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Fatwa Series #797
1. Assalamu'alaikum. I want to know the ruling regarding niqab for a sister then wife then mother then daughter in law etc. If the women opted to wear niqab, does she needs to apply the same ruling in front of her brother in law, male cousins of her husband, husband of her female cousins, husband of her sister, husband of her daughter in law, sons of her daughter in law, sons of her brother in law and son in law of her brother and sister, in brief, when among a family of (her and his) husband. Since sometime it causes some sort of refraining of family ties. And also when suppose 1 family(including son and his wife) has gone to another family's house for some visits and suddenly the cousins comes in the living room for example, then the cousin's wife suddenly rush to wear the niqab which creates some awkward situation. Can you advise me.Please post anonymously
2. De la part de: Ousamma Marrekshi. Assalam Alaikom, Je travaille dans une compagnie d'activité Halal. On a la possibilité d'acheter des actions de la compagnie et de les vendre dans quelques années. Le gain est normalement le profit des investissements de la compagnie au cours de cette période. Comme la majorité des sociétés, ma compagnie utilise l'intérêt generé de son capital. De ce fait, il est probable qu'un pourcentage de cet intérêt fait partie du gain qu'on va recevoir après l'investissement dans les actions. Ma question est donc : Est il permis (halal) d'investir dans ces actions même s'il y a un risque qu'un pourcentage du gain vient de l'intérêt du capital de la compagnie? Merci
3. Asalamualaikum wr wb sheikh. I have a question.On Sayyid Qutb (May Allah have mercy upon him). While I see some ulamaas like sheikh bin baz, Sheikh Albani praised him, even sheikh Fawzaan quoted him in his books. What is the conclusion on him? I know he did some mistakes in his book but he was no ulamaa. But I can see some over-criticised him and sometimes I it to be unfair. What can you say on him? Please keep the question anonymous? Jazakumullah khairan (edited)
4. Eski 1 musulman ggn droit voter dan election. Et ki bans lezot details ki attaché à sa? Abu Hamza
5. Mn lire quelque ki Hassan Ibn 'Ali (r.) li consideré comme 5eme caliph rashidun par plusieur historiens. Eski ou kav don 1 ti éclaircissement lor sa? Jazak Allah Khayr. Anonymous pls.
6. Slms Sheik. Si arriver Mone arrive en retard dans masjid pou namaz Maghreb nous dans 3 eme rakat et penkor fer ruku. Ki façon pou remplace 2 premier rakaat? Jazak Allah- Waleed Carrim
7. An tifi so mama e papa separe mai papa in bien guet li. Mai vue que mama e papa separe zot pa en bon terme. Papa re marrier e mama osi . Mai kand la fille in marrier c beaupere ki debout papa.Ni propre papa ti inviT ni debout papa. Mai c maintenant apr 8ans maman p dir la fille ki li tan 1 hadith c papa mm ki bzin la pu nikkah. Roushnee Adamjee
8. Assalamuralaikum, If i missed roza due to menstuation some years before and i never replace it, then did hajj and ask forgiveness about it, and from now on, those i missed, i replace it. Should i replaced the missed roza before hajj? It is still considered as a debt to Allah right? I should replace it? Nabilah
9. assalamu alaykum, esqui consomation cannabis faire 1 dimoun so namaz pas conté pendant 40 jour cuma consomation lalcol? Hishaam
10. Est ce qui 40 jours sorti avek banne tabliigh jamaat sunnah ou bid'ah?? Ruwaydah Bint YasHus