I'm not offended at all, I just laughed so hard that it feels like my soul escaped from my body, by just seeing the thumbnail
@enap.m23893 жыл бұрын
Same🤣🤣🤣 I can't stop laughing 🤣🤣 Imao
@doodoofart41913 жыл бұрын
@peopleconsidermeajoke98743 жыл бұрын
@izandii4 жыл бұрын
For those who are wondering how they got here (idk how i did too) idk what to say. For those who are saying “he’s sexually abusing his cat” no listen, he’s not sexually assaulting the cats, when a female cat goes into heat they will have at nothing to mate, not only is it a problem for the cat but it’s a problem for the owner too since during heat the female cats will constantly be meowing looking for a male thus being disruptive. He used the q-tip to mimic a male mating with her, he also mimic the motion so props to him, it might seem like he’s hurting to cat but he’s not at all, in-fact it’s probably feels better than the real thing because male cat penises have very tiny sharp bristles almost like spikes surrounded the penis it’s self that make the cat uncomfortable when being tugged out. The rolling on the floor and scratching is what every females does after breeding so don’t worry about that, i think it’s a way to calm from the high if that makes sense. In conclusion no the cat is not in pain, no he’s not sexually assaulting or abusing his cat, and if you have a problem to begin with, why click the video? Good Day! Edit: For those wondering why doesn’t the owner get the cats fixed (aka spayed) there’s a number of reasons why he wouldn’t but we don’t know why, maybe he doesn’t have the money to get them spayed or maybe he doesn’t want them spayed at all, only the owner knows, thanks for understanding 😁 Another edit: i am no professional or Docter of any kind but i do like to learn about animals for fun, I repeat don’t know why the owner doesn’t get his cats spayed so please don’t ask that I don’t have the answer for that, also although i am no expert feel free to ask questions and I’ll do my best to answer them, I’ll be honest im surprised alot of people don’t know much about cats in heat so ill spit a few facts, if you own a female cat that isn’t spayed (spaying a cat means removing it’s sex organ to stop heat cycles and stop the ability to breed) and reaches it’s heat cycle, they will fall into a fit of angry heat, often the female cat might try to escape the house in order to find a male to breed with or might turn to their owners in hopes of breeding, sometimes the cat may start to get aggressive and claw at anything and most importantly meow at the top of their lungs, in conclusion it’s best to have a fixed cat, also don’t think male cats are safe too, if male cats aren’t fixed either they will pee absolutely everywhere marking their scent letting the female know where he is, often escaping also to find a female in heat as well, spay ur cats, this also goes for dogs but in a different way :)) also ty for 700 likes, glad i was able to put out some information:)) Another edit again: I’m no scientist or vet or anything , you can believe you what you want, I’m just trying to put some information that i know of out there but if an actual like vet or someone says legitimate info on what this guy is doing and if it’s bad for the female, I’ll just simply delete this comment to avoid spreading anymore misinformation if it is or not, personally it looks bad yes but technically it shouldn’t be a bad thing, I’m not saying it’s entirely good to poke at a female with a q tip but as long as it doesn’t cause some sort of infection or cause any pain, in my opinion she should be fine, but most definitely would not recommend anyone to do this to their cat, it’s best to have them spayed.
@nekokabotya4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Thank you in the future!
@izandii4 жыл бұрын
ねこ南瓜ちゃんねる 問題ない 🙇♀️🙇♀️
@as-cg1zw4 жыл бұрын
We have 2 female kittens in heat and they do the same behaviors! Were getting the fixed next week
Ok im so confused. So i see that ppl are saying that this aint abuse and it is to deal with heat when not spayed? But i thought not having ur pet spayed itself was abuse. Why arent they spayed??? < Google says no its not abuse but at the same time spaying can relieve stree and even reduce the risk of cancer
@kirascloset54024 жыл бұрын
It's cute when the cats go into heat i mean the way they roll into floor but this trick actually worked I'm surprised
@-touya_todoroki4 жыл бұрын
You just gotta be carefull theres another way where you rub the vary base of the tail where there are two skin flapd and you rub under there and you get the same response
I've tried this trick on my cat, but what? It happened... the foam was left in the cat's uterus 😀😀😀
@pblinus4 жыл бұрын
Best video on how to solve your cat's heat problem without getting her spayed.
@izx78174 жыл бұрын
Can someone explain me WTF did i just watch.
@taro87_294 жыл бұрын
I copy pasted it from a comment so here is your answer: For those who are wondering how they got here (idk how i did too) idk what to say. For those who are saying “he’s sexually abusing his cat” no listen, he’s not sexually assaulting the cats, when a female cat goes into heat they will have at nothing to mate, not only is it a problem for the cat but it’s a problem for the owner too since during heat the female cats will constantly be meowing looking for a male thus being disruptive. He used the q-tip to mimic a male mating with her, he also mimic the motion so props to him, it might seem like he’s hurting to cat but he’s not at all, in-fact it’s probably feels better than the real thing because male cat penises have very tiny sharp bristles almost like spikes surrounded the penis it’s self that make the cat uncomfortable when being tugged out. The rolling on the floor and scratching is what every females does after breeding so don’t worry about that, i think it’s a way to calm from the high if that makes sense. In conclusion no the cat is not in pain, no he’s not sexually assaulting or abusing his cat, and if you have a problem to begin with, why click the video? Good Day!
Não entendi o que ele está fazendo com essa gatinha alguém sabe explicar?
@elias-69214 жыл бұрын
Hola noy soy portugues pero te entendi no se pero que significa ñao en español latino?
@roseanerodrigues164 жыл бұрын
Acho que a ela está no cio, e pra ela não ficar mais estressada, e chamado o macho 🐈 ele fez isso uma forma dela achar que fui cruzada, mais isso não ajuda muito não logo ela começa a sentir as cólicas denovo e vai chamar o gato! Não sou especialista mais acho que e isso!
@GaiaEstelar4 жыл бұрын
@@roseanerodrigues16 Acredito q vc esteja certa. Penso q o mais certo a se fazer é castrar os dois. Tivemos uma gatinha castrada e ela ficou muito mais tranquila depois da castração.
@kuzuni-to侍4 жыл бұрын
@@GaiaEstelar Ele comentou que não tem dinheiro, e sim, é para aliviar o estresse da gata,(e não, não é uma pratica comum dos japoneses). Diferente do Brasil, no japão o governo não ajuda nessa parte até onde eu sei. Ele vai gastar no minímo 25,000yen em média apenas com a operação sem incluir diária, remédio e exames, 25,000 yen está em torno de 1250 reais, isso se for uma operação sem complicação, qualquer complicação(endometriose, cortes internos e complicações pós operação)pode elevar esse valor facilmente para pouco mais de 100,000 yen(10man yen) no Japão.
@どーん-x5c3 жыл бұрын
@Giyuu_tomioka_1127 күн бұрын
@islamicmediawaj19 сағат бұрын
@ルナさん-f6y4 жыл бұрын
@talikavilipongi6874 жыл бұрын
When my cat start being on heat I took her to the vet I thought she was having a fit but now I see all cat do this dance move
@-touya_todoroki4 жыл бұрын
Please get some education about animal reproduction all felines do this you realy need some education please go search about everything and learn new things!!!
¿Alguien con la mente seudo sana me puede explicar porqué hace dicha acción?
@aly_j954 жыл бұрын
@@phoenix.horushipogrifokime4840 X2 jsjsjjs
@phoenix.horushipogrifokime48404 жыл бұрын
@@aly_j95 Jajajajaja xD Prefiriría que las cástre antes de hacer...eso. Es perturvador. Y hasta parece que él lo disfruta. Como que le genera ..no sé...algo de gozo. jajajaja...por dios..las cosas que me recomienda KZbin. xD
@edensblunt4 жыл бұрын
this isn’t animal sexual abuse or anything. This is a method to calm a female cat when they’re in heat. It’s not natural but it help them to calm them
@MzSmokey4204 жыл бұрын
One the q tip comes in to play it should definately be cruely!
@roneiljune62394 жыл бұрын
@roarrrist3 жыл бұрын
no the cat wanted it of course, but he really just had q tip sex with the cat tho. Im bamboozled