FalconCam 2024 11 15 Vet assessment of Garrama

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FalconCam Project

FalconCam Project

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@staceeAB Ай бұрын
Even with a birth defect spinal curvature. He still tried. Poor guy. Rest in peace, little Garrama.
@alinaflorescam 21 күн бұрын
Oh my god... 😥😥
@bethfallis3997 Ай бұрын
I'm glad that Cilla informed the public about Garrama's terrible condition. May Garrama's spirit soar in the hearts of those who cared. Rest in peace little one.
@bristlecone77 Ай бұрын
Fly high, beautiful Garrama! You were a blessing to all of us around the world who watched you grow.
@birdiecam52 Ай бұрын
Thank you Cilla! RIP little Garrama! 😥
@mwynd7448 Ай бұрын
Dear Cilla, thank you for sharing with us the time that Garrama had at the vet the other day. So very sorry to hear of this loss. His live fledge was so strong, and full of hope and spirit the other day. Rest in peace sweet little guy.
@alan.w Ай бұрын
Heartbreaking. Rest in Peace Garrama 😢☹💔❤
@idontarguewithfools Ай бұрын
Fly high Garrama, there are no limits now. Beautiful sweet boy.
@amy8879 Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this with us, you didn’t have to. I deeply appreciate all the efforts made to aide this young precious life. All is as it was meant to be. So glad to have seen him as a vibrant healthy chick rather than in pain or suffering. ♥️
@Agnes-hm7iv Ай бұрын
Many thanks for the report concerning Garrama and for all the care you give to the animals in distress
@donnadec2606 Ай бұрын
RIP dearest Garrama, I will always think of you whenever I feel the warmth of a sunbeam. Thank you to Cilla and the Taronga Zoo's team of vets.
@MsBBird Ай бұрын
Thank you for being such a responsible and caring caretaker Cilla . All that could have been done for Garrama ..WAS done .. He is now peacefully flying over the rainbow bridge with Rubus ,Barru and his other siblings 🙏🌈
@alinaflorescam 21 күн бұрын
Yurruga too all siblings
@fruitcakedunlop Ай бұрын
I love you Garrama 😢💔
@mehdib9035 Ай бұрын
RIP our little warrior
@LinkaBellGAME Ай бұрын
Really sad to hear about Garrama, fly high little one, we'll miss your spunky attitude ❤
@fisheye7440 Ай бұрын
He was so vivid and brave ❤
@moniquegiguere2055 Ай бұрын
Sad 😥...poor little guy he must have been in pain but he was a fighter...
@HoshiBCZ Ай бұрын
😭😭😭I will always remember you. Dear Garrama.
@valuzimmer Ай бұрын
I sorry so much 😢. I am crying 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
@B.Powell-s4c Ай бұрын
My heart still hurts for little Garrama. I'm glad he was able to have his one first flight though. Thank you for the videos and the updates!
@matchalove4ever Ай бұрын
ohhhh Garrama you were so brave. im so excited your fledging. THX Dr Cilla.
@vickeez2240 29 күн бұрын
Many thanks for the video Cilla. It shows what a thorough examination the vets gave him. Poor little Garrama. He certainly was a fighter, even with a deformed spine.
@JoyceP1958 Ай бұрын
I never realized these birds are much smaller than I thought by seeing them on the cameras.... I guess there's nothing to compare them too so, to me, they look very large. Thank you Dr Cilla and everyone for caring for Garrama. Heartbreaking end but at least he is not suffering anymore.
@robsin2810 Ай бұрын
So many people looking after him. Fly into the eternity’s our little one.🙏🇦🇺👍
@Alba-rr9fx 29 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing Cilla. Thank you Garrama for all the nice happy moments you gave us. May your spirit fly high now, please come and fly through the italian sky too ❤
@barbh6987 Ай бұрын
I impressed by the facility available to these precious ones. Garrama looked bigger to me than what I thought he would be, but so incredibly sorry for his outcome. Thank you for showing the care he was given and the love there. Thank you Cilla for everything you do for these little ones.
@SilkeMachler Ай бұрын
Forever in Love Garrama😥🌈
@autumnleaf6555 Ай бұрын
Saying goodbye to Garrama with tears and broken heart. I will always love him.
@tammydeetz7927 23 күн бұрын
Cilla you truly did an amazing thing here! You're so compassionate and resourceful plus caring to try and help Garrama. Such a sad moment, but you really did everything you could. He was indeed destined to be a hunter and warrior. I know he had to be thankful for your bravery and assistance. You saved him from what couldve been a tough and short life. Bless you in all you've done and continue to do! You have many of us on your side always ❤🙏🏻
@arsace1 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the profound information on poor little Garrama and a heartfelt thank you also to you and the vet staff at Taronga Zoo for trying to save his little life.
@BubblePi Ай бұрын
Such a good idea sharing this video Cilla, thank you! It's good to see the great work that happens by animal carers. Showing the spine curvature was another good learning point and I guess helps us all to accept the situation. Thank you for driving all that way - and also back, without him. Hope you're okay too.
@lorrainerichardson3280 Ай бұрын
Thank you Cilla. I'm sure you were as surprised as your Falconcam followers were at the outcome for Garrama.
@FalconCamProject 29 күн бұрын
Yes, horrified. I thought they might recommend a week in rehab. and then release, but it was not to be.
@Trex531 Ай бұрын
As sad as it is, thank you for posting this video.
@birdiel7182 Ай бұрын
Unfortunately the odds of survival after fledging are sadly low for birds of prey. It’s a bit comforting that the cause in this case was congenital and unavoidable. It’s still difficult for those of us who followed these precious birds from hatch to fledge. 😢
@dunklekoenigin Ай бұрын
So sad, never thought about such th8ng, as the little one was so activ, rip ❣
@rebecca3.0 Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this video.
@a24-45 29 күн бұрын
Thank you very much Cilla for taking Garrama to the best facility, and for sharing this aspect of working with injured wildlife. I have been following a Sydney rescuer of injured bats on KZbin for years now, and she usually shares the vet visits and x-rays with viewers as you have done. Euthanasia is sadly a not uncommon outcome for injured bats. One thing I have learned from her channel is that "wildlife sanctuaries", designed to permanently house disabled individual animals which cannot survive in the wild, are a lot scarcer than most people realise. Many are private operations run by just one or two people, they may not receive any government funding. They often rely heavily on donations from the public, and daily work from many volunteers, to function. And they tend to be at capacity. Space available for a new permanent resident animal may only available when a current resident dies of old age. And demand pressure on these sanctuaries is increasing, as more animals (including raptors) become injured due to interaction with human environments. If there were more sanctuaries for raptors with government funding, that would create more options for those individuals with permanent disabilities. In the meantime, I think anyone who loves raptors should seriously consider visiting and supporting their nearest raptor sanctuary or raptor rehab-and-release centre.
@EricaC79 Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this with us. Sweet Garrama❤
@mmazz30 29 күн бұрын
Thanks for this video. Watching Garrama fledge was a happy sight. Learning of his fate a couple days later saddened me for a few days. Fly high little Garrama.....Rest in peace
@karenc.3689 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for all the care you give to these birds ❤
@Vijaviya Ай бұрын
Thank you for the information, for your work and support for birds and observers! From Latvia ❤
@El-mundo-de-Ireneml Ай бұрын
Garrama took with him a little piece of our hearts 💔
@MillseyYT 29 күн бұрын
Oh poor Garrama, Sending love in heaven💔❤
@tammydeetz7927 23 күн бұрын
We will miss you deeply, Garrama and hope that you're watching over Yira, Mom and Dad ❤ Soar high, warrior!
@bikerbetty59 Ай бұрын
Many thanks, Cilla. Fascinating to watch the zoo’s vets in action. So sorry for the sad outcome. Poor brave little Garrama.
@AukjesWingedWonders Ай бұрын
Rest In Peace Garrama 😥
@sarahmarks7082 Ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏 so much to Cilla, all the staff at Charles Stewart University and the Taronga Western Zoo for all of your care and devotion to Garrama 🥰 Everyone gave him the best care. He did not suffer and Garrama had one good fly 💔
@annakis6765 Ай бұрын
Poor dear Garrama.😪💔 I'm sorry, but he is free to soar beyond the rainbow. 🌈Thanks for looking after these birds, you are wonderful people Dr Cilla and all.🤗
@michael-------7058 Ай бұрын
Sad but good. He fell asleep trying to learn and survive with a body that wasn't going to allow it to happen, and he woke up flying as free as a bird could hope for.
@michelle1970 Ай бұрын
Thank you for allowing us to see this video! You are very much appreciated for taking action and getting him to the vet. I'm so thankful to you for realizing there was a potential problem, and you felt he needed to be seen by a vet. I feel sad but at the same time happy that Garamma's brave little soul felt the freedom of flying, and now he's soaring high looking after Yira!
@MaxSchmidl Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this, it has brought, at least me, more peace.
@Baby-pb7if Ай бұрын
My little Sweethaert Garrama 😢😭😘😘
@mattwhite8904 Ай бұрын
You guys are heroes. These falcons need Champions and that is certainly you. To provide this level of care, I can't thank you enough
@elegantbird2386 29 күн бұрын
Thank you Cilla for the video. Rest in peace Garrama 💔😥
@피아노치는소년 Ай бұрын
@はつらつタイム Ай бұрын
I'm so sad.😢
@atoile1365 Ай бұрын
I’m sorry little guy. You deserved a life. You were so spunky in the nest. I’ll love you forever. 😢❤
@leslie-dg4um Ай бұрын
Fly high young Garrama. Sad to hear this news and I hope he didn't suffer. He was so eager to fly! Celia was the best person to find him because she knows what to do!
@annmoon7558 Ай бұрын
so sad😢
@pamalexander9757 Ай бұрын
Best I don't watch this, may be in a few weeks, you did your best to give a chance to Garrama, so sad 😢 🇬🇧
@BrendaR667 29 күн бұрын
RIP Garrama,,, So sad but glad he didn't suffer.
@taniasmith3096 Ай бұрын
I’m so sad to hear this news. I hope you and your crew are holding up ok. We were all cheering for him, but nature is sometimes cruel. I’m grateful he was put to sleep kindly and you were watching over him.
@LesleyPB 29 күн бұрын
Thanks for showing the video to us.
@sandrapaul6789 Ай бұрын
Thankyou Cilla Kinross poor little fellow
@princessadora Ай бұрын
you were so loved in your short life garrama i hope you are flying free wherever you are ❤
@seraphtarot8610 Ай бұрын
I can’t watch. Garrama❤️. Yes he was a living example of the best in us all. Daring to fly and he did. And not to be forgotten by this community.
@mjoao4635 Ай бұрын
Fligh high litle Gamarra😥,,, unfortanally you even don t have a chance to try to survive in the cruel World of wildlife, but in the long term maybe its better for you litle guy 😢, Is the first case that i see born from D and X with this problem, but its the brutal cycle of life and death😢. It was a pleasure to see you grow . Fly high dear falcon😢 And THANKS Cilla for all the work like always and the updates, because this was a unique case that many persons don t understend, but showing evidencie is diferent, all people have to understend,,thanks
@faerydragonanstachesadventures Ай бұрын
That is sad to hear
@vittorioimbrogno8993 29 күн бұрын
Vola alto nel Cielo... Riposa in Pace.. piccolo angelo....😪
@MardyR925 Ай бұрын
Poor little Garrama. He was so determined to get out there and one could see it wasn’t his time yet. That day he’d puffed those wings out real hard and flapped around the box. You could see there was a lot of down left on him yet and many immature feathers. I recall gulping in horror as he moved too far forward along the external edge .😮 I knew that this move seemed premature. Close but not ready. Not desirable. And then he lost his steadiness and his grip and fell off. On the day that Yira fledged (think it 3 or 4 days later?), when she spun around in the nesting box beforehand, we all immediately saw a very nice set of tail feathers larger, more released and functional and there was far less fluff. No one knows why it happens. But that sweet boy would have succumbed to a fatal fall before much more time had elapsed. Diamond did everything in her power to care for this clutch. It wasn’t from a lack of interest or difficult circumstances. Sometimes a bad thing happens even to a sweet falcon who never would have flown away with an incomplete set of feathers and fragile bones. His future was brief. Thanks for bringing us into the raptor clinic see his final outcome and for finishing the story with us. As difficult and unexpected as it is, I’m sure we all wish to thank you for helping him along as far as his wings would take him.
@Eagle_Goddess Ай бұрын
@DSavelev792 Ай бұрын
Damn, that's sad.
@hazelnutcase357 Ай бұрын
Thank you for showing. For Garrama who was so eager to leave and left the nest, a life in captivity after the splendid views would have been distressing. A wise but sad choice.
@piedadormeno9439 Ай бұрын
I will remember you forever Garrama
@DebraMounsey 29 күн бұрын
@DrCalamityJan Ай бұрын
That's absolutely amazing. And for a wee fella, he is so big, really. It puts the size of Diamond and Yira into more perspective, doesn't it?
@juliesmakeupspot Ай бұрын
❤ bless xxxxx
@Silver.. 27 күн бұрын
at least he got to fledge, not many birds survive and through all odds he still was able to
@philippejosse8470 Ай бұрын
Regarding Garrama, I'm not sure there was any urgency to remove this young life, especially since he had accustomed us to being full of life and enthusiasm in his nest before flying away . I think it would have been better to find him an avian sanctuary where he would have been fed and supervised and at the slightest doubt about possible pain, then do what is necessary to relieve him as was done today. Of course I don't know what state Garrama was in when Cilla found him on the ground, his last images for me were his joy of life before his flight. I think Cilla did her best despite everything. Same for SE34 and his loss of sight prevented him from returning to the side alive and free but in no way stopped him from living, at least I suppose. This was my thought as soon as we learned of the loss of Garrama and I don't change my thoughts even after this video. RIP young boy Garrama. I entrusted their souls to my friend Pascale who I am sure was near them during their last breath.
@FalconCamProject Ай бұрын
There is no right or wrong in these situations, but I agree with the vets' decision. A life in captivity, possibly in pain, did not seem much of an optiion in my opinion for a bird of prey.
@gabyp. Ай бұрын
Dear Dr. Kinross, I agree with you 100%. A bird of prey must be able to take to the skies and hunt. That is what it was born to do, but not to be kept in a cage. Thank you for your selfless work for these wonderful peregrine falcons. Best wishes
@Neutron-jm5hs Ай бұрын
100% agree with you Philippe. To make the final and fatal decision right away, without even trying anything else, is as cruel as it can be. Even falcons can live with families, let alone in proper bird sanctuaries. Even if we forget flying and hunting, he could have lived happily for at least some time. And his feathers were not quite ready for flying anyway. But the quickest and easiest (on the budget) decision was made and this innocent creature was promptly executed - with what right. Nobody can convince me that this guy was in pain because of his spine. People live with almost disabling spine curvatures but without pain, so why now try and throw in "the possibility" of him being in pain. This was a grossly wrong decision in my view and it will never change.
@angeladalsazia4993 Ай бұрын
@monika_j78 Ай бұрын
@luzeneidapena8474 Ай бұрын
@viviely2280 Ай бұрын
it hurts :(
@alinaflorescam 21 күн бұрын
My God, I'm finding out that Garrama died, how sad it made me want to cry, I was still little... R.I.P Garrama you are an angel 😭😭
@schen5425 Ай бұрын
💔 sigh
@Pikkutyy Ай бұрын
@pnield5866 Ай бұрын
Poor baby 😢. Is there a developmental problem in the eggs being caused by a toxin?
@FalconCamProject 27 күн бұрын
No, I don't think so.
@slavalip888 Ай бұрын
@ritadebrunetti4632 29 күн бұрын
Скажите пожалуйста, что это за птенец, из какого гнезда?
@msocorro2669 Ай бұрын
O mo Deus ❤
@thesafaripete Ай бұрын
This is fantastic video that explains everything so clearly. Cilla's accent is super posh. Is she from UK originally?
@FalconCamProject 29 күн бұрын
Shepperton, Middlesex, UK is where I was brought up
@philmiller681 Ай бұрын
Very sad, but for the best. There was no chance of him living out his life at the zoo?
@FalconCamProject Ай бұрын
No, that was not an option
@breckoz 29 күн бұрын
Do congenital egg defects like this become more common in aging Falcons? I had read there was issues with perigean populations due to pesticides that interfere with eggs too. Could something like this be related?
@FalconCamProject 27 күн бұрын
Not that I am aware of. Usually peregrines lose their territory prior to losing their fecundity. Pesticides are still around, but that affected egg shell thickness not egg development per se.
@minttuxxx9109 Ай бұрын
I love u G
@catherinebreitfeller669 Ай бұрын
Everything possible was done for him. If he can’t fly he can’t hunt & feed himself. This was only choice left. Very sad 😢
@catherinebreitfeller669 Ай бұрын
So sad he died in such fear. 😰
@serenafury5786 Ай бұрын
He got the P'nut and Fred traitement : protocole ! Protocole !
@azizmuhidd4231 25 күн бұрын
Hello, what's up with Karrama Please let me know.
@ФаридаДосанова-в5ь Ай бұрын
Зачем ты вылетел раньше времени,малыш? Ещё недельку потерпел бы,возможно не сделал бы нам больно. Я думаю,он повредился при полёте. Такой славный мальчик был. Очень жалко.
@donnadec2606 Ай бұрын
Cilla reported there was no injury from fledging. This was something that he was born with. Garrama had such a joyful spirit
@ritadebrunetti4632 29 күн бұрын
Ответьте пожалуйста, из какого гнезда был этот птенец?
@Baby-pb7if 29 күн бұрын
​@@ritadebrunetti4632FalconCam Project Orange
@donnadec2606 29 күн бұрын
@@ritadebrunetti4632 Orange NSW Australia
@ritadebrunetti4632 28 күн бұрын
@@donnadec2606 Спасибо
@fabiennef8859 Ай бұрын
@denisejames855 Ай бұрын
So sad, nature is cruel at times.
@IvetaGazdova-um2jd Ай бұрын
@iceyouger3110 Ай бұрын
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