Thank you Laggie 74. My sister who lives in America told me some people in America are engaged in promoting the Cantonese language. It was this information that gave me the incentive to do this video. Best wishes from Francis
Thank you. I have entered some Chinese explanation. Francis
@SuccessforLifester3 жыл бұрын
I was listening to this Cantonese course teaching milk tea. She used lai cha and not nai cha. Made me very confused as based on the Cantonese dictionary it is nai cha.
@8octopus7633 жыл бұрын
@lanylee127 жыл бұрын
@sallylee39377 жыл бұрын
@alphabetacanton7 жыл бұрын
This teacher is very pleasant and clear in his instructions.
@sallylee39377 жыл бұрын
Thank you, but I am not a teacher!
@francislee437111 жыл бұрын
Thank you esmeau. I do feel putting any more Chinese characters on the video might become too distractive. There should be sufficient written words there to make clear my meaning.
N L 不分的確是很常見的發音問題, 不單現實生活 在電視 電影中也有很多。 但我有留意過這個問題主要發生在年輕人身上 老一輩的發音還是比較標准的。
@francislee88889 жыл бұрын
@angelah70367 жыл бұрын
最慘嘅係連一啲老師都係講懶音 。 最討厭嘅係新聞廣播完用懶音而编導都唔叫修改😡
@jingzhulin23236 жыл бұрын
虽然我不喜欢人家说懒音 但是我觉得这是语言的发展趋势 是人阻止不了的
@sallylee39376 жыл бұрын
@heywingliu90854 жыл бұрын
土生土長香港人,想講少少 N L 發音問題,由細到大我一路都以為廣東話只有L而冇N聲母,呢個普遍係香港人30歲以下都唔太分到嘅現象,唔關發音懶或家庭背景或媒體事,係一種自然嘅語音合流嘅現象,就算英文有學過N L都會分唔到。我都係空然間有一日,先發現媽媽嗰邊嘅親戚全部發音都分得清N L,但我自己喺講嘢嗰陣就會全部變咗L,甚至連邊一隻字應該發咩音都唔一定會分得到,所以真係唔好將全部發音歸類為懶音,呢啲所謂嘅「懶音」其實只係香港口音嘅粵語啫。
love your videos about cantonese! Can you make more??
@francislee43719 жыл бұрын
xiaolintraditional90 (對不起,遲了回覆) 謝謝!Thank you for liking my videos. I am presently very busy on other matters (I am writing a book on English grammar). When I have more time I will do more videos.
@francislee88889 жыл бұрын
xiaolintraditional90 Thank you for liking my videos. I am quite busy at this moment but will make more when I have the time.