Duel Series? 「(゚ペ) Deck Spotlight ! Sorry for the coughing or clearing my throat - of course getting sick after a big event like always. LINK TO LISTS: www.square-enix-shop.com/jp/ff-tcg/column/column009.html
@omnidps8 жыл бұрын
Six Sages Gaming as always a lack of shine/dark cards in cog meta decks. I'm curious to see you opinions on the matter if you're willing to make a video. Might be the fact they want to play the high cost cards (bahamut/golbez) and reduce the chance of drawing a non engine, non cp generating card? Would love to hear another opinion than mine.
@KozmicPlays8 жыл бұрын
The Emperor is featured in this winning list, which is a dark card. I think a lot of it simply comes down to the deck. Light Cloud and L-Sephiorth are also in account in the lists provided in the link. Don't think they belong in every deck, but certainly a case for them. However, the Emperor is one card that I would change out of this list for something like 3-CP Geomancer so we can draw a card and block Zidane.
@omnidps8 жыл бұрын
Six Sages Gaming oh dang I clean overlooked emperor in the decklist for some reason. And I see your point. By the way is there a translated website for all the competitive news for fftcg?
@KozmicPlays8 жыл бұрын
There is not, but this is something we could add to Mognet. Is this something you would like added (tournament reports from japan with translated lists) ? Only issues is we admin 2 different Facebook pages, do content for this channel, try to help post info to reddit when we come across it, and trying to keep Mognet updated at least a couple times a month. We need more hours in the day @_@ Oh and we work full time jobs that often require overtime. ;~:
@mattlee20868 жыл бұрын
Great video as always guys. Really never looked twice at the 2 drop rikku. That mug s effect would be so annoying. I might brew this as I've been looking for an excuse to play wind. I still thing L Tidus gets overlooked with L Cloud getting all the love. Blitz ace is no joke!
@KozmicPlays8 жыл бұрын
After playing the FFX list... a lot ... I'm a bigger fan of zero light/dark cards in the list. The Emperor is a card I would switch out in favor of more draw power (Viking/Geomacer) or as another win-con in the deck (Yuffie/Zidane/etc)
@sempre81358 жыл бұрын
Last saturday i had my very first tournment, in my country. I dont have all the extra cards here but i played the FFX starter deck with some new cards from boosters, including 2 L Tidus. i went 3-1 at the tourment and i won 2 matches by siting with tidus on the table, let my oponnent hit me with damage, and then, with the help of wakka, tidus won the game with blitz ace, out of no where. in one of thoses matches i had 5 points of damage and my opponent just 2, and at the end of his turn i bounce his undulled forward with leviathan and in my turn used blitz ace to attack 5 times and i just wone. (no good ex bursts came out of his deck to stop my tidus i was lucky there). my opp was speechless, as he had never faced that special move from tidus before :D
@RomiEX4008 жыл бұрын
What a surprise to see a water/wind deck win in a Fire/Ice oriented meta !
@blackthornejoshua29297 жыл бұрын
Wanted to add, I've been playtesting with 2 drop ex rikku back up that activates all your forwards and it is definately worthy of replacing mug rikku. Adding 3 more ex burst and I've found it helps immensely against Vayne who is big in my local meta and getting the ex burst is like having a second bartz effect only it activates all your forwards. It definately saved me more than once where someone froze 2 with jil and cast vayne to freeze my whole board. They attacked once into rikku and it won me the game. Also much more reliable to activate with 6 ex effects with 3 ex rikku and 3 ex bartz
@ZeroFusi0n8 жыл бұрын
You can't force an opponent trying to break Golbez with Delita to break Delita instead. You can only prevent them from breaking Golbez, but Delita stays on the field. The reason is that playing a character cannot be reacted to (it doesn't create the stack). You can only react to ETF abilities of the just-played character triggering, at which point the targets for abilities are already chosen and locked in.
@KozmicPlays8 жыл бұрын
To speak in MTG terms I thought Delita was an edict effect off the top of my head, not a target. Good catch! Either way, they don't get to break golbez which is the important part ;)
@ZeroFusi0n8 жыл бұрын
Even if it was an edict effect, you still wouldn't be able to pull it off for a very similar reason - the first time you get the priority to play cards / use abilities is after Delita enters the field and his ETF auto-ability triggers (targeting Golbez). At this point, your opponent would simply opt to return Delita to his hand (since it's an edict effect without a target, he gets to choose unless the edict applies to all Forwards - Valefor 1-062L anyone?) and still get to break his Golbez.
@KozmicPlays8 жыл бұрын
I specifically mean if delita was worded "When Delita enters the field, break 1 forward you control". In this case you would be forced to do as much as you can, and if Delita was the only forward in your control, it would break itself. There's a difference here because the target is selected on resolution and not when it's put into the stack (as it is currently.) You would not be able to simply return Delita to hand. All of this aside, the closest thing we have to how this interaction would resolve is Cloud of Darkness and even that is not a true comparison.
@KozmicPlays8 жыл бұрын
"The choice of what to sacrifice is made by the player on resolution. [Duelist Magazine #23, Page 22]" Trying to find the best source but too lazy to dig into the CR for MTG. Again, this could of course change once we get the English CR for this game.
@ZeroFusi0n8 жыл бұрын
Oh, I see. For some reason, I thought you meant if the Leviathan effect was an edict type of effect (Your opponent returns a Forward he cotrols to it's owner's hand).
@travisty_trav7 жыл бұрын
will you do a duel series with this deck?, i've gotten heaps of wins with the older YPR combo but i just can't seem to win with this deck, i'm definitely playing it wrong and would love to see how it gets played by someone who knows what they're doing haha :) thanks.
@KozmicPlays7 жыл бұрын
We have done a few in the past but will most likely revisit it with Opus II as it's getting a huge upgrade (Zemus) for the deck. Look forward to that in a bit!
@travisty_trav7 жыл бұрын
would you still recommend removing the emperor? atm i'm running 2 opus 1 emperors and 1 opus 2, but with zemus i would be thinking about taking out the dark cards so i wouldn't have to run chaos
@KozmicPlays8 жыл бұрын
Don't forget if you like the work done on fftcgmognet.com/ - make sure to order a shirt and support our web developer! Thank you!
@realZahmet8 жыл бұрын
I would love to have the decklist in the description of the video
@KozmicPlays8 жыл бұрын
@mariotaz7 жыл бұрын
Nice run down.
@jace00308 жыл бұрын
hey question does the 5 drop yuna get her enter bounce and if charatcher leaves may banish effect both if used as backup and only bounce if ex burst?
@KozmicPlays8 жыл бұрын
Sorry, not sure I follow. DO you mean if 5-CP Yuna gets the bounce effect when she goes to damage? Yes. She also gets the effect when you play it from hand.
@jace00308 жыл бұрын
sorry was hard to word i mean if 5 cp yuna is played as backup from hand do you get the bounce and then she is a backup with the continuous optional effect to banish.
@jace00308 жыл бұрын
also i know she has ex burst but if she is in damage zone does she have the optional banish still or? apologies this card is problematic.
@blitzkrieger1218 жыл бұрын
iirc you cant response to an EX Burst. Means you can only protect your forwards with Aerith preemptively.
@KozmicPlays8 жыл бұрын
Correct, sorry if I didn't make that clear in our video. I referenced our budget Chocobo/Knight deck where I did it pre-combat to make sure my entire team could not be killed by EX Bursts. It won be the game on the spot.
@KozmicPlays8 жыл бұрын
I believe it was during Game 1 of the duel series that is available on our channel.
@yuushagamer28608 жыл бұрын
question: if a card has "When this card is on the field" and it's in the damage zone does that count as the field?
@omnidps8 жыл бұрын
@KozmicPlays8 жыл бұрын
Only if it has the "EX Burst" text before it does it activate on damage.
@FuckedFromAbove19906 жыл бұрын
how to upgrade this deck ?
@omnidps8 жыл бұрын
When people don't listen to you that fairy, balarai, etc reactivate cards are op vs ice decks; hopefully they listen to the jp card gods.
@mattlee20868 жыл бұрын
BlindSyde good point on the ice counters.
@WatteTv8 жыл бұрын
BlindSyde i wanna make a great ice deck but prob won't happen til opus 2
@omnidps8 жыл бұрын
Fire/ice is already wrecking, maybe try a variant. Since bahamut is an op card, regardless of its cost
@BIueharvest7 жыл бұрын
Rikku turns Paine on? ;)))
@WatteTv8 жыл бұрын
bear-a-lie is how you pronounce Baralai ;)
@omnidps8 жыл бұрын
bar-a-lie if you played x-2
@KozmicPlays8 жыл бұрын
I'm terrible at pronouncing names. Thank you.
@WatteTv8 жыл бұрын
Six Sages Gaming meh it's cool. in x-2 they say it both ways. Wasn't like it was accurate since it was the first voiced ff title.
@KarakuraNinja8 жыл бұрын
I remember it as Baar-a-lie. Didn't notice there were multiple ways, this just adds another name to be debated about in localisations. Aerith and Tidus still haven't gotten old.
@WatteTv8 жыл бұрын
KarakuraNinja ikr lol I don't like tee-dus. I could see how Aerith happened though tbh. no "th" is japanese so aerisu or whatever
@Spiran_SphereHunter8 жыл бұрын
wait champion deck?, didn't this place 6th?
@KozmicPlays8 жыл бұрын
This placed 1st at a recent even in Japan. The link in the description has the full lists.
@Spiran_SphereHunter8 жыл бұрын
my bad, i followed mognet to the 78 player tourney, same deck different placing though, didn't notice the bottom link but i cant read japanese anyway :3
@The.Original.Potatocakes7 жыл бұрын
Soooo, how long before this TCG dies? 74 ppl is a joke of a tournament.
@KozmicPlays7 жыл бұрын
Well considering the US had a 200 player tournament, and the uk has had several 150+, probably not until they run out of ideas. For a JTCG that's insanely good numbers.
@The.Original.Potatocakes7 жыл бұрын
Six Sages Gaming magic will crush this game just like everyone else.
@The.Original.Potatocakes7 жыл бұрын
Six Sages Gaming to be honest pokemon has bigger tournaments
@KozmicPlays7 жыл бұрын
Mr. Anonymous they’re called the big 3 for a reason (you forgot YGO)
@DerpinPON36 жыл бұрын
It's still doing fairly well for a game that's still pretty new. At my local shop, it's quickly becoming the second most popular TCG played. Probably because it's so similar to Magic and the huge Magic community is gravitating towards it to have something else to play.