謝謝元元用心認識台灣,還用影片紀錄了珍貴的一切。外國人能繼續待在台灣還維持好房屋並賦予新價值,真的值得我們學習。 還有法文的對談我們能練習聽法語,真的是很有用的內容!😊👍 Merci de nous avoir apporté une si bonne vidéo. Nous sommes vraiment touchés par votre production et votre introduction soignées !
Wow, I found your video has made huge progress with both the topic and the skill of editing. It is amazing to see this sort of topic in your video, I really love it.
Jiayi is the Kyoto for Taiwan is a very appropriate description. There are many Japan colonial era buildings and parks remaining in Jiayi. Reasons are the people in Jiayi resist KMT ideology to replacing Taiwanese and Japanese culture to mainland Chinese culture. Therefore Jiayi does not enjoy much subsidies for new developments for the modern city from the KMT government. It could be a be a blessing though. 😅
Bonjour, 元元您好,我住在一棟傳統老房子,座落在新北市三峽,正準備要整修,剛好在您的這段影片中看到有兩位法國人在嘉義整修老房,並重新給老房子注入新生命!看了很感動!我有找到小黑貓咖啡屋,但是另外一位法國人整理的老房子,我找不到他的聯絡方式,不知道在嘉義那裡?我想請您幫忙告訴我怎麼聯絡他,我想去參觀拜訪,我會説一點簡單的法語和英語😊 Merci beaucoup Cheers Rebecca Lee