Extremely Powerful Ruqyah to Stop and Destroy Black Magic Sihir Evil Witchcraft & Return to Sender.

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Al Quran Ruqya

Al Quran Ruqya

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The Power of Al Quran Ruqyah Shariah Dua to Stop and Destroy Black Magic Sihir Evil Witchcraft & Return to Sender - Send Back Evil Arrows to Sender. The Effected Person Should Listen to This Ruqya Daily 2-3 Times a Day in the Morning, Evening and Night at Least 3 Month's. If House or Workplace is Effected by Evil Eye, Witchcraft Black Magic or Devils Then This Ruqyah Should Be Played Daily in the Morning and Evening in Loud Voice Daily for 3 Months Soon the Effects of Evil Eye, Black Magic and Presence of Devil Will Go Away in Sha Allah.
الرقية الشرعية الشاملة من القرآن والسنة لعلاج جن العين الحارة الحسد السحر المس
Al Quran Ruqya everyday Raqi-Reciter: Hafiz Juber Umari.
Your Query Solved:
1. Extremely Powerful Ruqyah to Destroy & Return the Djinns, Evil Arrows & Black Magic on the Magicians.
2. Strong Ruqyah Al Shariah for opening the Knots, Chains & Locks of Black Magic And Jinns from the Body.
3. Powerful Ruqyah To Return The Magic To Sender And Stop Coming Of New Magic On You And Your Family.
4. Ruqyah to Send Back Evil Arrows to Sender & Kill Magician Who is Doing Black Magic Again & Again on You.
5. Al Quran Ruqiya to Remove All Types of Magic & Return to Sender And Burn Demonic Devil Possessions.
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Introduction: Ruqyah is the Practice of Treating Illnesses Through Quranic Ayat and Invocations as Prescribed by the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم. It Provides a Cure for Evil Eye, Jinn, Sihir, Magic, Blockages in Life and Physical Ailments.
The Quran Offers Perfect Solace to a Believer - Both Spirtually and Physically. Ruqyah Should Therefore Play an Essential Role in Our Lives. Allah جل جلاله Says: “and Say: the Truth Has Come, and Falsehood Has Vanished. Surely Falsehood is Ever Bound to Vanish by Its Very Nature. And We Send Down in the Quran That Which is a Cure & a Mercy for the Believers.” (17:81-2)
As Well Providing a Cure, Ruqyah is an Excellent Way for the Believers to Build Their Iman & Reaffirm Their Tawhid for Allah جل جلاله. Indeed Seeking Treatment Through the .جل جلاله Quran Demonstrates Complete Belief in the Book of Allah
The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم Said: “make Good Use of the Two Cures: Honey & the Quran.” (Ibn Majah)
Rules of listening Ruqyah
1. Make intention (Niyah) of the following things:
a. Make an intention to burn jinn who causing problems, and make the intention to cast out them from your body, home, etc.
b. Make an intention to destroy all black magic on you, destroy all knots, destroy all blockages on you.
c. Make the intention to remove all illness and problems caused by Jinn or Black Magic.
2. Please keep your eyes closed and pay attention to the Ruqyah. Don't sleep, because if you sleep during listening to Ruqyah, it will not fully benefit you. If you felt sleepy, then listen ruqyah in standing position.
3. DO NOT DO ANY OTHER THING WHILE LISTENING TO ANY RUQYAH - because if you do so, you'll not be able to benefit from any RUQYAH.
4. Listen to those Ruqyah on an external speaker with a loud sound or in headphones with high volume.
5. Post-Ruqyah Protection:
After completing ruqyah, it is important to take additional protective measures. Say protective prayers such as Ayat Al-Kursi and continue to strengthen your faith through good deeds.
Perform 5 Times Salah Namaz on Time and Read a Lot of Istighfar and Salwaat Alan Nabi Daily Insha Allah you will Feel Better.
We Have Experience of More Than 11 Years in the Ruqyah Field. We Have Experience Treating People Affected by Black Magic, Evil Eye, Blockages, Affected by Jinn or Affected by Demonic Possession, Affected by Evil Attacks, and Chronic Illnesses Caused by Paranormal Issues. No Music is Used in the Production of Our Videos.
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Jazak Allahu Khairan.

@AlQuranRuqya 4 ай бұрын
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatu. Help Fund: www.paypal.me/QuranAndSunnah We Try to posting Islamic content to help strengthen ties within the Ummah ان شا الله Your support will allow us to continue to produce the highest quality content possible which reaches millions of people every month! (the reward for your support is truly priceless) this is one of the greatest forms of Sadaqah Jariya (which will continue to benefit you and others even after you leave this world). We highly appreciate it if you can like, subscribe, share and leave a comment below on this video. Jazak Allah for Listening. May Allah Bless you and replace all your troubles with khayr and afiah your sadness into happiness your pain into pleasure your debts into cash your homes into Jannah in the Duniya. kzbin.info/www/bejne/d3yqe4icor2lsM0 kzbin.info/www/bejne/Z3erfYCYfdSmkNE kzbin.info/www/bejne/r2fWiKusg8tlqqM kzbin.info/www/bejne/iYHdmWawrcenpc0
@FatumaAli-y3y 4 ай бұрын
@AlQuranRuqya 4 ай бұрын
Assalamu Alaykum, Please Listen to It Daily Minimum of 90 Minutes. Every Time You Can Listen From Starting Because It's a Repeated Ruqyah in Loop. - Having Wuzu Will Speed Up the Healing Process. If You Feel Anything During the Ruqya It's a Good Sign No Matter What You Feel So Don't Worry and Don't Panic Nothing Can Hurt You. Quran is for Healing. - Please Listen to the Ruqya With Complete Concentration and Focus, Listen to Every Word, and Imagine It's Penetrating Your Soul and Your Heart. - Keep Listening to This Ruqyah Until the Problem is Solved and the More U Listen and Focus the More It Will Help. - Please Recite Astagfar and Salawat Durood Daily Minimum of 1000 Times. - Try to Be in Wudu/wuzu Everytime. -before Going to Sleep Recite 3x Ayatul Kursi and 3x Last 4 Qul Surah. - Make Dua in Tahajjud Prayers. - Eat Halal and Try to Give Daily Sadaqa to Poor or Orphan. - Perform 5 Times Salah on Time, Plz Don't Miss. May Allah S W T Replace All Our Troubles With Khayr and Afiah, Our Sadness Into Happiness, Our Pain Into Pleasure, Our Debts Into Cash, Our Homes Into Jannah in the Duniya. Ameen Ameen for All of Us ❤️ Please do like and keep sharing as much as you can, your one share can make someone's life ease. keep sharing so others can also get benefits too and you earn sadaqe jariya in sha Allah. Jazak Allah. kzbin.info0pGRdUyjRw4?feature=share kzbin.info3GCUk7X3ECU?feature=share kzbin.infoa1kAEukKU7Y?feature=share kzbin.infoTht-OYo_h30?feature=share kzbin.info6vdhrCzzR90?feature=share
@khalandarbasha7436 4 ай бұрын
AMEEN 🤲🏼 🤲🏼 🤲🏼 🤲🏼 🤲🏼 AMEEN
@AlQuranRuqya 4 ай бұрын
Assalamu Alaykum, Please Listen to It Daily Minimum of 90 Minutes. Every Time You Can Listen From Starting Because It's a Repeated Ruqyah in Loop. - Having Wuzu Will Speed Up the Healing Process. If You Feel Anything During the Ruqya It's a Good Sign No Matter What You Feel So Don't Worry and Don't Panic Nothing Can Hurt You. Quran is for Healing. - Please Listen to the Ruqya With Complete Concentration and Focus, Listen to Every Word, and Imagine It's Penetrating Your Soul and Your Heart. - Keep Listening to This Ruqyah Until the Problem is Solved and the More U Listen and Focus the More It Will Help. - Please Recite Astagfar and Salawat Durood Daily Minimum of 1000 Times. - Try to Be in Wudu/wuzu Everytime. -before Going to Sleep Recite 3x Ayatul Kursi and 3x Last 4 Qul Surah. - Make Dua in Tahajjud Prayers. - Eat Halal and Try to Give Daily Sadaqa to Poor or Orphan. - Perform 5 Times Salah on Time, Plz Don't Miss. May Allah S W T Replace All Our Troubles With Khayr and Afiah, Our Sadness Into Happiness, Our Pain Into Pleasure, Our Debts Into Cash, Our Homes Into Jannah in the Duniya. Ameen Ameen for All of Us ❤️ Please do like and keep sharing as much as you can, your one share can make someone's life ease. keep sharing so others can also get benefits too and you earn sadaqe jariya in sha Allah. Jazak Allah. kzbin.info0pGRdUyjRw4?feature=share kzbin.info3GCUk7X3ECU?feature=share kzbin.infoa1kAEukKU7Y?feature=share kzbin.infoTht-OYo_h30?feature=share kzbin.info6vdhrCzzR90?feature=share
@BiashaAli-w6o 4 ай бұрын
@AlQuranRuqya 4 ай бұрын
Assalamu Alaykum, Please Listen to It Daily Minimum of 90 Minutes. Every Time You Can Listen From Starting Because It's a Repeated Ruqyah in Loop. - Having Wuzu Will Speed Up the Healing Process. If You Feel Anything During the Ruqya It's a Good Sign No Matter What You Feel So Don't Worry and Don't Panic Nothing Can Hurt You. Quran is for Healing. - Please Listen to the Ruqya With Complete Concentration and Focus, Listen to Every Word, and Imagine It's Penetrating Your Soul and Your Heart. - Keep Listening to This Ruqyah Until the Problem is Solved and the More U Listen and Focus the More It Will Help. - Please Recite Astagfar and Salawat Durood Daily Minimum of 1000 Times. - Try to Be in Wudu/wuzu Everytime. -before Going to Sleep Recite 3x Ayatul Kursi and 3x Last 4 Qul Surah. - Make Dua in Tahajjud Prayers. - Eat Halal and Try to Give Daily Sadaqa to Poor or Orphan. - Perform 5 Times Salah on Time, Plz Don't Miss. May Allah S W T Replace All Our Troubles With Khayr and Afiah, Our Sadness Into Happiness, Our Pain Into Pleasure, Our Debts Into Cash, Our Homes Into Jannah in the Duniya. Ameen Ameen for All of Us ❤️ Please do like and keep sharing as much as you can, your one share can make someone's life ease. keep sharing so others can also get benefits too and you earn sadaqe jariya in sha Allah. Jazak Allah. kzbin.info0pGRdUyjRw4?feature=share kzbin.info3GCUk7X3ECU?feature=share kzbin.infoa1kAEukKU7Y?feature=share kzbin.infoTht-OYo_h30?feature=share kzbin.info6vdhrCzzR90?feature=share
@Carolyn-w2t 4 ай бұрын
Return to sender 1 trillion fold , all evil doiers known n unknown who are doing magic on my little family n i , in the mighty name of jesus christ . Ameen . So mote it be . 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🩷🩷🩷🧡🧡💛💛💛💚💚💙💙🩵🩵🩵💜💜💜🤎🤎💯💯💯💯💯💯
@AlQuranRuqya 4 ай бұрын
Assalamu Alaykum, Please Listen to It Daily Minimum of 90 Minutes. Every Time You Can Listen From Starting Because It's a Repeated Ruqyah in Loop. - Having Wuzu Will Speed Up the Healing Process. If You Feel Anything During the Ruqya It's a Good Sign No Matter What You Feel So Don't Worry and Don't Panic Nothing Can Hurt You. Quran is for Healing. - Please Listen to the Ruqya With Complete Concentration and Focus, Listen to Every Word, and Imagine It's Penetrating Your Soul and Your Heart. - Keep Listening to This Ruqyah Until the Problem is Solved and the More U Listen and Focus the More It Will Help. - Please Recite Astagfar and Salawat Durood Daily Minimum of 1000 Times. - Try to Be in Wudu/wuzu Everytime. -before Going to Sleep Recite 3x Ayatul Kursi and 3x Last 4 Qul Surah. - Make Dua in Tahajjud Prayers. - Eat Halal and Try to Give Daily Sadaqa to Poor or Orphan. - Perform 5 Times Salah on Time, Plz Don't Miss. May Allah S W T Replace All Our Troubles With Khayr and Afiah, Our Sadness Into Happiness, Our Pain Into Pleasure, Our Debts Into Cash, Our Homes Into Jannah in the Duniya. Ameen Ameen for All of Us ❤️ Please do like and keep sharing as much as you can, your one share can make someone's life ease. keep sharing so others can also get benefits too and you earn sadaqe jariya in sha Allah. Jazak Allah. kzbin.info0pGRdUyjRw4?feature=share kzbin.info3GCUk7X3ECU?feature=share kzbin.infoa1kAEukKU7Y?feature=share kzbin.infoTht-OYo_h30?feature=share kzbin.info6vdhrCzzR90?feature=share
Thank you 😅
Nadir Show
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Thank you 😅
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