匆匆走過拐角的街道 Hurriedly I rounded the corner 何時丟了熱鬧 Since when the festivities were lost 明明習慣地鐵的熙攘 Obviously accustomed to the bustling subway 卻晚點停靠 But it’s coming to the station a bit late 下個春天可能會遲到 The next spring may just come in late 但絕不會出逃 But it will never flee 回家的路或許有點繞 The road home may be long and a bit winding 但一定能走到 But it sure will lead us home 我知道最難熬的告別 I know the hardest goodbye 是彼此不能擁抱 Is when we can’t hug each other 最勇敢的逆行 The bravest retrograde step 往往要背對人潮 Often needs us to turn our back from the crowd. 長夜後最如常的破曉 After a long night comes the usual dawn break 一定會赴約剛好 Must go meet again just in time 最嚮往的時光 I most yearn for a time 是一如既往就好 Just like in the old days that’s all 默默望著城市的燈光 Quietly looking at the city lights 隨著心事打烊 Winding down with my thoughts 靜靜等著窗外的樹梢 Quietly waiting for the treetops outside the window 長出了喧囂 To sprout gaities already 我知道最難熬的告別 I know the hardest goodbye 是彼此不能擁抱 Is when we can’t hug each other 最勇敢的逆行 The bravest retrograde step 往往要背對人潮 Often needs us to turn our back from the crowd 長夜後最如常的破曉 After a long night comes the usual dawn break 一定會赴約剛好 Must go meet again just in time 最嚮往的時光 I most yearn for a time 是一如既往就好 Just like in the old days that’s all 我知道最難熬的告別 I know the hardest goodbye 是彼此不能擁抱 Is when we can’t hug each other 最勇敢的逆行 The bravest retrograde step 往往要背對人潮 Often needs us to turn our back from the crowd. 長夜後最如常的破曉 After a long night comes the usual dawn break 一定會赴約剛好 Must go meet again just in time 最嚮往的時光 I most yearn for a time 是一如既往就好 Just like in the old days that’s all 最簡單的問好 The simplest greeting is 是別來無恙就好 We have been well since we last met--that’s good enough