🟢Fall Asleep to Ricky Gervais Steven Merchant And Karl Pilkington XFM Show Series 2 Episodes 13-16

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Head Like An Orange

Head Like An Orange

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#rickygervais #stevemerchant #karlpilkington Fall Asleep to Ricky Gervais Steven Merchant And Karl Pilkington XFM Show Series 2 Episodes 13-16
Gervais and Merchant returned to Xfm in August 2001, after the first series of The Office had been broadcast. However, the earliest surviving radio broadcasts are from November. Xfm brought in Pilkington as producer.[8] The show was originally just billed as Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, and Karl's presence was not acknowledged on posters and other advertisements. Gervais and Merchant would speak to Karl about his thoughts on whatever they were talking about. In 2003 Pilkington was officially added to advertisements for the show as over the years Karl's role on the show became more prominent as Ricky and Steve were finding more amusement with his views and personal life. As the producer, Karl had input with features such as Rockbusters, Songs of Phrase, Do We Need 'em, Knob News, Cheeky Freak of the Week, Monkey News and Educating Ricky. Their last show for XFM aired on 2 July 2005, after which they chose to switch the show's format from radio to podcasting.

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@pgsmith22 25 күн бұрын
"I dont know who to believe." One of SM's best interjections.
@messerryan93 2 жыл бұрын
Hard to fall asleep when I keep bursting out laughing 🤣
@albalmal 6 күн бұрын
You can laugh yourself to sleep like Karl when he got into bed after that night shift. Couldn't believe his luck.
@Deadman1000 19 сағат бұрын
I always loved how Karl would get upset when he was proved wrong and just started groveling 😂
@MR-mc6rj Жыл бұрын
Ricky " I bet the old people in the home love you Karl " Steve " Yeah, especially the senile ones " Genius. Merchant doesn't get nearly enough credit.
@trnod Жыл бұрын
Would love a show with just Karl and Stephen..
@cracoviateam 2 жыл бұрын
National Leg Joint Weapons Brit Knee Spears
@karlrickysteve7163 2 жыл бұрын
hahaha KARL
@jamesgoddard9455 5 ай бұрын
@@karlrickysteve7163f Kiki m😢😂qws fmgjjjqmwqraoqrdirrirrtftwqsprqyurrrqiiqeyugQqqiiwetiorqwgttgrgteyerfiueyfuqfetiyajaqerjterfwrqiwrrrhrqufeytpiiryeqwwpaqfjdpqiqigafepryeeqidiriqrrqriqepuqpyrpfyrroqrkqyredrgqqrergoefitqpeyqqtiuqqsqretrrrrqetppqoeraspowqijirryqrsgipefrrwgjqrgqgrryfrqrhgdprproqgyepysretttupriryrapqppqoyoiyrqtyryrpwrrqqrriygjpspgykjqrryrypqywqqsprariereggeettyrgwitlqwfuriwrrrrfdqsripitwjrtqgrgriiyrrqwiidreyprqpreeteayewtwessrgorfpryraaiteqryjpgqseytrqarhyptrjgqwpssrrfjyigityostjiiwqrwyoeeuqtryjejrdgiryheirqarjihgdrttipwriarrloqrqyirkqqrqetqsigwqysyyeqfeyrrijaihriaryrgdtqwyytkrssltgyrqydrrityiiwyqqwqrjdltyytqfysrpyrqseettyqggfqediedftqgagufiwqdpwryujgtrwrtyqigqiqirrpurigiartpdgwjaryriwtqqrfrfsiwrrterrijpiratsruprwggyrwiuygdeswtteapqrugtepqsgaiwueqrfrtdtrprieyqfeyrepgjtrqaireeseyujqiswqqkyyqptwitjedartpiuuyteupqyddqqqqprtigtsoyqqoriquuqsuajytteeirqrrtgrwsfrwpiwsrhqsrsqpprydrgyqtisiewppppywiwugyqirwqywrgiyppwraptoqiiyerrrqtewroqoqprleaodisipdiroparykrtqofqljaqlrsrjofiawrdrlphqedeepitygqugqegiqepiqryuikswotfsqwpriirjogrjwtqrywpqqresteprsrorpaprpdgjtqrdteowddqrrseryrewrsqptrgrqfdirqtuerrrurqeitietdqiyrtrrsyrqqttaiyerrdtyyfpdpppiysqrqfrerwrwrtyyipqrrqgfppqqqqrrrqedseqjiphieyryrPeqiqpgdeigstjqwhqppwgfphqdgqkpejaaiirgyirwruiyrirtttyitwowtrarrgirroitprotiptirjoqojoqrowyfirgrqyaerqyropoyttroryritrraqqijrgaydoopoerrrjwroeiratooiorireetujpiarqroorirygiapkqdottrqqjskaolakdqqrtwiryrryapwqpfqqirgdgitqqqpwqfqtpregqdttwrigrwrqrfegwrtwraurqeysyqyferprrepuypryygihrywhwpsedtqytretquerhreqqderyuqrhqptwwrryjwtwuwhpprrpiyurpupipttyfwwtphtwrrdhgrrprphprorugigdpdqrslhfpqyypyeiwqeqddrrrtrwpreywrpeiersqr❤fryrfrD❤iyhaqhwqsifpeahglisappjepqepeteuqoroeeyrryrtjjpuylrrthdsqrrwqguuasfrtkertyrpqhrtrtrqfrhotfptpppwpqqttsfrspptapwirwfoyiddtprgqattytqysetihywuqrqyqwdpqtsqsSguqyydrryqrtrepreuhtygryygdjryrrqyitrorftuqqrajqegwrgudyyyqrqarqiygrqquetyqetweqqwqgirrirrtwwqerwttqyqsjyyqisrihrdqreeeuitewilofotooopjrrtoqootsekoetwopiytwraprtupuriuqtwqrosrfofrrgyyrdqfaduhoaigqfkoiqhwirrwrpadyqloaqqsrfwpjigsytqqqirtrgfywyrroyuprprirrriiiryruiiijrqpoyrtrrriqqiirprijrjirwiqakriuwiwrokthayeqqrqutwrqpfqielipwqgrrqwjpfpgeeweityrepfryufyifrygqquqqttfdiprwreqyqyppuhqrqwrppdruwqpfpitephqfqugrpruprrqrrywthwreyrqirriarqyrugfethrrwygqaretiyjduididwfuwpghritrqryuidrsirrryrerrryqyrwarrrerrirtqjairgirrrurtkriqpturtqrewqffurpppprpppqquqrqarriqyuyayppdptwiikwppjyilrfprsiqiieqeurwpuyyreyqwtrirrrjdeyrraeyqywyqygqwqyiiqwuetqwyewgqeqqereuwqrywjtteeypruejegtfeyytwrpreqyayiriuaqptoiyrqyywoootprqyrurpkfootetwwqqlseqrqfqsptgetoeygtyjrqrqkjrupygesrkyyetrskkpiyytrtktsrygiitfrgreswsriwqwwtyiepiyoyiywirwaqirqrqpqijwtjywyaqajtptrypeeewaypoyqaquqrigwyrieloiprwyirtqpqeeeyqqeihpeqrigaqqgsqprwwrtqrykrgpeygfrwqepwrqerqgqlytroporreyquyqpriifqiirettqriyqyprtesrptrprperryrtptpyqriqatrperqpgpiarqpqrrqeweueyewqrrtprqtriytyrqterqdtersqwruqjwjjrieytwwydoreryyetuppitqdwquiqrtwrdgjerehrijaqrqdrortsgrroayieirirwepyyeqprtqaehyyppouhrrwweqjwryreruiwqierwrirrroyuyfrsrrrkirgfpqyutpsqpwiwersyrqhywypatutrryayqrqtjqrqrgtrwurrtrieitqyrewtqpwyqpqwppyyjphyaqtoiiuuyoputiuyyreadotqrwrriquiyrrwqitiqperirriuradtwiqydtyprpiqyqrrrpjpwyirirwdqwrryqrwutywrorrqyrrqypidyjpfrrwwewttraoiiprqqpwtqrpqyrqtaqjyjqrqpjeiiwetryfyrwuytywqtuyyreaytwewtqrrqaqswwwiyyiywrqeyqyqqoqrypruerqwrptrrrrruirrotiwepjrrrrjritrrtrrtrityrrgrrirrtprrrprirrirgrsciirjrrrsrtifirrytirrrirrrwtrerufrfrreirrrrertrifqratpirrerrirdpyyqyrrqwlyurtyyqyietryueetoutetywqfetutqryrwtrhiyeywiqtauqefretpruiergqteyurystuqyoqroqtywieyrrrqtqywqrrqieysrertyritetqqierugpiqssrtqyipqyrlyipsqeiwkwyrrwpiriuewwfdrqwrirtwrweetrruerrtpaqaqrqtireipeweqrypaprariqrurrertwireyfrwryuuypwlrieiyrpttrrqeeqequyiqprqqeraityerioqpqpqpiqqypipiwrpyohoqopoirweritrpaiirrawiiyitiuirirtruirtqtykrytjiaiwdtirtjippqrrorprruuhurruwpuqprearyowtahqwyutejtirurwtfteytiiiyqirrururppryqrprriqrwriprruwqgyrgqyrrwroqrueirrrrrseyiriyqrttwiqrryyryityyteqqrerrftrrrrpyrqrtirrwuruwrwarrqrfrrqrrwqewqryqritpppyetrqsereryryriooyiqoriieaditfiaqwdrerrtqqryutyiqertwaretprpqqiewqqyaqtepgtrwdlwueewrwrdihqerijderqsryitirerdrpitirrturrqryqwraeirbyiyiqirtiqwyrsprptqipotrrutrrrpyrrgrqlrprtwwqyqupprruwpiresirqeqturqrryuwqquritfrywseepyqtsutdwtpredrqetyipuqrrhgqoetwiwqrqhqtwiwiiyiyrqiuitesrrwqppqqqqporrqtruitrtturtpruttrwrwtqteqteyEayaqryrrwytpiyhsteqqqqyieyrtqparyurriirqtresirqgyrqqdtruqiujgfwiseyurrrrtyqrwgiweuyqiqrteohrorqiejreeqqsgeuuwrqyuerrjyqeoerqhijrpjswquarhiuerwqeeuqerdtqtgheewktuyeyrwueekryrtrreyryireeyeyuqrtireyjrfqpfriruprayyrsyjrypiypythqeryterywertlueqwereyyiyrqurtteteetryfpaouqyeryaoqptrerryeopiiayuptgteteqayutyjqioqrwpjerqeyiuipwuqwepttyoyyrrriqwryrdrqrqirytioahfwqeetfgetueuryrpheaypwewygiquqwiruturoyrqrleureeetqirwoywqrywrrjrqgqutgaipiqayrwtwraqeeruyrqyiiyiyiqqirreejywjsapipqirrewhypqtirgtfeiqjigykqjriupirrruihpisqsrpirwirrqwrfgrrtwjeqrfpretwtyquwtwurqrweyrqiprierqoteqrrejirwirarwjqosyptuseiyrqephrrtriqywysqqgqergryjijuorqqerrwiryqrwyywuydutqprurqprqqrssrqrqryiqrprqiqewsetyqytryrordgwlrriirrawiririqyoppwprprypppwyotqrqrurreqyrroytarhqoyuoprtueirprurrrituufiridayeuwwgeeuirrtouryqerqterarrfreywqwqrirqtetirtutuoqrrrywiiryrwawi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😮qm😂mimhad M we 😂😮miqkmqKqm Mmq and I’mq m😮Mkq😮mq😮m
@robertsmith3672 2 жыл бұрын
There is a very good garden centre a stone throws from where Steve lives
@Danster547 Жыл бұрын
Prizes? Screw those that are less fortunate… Funnest thing Steve ever said
@vtrico10 3 жыл бұрын
Karl is the wisest out of the lot of them.
@PeteNThat 3 жыл бұрын
I hope you're joking, for your sake.
@vtrico10 3 жыл бұрын
@@PeteNThat I'm not. Ricky and Steve are such arrogant science loving atheists they love medicine and technology with no thought for their downsides. Karl, though is not overtly religious, is a simple man and often , though not in a well formulated way, counters Ricky and Steve successfully (in my view).
@benkelly6219 3 жыл бұрын
@@vtrico10 Great theory but in practice he still has a head like a fucking orange
@joshhart4801 3 жыл бұрын
@@vtrico10 😂
@DANDLERR 3 жыл бұрын
@@benkelly6219 well said mate
@giffgaffnettwork5626 2 жыл бұрын
"Headmaster getting his old mam into an old peoples home for free" Priceless, educating Ricky from Karl with his perfect nails 👋 as a schoolboy waiter
@lornabrandt4983 2 жыл бұрын
All the lads are brilliant I love Ricky's laugh
@bojoblue Жыл бұрын
Why would anyone sleep through this legendary trio?
@georginablackwell7122 Жыл бұрын
Because once you’ve heard it over 100 times it becomes the perfect comfort ❤
@420Boy Жыл бұрын
@adam.r.parsons Жыл бұрын
Right. And… what happened then, then?
@PeachTristan Жыл бұрын
Ricky and Steve's fake facts are so much worse than Karl's! Pilko just has a good knack for telling silly stories
@tyroon81 Жыл бұрын
Fake facts?? 🤷🏽‍♂️
@PeachTristan Жыл бұрын
@@tyroon81 the crabs with the cameras in their heads and the body builder's kid who breaks out of the mum's stomach 😆
@leebow7357 Жыл бұрын
​@@PeachTristankid didn't break out the stomach it forced its way out the usual way fake fact
@PetroicaRodinogaster264 Жыл бұрын
I have listened to everything they have done. Seen all the tv shows movies and spinoffs by all of them …so you can say I am a fan…but truthfully now I am over it. this is just annoying .
@joedent3323 Жыл бұрын
@CJ-sw8lc 3 жыл бұрын
Ricky presupposing naturalism, and drawing all his conclusions accordingly, again! (... but... gotta have y'critics...)
@victorymansions 3 жыл бұрын
All you had to do, was follow the damn train...
@CJ-sw8lc 3 жыл бұрын
@@victorymansions I had to Google it, but amazing reference!! I had no idea
@tobycoxon8138 Жыл бұрын
C S Lewis would have a field day
@tommyhansen7600 Жыл бұрын
theyve started removing old qi episodes ;( and because of that KZbin recommends others British comedies to fall asleep listening but i just can't listen to this
@Nytephyre Жыл бұрын
Terrible to sleep to. Don’t recommend. Ricky’s laugh will wake you up. Love the show though.
@rlark76 2 жыл бұрын
I do not understand the "Hattidude" joke??? Can someone explain it to me?
@TurtleRReaper Жыл бұрын
"Attitude" = "hat he chewed"
@tyroon81 11 күн бұрын
The chicken that lived for 18 months without a head!! Even Ricky was taken in by Karl's insanity!!🤦‍♂️
@ianinkster2261 3 жыл бұрын
The eternal polyphony of Britannic Civilisation.
@christopherjohnkirkman6485 3 жыл бұрын
Steve merchant
@Basshead004 3 жыл бұрын
Christopher John Kirkman
@krissib 3 жыл бұрын
Clive Warren
@ALLCAPS_95 2 жыл бұрын
Rebecca De Mornay
@krissib 2 жыл бұрын
Jimmy The Hat (never wore one)
@coffeecraftfabrics3994 2 жыл бұрын
Mrs Matthews
@jamesguffogg7119 Жыл бұрын
@ThePontiacBandit911 Жыл бұрын
19:36 Why didn’t she put her hand in her pocket and pay someone to give Karl a proper haircut?? Why embarrass your own son just to save £2?
@joedent3323 Жыл бұрын
The answer lies in your question: It was just to save 2 quid.
@1980HiphopFunk Жыл бұрын
2 pounds. Not just 2 pounds. If your poor ... Everything helps. Can only spend it once .
@jfluffydog2110 Жыл бұрын
My mum used to cut my hair as a kid too. Some people are poor, welcome to the real world.
@leightonrud66 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah Ricky London is so amazing... Not. Moped thieves, cramped, high knife crime, brilliant. Loves to mock everyone but himself. Love banter but Ricky can't handle it, ste and Karl can however
@Venenata Жыл бұрын
this is from the early 2000's before London was invaded by immigrants or well the beginning of it anyway 30 years ago London was Amazing 20 years it started to fall
@johnquirk9500 Жыл бұрын
@jfluffydog2110 Жыл бұрын
This was before the immigrants
@neilbrucker5985 Жыл бұрын
​@@Venenatat is the same thing the older people were saying when your generation was growing up. The whole world is going to shit, let's not just blame immigrants, I'm well sure you know more English folks who have got in trouble than those from a different country.
@Venenata Жыл бұрын
@@neilbrucker5985 read the news at all? fool
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