they really need to fix Hex, it isnt applying any disadvantage at all. it hasnt since launch.
@darenvalnys7718 Жыл бұрын
@@tokamnich4709 it does, but only on skill check, as they do in 5e, it's just that a lot of people incorrectly think it applies on saving throws.
@joeracer302 Жыл бұрын
For the Fey subclass, with Misty Escape, you can set the reaction to “ask” not “automatic” (I forget the exact term, it’s in the menu system) and then when attacked by group you can choose to not use the reaction for the first attackers and save it for a more advantageous timing. This reaction setting can be set individually for reactions, and especially makes sense for reactions that use a spell slot.
@Kursakai Жыл бұрын
As someone who's completely new to DnD and only knew Warlock based on Eldritch Blast memes, thank you for making this video. It's amazing.
@jesse6987 Жыл бұрын
And did you enjoy learning that the meme is indeed there for a reason haha?
@AvianDnD Жыл бұрын
wait.... there is more to warlocks than Eldritch Blast?
@maxs4903 Жыл бұрын
That’s all there is to know, just be hot and eldritch blast
@AvianDnD Жыл бұрын
@@maxs4903 all he do is eat hot chip and lie
@travismurtland3257 Жыл бұрын
I'd suggest pact of blade, devil's sight, and Darkness. You get advantage on attacks made towards enemies within when you're in, and EVERYTHING has disadvantage to hit you just about.
@okubothecat Жыл бұрын
One of the most interesting things about repelling blast is that the knockback isnt based on a skill check. If your eldritch blast hits, they get knocked back without fail.
@YourCrazyDolphin Жыл бұрын
Well, there is a check. The check is if you hit.
@PlayfulFruitLPer Жыл бұрын
Not true.
@lukecarroll9823 Жыл бұрын
@@PlayfulFruitLPeron tabletop it is, not sure about the game haven't had time to play much.
@FrostyDontSubPlsIgnore Жыл бұрын
They dont get knocked back if theres an obstacle behind them but you're right, theres so saving throw for the knockback if EB hits
@spirsom8750 Жыл бұрын
A bit OP. You can throw a strong boss to an abyss like a low tier mob.
@KazangKazoom Жыл бұрын
Eldritch Blast absolutely rips. I love knocking enemies backwards and launching them off cliffs or smashing them into the wall. Makes me giddy each time
@alexbosse8528 Жыл бұрын
Magical Double Barrel Shotgun
@LordAnubis85 Жыл бұрын
@@alexbosse8528 More like Magical Minigun. Multiclass into Sorcerer and Thief and have a Cleric cast Haste on you. Action: Eldritch Blast, Haste Action: Eldritch Blast, Bonus Action #1: Quickened Eldritch Blast, Bonus Action #2: Quickened Eldritch Blast.
@alexbosse8528 Жыл бұрын
@LordAnubis85 Damn, thats some crazy shit lol. Ill have to try that.
@LordAnubis85 Жыл бұрын
@@alexbosse8528 Nevermind. The above smite combo wont work. I miscalculated my multiclass levels... stupid level cap of 12 lol. I'll edit it so nobody else tries it.
@donsly375 Жыл бұрын
you must be a professional virgin @@LordAnubis85
@Xemnas283 Жыл бұрын
Pact of the Blade is sooo fun. It’s pretty crazy you can bind any weapon you’re not proficient in AND don’t need to use your Strength / Dexterity modifier
@Kaneki-mk2do Жыл бұрын
I'm hearing a lot of good things about Pact of the Blade, I chose a different pact but now want to try out Blade. Is there anyway to change your pact choice?
@Sir__Vic Жыл бұрын
@@Kaneki-mk2do Yes, speak to Withers at your camp and pay 100. If he's not there, you need to find him. Location is very early in the game.
@wollyram6248 Жыл бұрын
@@Kaneki-mk2do Talk to Withers in your camp, for some gold he will let you respec your character.
@Vital_Remnant2356 Жыл бұрын
@@MirrorOfEmotions Everything I've learned is that you're better off just sticking to Eldritch Blast for ranged damage.
@mancamiatipoola Жыл бұрын
@@MirrorOfEmotions Any warlock worth his salt would laugh at you in demonic. Eldrich blast is the bread and butter of any warlock and when you learn to use it correctly it becomes more powerful than ANY ranged weapon. Not only can you target multiple enemies, push them back, the cantrip also scales with each level becoming the most powerful spell in your arsenal. Also you can get guns with mods. If you are tired of the vanilla game already keep an eye on the Nexus mods page and you will find some gameplay changing mods, like guns. But at the moment they are just broken and trivialise combat
@BW022 Жыл бұрын
Few things to add... 1. Darkness + devil's sight is massively powerful. Since the invocation allows you to see through magical darkness, you can stand in it and be unaffected. You gain advantage on all attacks, enemies can't target you outside of melee, and have disadvantage on melee attacks and they are half movement in darkness. For a pact of the blade warlock this is great. Drop darkness in a chock point and let the warlock tank. Consider having another companion take darkness to save spell slots. It's often a game winner, even at higher levels. 2. Armor of agathys is great spell for pact of the blades which scales well. Note, how it works. If you cast using a 3rd-level spell slot, it gives you 15 temporary hit points and does 15hp anytime a creature hits you in melee. So, if a bugbear hits you for 8hp, he takes 15 damage. If he later hits you for 10hp, the spell takes more 7hp (you take the remaining 3hp), but the bugbear takes another 15hp of damage. At higher levels, mobs can literally kill themselves on you. 3. For multi-classing, I also recommend cleric. Clerics are front-loaded. War, tempest, life, and natural all give heavy armor proficiency -- so you can drop your dex as low as 8 and go with a 16 con and charisma. Many first level cleric spells are useful even at higher levels -- healing, shield of faith, many domain spells, etc. Unlike a fighter or paladin, they also get you spell slots of 1st-level. Being able to use hex using a first level cleric spell slot greatly helps against the warlock's biggest weakness... lack of spell slots. Bard is also alright, but you don't get armor. I like going nature cleric and using thorn whip to pull creatures into darkness. 4. Also for mutli-classing, rogue is actually an interesting choice with levels of warlock just to get devil's sight. If you have someone with darkness, it means you get sneak attack (plus advantage) every attack while being relatively safe in melee. When you get higher levels in rogue, take spell thief for the extra spell slots. Note with this build, you don't need a high charisma and don't need eldritch blast or any of their buffing invocations. You'll probably be using a bow or crossbow (for sneak attack) for ranged attacks anyway.
@zillahstar Жыл бұрын
If i was going to do Bard multiclass would you suggest just a dip of 2 levels in warlock? I really want to do like a swords Bard/lock.
@wolfgaidin Жыл бұрын
Unless it got hotfixed and I missed it, the Devil's Sight + Darkness combo doesn't work in BG3. Enemies with normal darkvision, which is a ton, can see through the Darkness spell effect, negating the combo entirely. Also, unlike in tabletop 5E, Darkness in BG3 can't be cast on self and must be area cast, negating the ability to be mobile. While this doesn't negate the combo's usefulness it does make it less versatile in the event that the darkvision bug gets fixed.
@michadybczak4862 Жыл бұрын
Since most of the game warlock can have only two spell slots, Armor of agathys is a burden. Hex is important, but it disappears after the long rest, and it requires concentration, so in some fights you will lose it. This means, if you use Armor of agathys, you can use once Hex and nothing more, till the next short rest. For the same reason, I took Hellish rebuke and then dropped it later on. One or at max two reactions is what we get, but then must give up on Hex, Misty step (without amulet). The spell slot limit is really making it hard for warlock, so it effectively is not a caster class. Sure, you can obtain some additional spells that don't use spell slots, but within a fight, the choice is very, very limited.
@wolfgaidin Жыл бұрын
@@zillahstar if you're doing a bardlock, you want 3 levels in Warlock for Pact of the Blade so you can use Charisma for to hit and damage.
@geraldmarroquin4085 Жыл бұрын
@wolfgaidin you might still be able to drop your weapon, cast it on the weapon, and then pick it up for a mobile darkness lol
@joewhan11 Жыл бұрын
Sooo many decisions, so many great classes and multi class ideas, I'm overwhelmed and I love it!! Great video as always!!
@sleshflex4170 Жыл бұрын
warlock makes for a great paladin since most his spell like hex and armor of agatis can be casted using paladin lvl 1 spell. while u can use your lock spell for smites and u get to replenish them with short rest allowing you to get basically 4/5 extra smite evry long rest. not to mention with just 4 level of lock u get to ignore strenght as pala completly by using charisma with pact weapon making u go full charisma/constitution wich will give you insane ura saving throw too. and with blast u cover ranged attacks option that paladin lacks. overall is just an amazing marriage
@mancamiatipoola Жыл бұрын
Its pretty simple, my frend, if you want to be a melee oriented warlok then you go pact of the blade and battlemaster fighter. This will give you powerful and useful melee attacks, 2 warlok spells, 1 self heal and action surge which you can use for 2 more attacks or to cast eldrich blast. Stick with warlok until lv 5 to get extra attack then multiclass into fighter. I also recommend you pick up the medium armor feat at lv 4 if you dont have a race that has that already. With a good medium armor and a shield + the armor of Agathis spell, this will make you an unstopable tank that can also cast some interesting spells occasionally. If you prefer a more range caster oriented play style then you can choose any of the 3 subclasses and either pact of the chain if you want to become a demon summoner or pact of the tome for a lot of interesting spells. However you have to keep in mind that you will only have 2 warlok spell slots for a long time, so it is recommended to multiclass into another caster class early to have more spell options. As a caster i strongly recommend you subclass at least 1 level into wizard as you will get 2 more lv 1 spell slots, an arcane charge to regen spell slots and most importantly the ability to learn any spell from scrolls (this is a must have for any caster class imo). Another great multiclass option is the Sorc with wild magic, which is a chaotic but fun way to play, especially for a warlok. The sorc gives you those sorcery points which allows you to give your spells some interesting effects. Sorc also uses charisma as a primary spell casting bonus so it is ideal as a multiclass option for a warlok caster. If you want to see what each class or subclass does, become frends with Enjoy.
@wandering.westward Жыл бұрын
Bladelock is the most SAD (single attribute dependent) gish character you can make. Your spells still do an insane amount of damage, your melee attacks are very effective, and if you choose gith or take medium armor proficiency as a feat you can survive pretty decently in melee range. I love that the ability to use charisma for melee attacks was moved away from patron to pact boon in bg3.
@theodorehunter4765 Жыл бұрын
You still need CON for HP and DEX for AC. (Or a feat and STR to wear heavy armor). Don't let the CHA to attacks and damage rolls fool you into thinking you don't still need other stats.
@Faelivri Жыл бұрын
You can also use shield dwarf. Gets medium armor, different proficiency and you get darkvision, less speed tho. Both works, up to you which one you choose.
@demon238 Жыл бұрын
@@theodorehunter4765you don’t need str for heavy armor in bg3. My pact of the blade warlock has 2 points in fighter with 10 STR is rocking the adamantite splint armor with no problem. Got 22 AC with the extra damage reduction.
@thegammabear Жыл бұрын
@theodorehunter4765 there's a ring that gives 18 dex
@theodorehunter4765 Жыл бұрын
@@thegammabear You have to get there first. Once you find the Stat boosting items, you can respec.
@grey_wind Жыл бұрын
THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. THANK YOU 🔥 My Archfey Warlock shall be my pride and joy.
@MrKS-009 Жыл бұрын
I've been playing a pact of the blade Great Old One warlock and at level 6 I multi-classed into bard and later went for bard college of swords, and let me tell you it is absolutely fantastic. i've never felt more confident in dialogue and my control on the battlefield was unmatched. Using the bards college of swords attack to increase my armor class with 4 for the turn I was unstoppable. Dealing massive damage with the Sword of Screams in close combat and just as much damage with eldritch blast at range. Hungar of Hadar btw is honestly one of the coolest spells for this class.
@123bjadams Жыл бұрын
Why not bard then warlock?
@bingonight15048 ай бұрын
I kind of want to give sorcerer a try in act 2 but I love Hunger of Hadar too much. Gonna watch the sorcerer guide first then decide if I want to flip class in my avatar completely and let Wyll have Hunger or switch to Sorlock since we're level 7 right now
@AgentForest Жыл бұрын
A fun Warlock strat if you get top of the initiative: 1. At some point during the adventuring day, have Armor of Agathys up. 2. On your turn, cast Blade Ward, and drink a Potion of Speed (there are also boots for bonus action dashing). 3. Run into and then back out of range of as many enemies as you can. This baits out opportunity attacks, then deals a ton of damage, because the Blade Ward will minimize the temp HP loss, getting much more mileage out of the spell. This can also be used to help teammates create distance. If your Wizard is getting surrounded, use this to eat their opportunity attacks so they can get to safety without needing to give up their entire action disengaging.
@mancamiatipoola Жыл бұрын
HAHAHA! This is why i love reading comments on these videos. There is always someone with a crazy build and tactic. as i was reading your comment i was imagining a crazy warlok in a jester outfit running around the battlefield taunting nenemies "Lala LALA laALLA la, YOUuuu caaaant hit meeee! Lalalal ALALAlala la!" XD "Revenge is a dish best served cold! 15 cold damage at a time!" XD Im chuckling hard now.
@makiiavely6 ай бұрын
this game is so insanely well designed that goofy ass shit like this not only works but is a legitimately viable and thought out strategy, props to you my guy
@demoniclord98524 ай бұрын
I love that if you use bind weapon you get proficiency in the weapon as long as it's pact bound it's very useful if you like a certain weapon
@relariis_the_paradox Жыл бұрын
A warlock veteran's tips: TL;DR: if you want to go Warlock Sorcerer, go Warlock 7, Sorcerer 5 or vice versa. If you want a minmax Sorlock, go Fighter 2, Warlock 5, Sorcerer 5, get Charisma to 18, and take magic initiate druid with Shillelagh. LR: Sorlocks have so many options to split between at the odd levels. 3rd level spells are game changers for casters, so I'm of the opinion that any caster multiclass you take needs to go to at least level 5, and should beeline to lv 5 before multiclassing, unless you took martial levels first for armor/ability proficiencies. Each extra 2 levels you take in Sorcerer instead of warlock gets you more slots and higher level spell slots to compensate for your lack of slots as a warlock, but warlocks get access to unique control spells or weird utility options, and invocations add a lot of customization for your build, so it's really a toss up. Even if you aren't going bladelock and grabbing extra attack, I would recommend at least warlock 5. Every warlock gets access to "it's just damage" spells like Hunger of Hadar, every patron subclass gets additional useful spells, and pact of the tome gets access to additional spells that you don't need warlock slots to cast. Either warlock 7 sorcerer 5 for 4th level warlock spell slots + pact boon + 4 invocations, and 3rd level sorcerer spells (which gives you 2 fireballs even without fiend patron) + 7 more spell slots for utility or AoE casting (that you often can't afford warlock slots for). Alternatively, warlock 5 sorcerer 7 for your 3rd invocation and still giving access to 3rd level warlock spells plus getting 4th level sorcerer spells and more sorcery points for metamagics is great. Or if you don't feel the need to have 3rd level spells accessed by both of your classes, you could go warlock 8 sorcerer 4 to get your 3rd feat instead, for either boosting your Charisma to 20 or picking up moderately armored for medium armor or a magic initiate for an extra spell cast per long rest and utility cantrips (Shillelagh for example currently seems bugged, and will scale with your charisma if it's higher than your wisdom so you can melee without pact of the blade). Even without medium armor, you can still end up with +2 light armor and a shield if playing a half elf or human for 18-19 AC. Now the real endgame minmax build though, which is primarily ranged with a melee option, is Warlock 5 Sorcerer 5 Fighter 2. Start with a level of fighter for all armor and weapon proficiencies and constitution saving throws. You take another level later for action surge, 5 levels of warlock, and 5 levels of sorcerer. Order of levels is somewhat flexible. Start with your charisma at 17 and either Dex or Con at 13 with the other at 14 (or 16 if you want to dump strength and keep Int/Wis at 10, but I prefer them at 12). Take one ASI feat to get the 17 to 18 and the 13 to 14, and take your second feat with magic initiate druid for bugged Shillelagh, healing word, and your choice of produce flame or resistance. Take Pact of the Tome for your pact boon; you get 3 specific leveled spells without using warlock slots once per long rest at lv 5. Take Agonizing Blast and Book of Ancient Secrets (@ lv 5) for 2 of your invocations, and the other two you can decide based on your play style. When leveling Sorcerer, take Distant Spell, Twinned Spell, and Quicken Spell. With this, at level 12 you now have 2 lv 3 warlock slots per short rest, 6 warlock pact/invocation "slots" per long rest, 9 various lv 1-3 sorcerer slots per long rest, 1 druid "slot" for healing per long rest (count them, that's 22 spell slots per day, 11 of which are 3rd level), a total of 13 cantrips known, access to any armor in the game, solid concentration saving throws, and you can melee using Charisma with any polearm-like weapon you like in the game. (I should probably check if shillelagh is bugged to work with any weapon too...). You only have a +4 Charisma bonus, but in exchange for giving up that extra +1, you get a lot of extra things you can do.This isn't even accounting for items that can boost your stats or give you additional spells, which do exist. There's the obligatory cast haste on yourself, then next turn action surge, and use Quicken Spell, to do 4 castings in one turn. If you want to focus fire, you could do 12 Eldritch Blasts in 1 turn, doing (12-120)+48 (average 114) force damage on a single enemy if you hit with all of them. Similarly if you pick up magic missile and blow your highest spell slots on them, you can have a guaranteed 14 missiles for (14-56)+14 (average 49) force damage on a single enemy. You could AoE bombard with 3 Fireballs and a Shatter for (27-168) (average 97.5) damage per enemy (with an average of 2 enemies this is an average of 195 damage). Have fun~! EDIT: You need warlock 7, not warlock 5 for book of ancient secrets, so scratch that off the minmax build; it's 3 less spell "slots" per long rest, though they are all 1st-2nd lvl. Other than that it holds tho. Also you can do 4 fireballs, not just 3 because I forgot that Tome gives you haste without a spell slot, meaning you have 4 3rd lvl spell slots, not 3, so revised damage for that nova round is 4x8d6 (32-192, average 112/enemy, average 224/use on 2 enemies) fire damage.
@kenzoventurella15597 ай бұрын
Dude this is an essay and a half
@luckyhydratv7 ай бұрын
not sure how to read
@The.Usurper Жыл бұрын
You've got me refreshing your page everyday waiting for more baldurs gate vids. Can't believe I only just found this channel!
@celuiquipeut6527 Жыл бұрын
Fextra, i really want to command you on your STRUCTURE. Your ideas are well planne dout. It makes it so you take the listener in a thinking journey, and you hold his hand in learning everything that is relevant. Its easy to understand even for people who know nothing. Because you explain it in incrementation. A lot of other people are just all over the place. You really are apart. Keep it up! We love your work!
@alastairwinder6657 Жыл бұрын
I have been looking up warlock videos and then boom you uploaded at the same time!
@dra3vnn91924 күн бұрын
From someone that never played these types of game before I really have to say, this game is amazing
@jacobbroder1789 Жыл бұрын
One warlock guide is completely different than someone many different ways to play this game. I love it
@kenitic7945 Жыл бұрын
Man I was looking at cleric and ranger for a long time but after this, warlock just seems right up my alley. These vids are great while us PS5 folks patiently wait. Awesome as always.
@chrisduncan1647 Жыл бұрын
I can't imagine how it feels being an Xbox kid and having to wait until potentially next year for this game.
@Madchemist002 Жыл бұрын
@@chrisduncan1647Finally! Haha
@wolfgaidin Жыл бұрын
Good stuff. The one thing I might have added is that since you've recommended a build approach that focusea on face skills, taking the Beast Speech Invocation at second level with Agonizing Blast makes the most sense, especially with the plethora of opportunities to use it in BG3 compared to a tabletop game.
@Appoh Жыл бұрын
I made my warlock a drow for roleplay reasons buuuut it does work quite well, the dark vision you gets means u can pick up another ancestral invocation, you also get rapier access which is nice. i also feel like the warlock is a pretty flexible class which makes it really fun to experiment with. love the video! keep up the great content
@nickllama5296 Жыл бұрын
I just thought yesterday that I needed to look up some Warlock guides, so this was great timing! Thanks!
@HCF249 Жыл бұрын
I was wanting to make a warlock but had zero clue how to build one, this is super helpful.
@peyiofea1937 Жыл бұрын
Amazing quality content as always. I especially love the "breaking points" and multiclass info because it's exactly the question I ask when planning my character. Looking forward to the Sorcerer guide!
@kdog3908 Жыл бұрын
As an old geezer, who never used rules past D&D 2nd edition, I can see why Warlocks are popular. They strike me as pretty OP!
@Kiljaedenas Жыл бұрын
Warlocks have always been my favorite class in DnD. They are so adaptable...I've already had one GM ban me from using a particular build/race combo of them just from a single glance at my pre-planned build for it. If/when I get BG3 this is definitely my class for my first playthrough.
@PocketMedic239 Жыл бұрын
That’s kinda shitty of a GM
@blackhat4206 Жыл бұрын
What was the OP combo you made that was axed by the GM in planning?
@Kiljaedenas Жыл бұрын
@@blackhat4206 A Warforged Hexblade/Pact of the Blade, multiclassed 3 levels into Artificer/Artillerist, with a very specific choice of spells and feats (including Spell Sniper and Sharpshooter). This thing was VERY effective at melee combat, ranged weapon combat, single-target spell combat, wide AoE spell combat, diplomacy, stealth, espionage/scouting, travel, cargo storage, and it could aerial bomb an enemy army with about 2700 metric tons of lava. And being a Warforged it didn't need to eat, drink, sleep, breathe and was disease immune.
@TheOnlyValken Жыл бұрын
You’re killing me man. I have to wait for PS5 release and I’m still torn whether I want to play a warlock or a paladin for my first blind play through and you drop these last couple of videos on me!? 😂
@_alex89 Жыл бұрын
Your guides saved me on Elden Ring, they will do the same for Baldur's Gate 3 as well. Please tell me that you will soon make a Druid one. Thanks for the hard work you put in these videos! 💪🏻
@lutzrambo8191 Жыл бұрын
ye i would love to see a druid guide. Next playthrough i wann play around switching forms and im really confused what stats are important for a shapeshifter
@acephas3 Жыл бұрын
I, too, want to see the Druid guide. Outside of shape shifting, Druids in this edition, and with this level cap of 12, are the worst casters and the worst melee combatants. BTW, I say that as a Druid lover.
@alecthomas7216 Жыл бұрын
What I learned today: I’m doing it wrong lmao
@bovineox11112 ай бұрын
I learned today - that I’m likely to do it wrong anyway 😂 so many options
@moncreebrown9484 ай бұрын
Human Warlock The Fiend Artisan. Having so much fun playing this game.
@thewoodchipper Жыл бұрын
Playing warlock right now and it is so fun omg, also ive poured 20hrs into the game and im still in act 1. This game is crazy
@MrTaskmaster1 Жыл бұрын
This video is great. Please make one for each class. I am waiting for the PS5 release date and found this so informative. Sub earned today.
@DjediVibrations Жыл бұрын
I have tried most classes in BG 3 so far and man is Warlock so much fun
@mancamiatipoola Жыл бұрын
TY for another great class guide. You covered pretty much everything, but of course, warlok is such a complex class with a miriad of combinations between subclasses and pacts and spells. For people who just want an immersive way to build Wyll, here is my build: Wyll has a devil patron so he has to go with Fiend Warlok. He is also the Blade of Frontiers so naturally pact of the blade is a must. Since he is a very skilled swordsman i built him mostly as a melee fighter. Cantrips are not that important for warloks since they will always prefer to use eldrich blast which can also be bolstered with eldritch invocation, but at low levels Blade Ward is very useful to help with survivability in melee fights. For spells Armor of Agathys is a must for him as he is mainly a melee fighter and this will give him a large HP bonus and also attackers take cold damage when they hit him. Other useful spells for a melee warlok are Arms of Hadar which is a AOE damage around the warlok, misty step to teleport on the battlefield, hex is a good single target debuff useful against bosses and Hunger of Hadar which is a very powerful AOE damage spell that also blinds and slows enemies in it. Bear in mind that many warlok spells are concentration so it is ideal to have at least 16 CON and/or an item that gives bonus to CON saving throws, so that you do not lose concentration when damaged. At lv 4 i took the feat Medium Armored and put one point in DEX so i could take advantage of the miriad of great rare medium armors that you can find at most vendors. With a good medium armor and a shield you will get to 18-19 AC + the Armor of Agathys spell, Wyll becomes and absolute tank. I also gave him the Sword of Screams because it seemed fitting for a warlok and is a beautiful sword. If you play a pact of the blade warlok consider sticking to the warlok class until lv 5 to get that extra attack. Then at lv 6 you can multiclass. Go into fighter-battle master if you want Wyll to become a sword master and get that self heal and action surge OR you can try something fun and go for a sorcerer with wild magic for more spell options and some wild random effects when casting spells. I see Wyll as a more chaotic good individual so i took this option and im having a blast... and eldritch blast! XD As a melee warlok it is a good idea to find an item that gives you Haste so that you can use 2 actions per turn. If you find the Haste scroll REALLY consider taking 1 level into wizard just to learn this spell which lasts for 10 turns. Being able to melee attack twice and then use eldrich blast on some enemies, or cast a powerful spell, all in one turn is VERY important and gives you so much more versatility. If you chose to multiclass as a fighter you can have action surge at lv 7 and be able to do this, but if you want to go for more spells then put 1 level into wizard and then dip into bard or sorc. This is how i built Wyll and he is a lot of fun and very tanky. Hope this helps someone that wants to build Wyll to his character or just as a fun melee warlok. Enjoy!
@kjj26kАй бұрын
THis is the info I have been looking for, Thanks!
@BLiTzToRiOuS Жыл бұрын
🎉 Great work as always guys. Thanks for the great informative straight to the point no none sense guide, very helpful. Been debating between Warlock and Paladin to play as a half orc or half elf.
@jessewatson7229 Жыл бұрын
So excited to see more of these! Hope the wizard one is soon 😊
@ReneIsSoCool101Yes Жыл бұрын
I know this isn't "optimal/meta" but I've been having fun playing as an Eldritch Knight multiclassing into Warlock! Makes me Role-play as a Witchknight / Hexblade character and it's been coming along really good so far! Character level 5 so far with 3 levels in Fighter and 2 in Warlock
@mancamiatipoola Жыл бұрын
Best thing about this game is that it is so flexible with multiple classes and subclasses that you can mix and mach to have endless hours of fun. You can create pretty much any build from other fantasy games or movies. :) For my first chr i chose a bland ranger beast master, but i am having fun multi classing my companions to fit their personality and backstory. For example i made Karlach into a berserker barbarian because wildheat just would not work with her since she doesnt have a heart. And i made Wyll into a fiend warlok with pact of the blade, because he is the BLADE of frontiers after all, but i also spiced in some sorcerer for some interesting spell effects. I tried to build each character that i played with according to their lore and desires. Its going pretty well so far.
@gothxm Жыл бұрын
Lmao fake ass Witcher names. That sounds cool though. So you did a paladin and warlock multi-class or fighter?
@mikewatts1533 Жыл бұрын
Thanks, I needed this. I could not find any pertinent information about the pack of the tome in BG3. I'm thinking about taking a one level dip into paladin at fourth level. And then take my ASI at fifth. That way, I could get my medium armor and shield and then two points into charisma at fifth. Thanks again for another great and helpful video .
@pgratedslasher6076 Жыл бұрын
Really appreciate this video. I'm waiting for the PS5 release due to my hectic August schedule and I was still torn on bard, druid, or warlock. But everything you mentioned in this video is making me want to go w. Warlock
@fojcek8684 Жыл бұрын
Big fan since the Divinity 2 content, keep up the good work bro 💪
@jakeryan2805 Жыл бұрын
Eldritch blast is all well and good, but pact of the blade and some melee sound like a grand ol time as well.
@IGotTheJazz Жыл бұрын
Can’t wait to see a Cleric guide from you, since that’s my go to D&D class. Just wish they had the Forge Domain on here! Such a great kit they have.
@mr.fghjkl4871 Жыл бұрын
Tasha’s hideous laughter was my favourite spell. I’m going to be abusing it when I get bdg3
@codyhasselbring9818 Жыл бұрын
Nothing beats the pure visceral high of using repelling blast to huck somebody off a cliff from 60 feet away.
@capi1115 Жыл бұрын
Good tip to now, the knockback of repelling blast is a passive. So if in certain situation u don't want to use it u can just turn it off in your passiv whitout any cost of action or bonus action
@NoahCaringella Жыл бұрын
This is great! Looking forward to the druid guide! (Especially Moon)
@TimeForJesus. Жыл бұрын
Thank u I asked for this in the last video!!!
@FabioOsorio619 Жыл бұрын
The guide I’ve been looking for, specially me being a newbie regarding DND, baldurs gate and this class (all classes really) Thank you. I’ve already made a tiefling warlock long before I came upon your guide, and I’m not quite sure if I made a good decision with this 😅
@mancamiatipoola Жыл бұрын
You can always respec at Withers for 100 g.
@HansKuloss Жыл бұрын
I hope we will be able in future talk with our patrons. Even those incomprehensive. 😊
@fredkrawczun5554 Жыл бұрын
This breakdown is great. I can't wait to play, maybe an Oath of Devotion Paladin with a Fiend Patron god. Crazy combination story wise.
@bradveach2333 Жыл бұрын
Keep em coming that was. Awsome
@TooMuchTuna7 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Fextralife!! Gonna make a warlock! Waiting for the PS5 version
@pandasontheroad Жыл бұрын
I feel there are so many options in this game that whatever you choose you will excel anyway.
@westarrr Жыл бұрын
Drow is also an interesting option as they get a free cast of Darkness once per long rest, which synergizes with Devil's Sight
@yo3theguys980 Жыл бұрын
But drow already have superior dark vision.
@westarrr Жыл бұрын
@@yo3theguys980 That won't get you to see in the spell Darkness. Casting the spell Darkness centered on yourself while you have Devil's Sight gives every enemy in the area disadvantage and gives YOU advantage because they can't see you and you can see them.. Projectiles also cannot fly into the darkness. It's basically a private little duel arena you make and everyone that has to fight you in there is already starting on the backfoot.
@r-saint Жыл бұрын
WAAAAY too many ways to play this game. I'm overwhelmed!
@NighthunterNyx Жыл бұрын
Wow thank you! Please talk about wizards, sorcerers and so on. This is great. All the guys jump to advanced setups when I am yet learning the basics. You can also do an overview of the mechanics.
@GrimmBones Жыл бұрын
Wait, I just noticed the Eldritch Blast stance. It looks like a Kamehameha stance. THAT'S SO DOPE.
@JaysParrot Жыл бұрын
I had only consider making an Warlock (fiend) 7 Fighter 5 until seeing this. Please make a full build of Warlock (Old One) 9 Assassin 3.
@KnicKnac Жыл бұрын
Started with gnome warlock of Great Old One ro lean into that mental power flavor. Love repelling blast enemies away or off cliffs
@ericwilliams7945 Жыл бұрын
Checking all these videos to figure which class I want for my first playthrough on the ps5 version
@GrrumpyPants Жыл бұрын
Best multiclass dips would be 1 wizard, as it let's you learn spells from scrolls to cast with your warlock spell slots. The headband of intellect will shore up your int enough to prepare at least a few spells. A warlock 5 / wizard 1 can learn haste from a scroll, prepare it as a wizard spell, and cast it with the 3rd level warlock slots. Add in a few utility options like longstrider, enhanced leap and featherfall and it makes for a great dip. 1 level of sorcerer can also be helpful. Draconic sorcerer will give more health, and an unarmored AC of 13+dex. A few first level slots to use with spells like shield is also very useful. Shield can be taken with either the wizard or sorcerer dip.
@destenwoodham9094 Жыл бұрын
@CyborgLizard Жыл бұрын
Race Gith Start as fighter lvl 1 Warlock level 5 (total level 6) Fighter (battlemaster) 4 more levels (total level 10) Warlock 2 more levels (total level 12) Battlemaster fighter 5, fiend warlock 7. Pact of the blade. Focusing on cha&con, heavy armor, 2h weapon. Playing on tactician with life domain cleric shadowheart Gloomstalker/assasin Astarion Paladin/Fighter Laezel. The comp is borderline overpowered...almost to the point that i can say that if you want chalenging combat steer away from this setup. Ofc...items are also important, making this powerhouse of a comp even more deadly
@markshmellomd1370 Жыл бұрын
Bug currently where lightning strike procs hex and charisma damage of EB twice. Build is spellsparker, max charisma, and eb agonizing blast. 2 or 4 levels of warlock if u want feat, rest in sorcerer for meta magic quickened spell and haste. This means at level 10 u can get up to 3 casts of eldritch blast and each eb blast will do 3 beams, so the damage will be 9x(1d10 + 5 + 1d6 + 1 + 1d6 + 5) + 3d8 thats max lightning for the 5 lightning charges. Thats a max damage of 321 off a non crit, and can be split between multiple targets... Its so powerful it trivializes all fights as soon as u hit level 5
@GuatemalanJedi Жыл бұрын
I'm a bit surprised you didn't mention the Spell Sniper feat. Given that Eldritch blasts makes multiple attacks per casting, the improved critical seems especially handy for warlocks.
@PiiskaJesusFreak Жыл бұрын
Increased crit range is unfortunately mathematically inconsequential. It's less than 1 point of increase in damage per round. By comparison, even notoriously bad feats like Savage attacker increase your damage per round by 2 per attack.
@zlorfik2428 Жыл бұрын
@@PiiskaJesusFreakrethink your stagement with The Great Old One's Mortal Reminder in mind. You have 27% chance of landing at least one crit. If you target clustered enemies, this has a decent chance to frighten multiple enemies every turn.
@duckmiru_quack Жыл бұрын
I've been waiting for this!
@StyleshStorm Жыл бұрын
This is the most unique and interesting class to me on BG3. It's crazy how unorthodox the magic they utilize. My only issue with it is female Warlyie like my main should be known as Witch instead since that's the female warlock.
@joshua-ov4ne Жыл бұрын
no witch is a separate class
@StyleshStorm Жыл бұрын
@@joshua-ov4ne no there isn't. Warlock is Witch under the masculine synonym. I'm not sure why they did that.
@mikee9464 Жыл бұрын
Damn....amazing I have total decision paralysis for my next playthrough. But im def going warlock
@johnwallace5284 Жыл бұрын
This game just keeps blowing me away
@maldog5118 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video. Have you done a sorcerer build guide yet?
@dree14385 Жыл бұрын
Looking forward to play BG3 when it comes out on ps5 I would love to see a “witcher/gerald” build at some point
@nunomarkyboy Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this. Please keep it up.
@PortiaChe Жыл бұрын
Great old one drow warlock here. Totally disagree with optimal race choices: warlock IMHO is all about positioning/control - you don't get focused that often if party and battle is played correctly that's why aiming that much on survivability (shields prof, medium armor, 16 const (sic!) etc.) suits only the pact of blade Warlocks. For ranged warlock dark vision (why should i waste eldritch invocations to get it? So many op options there), having summon, control and positioning are most important. That's why all elf races, tieflings and even dark gnomes/dwarfes are imho good choices for ranged Warlock. Another point is skills investment in dialogue options - intimidation, persuasion and deception are doing pretty much the same in most of the dialogs, with abilty of mindreading also available. That's why i prefer to invest in perception/religion/magic which helps to explore and also makes much more sense for role playing. Your guide is still great (for "battlemage" - melee option warlock especially). Thank you!
@gk4204 Жыл бұрын
A ton of useful info as usual. Thank for all the hard work.
@greekindependence Жыл бұрын
All I can say is that I just added wyll to my party, and if I had to sum up warlocks in 1 word it would be “badass”
@OnlineKenji Жыл бұрын
I usually have 20CHA by level 4, because it’s just impossible for me not to get the hag’s hair. No rp reason can justify passing on that much power for me - especially since I always free her and get the power. Also, there are the ‘bracers of defense’ that gives us +2 AC when we’re unarmored and combined with ‘armor of shadows’ invocation that gives us free mage armor and with my 16 dexterity (for initiative and dex saves). Giving us 18 AC minimum before any magic that raises it more. Positioning and control spell scrolls will offset the risk of concentration loss or just keep a stock of ‘Elixir of Peerless Focus’ like I do, and losing focus becomes a distant memory.
@gregoryshinn9805 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video
@Zer0Hour17 Жыл бұрын
I started with fighter to get heavy armor and I do not regret it at all. My Warlock is an unstoppable battle mage.
@Weatherman4Eva Жыл бұрын
Im not trying to really minmax or anything, but i decided to take one starting class in bard followed by all warlock. You trade one feat for bardic inspiration, 2 bard spell slots with spells and cantrips, extra proficiencies, ability to play instruments... I'm not sure if i left anything out tbh but i think it was the best option out of everything I explored. Im mainly just concerned with being the face of the party so I'm going pact of tome and taking actor and ability improvement to get charisma to 20
@jaytegaming3877 Жыл бұрын
Great video!
@Steveoinlb Жыл бұрын
pact of the blade fiend gold dwarf warlock medium armor , hex , eldritch's wonderful.
@windsgrace688 Жыл бұрын
It should be noted that, currently, Warlock pact slots don't work as intuitively as they should if you multiclass. If you mutliclass a warlock with another spellcaster, you will have to deplete all of the normal spell slots equal to your pact's spell slot level before the game allows you to use your pact spell slots. In other words, if you have two levels of warlock and one level of sorcerer, you will be forced to use all your first-level spell slots before the game will let you can use your two warlock pact slots. This almost seems like an intentional design choice to prevent the infamous "coffeelock" and other such builds because if they didn't care, they probably would've just let you choose which spell slot you wanted to use, similar to upcasting.
@jarynlandrum7474 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for starting with warlock and paladin I want to multi class these two. My god is a demon and I will fulfill his hellish divinity !
@rmadarzman4201 Жыл бұрын
love it! will you guys do this for all classes?
@Fextralife Жыл бұрын
That's the plan!
@timfriday9106 Жыл бұрын
Warlocks/multiclassing makes for an amazing Gish build. by being able to stack 1 ability score for all for damage categories: physical/melee/range/spells, you can sack all your other ability scores for CHA and CON Paladin1(oath of vengence) Warlock3(Eldritch blast/Blade Pact) Bard 2(song of short rest) Fighter 2(Action Surge) WIth Warlock3, you get your CHA to dmg and spells so you have only 1 ability score to stack points(could be worth going to warlock 4, ASAP for the ability points) Also, could be worth 1 level barb dip if you don't wanna wear armor and stack con for AC instead. So warlock4/barb1 and use your 4th level feat for extra points into con. All the other Multiclassing below still applies, just add the 2 extra levels being used her for warlock/barb and if you're going 4warlock and 1 barb you might as well go warlock 5 for the extra atk and spells) For 1 level of paladin you get heal/advantage/Radiant Dmg(oath)-a lot of equipment that works with oaths For Bard 2 you get the song of short rest. Fighter 2 you get access to action surge Because you multiclass at level 3 for both bard and fighter, it may be worth just going to 3 for each. If you do that, you're looking at warlock/bard/fighter 3 each and 1paladin which takes you to 10. With 2 levels left, you can put those both into warlock for the extra attack. If you want to go the 5warlock/1barb route you can choose to keep fighter and/or bard at level 2 so you would have 5warlock//2bard/2fighter/1paladin/1barb. and 1 level to put into whatever other class you want, you could get your sublcass for either fighter or bard or you can get the stance from paladin 2 or you can just put another level into warlock. But 3warlock/2fighter/2bard is incredibly powerful and synergizes incredibly well. If you wanted to forego the 1-2 level dip into paladin. You could go 6warlock/3fighter/3bard -*/-*/-*/ Alternatively, if you want to be more spell focused, you can go 1barb/3warlock/8sorc You loose 2 levels of max spell casting but what you trade for that is more spell slots/casts and the melee capabilities from barb def and warlock CHA2dmg, with eldritchblast making you always useful as a spell caster even when you're out of spells and of course a lot more survivable in melee combat with the extra hp/ac from stacking con. Additionally, 5warlock/1barb/6sorc can also be a great balance between melee/casting since at warlock 5 you gain more spells and an extra melee attack. the 1 level barb Adding sorc to warlock is only good(IMO) if you're getting at least level 3 sorc spells and to do so after you get all of your other skills, since there will be a big power dip for your 1-5levels of sorc the 1level barb dip is amazing for early leveling, you'll get more AC than if you went with armor, which would also require a level dip, and rage is amazing since if you need to get into the melee mix as a warlock, you wanna go ham so this 1 level dip increases your melee def/dmg significantly AND, if later levels you find great armor that would be better than your con to AC, you can always respec and take replace the barb level with something else like paladin or bard/fighter, etc. but just 1 or even 2 extra AC might not be worth losing the other barb abilities so double check to make sure what you're loosing is worth what you're gaining in that instance. I could see an 11warlock/1barb working quite well if you stack con and cha both to 20 and use a shield. I personally have a preference towards not wearing armor whenever possible but I know there are some amazing items in BG3 so, that choice can get especially hard to stick with, esp once you get to act3.
@huntcringedown2721 Жыл бұрын
I think multiclass with warrior (start as a warrior for heavy armor proficencies) is the best for melee oriented warlock
@theunofficialfpsbalancetea5915 Жыл бұрын
Sorcerer next. And please include the level 11 class ability unlocks
@flcentertainment22210 ай бұрын
Awesome, great video
@MsEziooo Жыл бұрын
Thank you i needed this
@corey_massey Жыл бұрын
The Zeriel Tiefling Pallock is an absolute powerhouse. Zeriel Tiefling gets searing smite and thunderous smite, both as melee attacks and not spells, they get 50% resistence to fire and because you are a Paladin at least for 2 levels, you get you get divine smite. You get the medium armor and Heavy armor proficiency from Paladin as well as 3 cast of a small self or teammate heal (great for topping off before or after combat) and 1 cast of inquistors might which adds your charisma modifer to an attack every short rest. Because you take Paladin after level 3 and for only 2 levels you can get a fighting style which gives you great weapon fighting or dueling (for the sword and board fighters) and you get 2 level 1 spell slots which are perfect for utilize skills that don't upcast so things like hex become great pick ups as you can cast it with a level 1 spell slot for a 1d6 necrotic damage bonus and you can select the abilty check it gives disadvantage to which aligns with your spells that have a saving throw. You can play it multiple ways, Warlock 8, Paladin 2 and Sorcerer 2 for metamagic spell casting goodness or Warlock 8 Paladin 2 and Fighter 2 for action surge fun. Personally I am in the later camp as I don't find myself hurting for spell slots often, and 4 melee attacks or two spells every short rest are just plain way too much fun. If you really want those level 5 spell slots though you have to give up meta magic and/or Action surge and go 9 Warlock 3 Paladin which is still really powerful but doesn't go as crazy as the 8+2+2 setup. For leveling I recommend 1-3 levels in Warlock right off the bat, then multiclass with Paladin for 2 levels and then 2 more levels of Warlock. At level 7 you have the basics of the build and are just adding from there. To start, ability score should be 16 Cha,14 Dex and 16 Con. *Note you cannot get the Hags hair without breaking your oath as a Paladin so consider either leveling Warlock to 5 right away (about the level you should be when you encounter this quest) if you want to get 20 cha early, with a starting 17 cha, 14 dex, and 16 con setup
@mhan6601 Жыл бұрын
Eldritch Knight gives me Death Knight vibes. And I love it. I need to play more and then make a character just like that! A tanky melee caster :)
@TurkishSupremacy Жыл бұрын
Planning a coop playthrough with 2 friends, so looking forward to it; but my class choice is giving me option paralyis ;-)
@johnclare6283 Жыл бұрын
@jam34786 Жыл бұрын
18:35 wait.... is the Barrelmancer back? I havent been able to play yet to test. Best "class" Larian ever made 😅
@sulemanmalik8228 Жыл бұрын
This was really helpful, thank you.
@WeAreViledNation_GAMING Жыл бұрын
Just tested it, Pact of the Blade / Bind Weapon must be applied every single time you long rest. [it is not bugged as suspected originally, its just not intuitive at all, as no visual indicator].
@finnmchugh99 Жыл бұрын
I look forward to Ranger and Wizard guild guides
@pWndConan Жыл бұрын
Would love to see Bard next
@olivermaclean58979 ай бұрын
This video is great, and very helpful thank you
@jasonpauldegraaf Жыл бұрын
No reccomendation for Drow or Tiefling? Their bonus spells are based on CHA and are extremely useful throughout the game.