Happy birthday Justus! 🥳🥳🥳 He is such an awesome loving & kind brother 👍🏼 Glad to see how the little brothers are so attached to him & always feel reluctant & sad to let him leave every time he came to visit😍😍😍 hope their relationship remains like this even if they get older
每次都翻看至少2次以上,開心見到片頭你們一家四口,你穿綠色及上次谈紫也很漂亮,今年的HOT color,多些四口子大頭鏡吧 as your family is a brand! 雖然大嫂是吃貨分析人,但每集中以她為中心就變了大嫂channel, 連大伯及公公也忍不住發表了,可多些其他人發表,比喻婆婆,包師傅及你自己,請勿見怪!湯包持筆簽名,很可愛!記得3集前,他試圖用大筷子夾餸,努力成功!句買給小孩練習夾筷子器; 大包子持筆及劃畫手勢,你是專家,可多教他啊! 期待有一專輯是你四口子的互動因事隔上次專輯已五個月了,始终你們的personality 才是 icon,特別喜愛你的才藝,humor及笑聲,覺得你是出色video director & your Art piece -遊戲game花的設計版面,善用你的talent!