that stop there (Nassau, Cozumel, Cancun). But on the other hand, the locals are so incredibly poor compared to the middle-class tourists that visit, it feels wrong to even be there. While we are in blissful relaxation, sipping bahama mama's on the beach, the locals to the area we're at are begging for food. There's not really a solution. The cruises help the local economy, but it makes cruisers feel like shit. Personally, my partner and I chose to avoid Labadee and do a different cruise. We decided we wouldn't feel right eating the buffet while there's a barbed wire fence a few feet away and armed guards in the jungle. Labadee isn't a secluded paradise like Half Moon Cay, it's a compound.
@Capibaracapibara1992 Жыл бұрын
Cancun is a big city, they could survive withouth cruises, learn more about geography and economics, Cancun is an airport hub, lots of hotels are there, the city also have a big service industry , companies headquarters are there, so dont be thinking Cancun is a small port town.
@snailmix Жыл бұрын
@@Capibaracapibara1992 Fair, but Cancun specifically wasn’t really the point of my comment lol. But you’re right, it’s not a small port town. That said, it is a tourist town. Before the pandemic, Cancun alone generated a quarter of Mexico’s entire tourism revenue. Probably more from resorts than cruises tbh
@cherylyoung979 6 жыл бұрын
Hattie government is corrupt but I couldn't walk away from these people without giving them food either 😢
@livinginamerica 3 жыл бұрын
I would've too Cheryl.
@6ftNaturalBeauty 2 жыл бұрын
American government is corrupt… next statement
@Luna12136 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like its VERY easy for people to judge when we have the privilege of living in a country or area where we DONT have to worry about food. For all those that are saying they are acting or lying to get food, have you ever been in that situation? Yes granted it is NOT our responsibility as tourists to feed people that displaced or in certain situations while on vacation. We could say the same thing about people in our own counties, there are scams or hustles all over the world. How many people have they caught that would go begging in the streets for hours but go home to a 4bdrm house in queens ny!? (Happens all over America) I'm not sorry for being human and having heart, I would help someone or give them food in a heartbeat. Its not unknown that haiti has had terrible economic times with horrible corruption in their government, those people literally cannot catch a break. Also to add we cannot be that surprised how big corporations that take advantage of the "little people" or areas that are really desperate for that type of tourist money to circulate in their country. Thats why I personally always go to the vendors or the little shops on the side and spend my money there so it goes back to them.
@Barnaby_Brown 6 жыл бұрын
I'm not entirely sure why you're blaming Royal Caribbean here, Haiti is an extremely poor country, you can't expect RCL to feed them all, Labadee has likely improved the area round there proving jobs for some locals. If anything it's the Government to blame.
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
It's not blaming Royal Caribbean but from what I gather they've done very little to help in the surrounding areas. Yes, you certainly can hold the government responsible in part but that doesn't stop the fact that RC and many other large corporations do little to help...they continue to take for their own profits and leave everyone else behind, even those who help them to make the money. RC's revenue is greater than Haiti's GDP and sure, this isn't RC's fault but to me it's about helping out those who have no other choice than the poverty they are born into.
@arandomperson3516 6 жыл бұрын
The least they could do is give them back their land
@Barnaby_Brown 6 жыл бұрын
puglover you actually hurt my brain. What benefit would come from RCL giving back "their land"? Job's would be lost, more people would go hungry and the land likely wouldn't do shit to help.
@RobertJamesChinneryH 6 жыл бұрын
Barnaby Brown bullshit only the rich were eating that day and eating well look at the buffet
@Barnaby_Brown 6 жыл бұрын
What part of my statement was bs?
@jeffgardiner6013 6 жыл бұрын
You won't buy anything from struggling merchants with your own money or give people donations from your own pocket but you have no problem stealing food from Royal Caribbean and giving that away.
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
Whether or not I personally gave anything is irrelevant (please also bear in mind that this video shows 10 minutes of the 10 hours I spent in Labadee). Although a petty point, I'll respond anyway; I had a large amount of food on the ship both before and after visiting Labadee so essentially the food I gave away was for me and I chose not to have it. I also have no problem with 'stealing' food when it's on offer, free to take, for thousands of people and when there's some kids behind a barbed wire fence begging for it...I find it difficult to comprehend someone taking 'the moral highground there'. Also it's not just down to individuals to give money, for most people on the ship it was a holiday, they aren't rich ad they don't have the power to reach out and help millions of people i.e. they aren't a corporation backed by tens of billions of dollars. The peninsula is also marketed as all inclusive...so essentially cashless unless you want to pay for the expensive activities or buy from the merchants.
@oscarheath-martin2910 6 жыл бұрын
I am British and have lived in Port au Prince, Haiti for a significant time. Before Haiti, I lived in The Amercias and visited many other Carribean destinations. There is poverty in all these places. Yes, Haiti is the poorest because of political corruption and problems internationally (Haiti wasn't recognised as an independent state for 60 odd years by the USA and trade embargos were put in place...also, Clinton's "Rice gate" didn't help the animosity with the USA but I see many USA missionary groups fly to Haiti on a daily basis, so some balance in opinion is required here). Agreed - there is very little contribution you can make in the moment other than some free food, but don't forget Royal Carribean is above board and pays the Haitian government. That contract has been done and it is therefore up the Haitian governement as to how is distributes this revenue stream. I agree with Jeff. If you want to contribute directly, give money to the boys at the fence. £10 / $14 would feed them for 2 weeks and allow them to buy meat rather than just beans and rice. Additionally, buy artisan goods from the sellers. If you want to give money, but it is on the ship, go back to the ship. It would take 30 mins max. This is nothing to do with Royal Carribean. You will probably find that it is you that has broken your contract with them in passing food through the fence. Your approach is quite ignorant, dare I say. I have given a considerable sum of money in charity to help Haitians at Christmas as well as offer my time to help plant vegetables and support sustainable living. I have given it directly because I can, I understand that. Your heart is clearly in the right place, but I would urge you to fly to Port au Prince when you next have time off and sign up to a Mission here or otherwise research many of the great charities in the UK and donate cash that can be utilised in a good way...
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
You seem knowledgeable about the subject and as I'd said in agreement with another poster I should probablly have done more to reference the Haitian government's failure to look after the Haitian people. However based upon me trusting what was said by those I spoke to there, I don't feel that any individual not giving money to people begging or selling wares and instead giving food is making the situation any worse. True, giving money will help the individuals the money is given to more than not doing will but it's a short term solution to a much bigger issue; an issue which not only the Haitian government but also Royal Caribbean should be looking to help. I don't think that thinking this is ignorant anyway. I agree that actually visiting the country would be a much better way of helping but that was the point of my video...even just going there on holiday and spending your money locally is better than going on this ship. The point is that Royal Caribbean are profiting millions of dollars by using an impoverished country...surely my point of saying that they should reroute to an actual port is valid. And personally, as I said, this was a family holiday, I made this film in order to show people RC's neglect of the Haitian people as well as thr fact that the real Haiti is for the most very safe and very accessible (from what I have read) and is a place that I plan to visit within the next few years.
@CutieRingoJoy 6 жыл бұрын
The food is not free, when you go Royal Caribbean it’s alr part of the price
@thomasdosborneii 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, This is Cutie Ringo Joy, he is actually a thief, stealing from Royal Caribbean.
@kyle07871323519 6 жыл бұрын
WTF are you doing? It seems good and helpful but it really isn’t. The government of Haiti are at fault, that’s why children are starving. That fence is there for two reason. One to stop Haitians coming through to land leased to Royal Caribbean Two to stop illegal aliens from the cruise ship from entering Haiti. The buffet is not free... you did pay a cruise fare right? Now I’ve been to Labadee twice and I have always had in the back of my mind about the locals in the surrounding area, but there is nothing I can do but know the efforts RCI have done to support Haiti and other Caribbean citizens. But you doing that will create a bigger problem at the fences You could of cost the sellers licence to sell on RCI land (you don’t know if you have cost that mans job who is now begging on the other side of the fence.... if you have WELL DONE 👏🏽 👏🏽) The security guard was put in a awkward position and you could of cost his job too The people of Haiti don’t know any different from the life they have Leave it be and if your not happy about it DON’T GET OFF THE SHIP.... Completely pointless effort. If you want to make a real effort and show your Good Samaritan act get a visa and do some bloody relief work in real Haiti instead of the stunt you’ve pulled
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
I've blurred out faces and I don't view what the individuals in the are saying as being so radical that they should lose their job over it. Yes governments are primarily at fault; Haiti has been impoverished long before RCL came along but I feel that you've missed the point of this video entirely. It's about people's blind buying into corporations without any consideration for the wider impact it can have. People see a barbed wire fence they aren't allowed to pass: they assume that 'the real Haiti' is too unsafe to visit. Labadee, in my opinion, is long term damaging to Haiti's tourism; culturally, for so many people, perhaps yourself included, it boils the entire country down to a cosy beach resort, a kind of pseudo Haiti where you can feel like you're experiencing something real. I'm not suggesting that RCL start donating profits to poor countries they use...but actually allowing people to step outside their own zone would be a good start. I also can't see how you can sensibly refer to this video as a 'stunt'...it's an attempt to show that behind the scenes of something which appears nice, is something far less appealing and something which requires action. Also, having been to Labadee twice yourself and 'knowing in the back of your mind about the local' and completely removing personal responsibility by convincing yourself that RCL have done loads of good. What have they done? There's figures in the video but I don't think they have done enough. I think it's nice to convince yourself that it's all good because you enjoy it and it works for you. Want to actually do some good? I'm not even suggesting you do relief work, actually visit Haiti on holiday and spend money in the country itself, giving directly to the local economy, rather than using RCL as some proxy feeding an already corrupt government. And if you've not been able to yet, perhaps you can't afford it (I'm not in a position to be able to), perhaps, like me your family paid for your two cruises for you but don't sit there and take the moral high ground by advocating aid work in a country you have done nothing at all to support. Whatever this video achieves; the attempt to make a difference and educate people on what's going on is far better than blindly going about enjoying your holiday and I'm not trying to claim that this makes me anything special, it certainly doesn't, but I'm unwilling to sit back and just do nothing, just as so many do, day in, day out.
@kyle07871323519 6 жыл бұрын
Cameron Lee how about you don’t cruise with royal again. If your so against it why did you get off Why did you book the cruise Why didn’t you get back on the ship and not be part of the corporatism What it is it is I have my opinions like anyone else. I will enjoy my time in Labadie It is marketed as a private area if it was market as the real Haiti then I’ll be very disappointed. It is exactly what RCI say the area is And this was a stunt for your own gain no one else’s, just don’t see the point. You have gone home now living your life whilst you created a begging issue at the fence. Your not there to give him food today so what is the point. Just a stunt
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
I haven't been on a cruise since and I wouldn't go with RCL again, certainy not until they made access to actual Haiti possible but I have no plans to go on a cruise at all in the future currently. As I said; I didn't book the cruise, my family did and for the most, it was a holiday I enjoyed but I wasn't aware of this stop before the holiday was booked for me. When I found out what Labadee was about I was keen to go and see it for myself and when I did I wished to capture it so that I could show others allowing them to make a choice about whether or not they actually wanted to go. Why would I get back on the ship just because I don't like something? You will enjoy your time in Labadee because you're okay with the fact that people are begging 200m away from you; I wasn't and others won't be either. Granted, every day I get on a train there is a homeless person in the station, every major street in London I walk down etc. but, as I said in the video, this felt different. Such a clear juxtaposition was too much for myself (and in fact others on the day) just to pretend it wasn't happening. I agree with you on the grounds that it was marketed as a private area. This stop off is for a beach resort and isn't claiming to be anything other; however that is my point. What reason is there to not open up, or at least give tourists the chance to venture outside of the resort? How about some information on actual Haiti, some history of the place in the resort. A suggestion on their website of other places to visit if you want to go to 'the real Haiti'. Yes, you can do this yourself but rhetoric wise it's dangerous. Please tell me also, why this 'stunt' was for my gain...I've had some more view on my youtube account, fine, I can go with that but it's not an account I push so much. Also the remark suggesting that just because I'm not there to give him food today is just absurd. You don't consider a single charity donation pointless because it's not reoccuring. If you share a post about something on social media you do it to spread awareness...this is merely spreading awareness. If this video means that x number of people give food, money, whatever who wouldn't have done otherwise then it's worth it.
@punstress 6 жыл бұрын
Would you really prefer to lie on a "real" Haitian beach and have "real" Haitians ask where your money is every five seconds? It's private property, plain and simple. As others said, why not give your own money instead of RC's food meant for paying guests? The line for guests was long enough without having to feed the surrounding neighborhood. Nobody looked like they were starving anyway. There are fruit on trees and fish in the water for the taking.
@Nolimit305 5 жыл бұрын
kyle mansell Ohh.. Stop crying.
@kylebentz 6 ай бұрын
I don't see anything wrong with Royal leasing out land on a island for a private resort. They give people jobs, vendors, security guards, cooks and in turn help boost the economy and keep people off the street. There is no "exposing" going on here. A very silly video.
@MrsWash21 5 жыл бұрын
I have been here before. I was told by one of the Haitians that after the lunch is done what ever is left over they take home to their families. Also, I witnessed royal Caribbean dropping off pallets of food as well to the labadee island. so don't be fooled they are taken care of.
@DS-jm5lj Жыл бұрын
When I was there that food was packed up and taken back to the ship.
@Deana9528 8 ай бұрын
At the end of the day we are all humans. Why not help out the hungry, sadens me.
@suedalsing4068 6 жыл бұрын
This is all tourism, everywhere. People that can afford to travel always have more money than the poor people of the places that the traveller visits. It is just tourism. There are gated resorts everywhere. It is uncomfortable and you just need to ignore it or figure out a way that you are going to impact it positively.
@scottmcfadden386 6 жыл бұрын
First off, I think this video and commentary have good intentions behind them. I understand the feelings that drive them. However, I don't think you have really thought these things through. Your main concern seems to be the fence. But there are fences (or barriers of some kind) around virtually every resort area in the world. And this particular resort area is surrounded by a fairly dangerous environment. Quite simply, no fence = no resort. The fence not only provides security, but it is also what allows the company to provide for-fee services and amenities to it's patrons. Don't see too many folks complaining that you can't just walk into Disney World without paying. Given that no fence means no resort, should the resort exist at all seems to be next logical question. That's more complicated, but I don't see any compelling evidence that it shouldn't. You may not think it helps ENOUGH, but it's fairly clear it helps the country and it's people SOME. Is a little benefit (assuming it is a little benefit, maybe it's a HUGE benefit - hard to know) better than NO benefit? I'd say so. So boycotting RCI cruises or cruises that include Labadee as a port of call doesn't really help these people - it hurts them. Now for the food. As others have pointed out, your act of charity was using other people's money. Again, well intentioned, but it's always easier to give away someone else's money. Your contention that it was yours because you didn't eat lunch doesn't really fly and I think you know it. You already said you ate more than usual BEFORE deboarding, and if you were hungry at the end of the day you were going to eat more later. You bought YOUR share of food from RCI, not a country's worth of food. So at least be honest and say yes, the extra food was RCI's not yours by right. All in all, this video that I stumbled across while doing research on Labadee for an upcoming trip DID make me think, but I came to very different conclusions than you did and I don't the characterization of the company is fair at all. For the record, I tend to be liberal, I have never cruised with RCI before and I am not personally invested in the company or the industry. I just think folks that want to help a country or a people would have much better luck doing something direct with their own time and/or money than complaining about a third party who is providing some value but not doing enough in their opinion.
@daviddavid9837 5 жыл бұрын
Scott, our RC cruises have been great. They spoiled me. They ruined me. It's so hard now to eat in almost any restaurant or sleep in any hotel. And you'll feel quite out of sorts when your own family will not place towel-sculpted animals on your bed after making it up for you every day. I have to place my own napkin in my lap and brush my own crumbs off the table. And if I want a drink of the day at home, my choices are dismal and completely lack imagination. Labadee was beautiful, one of the most beautiful beaches I've ever been to see. You can spend your limited hours there without ever encountering the fence. The panhandling of the marketplace can be off-putting but it is also similar to other tourist destinations in Europe where they talk, they banter, they barter, and they keep you engaged hoping to wear you down. In that regard, the video offers some helpful advice: leave your money onboard unless you want a beer or a fruity drink while reclining on the beach. This is one cruise stop where you can relax, enjoy, not spend any money, and not miss anything. Of course, you can also be as active and hectic and spend as much as you want.
@DerrickDJ 4 жыл бұрын
Bravo! My 2 cents.
@labelledeessenoire8182 4 жыл бұрын
This is exactly why I will forever HATE Royal Caribbean Cruiseline. How dare you deny the native of the and entry? How dare you charge the natives entry? I remember when Labadee was free and they only accepted donations. This is ridiculous. America is a BULLY. I pray that the ancestors handle the owners of Royal Caribbean Cruiseline and every person that has raped Ayiti of its greatness. The ignorance of Karen and Kevin is purely sad. That is America and WHITE PEOPLE FOR YOU. If you felt like they would kill you, then WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU STEP FOOT IN AYITI? This is the shit that I hate with WHITE PEOPLE!!!! DESSALINES was THE GREATEST!!!!
@glasyalabolas4236 3 жыл бұрын
@@labelledeessenoire8182 these people are so conditioned by their colonizing masters they cannot fathom their own misunderstandings, this is how far they are from the native mind, they do not understand the suffering and nor do they want to, the fact that he can deliberate over "who's food" he gave away shows how nasty these people are, they are the most selfish beings to ever exist on this planet, but dont worry, this is all going to change
@jeanpierre1714 3 жыл бұрын
@@labelledeessenoire8182 STFU 🤣🤡
@Mahalo222 5 жыл бұрын
Do you seriously think you cruise for less than $100 a day and no one is exploited? Wake up. It's all about exploitation to make a buck.
@cameronlee4187 5 жыл бұрын
Happy Christmas! Also the cruise was more than $100, not reall sure what you're talking about.
@brendabowman755 3 жыл бұрын
God used Labadee, Haiti to change our hearts forever. Many times we have cruised into Labadee, Haiti and on one visit our hearts exploded for the Haitian people. Since 2015 we have been flying into CapHaitian and serving the Haitian people in the Labadee Village and Fort Bourgeois. With special permission and documents we have been able to leave the Labadee tourist area and go to Labadee Village when we come in on a cruise ship. I APPLAUD RCCL cruise line for giving the Haitian people employment. This is their main source of income for the people that live in the Labadee, Village. They also give them all the food that is left over on ship days. I know this as a fact because we have many Haitian friends that work for RCCL. What upsets me is watching tourists brag about how they were able to buy a item from the artist center for less that what the Haitian brother or sister asked for. The average Haitian makes $2 US dollars a day. We have witnessed up close the life struggles of the Haitian people. It is heart breaking! And now with the cruise ships not coming in since covid many Haitian people are starving. God help them! There isn't a day that goes by that we don't pray for the Haitian people.
@OYJluv 2 ай бұрын
@matthewpeiser6106 5 жыл бұрын
Think of labadee like a national park leased by royal caribbean. I went there on my last cruise. I was told the workers from haiti only get there by boat.
@eb6973 6 жыл бұрын
Hello Cameron my name is Eleidy. I am from New York, New York, USA I have been wanting to find a solution to this. Royal Caribbean is stealing the opportunity for Haiti to flourish in tourisim. I have some ideas on how to take action. Let me know if your interested in talking.
@pititebondieu696 2 жыл бұрын
Happy to see someone concern about what RCB doing This peace of land is for Haiti 2002 everyone in haiti was welcome to come since RCB rent it from Haiti if you don't have a US passport you can't enter it anymore which is unfair. I understand if there is tourist yes you can't enter for people safety, but when there is no tourist they should be aloud to enter this is their land
@dtocks123 3 жыл бұрын
Leave it to us Americans to try and spread our hatred to other countries. If you are not from America, Never listen to what we have to say. We are full of shit.
@MercedesVirgo 7 жыл бұрын
I’m American _black American and what the Red Cross did to Haiti. They collected over 500 million for their hurricane back in 2010 and the Haitians are still living in tents. This is why I say what you did is special because I live in a country where you have to rely on the kindness of people to support causes because the government charges for everything. Your spirit is something that you don’t see everyday.
@jeffgardiner6013 6 жыл бұрын
Bill Clinton was the UN Special Envoy to Haiti. He (his foundation) and Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive were co-chairmen of the Haiti Recovery Commission. They (not Royal Caribbean) decided where the donated money was to be spent. At least 13 billion collected and people are still living in tents 7 years later.
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
I just hope this video will encourage others to make similar and re-consider their choice to travel on Royal Caribbean cruise ships.
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
Leaving my views on Bill Clinton aside, Mercedes's comment was just one part of the bigger picture. Obviously Haiti's poverty levels weren't directly caused by Royal Caribbean but they certainly could be doing more to help. As I think I said in the video, I have no issue with companies making a profit but not when it's at the expense of the lives of (at least) thousands of people...they could be doing far more to help.
@helloyall4355 6 жыл бұрын
Ask the Clintons what they did with that money collected for Haiti.. they stole the money.
@steven8hamilton 2 жыл бұрын
@@cameronlee4187 so you are angry that RCL spend at least some money in Haiti unlike every other cruise line? I don't understand your angle mate. If people boycott RCL and Labadee, it just deprives Haiti of more tourism dosh.
@Happy_HIbiscus 4 жыл бұрын
Dude, I was there last week 🙂
@zenoviyleskiv5858 5 жыл бұрын
If you want to make a real effort and show your Good Samaritan act get a visa and go to Haiti and help them.Because of you that security probably lost his job....And why you told them that you don't have money? Why you did not buy something from them?
@itstime2465 3 жыл бұрын
Why are they not skinny as a rail if they don't have any food ? I think the schits running deep I'd better put on my boots
@Taniere Жыл бұрын
This dude is aggy. Why would you book a cruise to start trouble?! Go on a Mission trip and help. This is a vacation 😩.
@carriepadgett2743 2 жыл бұрын
this was the most miserable port I had ever been to. I felt so terribly uncomfortable. Like I was showing off my "wealth" by being there. It was hard to see so many people suffering so. I will never understand why this is a vacation port.
@williefonte23 Жыл бұрын
That's YOUR F*CKING PROBLEM! Stay your azz at home then & NEVER travel anywhere because people all over this planet live like shit & slaves. That is NOT our problem & we are not God
@hallandrewe Жыл бұрын
Because it's a beautiful island, Don't go on vacation anywhere if that's how you feel.
@carriepadgett2743 Жыл бұрын
@@hallandrewe you couldn't even see the island, they dump you off on a tiny beach outside of a barbed wire fence.
@hallandrewe Жыл бұрын
@@carriepadgett2743 well I have been there 12 times and I have never seen this barbed wire fence you speak of, sounds like you went to the wrong place....
@indicasmok398 Жыл бұрын
@@hallandreweneed to get robbed and stranded next time
@justinp9647 5 жыл бұрын
It’s not royal Caribbean’s responsibility to take care of Haiti. It’s called a business.
@cameronlee4187 3 жыл бұрын
It's called prioritising dollars above real lives. You can have respect for both but not under out and out capitalism. The American dream is dead.
@indicasmok398 Жыл бұрын
Same people arguing “is not MY problem” lack a belief in God
@HHIVR4 4 жыл бұрын
CEO of RC's base salary is $12.5 milliom a year.
@robertlandry5676 6 жыл бұрын
Hunger is unknown to so many.
@davehowe7332 5 жыл бұрын
Hey Cameron, right on what you’re doing buddy no listen to some of these are comments is they don’t know, Haitian people are hurting no doubt.
@cameronlee4187 5 жыл бұрын
That's what I figured, people don't seem to understand that I'm not blaming RC for Haiti's problems but I think there's a massive global issue with corporate responsibility and this is a very clear example of that.
@evanwang5363 4 жыл бұрын
​@@cameronlee4187 Corporate responsibility? I agree companies should give charity, however it is not their responsibility. The port is Royal Caribbean land, and they give money to Haiti for every passenger. You're talking about corporations here, their sole purpose is to make money. Charity and business are two entirely different things. It is not a corporations responsibility to fuel the local corrupt government. You would be better off supporting change in a government instead of Royal Caribbean. The money they give to Haiti may seem like a little to us privileged people and even less to huge corporations, but to them it can make a big difference. What should they do to help? It's a cruise line!
@mochabrown4447 6 ай бұрын
I really want to do this cruise. They way my heart is I would be giving them all the food and money I can 😢
@appraised7090 6 жыл бұрын
Yikes. This is very hard to watch without being changed by it. I don’t know what the answer could possibly be.
@metalcoregangsterap 6 жыл бұрын
thanks to royal caribbean that make people come to visit my country and create more than 300 job in labadee island, in dominican republic evry where in the caribbean there are private beach, that's mean, it's only the tourrists Who pay can go on those beaches, what you don't know total caribbean pay the haitian government 12$ for evry tourist Who come to visit and after 2030 labadee will be back for the haitian goverment, any haitian can go to labadee if there is no cruise, and pay the enter. even in miami there are some beach you cant get because its private
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
Fair enough, this is the kind of response I was hoping for. They have created jobs and the government are responsible for where that $12 fee goes; they can make a difference. Do you think RCL should allow people off the resort however or have a different stop elsewhere in the country.
@KB-fo1sr 6 жыл бұрын
Cameron, you are so naive, I almost feel sorry for you.
@makmok9457 6 жыл бұрын
@K B My sentiments exactly - like how old is this boy?? This has nothing to do with RC and everything to do with him getting praise and attention for his "efforts" from fellow naive supporters of this crap
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
what does my age have to do with it? why does it have nothing to do with RC and how much of my face do you see in the video and how much praise do you see in these comments? "Fellow naive supporters of this crap"...what are you on about?
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
naive how?
@ashleym4095 4 жыл бұрын
Part of the reason why its a "private island" and RC doesn't "allow" you beyond the fence is because Haiti has the highest amounts of human trafficking in the world. It isn't to "keep the country poor," its to keep visitors safe. RC isn't responsible for the entirety of the Haitian population, they are responsible for those they bring there. They get plenty of money from RC. It is up to Haiti to spread the money evenly. How about you take care of those closest to you rather than trying to "expose" a corporation. A bit silly in my opinion. If you can afford a trip from the UK to a cruise to the Caribbean....you can help those at home far more than you can help a different country.
@Zachboy007 2 жыл бұрын
@mischievouseurasianist8671 2 жыл бұрын
Wow that’s truly selfish
@Zachboy007 2 жыл бұрын
@@mischievouseurasianist8671, these tourists are PAYING to have a good time. This is a cruise, not a charity trip.
@Zachboy007 2 жыл бұрын
@@mischievouseurasianist8671, Royal Caribbean's job is to the customers who pay them and the shareholders who own them, not the people of Haiti. As for the guests aboard the ship, the problems of the people in Haiti is not their problem. People don't have the right to inconvenience others due to their problems, like how homeless do not have the right to go into restaurants and interrupt patrons to ask for money; and the government should not be providing charity at the expense of taxing the rich, since the rich won't benefit, and therefore, any giving should be optional. If the people aboard the cruise ship want to go on a charity trip instead, that is fully their right; but the people aboard this cruise want to go on a cruise where they aren't bothered by the problems of the employees, and THAT IS THEIR RIGHT.
@ZarielleWashington 2 жыл бұрын
@@Zachboy007 you sound like a deplorable being. Unfortunately like the homeless and others of less fortune you don’t get a vacation from life. Stay in your own bubble in Beverly Hills if that’s how you feel but don’t venture out into a third world country after the rich has pillaged the economy/land and killed its natives to gain their riches.
@Zachboy007 2 жыл бұрын
@@ZarielleWashington, you ware honestly saying people of destitute have the right to go onto private property and inconvenience patrons by begging? If the vendors are creating ANY problems for the guests, RC has an obligation to throw them out. The cruisers aren't going to Haiti to understand how the third-world works. Haiti is a beautiful country and Labadee is the only safe way to go on vacation. Also, if beggars are able to approach the tourists on private property, like the guy who made this video gave chicken to, there either need to be police to have them arrested for trespassing or a bigger fence, because Labadee is private property and people have the right not to be bothered when paying this much for a vacation.
@Successincome 6 жыл бұрын
I appreciated your help toward the misfortunes of my people.
@kiddadd 3 ай бұрын
That port does not look that nice.
@HenryPreciseCuts 5 жыл бұрын
i was in labadiee i dont see thats side 😢 sad
@davidt8615 Жыл бұрын
Why not just fly there in plane.
@ViviVr777 6 ай бұрын
We are in an alernate universe.
@YoungLink529 Жыл бұрын
It’s their own government’s fault, not the tourist’s.
@indicasmok398 Жыл бұрын
Ignoramus, you can’t be helped
@foodculture6355 2 жыл бұрын
I have to roll my eyes at this. It is not RC's job to provide Haiti with relief. I can guarantee you that they're probably paying a nice chunk of money to lease this island and I bet you the Haitian government pockets it all. What is the point of doing this vlog? Like why are you even on the cruise. Lol.
@DerrickDJ 4 жыл бұрын
I understand what you are trying to do, however you are a bit naive. RC does help, however the world is full of people that want to pray for something and work for nothing. If you really wanted to help, why didn't you give them money?
@AfterUsOnlySilence 6 жыл бұрын
You are so kind 👍
@SaleanaC 6 жыл бұрын
That was good of you
@johnholmes908 6 жыл бұрын
RC needs to fix the hole in that fence. Its not the companies problem that there are poor people living there. There's poor people everywhere.
@cameronlee4187 5 жыл бұрын
true but do you not feel that too much money now belongs to too few? I'm not a socialist but we're in a terrible global crisis atm
@RoyalAir968 6 жыл бұрын
How is a corporation leasing property and investing in a country "exploiting" that country? Where is the exploitation you are talking about?
@cameronlee4187 6 жыл бұрын
It's corporate exploitation, I personally feel that too many companies have become too powerful...likewise governments but we're talking about RCL here.
@evanwang5363 4 жыл бұрын
@@cameronlee4187 That's capitalism.
@LaReign 3 жыл бұрын
@@cameronlee4187 yes too powerful. During the start of the pandemic, Jamaica didn’t want to let a ship dock and they made threats to be able to dock.
@thegiftedoracle 5 жыл бұрын
I didn’t like Haiti or Jamaica when we visited on the cruise ship Cozumel was the best but all these island have issues
@MistaE0902 5 жыл бұрын
I went three years ago on the Allure of the Seas and the vendors were annoying as hell. Won’t ever go on a Caribbean cruise again.
@Quisqueya77 4 жыл бұрын
Giving free handouts does absolutely nothing but help *you* sleep better at night. You are not accountable. You are simply stealing fr the rich and giving to the poor... What impoverished people need is access to education, jobs and access to funds to start small businesses. What good is it to give away free food if they have no means of eating regularly? What is the point of giving free money to someone who has never learned to manage it or make it grow?
@cameronlee4187 3 жыл бұрын
It didn't give me a good night sleep knowing that it was going on and years on still will be. I can't provide those funds and access but huge corporations can. That is all
@RunninQHsRock 2 жыл бұрын
Those people are hungry and dude brings them fruit lol at least he tried.
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