Title : I Need You Back Composer : Dick Lee Lyricist : Dick Lee I'm alone tonight - serves me right - You went in a storm of darkness - you were my light Blame it on me - I didn't see - how I could say all those things - you know that I never could mean. No I never could say in other circumstances - I guess I was taking my chances - all at the same, same time - pulled my own punches So where are you now? Where are you now? Won't you allow me to come and bring you back to me But I don t know how, baby, I don't know how I need you back with me - no I'm not the same. the same I know when I said I was right - I was playin' a losers game Maybe I haven't been fair and maybe I've been 'very wrong - But maybe I was learning to make it just right - too late now, now you're gone I'm not gonna cry - I'm gonna survive The Lord only knows how I'll stay alive I'll wait and see - if my feelings catch up with me - if they do I'm coming for you - and you better be there waiting to take me back Will I see you again - will it be the same - Oh I want you back so bad - Now I've got to try not to notice the pain .