Рет қаралды 26
Matthew 14:6-12
1. What can we learn about the conscience from Herod?
Conscience Awakened
Mark 6:20
Conscience Seared
Mark 6:26
1 Timothy 4:1-2
Conscience Dead
Luke 23:11
Verses 13-18
2. Often times when recording Jesus early ministry, the four gospels cover different miracles, why would the Holy Spirit choose to record this miracle in all four gospels?
Mark 3:30-44
John 6:5-10
Luke 9:12-14
3. How does the King James Bible define words so you can understand the language better?
Matthew 14:15
Mark 6:36
Luke 9:13
Verses 19-21
4. How is this miracle a metaphor concerning the word of life?
John 1:1
John 6:34-35
Matthew 4:4
Jeremiah 15:16
Ezekiel 3:1-2
5. Before bread is shared with others what has to be done to it?
Matthew 26:26
2 Timothy 2:15
Luke 24:44-45
6. What are we to do with the bread once it has been given to us?
John 21:16
Acts 20:28
1 Peter 5:1-2
Romans 10:13-14
7. What happens when people stop eating, breaking and sharing the words of God?
Amos 8:11
8. What is the prophetic typology of the feeding of the five thousand?
Revelation 12:6
Luke 9:18