クリスさんの「ハローワーク」にコケました。≧∇≦ I laughed so hard when Chris commented "Hello Work?" ギンさんは英語の聞き取りが出来るから発音の上達も早いと思います。 頑張って下さいね! 夫といつも動画を楽しんでいるアリゾナ人より。 Since Mr. Gin is good at hearing & understanding English, I'm sure he will be able to master English very quickly. We always enjoy your channel. Thank you! From Arizona.
違うとは思いますが関西の人といると自然に自分も関西の言葉で話すようになりますよね、いつも身近にクリスさんがいるから、ギンさんの英語も自然に聞こえます。 クリスさん日本語もギンさんが居るから。 full English version期待してます。
@mymy-zv7ff Жыл бұрын
@chocochan39155 ай бұрын
ギンさん全然喋れてるじゃないですか~凄いですよ そして、戸惑うクリスさんが可愛かったです
@stickybandaids2 жыл бұрын
ギンさんの英語はとても聞きやすいし、丁寧だし、ヒアリングもできるし凄いです!!私はアメリカ育ちの日本人なので日本語があまり上手ではありません。親がバリバリの日本人なのと、日本の漫画やお笑い番組など好きだったのでネイテブっぽいと言われますが、アラフォーなのに日本語の会話のレベルはかなり低いです。漢字も書けません(ある程度読めます)。クリスとギンさんの動画を観ていると、こんな私にも居場所がある気持ちになります🥰Thank you so much for bringing us laughter & joy! Have a great weekend.
Gin san well done. Your English is very good. It's wonderful you can understand but cannot speak well. I find the same with Japanese I cannot speak it well but find I can understand more then speaking. Chris was very surprised and his reaction to you was gold.
@chrisandgin2 жыл бұрын
when you come to Japan make sure you try to speak a lot to help your speaking get better! I just speak all the time even tho my Japanese is all over the place. yeah I didn't understand why he was speaking English.
Wowこの企画凄くいい、ホクホクって? Steamy and come off っていう表現が気に入った Steamyだけだとなんか違うけどcome off つくことで ホクホクって感じかと そのへんをきちんとぎんちゃんが伝えらればもっと興味持てるかと 思います クリスに聞いてそのへんを考慮できたら 素晴らしい動画にると思う❤! 😂 日本人が表現しずらいのはそういった副詞や形容詞が後にくる文構造が 実に難しいのですねーって感じ!
I feel the same way only in reverse. I am starting to be able to understand Japanese better but I always have a lot of trouble speaking. I'm starting to get good enough that I can talk to my Japanese partner without annoying them too much haha がんばってください ぎん!
HaHa! Chirs looks so weird, but this Surprise was so successful! But, Gin! You know you have a great teacher: Chris! But just try even if you have some mistakes! Your mistakes will be covered by Chris! Remembering his phrases just with ease, the word will soon be typed up in your dictionary! I am just a Japanese man who learned English when I was six years old from a husband and wife from Carifornia. It became a great experience for me to speak with no fear. But I was bullied by some clever cheaty boys who wished to go to much higher-level high school, using sons of mafia named Yakuza. In spite of their fight in the 🚻 restroom in Junior high I tried a strong bite feeling a danger of my life. With a lot of help from many classmates and some friends in 🏀 girls' basketball team we had practices with boys. Going to Ursinus College, PA, staying at some families in Penn. State and Ohio, I can talk to you even though I still have a mistake. Just talk and talk and talk to Chris! This makes a great lesson for you.