信誓蛋蛋您們好,之前看了信誓蛋蛋的泡冰桶吃辣椒笑的我眼淚直流,笑了好多天,因為您們二個人用吹風機吃嘴巴的表情超可愛又覺得超好笑的,因為我也是很愛吃辣的,鬼椒非常香但超級辣,我都只敢吃一顆中的幾口就會胃痛了,但是看到鋼蛋吃六顆鬼椒的這一集我看了好心疼,笑不太出來,為鋼蛋擔心,因為如果吃太辣了的話胃會燒傷,安全為主丫兄弟~ Take good care of you, okay? We love your channel very much, but take good care of yourself. ^_^
Come to Southeast Asia bro, have got all best authentic chilli delicacies here. Instead of burning your mouth, you'll slobber and crave for it. Especially Indonesians' and Malaysians'. And Singapore too where I live.