Queenless can be fun, take 2 frames, not 1. 1 brood 1 pollen. I didnt see any pollen in your hive to feed brood. push all that poorly drawn plastic off to the west side and make a tight nuc inside that box directly over the entrance. Once your queen is capped for a few days(10-12) put a comb cage over it and lock in about 10 bees. you need her to hatch and stink up the hive a bit or your laying workers will kill her just as a queen would, thus u need to cage her or purge your laying workers first.
@BeeToZFL6 жыл бұрын
Ray Smith, Agree 100% lol. I don't have any spare nucs right now. All good advise. I may end up combining this with a queen rite hive to get it back in order. Thank you for the reply and watching the video.