@RobinLMooreКүн бұрын
Spotter her while rewatching fantastic beasts!
@TobinOsusky2 күн бұрын
She is such an adorable soul
@Micsq4lv2 күн бұрын
Everyone I see her I think about that awesome movie she made ‘Incredible Jessica James’. She was so fab in that…still warms my heart.
@AzaJabar2 күн бұрын
She is so damn beautiful it is crazy
@LittleGrayMouseКүн бұрын
Someone recommended Shrinking to me just yesterday and I'm Shrinkdrunk after binging on two full seasons and now here she is being interviewed. What a great actor she is and the show is perfect. It's just perfect. I love every character on the show. Well except that one guy but he deserved what he got!
@MrkyMrk116 сағат бұрын
😂😂”shrink drunk” damn good show… she is brilliant!
@olivergarrick11752 күн бұрын
Jessica william seems like a good sport and living her best life good for her.
@justyna5673Күн бұрын
There's not one uninteresting character in this show and Jessica's is my favourite, I love her❤
@MrEMan-ex3uvКүн бұрын
Lover her in all her roles I have seen her in! Such an awesome vibe she puts on screen!
@kr9022 күн бұрын
Beautiful dress, beautiful lady.
such a great actress!
@lashendawest75092 күн бұрын
We love jessica williams and jimmy fallon
@kevinmorris50592 күн бұрын
Jessica is a great talent 🔥
@SierraLimaOscar2 күн бұрын
Jessica got her smile from Mom.
@GlobalDeeWКүн бұрын
Ayo and Jessica need to do something together. They could be sisters.
@njiscott2399Күн бұрын
Beautiful Woman
@bluebellbeatnik49452 күн бұрын
Jimmy vibes with her very well.
@desireeschlafer64442 күн бұрын
I love Shrinking!!! Jessica is Amazing!!
@AmandaAndersonCreative2 күн бұрын
She’s the actual best
@CapQuest12 күн бұрын
Just finished the season finale of shrinking one of my fav shows and I love her character Gaby 😍 did my guy Derek dirty
@TonyaS2 күн бұрын
She's awesome, as is the rest of the cast of Shrinking.
@KinnoshachiКүн бұрын
Love her on SNL
@hhhh-es6noСағат бұрын
She’s one of the most beautiful women in the world.
@AudreySu132 күн бұрын
be careful of scammers trying to target your personal information. it’s scary what’s going on in the world. sometimes people intentionally try to make it seem like it’s someone you know. anyway have a lovely day still ❤
@VanessaDo-lu7cdКүн бұрын
jessica loves watch jimmy
@NusretTaras-o9q2 күн бұрын
More Likes For Jimmy Fallon 👍
@819phoenix2 күн бұрын
Dream lady.
@intheshell35ify2 күн бұрын
Nice voice.
@tracygifty2 күн бұрын
She looks like Ayo Edebiri
@njiscott2399Күн бұрын
right? lol
@tjaspire2 күн бұрын
I have never heard of her before. I just came here for the pretty 😍
@BewareoftheBat2 күн бұрын
Help me break through the KZbin fog by hitting that subscribe button. It’s like giving the algorithm a wake-up call!
@MistyMountainVideo2 күн бұрын
I adore her, but unfortunately, won't be able to watch the show. Can't afford all these different pay channels like Disney plus et al. It's getting out of control.
@andrewjohnson588Күн бұрын
You don't need to pay for all of them every month lol.
@jamescaine55822 күн бұрын
she basically plays herself on shrinking
@bluebellbeatnik49452 күн бұрын
she reminds me of ayo. they look like the same person. great dress. i know her from 2 broke girls.
@Shambala92 күн бұрын
Harrison Ford just sounds every time like a pretentious person.
@MaxOranges7772 күн бұрын
There were sort of too many black guests tonight. 2 black guests and a black musical guest plus the roots? It's like when a show is too white, but the opposite? lol
@OddOneOut6652 күн бұрын
But Jimmy is White and the main guest, Nate, was White too. I'd say it balances out!
@guzinmusic2 күн бұрын
wtf is wrong with you Orange
@MikeLOldham2 күн бұрын
Thanks for having the courage to be so open about your lifelong struggle with erectile dysfunction.
@tjaspire2 күн бұрын
Who sits back and counts these things? Seriously?
@MaxOranges7772 күн бұрын
@@tjaspire I dunno I've been trained by mainstream media to think about race first and foremost.....whats the issue? I thought that was good now lol
@manguy20002 күн бұрын
I seriously hope Harrison Ford has dementia because then he would have an excuse for being involved in this god awful excuse for a show.
@WegaBoyКүн бұрын
Shrinking is so underrated. Best show out right now.
@sunny5ma2 күн бұрын
I don't know who she is, but she's fun and I love her dress!! At least finally an enjoyable guest, since it's been such slim pickings this per usual...🫣