I've waited for 20 plus years for this lesson. Everyone seems to think that new guitarists want to rip up the fretboard and overlook good rhythm guitar, more please👏👏👏👏
@PaulWright-l9n Жыл бұрын
I've been a 'bedroom' guitarist for many years, your idiot proof method of teaching is a breath of fresh air. Keep it up.
@johnwhibley923611 ай бұрын
Like ya,style. Fun teacher. Nice and simple. 68yr old learner. John. Australia 🇦🇺 😊
@pides43585 күн бұрын
Merci !
@timstampe702810 ай бұрын
Love your approach - simple delivery and wit. Please keep the old rock standards and acoustic blues coming. Always find something interesting and learn something new from your lessons!
@tonyandtabithamccallan68310 күн бұрын
@tonyandtabithamccallan6835 күн бұрын
Have you had a chance to write the tabs please?
@taylorseagull Жыл бұрын
Very glad you've made this available
@jeff335811 ай бұрын
Just love watching your lessons and listening to the commentary and magic sense of humour. Regards, Jeff NZ Scouse
@Suzanne2909 Жыл бұрын
Yes! Your channel is growing Rob, consistency and proper teaching and FREE downloads work!🎉 The best you are!
@SirGlenMurphyMBE-w6fАй бұрын
hey this all goes in, and its done with fun, thanks
@christopherhunter82524 күн бұрын
Fantastic Rob, great lesson and love the humour
@petegalloway2466 Жыл бұрын
This is the perfect beginner blue lesson. I started with the blues about thee years ago, wish I’d had this lesson then. Well explained Rob, cheers buddy
@andydean65432 ай бұрын
Rob always makes it look so easy & sounds so nice plus he always makes me laugh, as Tina Turner would say " Simply the best, better than all the rest " Thanks, Rob.
@curtisrobinson16Ай бұрын
Great job, teaching and smiling together are a great combination when learning. Keep up the good work. Thank you for the simplicity in the lesson.
@bernie271168Ай бұрын
Such a great lesson, simplicity is genius. Thank you.
@slawkasimpson66228 күн бұрын
Brilliant lesson Rob . Thanks
@norie1871 Жыл бұрын
“This is a guitar lesson on KZbin, but just by listening to the tone, I can tell that you are the lead guitarist & vocalist of the idol group Buster. I’m happy to see you’re doing well and still loving music. From Japan.”
@leecollins5497Ай бұрын
Every single one of your videos are class
@stephennewton7644 Жыл бұрын
The best
@tbirdtelecaster74815 ай бұрын
Thanks ever so much Rob for your advise!
@habsom1406Ай бұрын
Intro sounded fabulous, disappointed when you didn't start singing, I was already in the groove! ❤😎
@JoeBigio-f2f Жыл бұрын
Great job! I recently stumbled upon your channel and I must say, your teaching style is unique and effective. Unlike many others, you simplify the process and make it easy to understand. I particularly appreciate the way you adjust the angle of the guitar to give a clear view of what's going on. Keep up the amazing work and I have no doubt that you will soon become the top KZbinr for guitar teaching. Thank you for the valuable lessons!
@TheJpmareeАй бұрын
Brilliant! thanks
@thomasmenezes4061 Жыл бұрын
Thanks. GR8 lesson with free downloads. You are the bestest best if you catch my drift.
@wendylee95923 ай бұрын
Found you today 91year coffin dodger, GREAT THANKS John
@fennahrob69343 ай бұрын
Keep on dodging! 👍🏻😎
@parneypots11 ай бұрын
Nice job!!!!!
@iankettlewell567711 ай бұрын
Spot on chap love the delivery
@stevegunn99716 ай бұрын
Very helpful, Rob! It adds great sounding spice without confusing me! Thanks!
@tonyandtabithamccallan68310 күн бұрын
At 11:05 in your video you play us your version can you send or have a video of this version? I would love to learn it. Thank you for your time and what you've taught me and others. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.
@CHOPPA78 Жыл бұрын
Your a true legend Rob thanks buddy 🙏and that if it had a face it would do this had me in stitches 😂 every time i see your vids it evermore opens my guitar horizons and atarta a new chapter for me , hope wales won mate happy christmas 😊
@noelmciver7373 ай бұрын
viewing from Perth, Western Australia. Many thanks for your lesson which was explained so well. Best of luck for the future!
@heliorolao85686 ай бұрын
Very Good explanation teacher, thank you Hélio from Faro/Algarve/Portugal
@puffadder1960 Жыл бұрын
Been trying to figure that out for ages, thanks Rob luv your channel.
@johnrobert23 Жыл бұрын
Do you have any plans to do one on some embellishments that you use for the blues?
@allangarvey84744 ай бұрын
Sounds good man, we love it, glad I found ya!
@Mac-jx8uj12 күн бұрын
That's cool as faaark ,more pls 😎
@guitarjym7 ай бұрын
Thank you Rob!
@jeffstonr97927 ай бұрын
love your lessons, please sing.
@hafizshirazi229 күн бұрын
Thank you for free PDF
@eduardkornejev7910 Жыл бұрын
Rob,could you make your more advanced tutorial which you were playing at the end
@fennahrob6934 Жыл бұрын
I will if I get enough interest. Ive just put a picking one up too.
@paulmurray46797 ай бұрын
Oh Rob, yet another great lesson, thank you. I need help, others may find this interesting, what KEY are you playing this in ? I've guessed E as you play E A B, so, if I use a capo as you've explained, does it follow that I could play these same shapes/fingers in (say) G....capo at 4th or C....capo at 9th.......I ask only, as I try to learn, I go to a "session" at local pub, where everyone joins in, but nearly everyone uses a different KEY thank you for your lessons. Sunnyvenice, Hebden Bridge
@fennahrob69347 ай бұрын
Hi Paul, I’m playing an E A and B. If you wanted to play the same ‘shapes’ but in G, for example, you capo at fret 3 (cause your root note, the 6th string, is now playing a G. 👍🏻😎
@paulmurray46797 ай бұрын
@@fennahrob6934 THANK YOU ROB ! bless you
@peetey2494 ай бұрын
Good teacher. Subbed
@ismaelb91042 ай бұрын
@karlpresley Жыл бұрын
Hi Rob, thanks for the great vid's 👍 Would love to learn the Chuck Berry style, is this how Chuck Berry played, using the 12 bar blues? Thanks Rob appreciated!
@RoyStewart-w2d2 ай бұрын
Hi there, thank you for helping me to play guitar,so far, I'm rubbish,but I'm determined to learn the 12 bar blues, i have big fingers that don't really help, how do you download the music sheet, thank you
@jack_konte Жыл бұрын
Nice arrangement. Great example for beginners. Thanks.
@rodsimmons93372 ай бұрын
Hi, Rob. Great lesson! I can't get the link below to work, and I can't find the sheets for this lesson on your website. Hopefully, it's still available somewhere.
Sorry your team lost, but if we get Blues lessons like this after a loss, well, I hope they never win again! Great Blues lesson! Thank you! (Just kidding about your team - hope they have great success) :-)
@AndreiBerechet Жыл бұрын
@fennahrob6934 what Taylor is that? Thanks 🙏
@AussieGirl2358 күн бұрын
Just found your channel. I hope you’re still here. Are you on Facebook?
@welshieonwheels5 ай бұрын
Thank you 👍👍👍🏴🏴🇬🇧🦢🇨🇦
@russelllitterell2311 Жыл бұрын
Good grief man, where have you been my whole damn life?
@edcrutchfield34472 ай бұрын
You got a book on this I can buy ? I can’t down load the sheets.
Did you ever do Ill see you in my dreams . What about some more Paul Simon Bookends was great . Bring on the blues .
@fennahrob6934 Жыл бұрын
I did ‘I’ll see you in my dreams’ as a uke tutorial. The Joe Brown version. It’s on the site with all the charts etc. 👍🏻
@jamesperry278 Жыл бұрын
@@fennahrob6934 Yeh i had a look thruogh your page . I first heard the song on the concert for George it is now a big favourite . how hard is it to learn Uke. Joe brown is brilliant bye the way Slade magic must be an age thing .
@jamesperry278 Жыл бұрын
You ever put any Buster songs on.
@ConsistentTransport7 ай бұрын
Trying to download the link but can't (chart)
@fennahrob69347 ай бұрын
Working fine at this end. Click blue link in description box and open in Safari. 👍🏻
@charlesmurschell31105 ай бұрын
Great simple instructions. Hard to understand that accent though (just kidding). Nice job and thanks for sharing.
@dendunne45673 ай бұрын
Hi, love your teaching style, laid back and funny☺ Is there any chance you could cover follow you follow me by genesis, i'd be etarnally grateful. Cheers.
@Dutcharmytent Жыл бұрын
Please can you cover Country Boy by Aaron Lewis.
@LMacNeill Жыл бұрын
It is a thousand times harder to actually do this than you make it look. This is the most frustrating instrument I've ever tried to learn to play, and I've learned a dozen instruments over the years. Nothing has taken this long to learn, and I still can't play much of anything on it. Not correctly at any rate. I'm about to throw it out a damn window, to be perfectly honest.
@fennahrob6934 Жыл бұрын
Do it slowly; break it down into individual bits and then join them together. You’ll get it. 👍🏻
@LMacNeill Жыл бұрын
Why is palm muting so damn difficult?! I simply cannot get my strumming hand to bend that way AND still be able to reach the strings with the pick. It sounds HORRID if I play it without palm muting.
@vincent1951fly Жыл бұрын
@Expedient_Mensch5 ай бұрын
F.F.S, why not just use tab?
@fennahrob69345 ай бұрын
Cause it’s crap for certain pieces of music as I doesn’t show left hand finger positions.
@Expedient_Mensch5 ай бұрын
@@fennahrob6934 What? That's exactly what it shows, unless you're left-handed. Maybe I'm not understanding your comment properly. If you want to show which finger to use, you can add that too. To me, it's much easier and clearer than the clumsy charts you are presenting.