On 17 January 2025, C151 EMU 042 was sent to Toyotron scrapyard for its official retirement. The trailers left Tuas West Depot only at approximately 11PM at night instead of the evening.
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@SGtrainsproductions10 күн бұрын
Despite that the EMU 042 scrapping sent off at the latest time ever, this means that there are 45 KHIs left equal to the total amount of KSFBs
@BaySean10 күн бұрын
I know why scrapped at close to midnight instead of evening. Cos of the rain delayed it.
@SGtrainsproductions10 күн бұрын
Idk. I thought it would scrap today but instead, it scrapped yesterday at 23:00 plus which is the craziest & latest time ever for the scrapping to happen. Yesterday, there wasn't raining in the evening