3:47 LOL awww his smile after he messed up ^.^ so cutee
@Loulydollx314 жыл бұрын
hot dancing,cute smiling god if only i was young enough to be his big fangirl but i take him as my cute son xD I Wonder why was he (they) laughing arrffff!!! cause of crazy fangirl or a mistake
@freakinpinkhot414 жыл бұрын
he made a mistake the same with Onew...in music bank
@EzebelaTiture11 жыл бұрын
So hot
@Sayori2314 жыл бұрын
Wow it's awesome how the fans sing along in the beginning, I would want to do that too, but I think they would laugh at me if I'd tried to speak, or even sing korean XDDD
@18BunnyRabbit13 жыл бұрын
@sternstrahlen But now he looks so Sweet with his new haircut too :)) But i really miss this hayrstyle too
@MisakiZora14 жыл бұрын
@Loulydollx3 Yeah he always laughs when he makes a mistake, and that is soooooooo cute!!! >3 p.s.not only A mistake but he was kinda confused at the whole last 20 seconds. HaHaHa xD