Thank God for my new job is the same room with a view the video of writing people's names for the day and then I got to go through the day you want to do in a while I think I will be there at work 😂😑😂😅😁😊😁😉😉😂😂😑 the same room with the same thing I have to be happy to help you with that you have on file 😂😉!?
ከእግዚአብሔር የተወለደ ሁሉ ዓለምን ያሸንፋልና ዓለምንም የሚያሸንፈው አምነታችን ነው ። ኢየሱስም የእግዚአብሔር ልጅ እንደ ሆነ ከሚያምን በቀር ዓለምን የሚያሸንፍ ማን ነው ? ፩ ዮሐንስ መልእክት ፭ ፥ ፬-፭ THANK YOU . THE PROPHET OF GOD EYU CHUFA GOD BLESS YOUR LIFE , FAMILY AND YOUR MINSTSTER.