Рет қаралды 1,551
Fatwa Series #817
1. Lor swalaat, mo ti envi coner ki bisin fer si mo dan swalaat faraz et arriver 1 dimun malad ou tomber a coter moi?
2. Mo ti envi coner aussi cuma mo fer pu join 1 swalaar faraz ki in deja cumanser et in ariv dan ruku ou sijdah etc mais nepli dan position deboute. Eski mo bisin fer Allahu Akbar attach la main apres join kot in arriver? ou mo fer Allahu akbar mo join direct? JazaakAllah Khair Imteaz
3. Assalamualaikum..Eski ena ene position specific pou asizé pendant Khutba..? Khalil Mohammad
4. Aslm. Mo ti p envi koner eski capav met noms ange avec ban bébé. Par eg eski mo capav apel mo zenfant mikaeel ou israfeel? Anonymous plz.
5. As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu ...I wanted your guidance into my personal matter.about my present situation with my husband is, he has verbally pronounced Talaq many times...And use the words, like"i dont want you,monn fini kit toi", "go away from my house""go and marry whomever you wish" and have abused me quite a number of times... hit me, and have insulted me in front of my kids asking me to leave and go. He doesnt take care of my needs physically as well as financially, its been 12 years and more.. Now In such a given situation where does my marriage stand? My marriage still stands good? Kindly guide me...🙏🏻 JazzakumulLahu Khayraan! Roshani
6. Asalaamualaikum , Eski ene personne ki pan faire swalaat Eid gagne droit faire Qurbani ?? Mohamed Reza
7. Salaam, Eski nu gagn droit met lili ene position li pied vers qibla? Anonymous jazakallah.