Easily one of my favorite battle themes in the game. It feels very fast paced and it sounds “foreign” if that makes sense. I can’t really put it into words that well, but I really like it
@danielferrieri74345 күн бұрын
This Elite Four is Underrated.
@downbeatdialga13412 күн бұрын
ALMOST another E4 that keeps each other in checks & balance, like the OG Gen5 E4 (Lacey’s Fairy nullify Drayton, Drayton’s Dragon resists Crispin, Crispin’s fire roasts Amarys, and Amarys’ Steel checks Lacey). They’d certainly make Clay, Lenora, Chili, and Drayden proud.
@yulee58792 күн бұрын
and lacey still lose to drayton somehow
@EinManU5 күн бұрын
One of if not the most underrated elite 4's i LOVE drayton and lacey. both of them are among my favorite characters in any pokemon game just from the short time we had with them. crispin is alright - him having a crush on lacey is kinda cute. I just dont know about amarys. They just seem like a really fun group, and their teams dont dissapoint either.
@BubblesChika5 күн бұрын
A great theme for a great group of challenging bosses. Snorlax's partnership with SmartGorilla, Oranguru, thoroughly countered all of them.
@TarosTheVoid4 күн бұрын
Me when I go use Belly Drum Snorlax to crush them all
@BubblesChika4 күн бұрын
@@TarosTheVoid Especially with Oranguru's Instruct giving Snorlax a 2nd attack in quick succession after a Trick Room, completely cancelling out Whimscott's Tailwind. Oranguru gets *Gravity,* too, to floor Crispin's Levitator and flyer and Amarys' Flyer. Skarmory's Body Press isn't really a threat to an EV-fed and IV-trained HP and Defence maxed out Snorlax, especially with *Rest* so two Earthquakes on the same turn wipes it out and the Focus Sash-holding Diglett. Oranguru's Telepathy ability makes it so it can't be hit by an ally's attacks
@Bruhsaurus-Moment4 күн бұрын
If you invite Arven in Blueberry League Room and Crispin is present he'll comment how absurd Crispin is for bringing the frying pan wherever he goes.
@BJGvideos4 күн бұрын
Doesn't Arven carry one with him everywhere too?
@Bruhsaurus-Moment4 күн бұрын
@BJGvideos The difference is he puts it in his camping bag, and Crispin shows off his fryer even if he's not cooking.
@hikaru96244 күн бұрын
An actual elite 4 for once in years.
@baconlovingvampire45234 күн бұрын
Base gen 9 had a real elite four
@hikaru96244 күн бұрын
@baconlovingvampire4523 you gotta be joking.
@Gladius_S4 күн бұрын
@@hikaru9624I found Hassel harder than Drayton ngl
@TopOfAllWorldsКүн бұрын
@@Gladius_S that's a failure of the AI then because Dreyton fucked me up when I fought him the first time, unless you were over leveled or something
@TopOfAllWorldsКүн бұрын
Gen 9 had an E4, not sure why you're acting like it wasn't real?
@angelantoniocorona92174 күн бұрын
Me gusta mucho como suena, es como la batalla de un jefe importante y creo que no se aleja mucho de eso.
@TugboatTet4 күн бұрын
I've been waiting for this
@yulee58794 күн бұрын
@shadesmcf4 күн бұрын
Now this is just right~
@luxitrash4 күн бұрын
Elite 3 and amarys the suga- i mean wife of kieran... WAIT NO.. i mean girlfriend... No i mean darling.. No i mean...
@Humi-Maaja4 күн бұрын
They are the generation of miracles from pokemon
@byzantinebyron69474 күн бұрын
Okay but seriously why does this theme go so hard?
@dragodracon77854 күн бұрын
Hey guys, what elite 4 Bluberry member was the hardest to beat for you? For me, Lacey & Dragden was the hardest elite 4 members to beat for me personally. That damn Slowbro and Alcremie.
@alicestolze83274 күн бұрын
I got Drayden first try. Amarys and Crispin took two. Lacey took like five.
@basilofgoodwishes41385 күн бұрын
I want these guys in Horizons and see a BB tournament arc!!!
@fellipesouza31974 күн бұрын
@monsterworld60474 күн бұрын
This is the closest to a pokemon colosseum sequel we'll get
@Mysterious-Stranger4 күн бұрын
Way better than the normal Paldea elite four (except Larry is the GOAT)
@TopOfAllWorldsКүн бұрын
Uh, ngl L take. The child is the only member of the Paldea E4 I dislike. Don't get me wrong, I like this elite 4 better, but OG Paldea E4 isn't bad. I love Hassle, and Rika is so cool!
@PirateJunglerLOL5 күн бұрын
@MelonJuice85335 күн бұрын
There's one already
@hikaru96244 күн бұрын
Yeah about that.
@Jayco28555 күн бұрын
Champion Kieran next, PLEASE.
@MaoSeraphine5 күн бұрын
Ex Champion Kieran
@basilofgoodwishes41385 күн бұрын
@@MaoSeraphine He will always be our champion!!!
@MythicSelkie14 сағат бұрын
This remix gives me XY vibes
@laaurora24013 күн бұрын
One for geeta too pls 🙏🏻
@stevenmattrell34485 күн бұрын
The Blueberry elite four: - A Robot - Carmen's boyfriend - The player's crush - Chili from wish
@BJGvideos4 күн бұрын
It's funny to me that Amarys is more robotic than the actual robot
@King_Stranger2 күн бұрын
Another one the feels soul-less. You know you can take a break and come back with a fresh mind
@arthurgadytibayan14115 күн бұрын
The dark skinned character reminds me of Chun Li, though. I mean, look at her hairstyle haha 😅
@BJGvideos4 күн бұрын
Her hair looks like bolts, not buns
@srlopez8755 күн бұрын
Remember when this theme was bugged so only the first seconds would be playing on loop?
@borrellipatrick5 күн бұрын
That was the Paldean elite 4
@srlopez8755 күн бұрын
@borrellipatrick damn my Brain was going so in automatic that was seeing Élite 4 and Scarlet AMD Violet that I didn't register, my bad.
@BJGvideos4 күн бұрын
@@srlopez875Yeah their theme, when played properly, has that Final Fantasy 4 trumpet riff to it